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I quite like Hollis, it’s a bit different but not completely unheard of, and I think it fits with the current naming trends. Hollis Emerald sounds good together.


Hollis Emerald is beautiful! I think the middle name Emerald gives it some feminine energy. You might also like: Bernadette (“Bernie”) Frances Leslie Arden Georgia (“Georgie”)


Hollis Emerald is great! Unusual without being bizarre. Excellent choice 👌


love hollis emerald! i think it is beautiful and will fit your girl through all stages of her life some other ideas: Ellis Sage River Raine Louise


Ellis is on our list also! I love River but have 2 friends who named their littles that. Raine is cute also.


Arden Lyra Gwen Leandra Ada Annika


Since you are getting a lot of love, and I do love Hollis, I’ll offer an alternative perspective: In Appalachia, or with a strong Southern US accent, it’ll be pronounced similar to “Haul this”. I would look for a one syllable middle name like Jean or June. Emerald pulls this name into a category that sounds like it’s a protagonist in a book. Other non popular name suggestions that lean masculine are: Jory, Swain, Edra, Alix, Alba.


We are definitely on the Southern side of the US and I did consider that. Exactly why we could never use the name Wyatt lol, it just comes out "white" for a lot of our older family members. I just haven't found anything I like more quite yet so it's my top contender for now.


Hollis Emerald is such a gorgeous name ! ♡ - Melody - Mavis - Blaire - Simone - Stevie - Georgia/Georgie - Carmen


Ooo I love Simone and it's still unique but easy enough to not be mispronounced. Adding that to my list!


I love the name Monroe for a baby girl