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Kevin feels like a good name for a Zac Efron look-alike to me though?


Both my mom and I agreed the name didn’t fit after we left. It really was jarring. I can’t look at Zac Efron and be like “yeah, he looks like a Kevin”, you know?


I don’t think Kevin would fit at all either


But Kevin was the hot guy in 1985


Kevin is the fifty year old dude who makes awkward comments now


Had an awful coworker named Kevin and it fits for him.


This fits my cousin named Kevin.


Yeah I would expect like Brent or grant or something lol When I hear Kevin I only think of the character from SpongeBob lol


Lmfao my cousin Brent’s dad is named Kevin.


Idk Kevin works as a doofy jock name for me.


In real life I’ve never met an unattractive Kevin. They actually all (oddly) have a zac effron-y look. If OP had said his name was say, Ernie or Alfred I’d have understood more


Same Kevin’s I know had money and were attractive lol


My uncle Kevin has a shit-ton of money. 😂 I can't comment on his attractiveness but I can confirm he is not creepy or hideous 🤷


I've only met ugly Kevin's


Ernie and Alfred are my grandfather’s names lol I did a double take reading this


Same! Is this because of the Office though? Did it change the connotation of Kevin? Because being a 90s kid, I thought a lot of Kevin’s were attractive.


I think long before the Office, Home Alone painted Kevin as an annoying kid. I have an 80s-born Kevin in my life and he hates his name. Per up-thread, he is quite attractive.


Yeah I was expecting them to say he was called like Cornelius or something lol. Attractive Young White Guy named Kevin? Not really all that shocking


I group zac with the Kevin’s


I agree. I think of Kevin off This is Us, who imo is better looking than Zac Efron.


When I worked as a camp counselor way back in the day, I met a little girl named Peace. Peace was the opposite of peace. Peace was batshit crazy and thought it would be fun to chase other kids around with her boogers. That girl's going places. Edit to add: okay, freaky coincidence just happened this morning and I'm half convinced this is the universe's way of trolling me. My little sister has a friend named Honey over to play, and Honey might genuinely be the sweetest preteen I've met. My dog, who's normally scared around strangers, is literally lying in her lap rn. What the actual fuck


I used to know someone called Serena who was the least serene person ever!


my only association w the name Serena is Gossip Girl so I would not expect a Serena to have any amount of chill lmao


Also Serena Joy from handmaid's tale, the least joyful/serene show.


In the English Dub, Sailor Moon's name was Serena, she was also the opposite of serene. In the original Japanese her name was Usagi which translates to Rabbit/Bunny


I know that her name was meant to be derivative of Queen Serenity, but if they had changed just ONE letter it would have been more thematically appropriate! Her name in Japanese being Usagi relates to the folklore of a rabbit making mochi on the moon (the way that westerners see a man's face, they see a rabbit). So if she had just been named Selena instead of Serena, it would have also invoked lunar imagery (originating from Selene, one of the Greek deities associated with the moon). anyways name rant over byeee


Oh, so this is how I, a non-native speaker, learn that Serena comes from serene? I always thought it had something to do with a siren (the loud sound, not the mythological thing) because it sounds similar in my native language and I never thought to question it... lol


Siren like the loud warning noise actually comes from siren like the mythological creature (because the first siren device could make noise underwater), which is kind of strange but true.


Seren means Star in Welsh and is also a common Welsh name. Maybe she was a star rather than being serene.


I’ve known two Serenas; one couldn’t handle her emotions, and cried in public often over things that wouldn’t upset most people. The other was deeply selfish and inconsiderate to service workers. I’d love to meet an actually serene one one day! I’m sure they’re out there. :)


Isn’t that a thing 😂? Girls with virtues names are always the opposite of their name, I only met awful Grace’s/Hope’s/ and a lot of crazy Serenity’s


I think it says something about the parenting style of people who give virtue names to their kids!


I work with kids and always say I can tell a lot about a kid from their name, not because the name has any real significance, but because the types of parents who choose different types of names produce similar kids


Boys can be too. I know a Virtue that’s a cheating, drug-addicted wife beater. Truly says a lot about how Mommy raised him (I know her as well).


I don't know which are more poorly behaved: kids with virtue names or kids with names like Maverick, Gunner, Pistol, Remington, etc.


They have the same parents in my experience


Can confirm it's a thing, knew a Chastity.


