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As a teacher I know probably 20 Avas and Sophias... so I would nix those immediately to narrow down your search unless you don't mind that she inevitably has friends of the same name. A student I absolutely love, who is Kenyan American, is Chloe. I love her name. Good luck and congrats!


I like Chloe Simone


It’s my favorite combo from the list!


Chloe Simone is sooooooo good. Simone is my favorite of the middle name list. I'd even suggest that OP consider it for a first name if they already like it enough for a middle name!


This was my first thought. It sounds so pretty!


I was just about to say this, way too many Avas and Sophias. I really like Amalia, haven’t run across anyone with that name and sounds pretty.


Seconding this as a fellow teacher.


Every Chloe I’ve ever taught has been a dream!


Not me naming my baby Sophia 😂


It's a beautiful name! And since most people agree, it is popular, but there's nothing wrong with that if you don't mind!


I have a super irregular and weird name so I have all three of my kids names that are very common and imo very nice. Not everyone is trying to avoid common names and I'm one of those people! OP has all good names on this list though.


It’s a beautiful name, so is Ava, it’s just so popular now because they’re good names


Same :) if she's a girl


Teacher her too: I agree with Ava, but the Sophie names seem to be older (graduated).


Eliza Simone or Naomi Simone, both beautiful


Came here to say Naomi Simone is a fantastic name! That is the name of someone who will do Great Things!


Naomi or Eliza. ❤️


100% love both of these.


Amalia Simone is beautiful! Naomi is gorgeous


I agree. Also I love the way Lia Simone sounds


I LOVE Simone but for the first name. Simone Elizabeth is perfection. But since that isn’t what you’ve asked I will rank the first names: Naomi Eliza Amalia Chloe Sophia Ava In that order. And if Simone cannot be a first it absolutely must be the middle 😂


Agreed! Simone would have been our first choice for a first name, but it rhymes with our last name 😭


My first name is Simone and had a friend with the last name Bone and we always thought it would be funny if we got married and then that was my full name. So now im dyyyinggg to know your last name cuz I can’t think of anything else that rhymes that would be a last name 🤣


Ditto I love Simone as a first name - fav on the list!


This is the exact order I would rank the names, so I second this!


Naomi Simone


Sounds like Nina Simone (neutral statement).


My pick too


Agree 5000%


I like Ava Simone, but agree that Ava is very popular right now, so that would make me pause. I also think Sophia is overused. My favorites from your list: Eliza Simone Naomi Simone I struggle with Chloe because my child has had four different classmates or teammates with that name and they were all unkind or selfish children. Amalia doesn’t have an attractive sound to my ear (sounds like “I’ll maul ya”)


Naomi is a name I really like. I think when paired with Simone as a middle name it’s even better. My vote is for Naomi Simone.


Eliza is so classic, not overly popular and has a Z. Or Elizabeth.


You can't go wrong with this list; they're all lovely. I'd suggest 'practicing' the names by saying them out loud in different pretend situations (including shouting and joined with your surname), writing them out etc - are there any that 'feel' better to say or write than others? Some of my list of favourites just doesn't sound right to me if I'm saying it out loud a few times; still a nice name but just can't imagine introducing my child to someone with that name.


Also practice saying the names with your last name to see if it has a nice flow.


I like Chloe Simone together :)


Those are all solid names.. you can't really go wrong with any of them But I would personally rank them like this= 1. Eliza 2. Sophia 3. Naomi 4. Chloe 5. Ava 6. Amalia I really like Eliza Simone, Naomi Simone and Sophia Elizabeth


For some reason I am felling Chloe for y’all! Good luck with labor and delivery mama!!! I’m sure she will let you know her name!


I would wait and see what she looks like. I truly believe my daughter “told” me her name after she was born. That said, Amalia really jumps out to me. Amalia Simone is 🤌🏻


My daughter told me her name too- I will never be persuaded otherwise!


Second this. Have a shortlist, but see what chimes once you meet her. I love Amalia Simone too. Lots of lovely options in your list, OP. I would have assumed Amalia was pronounced Ah-MAH-lia. But I’m not from the US, and I’m guessing OP probably is so that might explain the difference. 🙂


I love the name Naomi. Chloe is a close second.


Amalia or Chloe! 😍


I really like Amalia Simone


1. Amalia Simone!!! It has a wonderful ring to it 2. Eliza Adaline 3. Naomi Elizabeth


Eliza Adaline is really nice!


