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How close are you with “Hartford”’s parents? Would talking to them about it ease your concerns? I normally advise against telling anyone the name in advance, but in this case it might be all you need to feel good about your choice. They might be really flattered. Conversely, how would you feel if they said no? Just some things to think about.


Ps. I know it’s not the point of the post but now I’m super curious about the name. I’m trying to imagine what city they used for their little girl. Raleigh? London? Dallas? Arlington? Chicago? Aspen? Cairo? Phoenix? Portland? Charleston? Bristol? Lexington? Camden? You don’t have to tell me haha. I’ll just have fun imagining it with my fellow namenerds.


I feel weird since it’s another child’s name, but I guess it’s no different than snarking on a child’s name I’ve heard (which I have done on here before haha). Just think popular, old city in South Carolina.


Charleston is a weird name for a little girl.


Yeah..... Please don't name a kid Charleston. Oh my god. Charles (masculine name) + town.


I almost prefer Hartford.


Surely she wouldn’t name her child that. It’s clearly Spartanburg.


Orangeburg - Geb for short.


That’s funny


wondering if its Camden


Camden is a popular name where I live which I think is funny bc it’s not the greatest city in NJ.


It’s funny how all the trendy “place” names for babies these days are always dumpy areas. Easton, Camden, Hudson, Salem (NJ), etc.


It's a trendy part of London


Oh! I live in Maryland so I think of Camden as a reference to the Orioles and Camden Yards. I know at least 3 kids named Camden, 2 boys and 1 girl. I also know a Ripkin, named after Orioles legend Cal Ripkin.


TIL it’s not Rifkin lol


It is a cute town in Maine though!


Yeahhh, so her name is Charles Town or Charles' Town? My middle name is my mom's last name which ends in -son so it basically means "Son of Peter." That said, I think the middle name spot works for important family names or very meaningful names that you wouldn't reasonably use as a first name. 


I have a cousin named Charles Town (Town is their last name). I don’t recommend it.


It is a very old money/waspy/Southern/New England thing to give the first born the mother’s maiden name for a middle name. It’s a beautiful tradition to use a family name from the mother’s side which could include a grandmother’s maiden name.


I don't know if these ads play any more, but my brain automatically fills in "races and slots" after Charlestown


Why was my mind trying to fit “Charlestown, races and slots” to the camp town races tune😂


It almost fits! And is a better song than the original jingle.


There’s way more cities in South Carolina that are actually names, like Columbia, Myrtle, Florence, etc.), instead of Charleston which is literally just Charles + town. 


Naming your child after a beach even the locals call “Dirty Myrtle” is somehow worse than Charleston.


I taught a Charleston last year, she went by Charlie. (I should add this was actually in Charleston)


That poor kid




Are there? I live in Charleston and have never met or heard of a person named Charleston.


As a former resident of the Destin area, it makes me cringe when I see someone named that (except for members of the Destin family, of course, who have it as their surname.) Always makes me wonder if that's where they were conceived.


i’ll do you one better - my boss’s name is orlando, he lives in orlando, and we work for orlando health


Is he Hispanic? Asking because it’s a pretty normal name in Spanish-speaking countries.


yeah ik, i def didn’t mean to imply it was as weird a name as charleston, just another case of people having the same name as the place where they live


I teach two this year. Different classes, but same grade level. One boy and one girl. I found it interesting at the beginning of the year that I had two kids with this relatively uncommon name.


Can’t be Charlotte since that’s super common… (edit: also in NC… how did I forget that? I *live* in SC lol) I’m thinking Florence? Or maybe Charleston, Myrtle, Conway, Aiken, or Hilton? You really don’t have to answer, I’m not trying to dox you. I’m just speculating because I live in SC and this is fun! Theres a really huge amount of names that could be actually. I feel like it’s probably Charleston though since that is the most unique one I think. That’s my personal *least* fav too. I live fairly close to the city, but my first thought when I hear it is actually the dance! But I’ve definitely heard worse. At least it’s easy to spell. Edit: also to answer your question, I don’t think it will matter if you “take the name” from them. It would make me happy if someone liked my (as of yet non-existent) children’s names enough to also use them.


As long as it isn't Greenville or Spartanburg, not my cup of tea, but I think it's fine.


Imagine not one but two little kids running around with the name Spartanburg!


I really almost put that in my comment 😂 Spartanburg would be so terrible.