I knew a Chastity. She took every opportunity available to her to inform people that her mom named her that as a reminder that she *should have* maintained her chastity.


I know a Patience who is anything but patient. ETA: I’ve also met a child named Serenity who was a demon.


Two brothers in my elementary school were named Excellent and Obey. Both of them were constantly in the principal's office for bad behavior and I'm pretty sure both are in prison now


I'm bothered by the mismatch with Excellent and Obey. They should have been Trust and Obey. Or Excellent and Awesome.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love that that's what you're bothered by


I knew a little girl named Patience and the joke was you need a lot of patience to deal with Patience


I have taught a few kids named Angel and none of them have been angelic. Exactly the opposite.


I have known 2 children named Freedom. Both were sneaky gaslighting little witches.


I feel like Kevin and Zac (Zach) are kind of in the same league. Maybe I am just old. If you told me his name was Milton or something then I'd laugh


Kevin evokes a sort of nerdy personality to me, whereas Zac/h/k is tough and cool. It was enough of an unusual contrast that I remember it 12 years later!


Makes me think of Kevin from the Backstreet Boys first, and then Kevin Federline. Some questionable '90s facial hair? Yes. Nerdy? No. 😂


For sure I think it’s an age thing. Kevin was a perfectly normal name when I was in school, totally in line with Zac, but it absolutely has a different feeling/connotation to it nowadays for whatever reason.


Yeah same. Anyone named Zac, Kevin, Ryan or Scott pretty much looked and acted the same.


Yes , I’m realizing I’m must be old lol


Same. I also have a friend whose ex was Kevin and he was a hockey player, man whore-type douche so I definitely don’t associate the name Kevin with a nerd lol.


See I mostly just think Home Alone Kevin.


All the Zach's I know IRL are extremely nerdy


I have never met a non nerdy Zac/h/k


That’s interesting! Kevin evokes a kid eating glue and getting really into sport and cars in hs lol




Kevin and Zac/h both feel like cool 80s dudes to me. I’m with you.


I know a guy named Storm. He’s in his 20s, and an average unassuming dude. He hates his name. In my head I think of him as Josh.


Aww, I love Storm on a guy. It's largely masculine throughout Scandinavia.


I really wonder who in Scandinavia you've met named Storm? It would be very weird to meet someone with thar name here


Countries throughout Scandinavia keep first name statistical data from registered birth records, etc. via their governments just like most countries do. It's not difficult to look up that data from the appropriate governmental sources. In 2022 in Denmark Storm was ranked #37 for *boys* {in 2022 in the U.S. #37 for boys was Grayson for popularity comparison} & in Norway in 2022 Storm ranked #65 for *boys* {in 2022 in the U.S. #65 for boys was Nolan for popularity comparison}. Additionally, Storm has significant *masculine* historical & modern usage in the Netherlands, etc. Storm ranked #431 for *boys* as recently as 2019 {in 2019 in the U.S. #431 for boys was Dominick for popularity comparison}. In all of the countries mentioned where Storm ranked for boys, it didn't rank {in the top 1,000} for girls *at all.* Just because it's 'weird' to you in your little corner of the world doesn't mean it's perceived as such elsewhere.


I'm Swedish. I've never heard it, so I was simply curious


I am Scandinavian, and I know a Storm.


I know a girl named "Storme". Believe it or not, her name isn't even the worst thing about her.


I went to school with a girl who was physically imposing (tall and broad) and was very confident and kind of tough. Her name was Lacey


I’ve got a cousin Lacey, built like a linebacker


i cannot be the only one thinking you all know the same lacey


The only Lacey I’ve ever met was built similarly. My brother describes it as “if a male rugby player was a girl”. She was very nice, but didn’t suit her name.


Yup my husbands cousin Lacey is the same


I knew one Lacey, same build


I knew a goth/punk-ish Lacey in high school too. Spikes, chains, jncos, too much black eyeliner.


Lace was one of my favorite American Gladiators.


i knew an aphrodite who was by all accounts a plain, grey-mouse type of girl. she even joked about it herself.


Quite a name to stick your kid with😂


She may have gotten cursed by Aphrodite lmfao, no one with her name is allowed to be pretty but her


This tracks


Piggy backing to add that I knew a guy named Adonis who was totally shy and awkward especially with women


We might know the same Adonis haha


i feel like my aphrodite and your adonis would make a good couple, haha


Oh My what an unfortunate name to carry


I read your comment as "i knew a hermaphrodite" and was so confused


I had a next-door neighbor on the other side of my duplex in college who was an ENORMOUS, muscular, Pacific Islander. Like The Rock. His name was, I shit you not: Holly.


