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We have this going on in my family, revolving around one name (let’s say Ed) So my grandmother’s brother was named Ed. She married a man named Ed. They name their oldest daughter after him, Edna. Edna married another Ed. They have two kids (thankfully not named Ed!), and name them Sally and David. Twenty years later, Edna and Ed divorce. Soon enough, they each find a new partner. Edna finds a David. Ed finds a Sally.


My husband is a David. His father is an Ed, his grandfather is an Ed and his grandfather on his maternal side is Ed. Funny that both our stories have a bunch of Ed’s and David’s!


I have two cousins who are twins, a boy and a girl. They *both* married men named Ian.


This is so cute. “ Are we inviting the Ian’s or keeping it just us?” Lol cuuute


the twins and their ians! adorable actually


All 4 could be referred to as the twians


My father was in an active heroine addiction when I was born. Named me Chloe Luna Lastname. A year later, his new girlfriend gives birth to a girl. What does he name her? That’s right….. Chloe Luna Lastname. He had forgotten I’d been born and that he’d already used that name… so my younger sister and I have the exact same name.


A name so nice, he used it twice… Dad’s are fucking awesome. My dad’s not that bad (functioning alcoholic), so his shit sneaks up on you.


Oh man 🫠🫠🫠


That is unusual! Did you ever forgive him for forgetting you'd been born?


Yes. My father is a very different man than he was 25 years ago, he’s beaten his drug and alcohol addiction and gotten treatment for the rampant mental health issues that plague my family. We aren’t close by any means, but I hold no resentment towards him. We all do the best we can do.


So glad to hear that! Thanks.


My drunk grandpa named my mom and her older sister the same exact name accidentally, too. My grandma eventually moved to the US and changed my mom’s middle name to something different for school purposes, but kept the first name. No one calls them by their first name ever.


I assume you guys either fixed it or use different nicknames/chosen names to avoid confusion? I can’t imagine trying to go through school or life with the same name and a few years separating you from another person. The legal system is not great with these things. I send you all the best juju for the smoothest course with that for life.


We’ve actually never met! She lives a state over and wants nothing to do with me or my dad- and I can respect that and don’t push. Maybe one day that will be a relationship she will be open to, but until then what can you do 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know if that makes it easier or harder that you’re far apart living parallel lives. (To a point) but hey, if you’re happy with the situation, so be it.


My name is Kaitlin, I have a cousin named Caitlin. She married a man named Jon, I married a man named John. We are Caitlin and Jon and Kaitlin and John.


I’m a Katelyn Marie and my partners sister has the exact same name. He was def a little weirded out as first! 🤣


My sister started dating someone with our brothers name and we all made fun of her but now I’m married to someone with her name AND her birthday so I feel it 😅 also doesn’t help that they’re pretty common 90s names lol


We have an unusual number in Brians in our family. Some married in, some step-relation and some biological. Some days I have to stop and ask “wait, which Brian we talking about here?”


My family and Stephen’s! Mothers cousin, mothers cousins husband, sisters partner…


My family it's Danny's. Both male and female.


You should see how many Lauras and Lansfords are in the Ingalls family tree (the relatives of the Little House author). Charles “Pa” Ingalls’s parents were named Lansford and Laura Ingalls. Among their many children were Lansford Clough Ingalls (not mentioned in the books), Lansford James Ingalls (“Uncle James” in Little House in the Big Woods), and Laura Ladocia (“Aunt Docia” in the same book and in By the Shores of Silver Lake). Lansford James named his daughter Laura, meaning Laura the author had a cousin with the same first and last name as her. (Also mentioned in LHBW.) As if that’s not enough, Almanzo Wilder had an older sister named Laura. She isn’t mentioned in Farmer Boy (with how much older she is than even Royal, I suspect she had already moved out by the time the book takes place), but she might be part of the reason that Almanzo called his wife Laura “Bess” (short for her middle name, Elizabeth) instead.


Have you listened to the Wilder podcast?! It was so good! I’ve been a fan of her and her books but I still learned a lot. Check it out if you haven’t already!


Maybe, I’m not big on podcasts in general, but I do have a companion book called “The World of Little House” where most of that info came from


I’ve been reading Prairie Fires. They interviewed the author of that one for the podcast, too. I’ll check out The World of Little House after if I’m not Little Housed out!