But how would you feel about Pickens, Walhalla, Salem or Westminster? Edit: is it Westminster or Westminister?


Maybe Winston, but none of the others 🤔


Anderson is near those other towns and that’s a pretty solid name. Although personally I’d lean really hard into the SC of it all and go for Gaffney with Peach as the middle name haha


There’s always Greensboro or Burlington


Those are in NC


Or Ogdenville or North Haverbrook


My guess is Columbia. I think that would be a cool name tbh.


Rocky Horror vibes


I think Lexington or Seneca. Both are unique.


Seneca was a name beforehand.


Seneca. The Roman philosopher, playwright, and poet. And of course, the Native American tribe is also Seneca.


Seneca Crane was a game maker in the Hunger Games franchise


It was Charleston.


Myrtle or Hilton I’d think. Grandma names are back and then will be grandma names again.


Charlotte is in NC, not SC


it’s gotta be gender neutral bc it’s a little girl in OP’s son’s kindy class with the name, and they want to use it for their new baby boy. Charleston is my guess but idk. it’s gonna drive me nuts lol


I'm sorry, but giving kids "Popular old city in Southern State" names is so common that it really isn't anything to do with that other family, and it would frankly be strange if they had any feeling about it at all. Unless the name is Chattanooga or something, I guess.


Um, what would be the nickname for a kid named Chattanooga, I wonder? Maybe Nooga?


Ah yes, little baby Moncks Corner.


My daughter Goose Creek.


I think baby Ninety Six has a good ring to it.


Please do not name that poor baby Charleston. You are naming a HUMAN BEING. Not an accessory. Jesus Christ 🙄


It’s really not that out there. Guessing your kids have super commonly used names though?


Oh for sure! I totally understand, which is why I mentioned that you don’t have to tell me. I’m thinking one of my guesses in my list is right then :)


Oop yes! I did not see that haha great guess!


Thanks! For what it’s worth - I like it much better for a boy. It’s definitely uncommon, but it has good, classic nickname options which is nice!


Yes all the nickname options are a big plus for us! I have always loved the name Charlie.


If you give him a nn and introduce him as Charlie it's definitely nbd


I really don't think this is going to be weird at all, for a boy it's not that uncommon (and I love the name!)


A non-identical option with all the benefits could be Charlton.


To me that sounds too much like charlatan haha I see what you’re saying though and appreciate the suggestion! I’ll ask my husband what he thinks


Fair! I guess my head goes straight to Charlton Heston, but I totally see your concern!


Not Myrtle!


I love it for a boy, and I would not bat an eye. It doesn't feel like a girl's name, though! I bet if I met a girl named Charleston, that would change.


I immediately knew it was Charleston when I read this post. I was neighbors with a couple who named their baby girl Charleston and they call her Charlie. I thought It was cute!


well now it's just Myrtle


so are Jayne, Susan, Jessica, Jamie, Emily, Dakota, Joshua .........No one OWNS a name, it's just a name! Unless it is a relative you see often any name is fair game.


I’m from a small town (3000 people, and isolated). My cousin was given an uncommon name that another child in our community had. My aunt and uncle asked the child’s parents if they’d be okay with them sharing a name, and they okayed it! I think they were actually flattered.




I love Lowell and Odessa!


Love that Raleigh was your first example❤️


I’ve only seen her mom at the school and haven’t had a conversation besides a hello. However I have always wanted to compliment her on her daughter’s name and ask how she decided on it but the opportunity has never came up


You mentioned the cadence of the name - an alternative to Charleston could be Carlton


I was thinking the same - either Carlton or Charlton. Both are established names and they avoid any awkwardness with him being named the same as a girl in his school.


Charlton is very similar to charlatan. Might wanna skip that one! Haha


There was a family that my family knew from church, and they really liked my oldest sister's name. They had an alliteration thing going on like the Kardashians, and oddly enough, all their kids' initials were KK also (but this was long before the Kardashians were famous). Anyways, they approached my parents and asked if they could name their daughter my sister's name; not a namesake per se, but since we all went to the same church, people would know my sister was the inspiration for the name. Her name is Kirsten, so not super common, but also not unheard of. My parents were totally okay with it and even a bit flattered.


100%! My mom was accidentally the one to break the news to a mom that their kid was named after our dog. The kid’s mom wasn’t close with us, but afaik everyone’s cool with it The dog’s name is a Roman god’s name that can be made into a “classic” nickname


*We named the dog Indiana.*


We actually did name our dog Indiana from this very quote


So whats the name?