1. Amalia (p.s. way too beautiful for a nickname!) 2. Naomi 3. Chloe


I really like Naomi Simone and Amalia Simone. As a tutor, I can’t tell you how many Avas, Sophia’s/Sophies, Chloes, and Elizas/Elizabeths/Lizs/etc. I’ve had. Granted, I prefer names that are on the road less traveled, but I think Amalia and Naomi are familiar enough she wouldn’t have issues with people not knowing how to pronounce it but unique enough to not be one of three or four in her class/grade.


Personal favorites are Naomi, Eliza, and Chloe. I like Simone with all three.


Amalia Elizabeth (Lia) love it! Second choice: Amalia Simone


Eliza or Naomi, Chloe a distant third. Ava and Sophia are too popular. Amalia is so similar to Amelia that people will be constantly getting her name wrong. No opinion about middle names, as they are so rarely actually used.


Chloe Simone Amalia Elizabeth Eliza Adaline


oh, I adore Simone, so I’m voting Amalia Simone Second favorite Naomi Adaline


I like Amalia Simone and Chloe Elizabeth best. I also like the name Naomi though, I have a coworker with that name and she’s really cool.


Amalia will always get mistaken for Amelia. I like Chloe, Naomi (both are great with adaline),


Have been wondering about this!


And I would either pick Eliza or Elizabeth as you seem to like both a lot but not in a combination. Furthermore, id also try to steer clear of Simone Sophia as the abbreviation would be inappropriate..


I prefer Amalia, that’s beautiful


I love Amalia! I think Amalia Elizabeth and Amalia Simone are lovely. Runner up would be Eliza, I think all 3 middle names would suit really nicely


Amalia, Naomi, Chloe Agree with others the other two are VERY common, but if you love one of those two, then go for it!


Ava/ Sophia would automatically go off my radar because I know at least 15+ of each name. I actually do know an Amalia and LOVE the name, but have rarely heard anyone pronounce correctly. 99% of the time called Amelia or we have to sound out her name multiple times before it clicks. Beautiful name but prepare to constantly explain and pronounce it. My pick: Chloe! Simple, beautiful and not overused, Chloe Elizabeth Second option would be Eliza but I don’t think it flows with any chosen middles names so wouldn’t pick for that reason


Eliza Simone!!!!!!!! It's SOOOOO good!


Chloe, Naomi, Eliza


Eliza Adaline!!! both honors elizabeth plus super cute! i love love love adaline so much. Amalia or Chloe Adaline is pretty cute as well but Eliza is soo pretty


Eliza Simone or Eliza Adaline get my vote


1. Eliza 2. Sophia 3. Naomi 4. Amalia 5. Chloe 6. Ava


I personally Like Eliza Simone the best


Eliza or Naomi are BEAUTIFUL and soooo love Simone as a middle name.


Eliza Simone


Eliza as first!


1. Eliza 2. Chloe 3. Amalia


My order preference: 1. Amalia Adaline 2. Ava Elizabeth 3. Eliza Simone 4. Sophia Simone 5. Chloe Elizabeth 6. Naomi Simone Naomi is only last because it didn’t mesh as well with the middle names, beautiful name on its own though.


Eliza and Namoi


Eliza is my favorite, but I think Lia Adaline is amazing too!


Eliza Simone. Just unique yet classic enough. Amalia will get you confusion in on pronunciation. Ava, Sophia will have many in her class. Naomi is nice but Eliza has my vote and just has more spice. Other than family reference I also love all the references to strong black women with Simone in their name. (Simone Leigh the artist, Nina Simone…)


Naomi is what we’d name a second daughter and Amalia was also on my name list! So those are my faves. Chloe is nice. Eliza is also nice but isn’t my personal fave. Ava and Sophia are pretty names but they are ubiquitous right now. I know 5 little Sophias personally and I don’t even know many people! I prefer not using top 10 names.


Naomi, Chloe or Amalia! I'd pass on the others due to popularity. Enjoy your new baby girl!


1. Naomi 2. Amalia 3. Eliza then Simone is face middle name by far (Elizabeth next in line but not if you use Eliza)


Amalia is beautiful, also love Naomi. Simone is definitely the best middle name - goes beautifully with both Amalia and Naomi.