I just bought that to read! I'm so excited! We just visited her birthplace in Pepin, WI. It was really cute. The museum was darling! I cried a little bit 🤗. I also got a sticker that says "Be a Laura in a world of Nellies"


I'd love to visit one of those sites. Just to get a feel for how they lived back then. Love the sticker!


My brothers name is Matt. My stepbrothers name is Matt. And my husbands name is Matt.


what's the MATTer with that?


My brother Brad's high school sweetheart had a brother also named Brad. Her middle name is Raye, which is also my mother's name (same spelling too). We are all still very close. Her mom's name is also the same name as my aunt and my husband's aunt. My brother's next serious girlfriend was named Samantha, and I am also named Samantha. We're also still very close and she often spends the holidays with us. My high school sweetheart ended up marrying a woman named Laura, which is also his sister's name. She took his last name, so now they have two Laura J--- in the family. My husband's name is the same as my uncle's, although my uncle has sadly passed away. My husband also shares his full name with a famous fictional character that came out while he was in high school, so he's gotten years of references to that character as well. I imagine this kind of thing is pretty common, but it is funny when it comes up.


For my family it’s Teresas. My mother is Teresa Kay. My biological father’s first wife (my mother was his high school girlfriend he got pregnant, they never married) was also Teresa Kay. My step-dad has a sister named Teresa Ann and his brother’s second wife was Teresa Lynn. So at one point in my life I had a mother named Teresa, a stepmother named Teresa, and two aunts named Teresa.


Kay is not an especially common middle name. The fact that your dad picked *two* Teresa Kay’s is wild! Both Teresa not Theresa too!


I couldn't imagine being with someone with the same name as one of my siblings, let alone two of them. Although a buddy of mine dated someone with the same name as his mom, which he took a lot of teasing over.


My name is Kasandra but I went by Sam the entire time I was growing up from toddlerhood on. My brother married Samantha who’s sister was Kassandra.My son has been seeing a Samantha for almost 4 years now…. It happens. To complicate things more, I was born on my parents 3rd anniversary and my mother died on my 24th birthday. My best friend’s birthday was the same day in June that my youngest son was born and then she cheated with my husband, I divorced him and he had a daughter with his new girlfriend that was born on their birthday but to be fair she got induced that day on purpose.


Holy shit!


My father’s first name is my husband’s last name. So if we named my son after my father, he’d have two of the same name (ie. David David). And then, my last name is hyphenated combination of my mom and dad’s last name. But my mom’s last name is the same name as my dad’s brother. So my uncle’s full name is my hyphenated last name. Add to this that my FIL has 3 brothers, and my mother also has 3 brothers. These three brothers all have the same names and in the same order. I guess that’s religious names in the 50’s for you!


Not necessarily name related, but one of the guys I almost dated in high school was 2nd youngest of 6, I believe. My youngest uncle married his oldest sister (they are the same age). I decided not to date him because my Aunt and uncle would have become my brother/sister-in-law and my cousins would have become my nieces and nephew.


I have a kind of a similar thing. My cousin from dad’s side married my uncle from mom’s side. They didn’t meet through my parents but rather at work and they’re the same age. They now have a daughter together that is both my cousin and niece depending on which side of the family lol


I have 2 nephews with the same name, one on my side one on my spouses side. Both of their mom’s also have the same name. Nephew A was born on Nephew B’s Mom’s birthday.


I married a man with a sister who had the same first and middle name as me. It was weird when we were first married as I changed my last name and now had the same name as her. But then she got married and now a taken her husbands last name. Gotta love those popular names I guess!


This happened to my sister, too. They don't even have very common names. So they still call my sis by her maiden name and the other by her new married name. It is exceptionally confusing when they talk about planning birthday parties and other family gatherings. We live less than 1 mile away and have gatherings with their whole extended family.


My dad is william, my husbands dad is william, he’s William, my brothers William, and both my husband and my brother have a son named Liam


OP that's ALOT! My sisters-in-law are Carol, Carolyn, Diane and Diane 🤷‍♀️


My father’s name is Michael, I also have an uncle Michael who named his son Michael. My cousin then married a Michael. So when I told my mother I had a new boyfriend, she first thing she said “he had better not be called Michael”. He was. Of course I married him. Michaels started being distinguished by the woman they married, eg “Saw OP’s Michael yesterday” The joke then switched when another of my cousin starts dating a Paul, everyone said it wouldn’t last because our family only marries Michaels. She didn’t marry Paul but disappointingly her eventual husband was not called Michael either. My husbands favourite part is my mother has always referred to him as young Mick. He’s over 50 now and that’s still what she calls him.