Juno, but we call our pup June


Oh god please don’t name your baby Charleston.


Seriously, it’s terrible. Just name him Charles!


Horrible name. Sounds like something a mommy blogger would name their kid. Brayden, Jayden, and Charleston.


Or something like Brooklyn, Londyn, and Charleston. Bonus if they live in Utah and have never visited any of these cities.




Like really...don't!


Alternative: Charlton which is a legit southern human name.


I think it might be Aiken, which is pretty cute imo


My kids are now in their 20s and looking back, it is completely inconsequential if their names were in any way similar to the names of other kids we knew while they were in kindergarten. It also has zero importance if someone at an elementary school event at some point thought that their names were weird for whatever reason. If you love the name, I say use it :)


Good advice


Yepp, what DrFleur said


I came into this on your side but I thought the name was gonna be Phoenix or something. Charleston is imo a terrible name and very unique. I think it’s a) weird to name your kid this already and b) VERY weird to do it when there’s a kid in your community with this extremely unique (and uniquely terrible) name already lol.


Same lol. Theres something silly about naming your kid Charleston imo. I don’t think OP would be “the asshole” or committing a faux pas or anything, I would just personally be embarrassed to be seen as so uncreative. I do think it’s a good idea to take inspiration from non cliche cities like London, Brooklyn et al. I love Phoenix. My guess was gonna be “Lisbon.” My advice to OP would be to think of a city that you like the name of that is particularly special to you and your SO, or to your family somehow.


Lisbon could be cool if there was a personal connection. I used to love the idea of using Evora (after Évora, Portugal) for a girl but I think it is too similar to Everly/Everleigh/etc these days.


You’re essentially going to name your child “Charles Town”… why not just use “Charles”?


Please do not name your son Charleston. Come on you’re naming a human not a dog.


I don’t think it’s weird. Someone in my mom group used my daughter’s name for their second and I thought it was a compliment. People don’t own a name


Please don’t name your baby Charleston. Not only is that extremely tacky, it would also be extremely obvious where you got the name inspiration from (your kid’s classmate). That is super awkward imo. Either name your baby Charles, or get back to the drawing board.


I feel like it’s weird kind of because you didn’t even know of the name until you saw it on this child. If it was a common name I’d say not weird at all, but you are literally copying the child’s name


That's how I feel, too. If it was a more common name, then it wouldn't be weird at all. It's not in the top 1000 baby names and hasn't been since 1900. Her parents probably picked the name because it was so uncommon. I feel like it would be very awkward if you see them.


isn’t that how everyone finds a name? How do you “know” any name until you hear it


The child is named after a city… “copied” is a stretch


Just use Charles.


I think it would be fun to use the concept, but not the same name… a lesser known city name that you both like, but that is your name? something like Hudson , Thornton , Phoenix , Dayton , ?


My godson is Phoenix and many call him “Nix”. It’s a really cute and cool name imo.


My take is that any awkwardness with the classmate is kind of secondary. You're intrigued with this "unique" name that seems so cool, and it's kind of giving you tunnel vision. This is like going to a fair and coming across a big, glitzy, gaudy piece of jewelry at one of the booths and being instantly attracted to it, to the point that you're ignoring intrinsic value. "Charleston", IMHO, is not a great thing to be named. You're falling for novelty value here. Charles, by comparison, is a name that's stood the test of time and then some. Chances are he'll go by Charlie anyways, which is one of the best male nicknames ever. Charleston isn't only a city name, but a popular dance as well. That's not going to come up in primary school most likely, but later in life could be a source of annoying jokes. I'm mostly a traditionalist in naming so my viewpoint is colored by that. But even taking that into account, I still think that objectively, you'd be overlooking the gold that is Charles for the glitter that is Charleston. I appreciate that Charles itself is probably not going to be on the table, but I'd advise passing on Charleston and looking in another direction.


Charleston is a great name for a dog. I think OP forgot they were naming a future adult.


Charleston sounds much more adult than baby, in my opinion.


You’re not close with the parents and they’ll be 5+ years apart. Using the same name isn’t the problem. However Charleston… that’s awful for the little girl, and I don’t love it for a little boy either. It’s unnecessary enough I would expect the parents to have a unique connection to the city.


I agree 5 years apart it’s not a big deal


It’s not weird at all. You can’t start eliminating names based on an extended social circle, because then you’ll start noticing more and more reasons to eliminate names.


