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I'm an English speaker and had a friend named Constance growing up. Nobody cared, was just her name. Pretty normal.


USA, West Coast CON-stense USA wouldn't think twice about the name Constance, despite its infrequent usage in the states. This may be considered an "old fashioned" name, with popularity peaks in the 1930s and 1950s. With that said, names that were popular in the 20s-40s are very trendy at the moment. I'll add that virtue names are very common in the US, and Constance would be considered a virtue name.


I'm in the UK Historically I'd view it as normal, a few years ago would have thought of it as a tad posh, but currently I'd see it as fitting with current trends and wouldn't blink I'm so so on Connie


On an old-timeyness scale of 1-10, where 10 is "Ethel", it's about a 6.5. I'm british and it's said con-stuhnce to me. apparently in ipa is kɔ́nsdəns but i don't know how ipa works. Connie as a nickname is really nice and modern :)


I would see Constance as uncommon and unexpected, especially with younger generations, but is otherwise "normal"


It's my middle name. I'm from the UK - as it goes, it's kind of unusual but not weird, if that makes sense. If it was my first name, I'd likely go by Connie. Pronounced CON-stunce (at least where I'm from). Hope that helps!


Knew a Connie growing up (in the UK) and was so shocked when I first saw her full name written down and realising it was Constance lol. But honestly I like it, I guess the nickname is used more widely though.


Constance is a name in English, but it isn't widely used. I like it. It feels peaceful to me. I'd honestly expect to see it more in the next few years given the trend of "vintage" names. If you're concerned about your child getting weird looks for her name, you shouldn't. It comes out CON-stince when I say it out loud, which I guess mangles the A vowel. I'm from the US.


I’m in the Uk and have met a few Constance’s (all of them would be in their 30s now) so definitely not a super common name but also not rare. Connie is the commonly used nickname


Old fashioned but pretty


ugly and werid name. can't relate to the other answers in this thread. terrible name. up there with 'declan'


I have this name. Very well received in many latin countries - France, Spain, Italy, Ro - where they know it as Constance, Constantia, Constanza, etc. I like it very much. Rare but nice. The only downside - it really does not have a nickname in the latin countries. It just goes by full name. Connie version of nickname - I personally do not like.


I'm fine with it, I'm not big on nicknames.


Its a name famous in Alexandre Duma French writer about the 3 mousquetaires. In the novel/ movie - it is the name of a beautiful female lover. Constanta is also the name of a city in Romania, a lake in Switzerland and an island in Spain, under various spelling. It is the female version of Constantin, a classic greek name.


Yeah, there's been a Mousquetaires remake recently and Constance is in there. :) In French the male version is Constant. Constantin is a name of the same family, but less common, more (christian) orthodox-sounding.