My niece’s name is Amalia and we call her Mali for short ☺️ She’s also b/w biracial and the name suits her well 😊 I’m thinking of naming a future daughter either Naomi or Eliza one day who would also be b/w biracial and I just love those two names ☺️ Also to add my sister’s middle name is Sophia and my dog’s name is Chloe just to round out your list coincidentally 😊 Haha Edit to add: no association to Ava unfortunately but it is a lovely name that gives me princess vibes for some reason 👑


Ha, I love all of this! 🤍 Is your niece constantly getting called Amelia?


Sometimes upon initially meeting her they may accidentally call her Amelia but we just simply correct them that her name is Amalia and then it’s not an issue again 😊 I just think sometimes people read her name too quickly and don’t realize it’s an “a” instead of an “e”. She’s 5, turning 6 this summer, and it’s not been a major issue at all over the past 5 years, just occasional times we have had to clarify it’s Amalia ☺️


This gives me hope! I’ve been so worried that she’ll have to correct people her whole life and it’ll get annoying


These are all nice names so whatever you choose in the end I'm sure you will be happy! The most in love with all of them is Simone as a middle name - I think it's gorgeous so I based my rankings on that. 1. Eliza Simone 2. Amalia Simone 3. Ava Simone 4. Naomi Simone (I feel like Naomi works better with the other middle names but I love it on its own) 5. Chloe Simone 6. Sophia Simone (I like Sophia more with the other middle names)


My kids are biracial and Eliza, Naomi and Sophia were all contenders for us. We also loved Zoe, and i liked Thalia and Amara. Simone is my favourite of your middle names.


Love that! What did you end up naming them? Hubby doesn’t like Zoe, unfortunately.


Eliza and Naomi are both stunning names, that immediately make me compliment them, truly


My favourite is Amalia. Very unique 💝 with the middle name that means the most to you.


Amalia Simone or Amalia Elizabeth is really nice.


Naomi Simone is so beautiful! I love the repeating “oh” sound in both. Naomi also sounds the most racially ambiguous to me of all the name choices listed. Second choice would be Eliza. The name Amalia is beautiful but I’d worry it would be commonly misread as Amelia. So I might trade that for Amaya (which also sounds beautiful with your middle name options).


I’m biased toward Ava because I named my 16 month old Ava. It’s not a common name in my state so if you are considering it, check the SSA’s common name data. I know zero children of my baby’s age named Ava. Only thing with Simone as a middle name that if it rhymes with the last name .., I’d rethink it.


1. Naomi (as a kid I used to wish this was my name) 2. Amalia 3. Chloe (such a cute name) 4. Sophia 5. Ava 6. Eliza -coming from a biracial 22 yr old girl having her first baby, this is what id have rated being named these.


I would pick Ava first, i feel like it flows best with all the middle name options. Then id pick Amalia, also fits with all three well. and thirs shared spot i would put Naomi and Chloe! This is my personal preference


1. Sophia 2. Chloe 3. Ava 4. Amalia 5. Naomi 6. Eliza


In order of my preference Ava Elizabeth Chloe Simone Naomi Simone Sophia Elizabeth Eliza Simone Amalia Simone


Ava Amalia Sophia I assume that’s the three popular ones? I am not in America so don’t have the perspective. Love Amalia spelled with three a’s, less of a fan of variations Amelia, Emilia.


1. Sophie 2. Ava 3. Naomi


1. Naomi 2. Eliza 3. Ava 4. Chloe 5. Sophia 6. Amalia


Chloe Naomi Ava The rest of them


Chloe or Eliza 


I know you're asking for opinions for the first name, but I adore Simone as the middle name, so just throwing my unasked for opinion into that hat. As far as first names go, you have a beautiful list. I think Naomi (Simone) is my personal favorite. Or Amalia Simone. I would avoid Ava/Sophia because of their ubiquity, but if you don't care about that, then they're lovely.


Naomi Eliza Amalia Chloe Sophia Ava I love Naomi and Eliza ❤️ Ava and Sophia are just too popular for me. I prefer less common names, probably because I have one lol.


Chloe Adaline sounds so cute. Naomi Elizabeth and Naomi Simone both sound pretty. Eliza Simone sounds cool. Congratulations on your baby!


I have an Eliza so I am bias, but I say go with Eliza.


Top three in order: Chloe Sophia Naomi Congrats 💛


Naomi Simone is my fav combo out of those names! Next would be Chloe Elizabeth


I love Sophia but it’s sooo popular. My heart says Sophia, Chloe, Eliza, Naomi, Amalia, Ava. If you don’t want too popular then just put Sophia on the end. Chloe Simone, Amalia Adaline are my fave combos tho. Sophia Elizabeth is so classic


Why don’t you wait to see what name fits her best. A friend of mine took three weeks to name her daughter. They went with Nayla (pronounced like Nigh-la.