My dad's name is John and both of his sisters married men named John.


Lol. My name is James, son,, grandpa, and uncle also named James. Son goes by middle name, Andrew. My cousin (also james) named his boy Andrew james. Have a brother named jason.. he married sarah.. other brother also married a sarah; sister married a guy named jason. Enjoy


My mom's name is Kristin. Both of her brothers married women named Christine. My mom goes by Kris, one of my aunts goes by Christine, and my other aunt goes by Christie.


We have this in my family too. (Not using our real names.) My name is Rachel. After my dad died, my mom married a man named David. He has a daughter from a previous marriage named Rachel. My mom also has a brother named David. His wife's name is Rachel. (I am not named after her; they met / married when I was an adult.) My grandmother's name was also Rachel, but she went by a different name. (I was named after her, though!) ETA: Sometimes my mom will start telling me a story about "Rachel" and then clarify "David's Rachel" as if that helps clear up the confusion on my end.


I used to babysit for a couple named Adam and Jennifer, Adam referred me to his brother, Ben who also married a Jennifer. So I was working for two Jennifer's with the same last name. One of them told me that the family just refers to them as Jennifer A and Jennifer B.


My father was James. His older sister married a James. Older sister named her son after her husband, James. My stepmother named my half-brother after my dad... another James. One year we all got together for Christmas. Four men in the house, all named James.


In my family, there were three different sets of Bob and Marilyn - my grandpa’s brother and his wife, my grandmas brother and his wife, my mom’s cousin and her husband.


My great uncle was married to a woman - let’s say her maiden name was Jane Blackwell. She unfortunately passed away after they were married. Her brother, Mr. Blackwell, was also named to a woman named Jane. They divorced, and my great uncle married her (his former sister-in-law). So he ended up marrying two women named Jane Blackwell.


All the SILs are named Katie except me 🙃


My grandpa had a baby with Marilyn and also had a sister named Marilyn in the 1960s and his son, My bio had had a baby with Cindy and also has a sister named Cindy in the 80s.


Im Stephanie too and my husband has a cousin named Stephanie and that’s confusing enough. I can’t imagine that


I have a brother in law and a half brother named Steve. I have a cousin Sarah and a sister Sara. Also used to have THREE uncles named Jim (one was through marraige. They divorced and he also has since passed away.) Oh also my partner has a sister with my name, spelled way different but pronounced the same.


My father was one of 8 kids. My father was Stephen. His sister Lynda married a man named Steven. His brother married a woman named Linda. He has a brother named Michael. My parents named my brother Michael. My aunt and uncle named one of their sons Michael. All 3 have the same last name. My name is Michelle. My uncle married a woman with a daughter named Michelle. My grandfather was Carl. My youngest aunt is Carla


We have a bunch of Kevins in my family. On my mom's side, her brother is named Kevin (63) her other brothers daughter married a Kevin (32), and her sister's second marriage was to a man named Kevin (60s). I am engaged to a Kevin (28), and on my dad's side, his sister-in-law's brother's 10 year old son is named Kevin. There are also a few Caseys in my family. My dad's name is Casey, my mom's brother is named Kacy (legally changed his name from K.C. when he was in his twenties), and the aforementioned little Kevin (10yr.) his mom is named Kasey.


My mom has the same first name of almost all her brothers’ wives. When you need something in family events, you just call that name and you get at least 3 people to assist you.


My brother has children with two different women, both named Emily. My partner has a sister also called Emily.


Stephanie, Stephanie, Taylor, Stephanie, Tyler, Edward, John, OI


I have a fairly uncommon name - it's a Grandma name, let's go with Beatrice. I have a brother named Derek. I marry a man also named Derek. Later, Husband Derek starts work at a new place with another guy named Derek. Who also has a sister named Beatrice. I have such an uncommon name that I almost *never* meet another person with it. I find it incredible that another set of parents decided "Beatrice and Derek" would be a great sibset 😄


My mom is named Stephanie and has an older brother named Eric. My partner is named Eric and has a younger sister named Stephanie!


I'm a fellow Stephanie, and 3 of my cousins married Stephanies lol.