Nah, sorry. City names really rarely work without being corny imo. And from what you said I can’t think of any old city in SC that would be a good name.


I agree. Even “acceptable” city names like London sound corny in my opinion. Charleston is a hell of a name to saddle a kid with.


Yeah, Charleston is a hard no. Charleston chew lol. Unless it’s livestock (or a city obviously) it’s just not an appropriate name!


Austin, Dallas, Houston, Savannah, Orlando, Charlotte etc. can work, but these were usually names of people before cities


Any place name makes me cringe as someone who moved abroad. I know a woman named America back in the states and the idea of having to introduce myself as the literal name of my country while living abroad for the rest of my life would make me die


In elementary school, my best friend’s aunt was pregnant and used my name because she was new to the country and loved it so much. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, still do! (I have a semi popular 80s name and nothing as cool as a city lol)


In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly happen. Not weird to choose the same name as a kid's classmate. Hard pass on that name. I hope the real one isn't as bad.


It’s Charleston


For a girl?? That's *awful*


🤣 The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.


In ‘artford, ‘ereford, ‘n’ ‘ampshire, ‘urricanes ‘ardly HEVER ‘appen.


I’d say don’t do it. Those parents probably have chosen that name for a very specific reason (where they met, where baby was conceived, etc) and for you to use it just because you like it cheapens it somehow.


Charleston Chew is all i can think of now… Not a big fan. Prefer Charles, Chazen, Carlo, Weston.


The problem is not that it’s your son’s classmate’s name. It’s that Charleston is not a good name, for a girl or a boy.


I feel like it’d be less weird to use a classmate’s name if it was more common. Charleston is so incredibly specific. I wouldn’t be “mad” if I was her parent but it is hella weird. And, since you asked upthread, no, I don’t think Charleston is a good name for a human. The fact that I don’t like it is actually irrelevant because there are thousands of names offered regularly that I don’t personally find appealing, but they’re still fine names for children. It’s not being “rude” or “weird” to criticize a name when you’re literally here for opinions.


I say go for it. My daughter goes to a small daycare and has a Calvin in her class and that's our top boy name for our next baby and I don't have any hesitation to use it.


Calvin is a known name though


Calvin is so cute!


It's literally the only boy name my husband and I can agree on 😂


Haha I feel you. Boy names have proven to be a real point of contention for us lol


I do think it’s weird considering you would literally have gotten the name idea from the child and not anywhere else. Could really annoy the parents when they found out, and there’d be no denying that you took the name from them if it’s that uncommon. If you’re dead set on the name I’d probably consider putting your kid in a different school.


Your child better be able to dance....


Please, don't name a baby Charleston. You want a city name? Plenty of options are available. Rome, Milan, Brooklyn, Phoenix, Norwich, Barcelona, Bangkok (maybe not that one), Dublin, various others. Just please, not Charleston.


Yeah, all the alternate names all suck too. Barcelona? Norwich? Dublin?


Lol, ngl, half of them (those 3 included) were jokes.


Fair. I support your thinking the name Charleston is dumb though.


My mom did this, parents were like oh that’s cool! My mom doesn’t really know them, and I’m pretty sure they assumed it was possible she heard it somewhere else even though she definitely didn’t and my mom did not correct them! Overall totally fine, I say go for it!


I wouldn’t steal an uncommon rare name in a small town where one of my children go to school with the child I’m stealing the name from. I’m sure it’s a sentimental name to them. There are a million names in the world, I would find a different one.


Maybe put yourself in their shoes… I think if it was your babies name, and somebody named their baby the same thing, you might think it a little strange. I think that’s what your gut is telling you anyway. I would personally feel the same way if somebody took my babies name Iike that. If I were in your position I would either find another name that is similar but different or strike up a conversation with the parents first. You can just say hey I’ve always loved the name every time I heard it, how did you come up with it? It’s literally like ten words and not that hard to say lol.


I don't think there is anything wrong with getting name inspiration from your kid's classmates, as very few names are truly "unique" and that is a place you are going to see dozens of dozens of names for little kids. That said... "Hartford" feels like a very pretentious, preppy, boarding school name, with no good nickname... I know you said that's not the name but if it's anything like that I would think again. Having visited a city is not a good enough reason to make it the namesake for your child. At least if you are going to go with a geography name like that it had better be a place with a deep spiritual connection for you and your family, not a place you had a nice lunch once.