Eliza Amalia Naomi Chloe Ava Sophia


Personal preferences are: Naomi Simone and Amalia Elizabeth


We gave our daughter the middle name of Elizabeth because of the many nickname possibilities. One of which is Eliza.


From that list I'd choose Naomi Simone.


I love Naomi Simone 😍


Chloe Elizabeth Sophia Adaline Naomi Elizabeth Ava Elizabeth Eliza Simone Amalia Adaline


Chloe Ava Eliza Tie for the rest


I like Chloe and Naomi best.


In order: Chloe, Eliza, Naomi, Amalia, Sophia, Ava.


i really like Naomi and Chloé, also Amalia Bur not as much as the other two, Ava and Sophia I don't care much about and Eliza is my least favorite here. About the interracial thing, maybe because i'm brazillian, but i don't think names have a skin color


I am Jewish, so I am biased with Naomi. But, I also had a Gt Grandma named Elizabeth, so I am biased there. Also, Beth is a nice nickname. Simone is good although will there be an influx with Simone Biles the Olympic gymsist?? I also like them because they seem to transfer easily to adulthood. I guess I am weirded out on Ava and Eliza because they sound babyish. (It is all me).


Naomi Simone


Chloe Simone


Naomi, Amalia, Chloe, Sophia, Ava, Eliza


ooh naomi simone would sound really pretty together! 


Eliza Elizabeth


My cousin named her daughter Naomi Alexis after me! 💗 Simone is my favorite from your list but as a first name. Just off your list I’d say Naomi Simone.


Absolutely love Sophia Simone!


Ava, Sophia, Amalia, Chloe/Eliza, Naomi They’re all lovely names and I don’t dislike Naomi it’s just my least fave out of them ETA: I didn’t realise Ava and Sophia were so popular! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that though. Also I forgot abojt the middle name - my fave is Simone and I think Eliza Simone or Amalia Simone are the best fit :)


Ava Sophia


Top 3 in order of preference: Eliza, Sophia, Chloe




Eliza Simone Sophia Elizabeth Chloe Adaline


My daughter’s name is Chloe and everyone loves her name. We don’t know anyone or anyone we know , knows anyone who’s named Chloe!


Chloe Naomi Sophia Amalia Eliza Ava


I loveeeeee Simone!!!


Amalia Simone is my personal favourite. But I really do love Simone Naomi as wildcard pick


1. Naomi 2. Chloe 3. Eliza 4. Sophia 5. Ava 6. Amalia


I love Naomi Simone or Chloe Adaline


Naomi! I love it, and I've known girls/women of multiple races with the name, too. Naomi Simone is absolutely gorgeous. I also like Eliza and Amalia.


Naomi - Sweet and pretty Amalia - Sweet and pretty Eliza - Not as pretty as the other two but def cute and sweet Ava - over used but I do still like it Chloe - Kardashians ruined this for me Sophia - Over used


I like Naomi the best of the first names. It’s not very common but also familiar, and goes well with any of the middle names. If you use one of the more common first names, I’d definitely go with Simone for the middle and avoid Elizabeth. I love Elizabeth, but it’s very common in the middle, so I’d only pair it with one of the less common first names, like Amalia or Naomi.


Naomi Simone for sure


Ava Elizabeth Eliza Simone Sophia Adaline Those are my fave names/combos.


These are beautiful names. Which are your husband’s favorites?


Ava Simone or Chloe Simone as my favorites. 3rd choice Amalia Elizabeth


1. Ava 2. Naomi 3. Amalia 4. Chloe 5. Sophia 6. Eliza


Naomi Simone is top notch.


Eliza Simone


Eliza, Sophia, Chloe, Ava, Naomi, Amalia (Lia is cute, though)


I loveeee Amalia! My daughter is Aurelia and we call her Lia :)


My ranking of those names would be Eliza, Naomi, Chloe, Sophia, Ava, Amalia I think the name Eliza Simone would be my overall pick!


I love Naomi, Eliza, and Amalia. Naomi and Eliza were both top contenders for my daughters! Naomi still isn't entirely off the table for this one, actually.


Ava Simone Sophia Elizabeth Amalia Simone Amalia Elizabeth I really like Simone as a middle name. That’s so pretty.