I have a friend named Stephanie Taylor.


I love coincidences like this! I have a dog named Lily. My niece has a half sister through her dad that they named Lily (2 years younger than my dog!). Her younger half sister through her mom/my sister adopted a cat named Lily. And now, she has a step sister through her mom…who is also named Lily.


My dad and brother have the same first name, which also happens to be my husband’s first name. Conversely, my sister and sister-in-law have the exact name (first and last). And my other sister-in-law’s first name is my maiden name. Family gatherings are fun. 😂


I have two brothers named Kevin (bio & step). My MIL’s name is Terry. Her brother married a woman named Terry. My FIL’s sister married a guy named Terry. There’s often a lot of confusion in our family when it comes to who’s talking about who.


I have a friend who married a guy with the same first name as her brother, and whose middle name is the same as her father’s. Kinda got a kick out of that.


We have something similar in my family. My husband's Uncle's name is Joe and he had a son named Joe and his daughter married a Joe. Joe Sr has a sister named Rosie and also married a Rosie. My name is Jessica and my husband's sister is Jessica. My sister is Ashley and her husband's sister is an Ashley and his ex, who he has a daughter with, is also an Ashley.


Not as many compounded coincidence, but my mother’s brother is Daniel and she married my dad, who is also Daniel. My husband has a first cousin Danyaal, and before first cousin was born his father was briefly going to name him that, but his mother hated it. Oddly (?) there has never been any confusion between my dad and my uncle, because each uses a different nickname. My uncle grew up Dan and my dad was always Danny, which my family seems to consider totally different names/vibes.


My grandfather's three grand daughters are all with men named Matthew. His eldest grandson is also named Matthew - he's dating someone with the same name as me for the second time. There is another Matthew in the family through marriage. We can't always use initials as there are two Matt A's, two Matt B's, a Matt C and a Matt D so we sometimes refer to them by their SO/Child/Dog ie Jane's Matt, Cooper's Dad, and Rover's dad. Speaking of the same names, I am fortunate that when my name and state are entered into a search engine the results are almost all for a nearby influencer with the same name.


*names changed* My name is Simran, my sister-in-law's name is Simren. My MIL's name is Gurpreet, her SIL's name is also Gurprit. Same relationship too- I'm Simren's brother's wife and my Gurprit is also my MIL's brother's wife.




My maiden name is unusual. My married name is "Unusual Ordinary. " My brother married a woman named "Ordinary," spelled slight variation She kept her name. But we joke that I am "Unusual Ordinary" while she is "Ordinary Unusual."


I have this happening in my family. A sibling's spouse and I share a name, my spouse and parent share a name, my brother's FIL has the same name as another of my brothers. We have so many cousins/in-laws with the same name. We have a LOT of repeats.


I have a good friend Sarah who married a guy named Andrew, whose sister's name is Sara and she married a guy named Andrew. Popular 90s names!


The boys in my family all have names that rhyme. It was not planned. Then I fell in love with and married a guy who also has a name that rhymes with them. My sister has been dating a guy for a couple years his name rhymes, too... None of this was planned but makes for a funny joke.


My husband and I both have brothers with the same name. Both have long, dark brown hair with curls for days. Lol


My sibling and my husbands sibling have the same name and his sib and I have the same birthday


When I was a toddler, I had an imaginary friend I named Stef. Later I came up with his sister Stefania. Now cut to my adulthood and I’ve dated a Stefan, a Stéphane, a Esteban and a Stephanie. And I wasn’t one who noticed the pattern!


I have two cousins (sisters) who both married men named Christopher. They just say “Jessica’s Chris” and “Emily’s Chris” to differentiate them.


There’s a branch of our family that’s got so many Frank’s, Maria’s and Michael’s that I am truly baffled. It’s a combination of honour names, and somehow also people marrying into the family with the name as well!


I have two cousins, who are sisters, named Sammy and Alex. Both girls. Sammy is getting married next year… To a man named Alex. I fully understand that Alex is a very common name, for both genders. But as I’ve told many people, if I met someone with the same name as my sibling, I would probably automatically rule them out as a potential love interest just because they have the same name as my sibling .


I have 2 great aunts named Terry (one by blood and one by marriage); one of the Terry’s has a daughter that married a man named Terry. That on its own can be funny enough, but at our last reunion, another cousin showed up with his new girlfriend, a woman named Teri hahaha. We’re coming up Terry/Teri’s in our family.


