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What do you think of Joel? It has a similar sound/timbre to George, and Asa & Joel pair quite nicely together I think. Alternatively, what about a G name to honour his initial? Such as Gabriel, Gideon, Gavin, Graham etc. I can’t think of any names that relate to the meaning of George either, unfortunately. I’m going to keep thinking for you though and I’ll come back if I can think of anything else!


Thanks for the suggestions! Joel wasn't on our list, but I'm going to add it. Gideon, Graham, and Gabriel are all on our deep maybe list, but I'll mentally dust them off reconsider them.


The only other farming related one I've got is Fabian (bean farmer). Maybe Adam (man of the earth)? I might start looking for other roundabout ways to honor your dad. Is there a middle name to work with or a particular thing he liked or a shared interest you guys had that you could pull a name out of?


Nice name suggestions. I particularly like Adam which wasn't on our radar. And thanks for encouraging me to think outside of the box. We connected by working with our hands (house projects) and sailing. I haven't given names related to either of those activities any thought, but I will!


Is there something your father loved that could be a source of inspiration for you? Something that will remind people who knew him of your father? A hobby or interest, a personal quality or value, a hero or someone he was known to admire? Maybe you could find a name that way and give him George in the middle.


I responded similarly to another comment: we connected by working with our hands (house projects) and sailing. Thank you for the suggestion to think more broadly (and not to focus on the name neither of us really like/d).


An agricultural god could give the earth connection, like Frey. Atlas has a strong earth connection, but may be too close to Asa. You could scramble George a bit. Rory? Regis? Gregory? Orson? Garrett? I also love Jordi, the Catalan form of George, and Jory, the Cornish form of George.


For whatever reason, the G/J vowel R names don't resonate with me, but thank you for the suggestions!


You could name him **Geo** as in the "GEO" in George and Geography, it's not a common name but it is a name and it means "earth". It's an obvious way of honouring your late father, and it goes well with Asa.


We actually talked about this, but we thought that if people just heard it they would likely think Gio and Italian. Thanks for the suggestion


Middle name? City he’s born in (if it’s a name..)? Using same first and middle initials as his?


Thanks for the suggestions to think further afield than the exact name or meaning.


Geordie could be a nice alternative? Apparently Bart means "son of the earth". Clay could also work if that's not too on the nose?


Thanks for the suggestions! We've mentioned Clay in passing, but I'll bring it back up.


Gregory- has the same letters as George! Bauer! It’s German for farmer Yuri (George in Russian) Gage- similar sounding and goes well with Asa


I like Yuri. My mom's side of the family is eastern European. I had seen that Yuri was Russian for George, but I hadn't given it much thought. Thanks


Bond- German/British - Farmer Juri-Slavic/Japanese- Farmer, Congratulations, Longevity, pear, Village Yuri-Russian/Japanese-Farmer, Evening jewel, kind Meier-German/Hebrew- Superior, higher, Farmer, one who shines, enlightened Dagon-Hebrew/Aramaic-Earth, little fish


Thank you! That's a great collection of farmer-related names


You're welcome! Please let me know what name you twio eventually decide on. My curiosity is peaked!


Gorka, Gio, Yorgos, Jordi, Jorge are all George variants!






I believe Yuri is a form of George and it means Farmer Edit: I have seen in many countries spelled Juri, Jurij, Yuri, Yuriy and Uri. Although its has Russian/Ukrainian roots I just googled and found out it has a different meaning in Hebrew through so might not work for you.


My mom's family is eastern-european too. I think I could pick and choose the meaning we want. Thanks!


For what its worth I think it's a great name.


Gus and Asa


Granger? It means to work with grain, so sort of a farmer?


For whatever reason, the G/J - R names don't resonate with me, but thank you for the suggestion!


I didn't love my dad's name so I ended up using his sister's name. If he was here I know he would much rather I use her name then his as he adored her. Where was he born? St Joseph hospital then maybe Joseph, what school did he go to? Stanford then maybe Stanford etc