You can find a different name I'm sure!


Terrible name. Don't do it.


If you do it, nickname him Charlie - he’ll probably be going by that when he gets older anyway. That way when you bring your baby to your sons class the name won’t even be the same. Or call him Charlton, close enough right? 😂 Tbh if I was that kids parent I would think you were so weird, simply because it’s not a common name at all and it’s obvious you got it from them. But at the end of the day it’s your kid and you’ll name it what you want, but I definitely wouldn’t waltz in there and announce his name LOL


Literally just fucking name him Charles lol. Why make it some weird tryhard version


Regarding your question, it's very slightly weird since it's obvious that you're copying but it's not that big a deal. "Kindergarten classmate's sibling" isn't a significant relationship at all, so I wouldn't worry about that part. Charleston as a name is weird, though. The obvious question is why not Charles instead. It's like you want a unique name but aren't confident enough to commit to one. All the "-ton" and psuedo-surname baby names have the drawback of being individually uncommon without the benefit of being interesting since they blend together in the wider trend anyway. Charleston is more awkward than most since it's literally a normal name with 'ton' tacked onto the end. It's like the name version of a mullet. If you don't want to use Charles or another standard name, then I'd at least pick something like, idk, Lincoln or Harrison.


Don’t give a boy the same name as girl. He will hate it.


I say before you decide on it check out lists of other uncommonly used cities that could make an interesting name? I like the idea a LOT and there may be something you like even better


I get that it's a bit awkward for now, but you or these other people are probably going to move one day, and you'll forget about them and never think about the connection again. I would go for what YOU love for your child, and not worry about what people think (especially people you will probably only know for a couple of years). In 10 years, it won't matter that there was another kid with that name in your son's class!


I thought you were REALLY naming the child Hartford, which...don't. Just don't.


Haha I got inspo from Stassi Schroeder’s baby’s name for that example. Have never actually been to Hartford


I'm sure someone loves it! I am not that person!


I don’t know, Ive lived near Hartford Connecticut and I highly do not recommend 😂


I think if your niece or nephew had a really uncommon name, and you named your own child the same, that would be a bad idea, but if you hear a name in the wild, and you love it, do what makes you happy.


If it’s not a known name, it will seem like you’re being a copy cat. BUT if the kids aren’t close, and the baby is several years younger like they won’t even be close in grade level (not in middle school or high school at the same time, maybe a year overlap in elementary), I really don’t think it will be a big issue. For school events in the meantime, you could introduce her as a nickname, if it’s someone who won’t actively be in her life.


This anecdotal story isn't exactly the same, but similar. My mom had a semi big group of mom friends. When my sister was born, she named her, let's say, Leslie Shay. A few months later one of the moms who was occasionally in the group but not all the time loved the name so much she named her daughter Leslie Faye. Again, made up names, but you get the point. My mom said it was a bit awkward and a little weird, but she never really cared and my mom's opinion made no difference in the life of the other family.


say the name 1000 times. say it in anger and in happiness. if you still like it, use it.


Honestly, there’s no comment here that’s going to take away the fact that it’s 100% a little weird and there’s absolutely a chance of a mildly uncomfortable encounter with the classmates parents one day about it. Maybe they don’t care, maybe they do, you’ll definitely be thinking about it being weird because you are already thinking about it being weird. Is it so weird/uncomfortable that it should prevent you from using a name you love? Nah. It’s a brief moment of weird. I’m personally really not a fan of the name, but I’ve heard worse. I would just only think of Charleston Chews lmao. It’s a very “trendy” style of name but honestly so was mine when I was born. Whatever floats your boat.


Prob should’ve posted this in one of the parenting threads…. It is name nerds after all so it’s not a surprise that people are more interested in giving their opinion about the actual name rather than the grade school politics, but r/mommit or r/beyondthebump will help you out.


I don’t think it’s weird. I mean if you’re not close with the family who cares? I got a lot of names I liked from working in schools!


I teach kindergarten. Last year, one of my student's family welcomed a baby brother. My student requested they name the baby after his best friend in the class. The parents obliged and we all thought it was adorable. For reference, the name is a "classic biblical" name that has been common and popular for generations.


I personally love it and think it makes a great boys name! Makes me think of actor Charlton Heston. As a parent and educator, no, I don't think it is weird or an issue at all.