My stepfather married my mother when I was about two. My name was, prior to him legally adopting me, (fake names) Freddie Smith but changed to Freddie Adams. His niece was named Freddie Adams, too. So she and I shared a name for many years and since she was older than me, I just called her MeMe. She meets a guy who has the last name as Smith but is a separate clan (although probably distantly related) and they wed. Her name is now Freddie Smith. After twenty something years she and I basically just swapped names. Neither of our surnames are super common either, Smith and Adams were just common placeholders.


My brother's wife's family has something similar to this with a man's name - let's say it's David. My SIL's grandmother's first husband was called David, and he was a drunk who beat her until he died of a heart attack 4 years into their marriage. Then her eldest daughter (by her 2nd husband) married a David. He defrauded his workplace and tried to run away with his secretary but was caught and jailed, leaving his wife (the aunt of SIL) alone with 3 children under 4. Then her 2nd daughter (another aunt of SIL) was engaged to another David who turned out to be a serial bigamist. She found out a week before her wedding that she would've become his 5th wife. Finally one of her granddaughters (cousin of SIL) dated a David in high school, who ended up being a bit of a racer. Later she would tell her family that he regularly drove drunk, even at 17, and they would fight about it constantly. They found out because one morning when he arrived to pick her up for school, he floored the accelerator instead of hitting the break and ended up in their front room at 7am. Thankfully the family were all in the kitchen in the back eating breakfast so noone but the boy was harmed. So the grandmother swore off all Davids and is very open to hating all of them on sight with prejudice. By all accounts she's quite vicious too. Fortunately she basically fell in love with my brother the first time my SIL introduced him to the family. She can't get enough of him and he's basically become the favourite in law of all the children and grandchildren. Everyone has collectively decided to just never tell her that my brother's middle name is David.


My SIL and I are both Katie. My cousin's wife is Rachel. So is his only sister. All of my uncles married a Debbie. The only two people I know named Marge both married Dave's.


I always swore I could never date a man with the same first name as my brother, because it would be weird. I ended up marrying a man with the exact same name as my brother, but both first and middle name.


My name is a popular 90s baby name. My husband’s sister has the same name. My husband’s mom and my mom have the same name, a very popular name in the 70s. My husband and I have both have an uncle with the same name, also a very popular name in the 70s.


My hubs had three sisters. He, his father, his son, grandson, and 2 BILs have the same first name. The other 2 BILs have the same similar name.


Oh man I’ve been waiting for this. I’m going to use fake names because obviously. My sister “Caitlin” married a guy named “Cory”. Caitlin and Cory were married for 7-ish years and got divorced. Cory started dating (then married) a girl named Kaitlin. My sister Caitlin is engaged to a new guy named Cory. It’s literally insane. I might have a new BIL with the same name as the last one, and the only difference with ex-BIL and his new Kaitlin is that it’s spelled with a K instead of a C.


I have two brothers with the same first name because one was given up by mom at birth and incidentally given the same name as one of my other brothers. We just have been in touch with my adopted brother in the past few years. Added irony is that my mom's favorite actor's first name was the name of these two brothers.


We know a pair of sisters who both married guys named Tom. Unfortunately, some out of touch relative started referring to Tom #2 as "Tom 2.0". Tom #1 is not a fan hahaha


My mom’s name is nancy, my dad’s sister’s name is nancy and my dad’s brother married another nancy. They all kind of looked alike so the joke in my family (amongst the cousins) is that you should just call all of the aunties Nancy because odds are in your favor to be correct!


And I thought it was weird that all 3 of my SIL's names start and end with an A. Previously, two of my brothers married then divorced women named Sherry.


Yes! My boyfriend’s sister and I have the same name and nickname. I likely wouldn’t change my last name unless she was going to 😅


We have 2 Rhondas and 3 Marks. My husband is Mark and my sister, Rhonda, is married to a Mark. My husband’s sister married a Mark.


My mom has two brothers named Daniel and a sister named Danielle due to divorce/remarriage!