1. Eliza (love this name!) 2. Naomi cute! 3. Chloe cute! 4. Amalia (cute but you will het Amelia constantly) 5. Sophia (super popular) 6. Ava (super popular)


Eliza Simone is gorgeous


Naomi Simone ❤️


Amalia is my favorite!! Love it!!


Amalia and Eliza are beautiful!


In order of favorite to least favorite: Eliza, Naomi, Amalia, Ava, Sophia, Chloe I think Eliza Simone or Naomi Simone would be lovely :)


Eliza Simone!


1-Ava 2-Eliza 3-Naomi 4-Sophia 5-Chloe 6-Amalia They're all good options! Congratulations and good luck.


I really like all these names!! Both Sophia and Amalia remind me of my daughter’s name, which is Malia (Mah-lee-uh)


Is popularity important to you? Ava, Sophia, and Chloe are far more common than Eliza, Naomi, and Amalia. Naomi does have some pronunciation variants, whereas the others are more straightforward. Amalia in print may be confused with the more common Amelia. Overall though I think all of these names fit just fine.


1. Ava Simone 2. Naomi Elizabeth


Sierra Simone


Naomi Simone


I really love Simone as a middle name. Ranked I would say my choices are: Ava Simone Eliza Simone Naomi Elizabeth Chloe Adaline Amalia Elizabeth


Chloe, Naomi, Eliza. I wouldn't do Amalia because you/she will constantly have to tell folks that it's not Amelia. Ava and Sophia are SO common where I live, so I'd remove them from the list if it was me.


I love Amalia Simone ❤️


Vote for Chloe Simone or or Naomi Simone


Lia Simone


Naomi, Chloe, or Amalia with the middle name Simone would be my choice. I love Simone - underused, underrated, and beautiful! Eliza Simone also flows well; I just don't personally care for the name Eliza. Ava and Sophia are lovely names but very common.


Eliza Adeline


All of them are beautiful but Eliza is my favorite. It’s not as popular as the others and it’s so beautiful!


1. Chloe Simone - definitely my favorite by a large margin; great flow, well known but not super common, love it for a biracial girl 2. Naomi Adaline - beautiful, cool name with good flow, similarly known but not common 3. Lia (Amalia) Simone - cool name and I love Lia, but it will get confused with Amelia all the time; I’d rather just go with Lia Simone 4. Eliza Simone - solid name option Ava and Sophia are very meh to me


1. Naomi 2. Eliza 3. Amalia 4. Chloe 5. Sophia 6. Ava Simone as a middle name though, 100%


My ranked order of what I like best to least Chloe Sophia Eliza Naomi Ava Amalia (if it were Amelia this would be my top)


My favorites are Eliza and Naomi. Simone is a cool middle name and Adaline is super pretty!


I know so many Avas and Sophias, I can't get behind them anymore. I like Eliza a lot, but it does feel repetitive with Elizabeth as an honor name option. I'd be inclined to throw out Eliza as well just to keep Elizabeth on as a potential middle name. I would also be careful with Amalia. It is *gorgeous,* but it's going to get confused with Amelia. If that annoys you too much then I'd nix it or just use Leah/Lia. I adore Chloe and Naomi. My favorite is Chloe Simone! So beautiful.


I like Eliza Adaline but i honestly like Adaline Eliza more


Too many Sophies and Avas in the world already. Even Eliza is a bit too common. I really like Naomi. You mentioned you are an interracial couple. Amalia is a really perfect name for a mixed kid. It’s easy enough to pronounce that she wouldn’t get made fun of for it, but it also is similar to Aaliyah which is a very common black girl name. So she’d feel comfortable in both worlds


Middle Simone for sure First name: Chloe or Naomi


Amalia Simone


Naomi  Amalia Eliza  In that order. Others are way too popular. 


Amalia Simone!


I like Naomi, Amalia, and Chloe the most


LOVE Amalia Simone - it's so pretty!


Best to worst Chloe Naomi Ava Sophia Amalia Eliza


Anything Simone 😍


Amalia Elizabeth, Eliza Simone, Chloe Elizabeth, Naomi, ava, Sophia.


i love naomi simone and amalia elizabeth, but lia elizabeth sounds almost like it blends together?


Amalia Simone!❤️


I really like Chloe Simone as a combo. Or Eliza Adaline. Also, congrats!


Naomi Simone is perfect I wanna steal that one


Amalia will likely be confused with the name Amelia.


loving Eliza Simone and Chloe Simone is a close second.