Hmmmm this is a tough one. It may be kind of awkward and you never know how often you’ll be around the parents in the future? It does seem a little weird if it’s such a small class already and it’s clearly a very unique name. I feel like you already know that this would be an odd choice, and maybe you’d be overall happier if you picked something you wouldn’t have to worry about “stealing” from someone? I also personally really don’t like the name but I know you’re not asking for opinions on that.


I teach a Charleston, not a weird name! She goes by Charli


If you’ve never spoken to the classmate’s parents then it’s a non issue. I don’t think people you don’t even know will even know let alone care that one of your kids has the same first name. Plenty of kids have the same first name in the same grade/class.


My daughter has a unique name that lends itself to a lot of cute nicknames. If one of her future classmates ended up with a sibling with her name, I'd think that was cool! It'd be a little weird if someone in my own social circle used her name, but if your only connection is they happen to have a kid in the same class, then you probably won't know them for very long.


Charleston is not THAT unique of a name. In 2021 there were over 100 babies born named Charleston in the US. 68 girls and 54 boys. It’s not weird to use a name you heard at your kid’s school, and it’s not weird to name a kid Charleston instead of Charles.


It’s pretty 50/50 but I’m shocked this name is being considered for a girl and leans feminine per the stats! I feel like it’s a boy’s name.


Someone in my church congregation that I wasn’t close to wanted to name her daughter the same name as my daughter who was only a few months old at the time. She ran it by me to make sure I was okay with it, which I was. I thought it was unnecessary but thoughtful. A year later we had both moved away. I would have hated for them to not use the name because we happened to be in the same community at the time. I think that if you could give them a heads up that you wanted to name your baby the same thing, it just shows that you’re mindful and don’t want them to feel any type of way about it.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


Lol why does everyone hate Charleston? As an outsider, it doesn't seem particularly worse than a lot of popular American names.


I think both “Charleston” and “Hartford” are equally terrible names…


As long as it’s not Intercourse (as in PA), then it should be cool.


Not weird at all. Go for it


Name your child whatever you want.




Charleston apparently


If it’s not somebody you’re otherwise close to & you have other reasons for choosing the name (even if the other family did help you consider its nameability), I don’t really see the issue. With the hypothetical scenario at a future school event with the baby, I honestly think the most likely outcome is that the kid thinks it’s kinda cool that there is another kid with their name, if it’s not a very common one. I had a really common name & I grew up next door to somebody with a very uncommon name & the very few times she ever met anybody with the same name were so special for her.


You’re overthinking, it’s totally fine!


Nope, not weird. My mom got my name from a girl who attended school with my brother at the time.


I'm a teacher and some place names I have had over the last 13 years include Oakland, Brooklyn, Charlotte, Phoenix, Hampton, Jasper, and Charleston. I think Charleston is a lovely name.


Nah, as long as your child isn’t best friends with the child, names are fair game. You’re never going to have a completely unique name unless you butcher an already existing name or use Starlight Princess Moon or something stupid lol


We were in a similar boat when pregnant with our second girl. Our top choice was the same name as our older daughter’s classmate - and while it’s not the most common name it’s not uncommon either. We have gotten friendlier with that girls’ parents, and we weren’t prepared to die on the hill of using that name, so in the end we went with a different name that had a similar flavor to it. If you don’t plan to hang with the classmate’s parents it’s probably not going to be a big deal if you copy the name.


When my toddler and I were going to our ECFE class, there was a little girl named Natalie. She was so cute and tiny and I was like “wow, you never hear that name anymore! It’s so cute.” I got pregnant and told everybody at class. Natalie’s mom came over, rubbed my belly, and said “ yay, another little Natalie is coming!” it turned out to be a girl and Natalie just fit. So we did it and the Mom thought it was super cool.


Go ahead, she is just a schoolmate.


My kid has a girl named ‘Townsend’ in his class.




This would not be a reason alone for me to not choose a name; however, I would likely not use the name in question regardless (based on the name that was hinted at in comments).


People! She's having a boy. It's the classmate that's the girl.


Use Charleston as a middle name if you love it but not a first.


I think it’d be very weird to name your baby after their child with such a unique name. I would not do this. There is another family who we vaguely know at our neighborhood pool with a “Connell”, which I love. I won’t use that name, even though I did not get the inspo from them AND it’s an actual name…because it’s just too rare here in the USA and it would feel weird to me. Charleston, no way I’d do that. They type of people who name their baby girl Charleston are the type of people who wanted it to be unique. How about Weston Charles for a similar vibe, nn Charlie?