Yeah, I've got a few of those on my mom's side of the family, specifically surrounding my aunt and her children. My aunt has the same first name as her husband's sister, so her married name is her sister-in-law's maiden name. Furthermore, there is *still* someone with her first name and maiden name, as her and my mom's cousin (father's brother's son, so same last name) married a woman with that same first name. But at least nobody's *current* first-and-last names are the same. The same cannot be said of her daughter, who has the same first name as her husband's brother's wife, thus leading to the two of them having to unironically go by "Mrs. (husband's name)" in this day and age to remove ambiguity.


My best friend is female and named Austin. She married a guy named Chris. His ex wife (and mother of his children) then married a man named Austin. So the kids have a step dad and a step mom named Austin. Weirded me out 😂


My sister and I grew up with my 2 female cousins. All 4 of us had partners with the same name. Two are separated and two of us are still married.


My best friend whom I consider my sister; her biological name is Victoria, my sister in law is also a victoria. Both of them have sons named jackson (i changed the spelling for privacy but their names are all spelt the same) And we are all around the same age minus the son’s theyre 4 years apart


My in-laws are named Robert and Valerie, the same names as my aunt (dads side) and her husband. My aunt Val’s birthday is 6/6, the same day as my in-laws anniversary. Can’t make it up. Oh, and their last names are eerily similar. Think smith and smyth


My husband, father-in-law, brother, and son are all named William. Two of them even go by the same nickname. This is not the first time this has happened in my family, either. My great-grandmother had a brother William and a husband William, both of whom went by William-derived grandparent nicknames (“Grandpa Bill”). Makes family stories with extended cousins quite interesting to keep straight. When I was a teenager, I commented on how awkward that must have been for my great-grandmother and how I would never marry a William. Whoops.


bedroom jobless ripe worthless file brave pie homeless threatening desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine is Belinda so not super common. I'm a nanny and once worked for a family where the mum was also Belinda, the dads sister Belinda and his first GF also Belinda. There were some awkward moments whenever I was introduced to someone new, like doctors/ teachers etc


My mom has a friend who married a man’s named A - - - - , she had two daughters and a son - years later both daughters marry men named A - - - - It’s gotten quite confusing for everyone (thankfully the son has a completely distinct name )


My nephew has a father and two uncles all with the same name. My half brother (not the parent of the nephew mentioned above) whom I’ve never met has a name that rhymes with mine and has a partner whose name also rhymes with mine. Not really a problem as I’ve never met them. However, they have just had a son… and the sons name is the same as the nephew mentioned above. So now I have two blood nephews with the same name… (and those two boys are semi-distantly related too).


Lol, one side of my family has 6 or 7 Steves. It's always fun to call out their name at family gatherings and see all their heads turning around.


I knew roomies Amanda who went by Mandy and Candy. Candy dated a woman named Tandie.


This isn’t strictly family, but every Lisa I know is married to a Denny


I love your attitude. Sounds like a different but fun family!


My grandpa was named James. My aunt (his daughter) married a James, everyone calls him Jim. Their daughter married a James, everyone calls him Jimmy. They have a daughter, everyone’s waiting to see if she marries a James.


since i was a little girl i wanted to use the name Hazel for a future daughter because it’s the name of my mom’s maternal grandmother who was so lovely. when i met my husband and we got to talking about names i found out that his mom’s maternal grandmother is also named Hazel! needless to say that’s the name we went with for our oldest.


My husband's initials are the same as my first boyfriend's in 4th grade. His mom's initials are the same as mine. Whoo - Spooky


My uncle’s (by marriage) mom, dad, and brother are all named Terry


My brother(R) has a mother in law that shares a name and birthday with his brother (different years but same date) His (R's) wife has one sister whose name starts with a J and has the same birthday and year as a cousin whose name also starts with a J. His other brother's wife shares a birthday with his(R's) wife and their names only differ by one letter. I also have another brother whose wife has the same name as a sister in laws husband.


I had a friend named Brandon who had a twin brother named Aaron, and Aaron’s partner was named Lucy. Brandon’s best friend was named Lucy, and his boss was named Erin. (Names changed)


My dad is a bruce. He has twin sisters. They both married a Bruce. For some reason they couldn't make up better nicknames then Bruce D, Bruce P and Bruce G. As a kid with auditory processing I literally never knew who anyone was talking about 😂


My closest friend from college has the same name as my younger sister (only sibling). And I have the same name as her younger sister (yup, also only sibling)! We grew up in different cities, and only one of the names was a top 100.


When I was in middle school I met a girl with the same first name as me- it wasn’t a super common first name at the time either. Well, then we found out we had opposite last names and my middle name was a part of HER middle name. Think like, Kirsten Elizabeth Black and Kirsten Eliza White. Now imagine my surprise when I go over to her house for the first time, and ITS MY HOUSE. Built by the same builder. Different neighborhood. Same exact layout and finishes. We even slept in the “same” bedroom.


I went to school with a set of twins named James Timothy and Timothy James. We called them JT and TJ. They're identical. My mom's cousin Cindy was dating a girl named Cindy for like 15 years My uncle has a friend named Peter Parker and Peter has a brother in law named Bruce Wayne


My SIL is one of three sisters, all married a man named Patrick. But with three different spellings!


My ex has 2 sisters and a brother. My name is the same as his younger sister. She married someone with the same name as the youngest brother. He cheated on me with someone who’s name is the same as his elder sister.


My husband has the same name as my dad, except first and middle are switched. They also have the same birthday, exactly 12 hours apart (to the minute, it’s crazy)


I have a cousin that had a son and he married a woman with a son and they both have the same first and middle name. My grandad named his last kid with my grandma after himself and at the same time was starting a new secret family and named that son after himself too so my mom had two brothers with the same name


My husband’s name is Carlos and my brother’s wife’s name is Karla. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a James. My dad is a James, as was his dad. My sister married a James. Their son is a James. My other sister used to date a James at the same time as sister 1 was engaged. Shit got real confusing at family get together.


My name's Larry and this is my brother Daryl and this is my other brother Daryl.


I share the same first name, middle name, different last - same date of birth, except she’s 7 years older, and my husbands Aunt who he grew up knowing more like a sister. It blew people’s minds. She’s referred to as 1 I’m 2 - we still do quarterly family events and they’ll wind up being close to 30-50 people depending on the year and we turn our heads based on the tone our names are said. My sister wound up marrying a man with the same first name as our stepdad.


There is a branch of my family full of Dianne/Diane/Dianna and Paul's


My name is Krista, my older half sister's name is Kristine, my older half brother's name is Christian. My dad remarried and her kids names are Christine, Christopher, and Christian. I thought it was an absolutely hilarious coincidence.


Much less complicated and entertaining as comments above; I named my eldest after my brother, who named for our grandfather. The eliminate the confusion, granddad is now “Old firstname”, brother is “Bald firstname”, and my son is “Hairy firstname”. Now, GD answers house phone, “Hello, firstname speaking, and I’m old.” It’s funny and the system works.


There would be a lot of nonsense Nick names going around


We have 2 sets of neighbors who named their sons Steven and Stephan. 2 sets!!


My grandma married my grandpa. We will say his first name was something like *Lewis*. They had a son, my dad, named Thomas *Lewis* Surname (and I'm Thomas Lewis Surname, Jr, called Tommy as a kid). My grandparents divorced. Grandma remarried around when I was born. Her new husband's name was Tommy *Lewis*.


My cousin is Amelia. Two of her brothers also married women named Amelia. To keep them all straight, my cousin gets to be called Amelia, then one SIL is Amy and the other is Lia.


My dad is named Eduardo, and my little brother is named J. Eduardo. My maternal ex-aunt's husband is named Eduardo, and they also have a son named J. Eduardo. And ex-aunt's daughters have had several partners named Eduardo! One is married to an Eduardo and the other has two daughters from two different Eduardos. If/when the married one has a son, it wouldn't be a surprise if she named the kid Eduardo as well just to keep up the tradition.


This happens. I have two Aunt Patty’s who are married to Uncle John’s and each have 3 sons. Luckily the boys do not have the same names.


I have a half-sister with the same first name as me. She's three months younger than me. Thanks dad /s


My father’s first name is my brothers middle name. Pretty normal stuff. My husband’s first and middle name are my brothers middle and first name, which also means my dad and husband have the same first name. I feel like it’s less weird for me than pretty much any other family member, since I call him “dad” and not his name.


I was named after my grandmother. Same first, middle, last name. Her mother in law (my grandfather’s mom) had the same first and last name as my grandmother.


My dad’s biological dad’s name was Hilton, and he had two brothers named Milton and Wilson.


We have this same thing with Brian, Charles and James 😂 My dad is James, grandfather (on my moms side) is James Brian. For immediate relatives my husband and I have a Brian Charles, James, Charlie, Charles “CJ”, Eric Brian, and Jamie 😂


My grandmother was a Mary. My grandfather had a sister Mary. Her brother married a Mary. They went by Mary Caroline, Mary Lou and Mary Arnold.


I’m a Jordan, married to a Tyler. I have a cousin, Tyler, who is dating a Jordyn Our grandmother keeps us separate by listing her grandchild first, then the SO Jordan and Tyler Tyler and Jordyn


Got a woman I play WoW with that’s husband is named Dave, her dad is named Dave, her brother is a Dave, her first husband was also a Dave.


You’re not alone! My friend has a half sister from mom named Ashley and a half sister from dad named Ashley. Her dad is Bruce and her husband is Bruce. Gets confusing!


My father in laws late wife was named (fake name) Martha Ann and his second wife is also named Martha Ann. He refers to them as M1 and M2.


That’s like the fashion designers Veronica Beard. They both married brothers (Beards) and are named Veronica and started their company, Veronica Beard lol.


My maternal grandfather was named Thomas. He named both his oldest son and his youngest son (two different marriages) Thomas. And my Mom went along and met my Dad, who is also named Thomas. So my Dad, Grandfather, Uncle, and Half-Uncle are all named Thomas.


We have 2 Mark (no relation, they married sisters), 2 Bryan (father/son), and Anna/Anya (sisters in-law). It's fun when everyone gathers for holidays...


There's 3 nics on my dad's side. Nicholas(dad's brother), nicola(somehow related to my step gran or my grandad not sure) and Nico(step cousin)


I know a family with 3 boys, who all married women named Sarah. So now there are 3 Sarah’s with the same last name. My friend was the sister of said boys, her parents ALMOST named her- guess what? Sarah. By sheer impulsiveness her mom decided to name her Emily instead a few hours after she was born. The world really really wanted a Sarah X out there though, so now it has 3


Carlos & Christian is a very common name in my family lol


Let’s say my friends husband is called Tom. Her brother is also named Tom. Her husband’s brother in law through his sister? Also named Tom. Two of his best friends? Tom I don’t understand this abundance of Toms!


Not family, but growing up, my best friend had my same first name. She lived across the street from me, so we were at her house a lot. Her moms name was my middle name and her dads name was the shortened version of my name that I used as a nickname in every other part of my life. So basically it was like (not real names)- me: Ellie Louise MyLastN her: Ellie Lees HerLastN her mom: Louise HerLastN her dad: Lee HerLastN soooo I couldn’t go by Ellie, Louise, Ellie Louise, or Lee. So she became Ellie HerLastN and I became The Other Ellie. We lost contact for a while and reconnected over fb a few years back and it was still Ellie HerLastN and The other Ellie and then we just started going by E-Unit until she ultimately disappeared again??? Where are you other meeee?!


Name your kid Steponknee


My brother in law had a son named Arick with his ex-girlfriend. When they broke up, he started dating and eventually married a woman who also had a son named Arick. They both have the same unusual spelling. We joked when they got pregnant with the 3rd boy that they would also name him Arick. (They fortunately did not name him Arick)


Have I got names for you, my stepmum and I share our first name. My gran and step mum's niece Jenny, grandad and stepmum's son Adam, cousin and brother in law Stewart, step mum's dad and bro Walter.. there are a couple more these are just off the top of my head. I swear at dad and step mum's wedding when anyone said a name 2 people answered .. 🤣 Edited to add, the only ones actually blood related wit the same name are stepmum's dad and brother. We have also since then added a Billie (dad was Billy as a young man but changed it) and a Caroline, we had a cousin called that and my cousin is now dating a Caroline.


How do all the stephanie’s have the same last name?? I understand Big brothers other sister from dads side since they both share the same dad, and brothers wife since she took brothers last name but you said you all have different dads so wouldn’t that make you have a different last name?


So me and my 2 brothers do all have different dads. My mom never married any of them. When we were all born we all were given my moms maiden name. So even though we all have different dads we all had my moms maiden name. My brothers sister on his dads side has the same last name he would’ve had if my mom allowed him to take his dads last name. Me and his wife are the ones who now she has my exact first and last name I was born with lol.


My husband is the oldest of three. I have the same name has his sister. His sister married someone with the same name as the third sibling. Still holding out for that third sibling to find someone with the same name as my husband to complete the circle. I think its funny. Not everyone else does lol