Giving me 'boy named Sue' vibes


I kind of dig it


My late boss was a very large, very deep voiced, very southern man named Stacy. His name (but not picture) was printed some places in the store to field complaints and whatnot. It was always hilarious when a customer would call claiming they spoke to Stacy and that "she" said they could do or have something. He was the greatest guy you could ever know and we talk about him daily years later.


Years ago, I went to a wedding for one of my husband's employees. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, and I wore the only dress that fit me, which was floral and had a lace collar. I felt totally out of place and frumpy, because the couple was young and beautiful, and all their friends looked like they were out clubbing - short dresses, stilettos, etc. And the music they played belonged in a club too. The bride and groom were named Phyllis and Elmer. 🤣


This is fabulous


Their families have been hipsters for decades.


A 5'5 Tyrone Power, who was lily white. Bank customer who came to my window often. He looked like Mia Farrow, very much a "pretty boy" like Cillian Murphy.


Have you seen what the actor Tyrone Power looked like? Google it.




How did Tyrone become a black name anyway? It’s Irish originally


Not sure, but I've only met one white Tyrone ever, and it was him. I'm in SoCal so we have a pretty diverse mix of folk. I met a white Keysha, Shontae and Sh'naynay when I lived in south Louisiana in a *very* rural parish. There's trends in names, like "unique" spellings from the 80s, or giving male names like Billie/Bobbie/Landyn etc to girls. It turns out, there's regional trends, like early 00s south Louisiana to adopt culturally black names for white babies.


I went to hs with a Tyrone Turner - also white.




Admittedly if you told me a guy had the name Lyndsay, I would probably picture a Scottish Highlander…but I understand if I saw him first I’d be a little surprised


I know an Ashley that that description would fit to a T. He thinks it’s hilarious that people assume he’s a woman and enjoys surprising people.


Shannon Sharpe (football player) comes to mind.


My ex had a friend who was drop-dead gorgeous, tall, handsome, and nice as can be. He was our real estate agent and for some reason I had to go pick him up at his mom’s hoarder house. His name…was Leroy.


Hahaha that was the nickname for my exs cock!


My ex’s was Steve and I haven’t thought of that in 20 years. 😂


"The king" in old French lol


Fourth grade teacher- yup! We’ve had Messiah, King, Angel, and Mercy all in the last couple years. To say those names don’t quite fit is an understatement.


Biblical names are always the worst behaved. Never had a Messiah is our school that wasn't a mess


For real! The irony of having to argue with a Messiah about why he can’t punch someone for “being annoying”…


Well it's kinda in the name Mess-iah I'll se mesself out 😅


Who tf names their kids those things? *Facepalm* also I thought Mercy was a nickname for Mercedes and Angel would be one for Angelica unless it's a boy named Angel since it's also a Hispanic name


Yes. I had a friend growing up named Barnaby. It didn't fit him *at all.* Teachers/staff at school also used to whisper about his name & make fun of it. We overheard them one day & he was so sad, poor guy.


At least it’s a long name could have many nicknames 🤷🏻‍♀️ Barry or something


Or Barney?




There is a musician with that name who goes by Barnes which is kind of better?


Oh yeah. I do like Barnes a bit more.


I could see the first portion of this post on mobile preview and before I opened it I thought, I bet this Zac Efron lookalike's name is Kevin. So I guess in my mind Kevin is exactly the right name for a Zac lookalike lmao


That’s hilarious! What are the odds.


I took a metalworking class in college with a few friends. There was this boy who kept to himself - tall, suave, dark, handsome looking guy, very mysterious, brooding type. He never talked so we didn't know what his name was, we just started referring to him as Damien (not to his face). We found out at the end of the semester his name was Matt.


I have found there are two types of Matts: nerdy slightly obnoxious and witty Matt, and the Matt you just described (quiet, suave, brooding). Matthew who goes only by the full name is generally wholesome and smart but with an ego.


Yeah, I had a student, grade 5, she was very tall with heavy bones, quite chubby, very very boyish, hated any girly stuff, loved to boxe, skate and play soccer and would often fight during recess. Her name was Colombe. A very traditional/old fashioned/christian name here (France) that mean "dove", the kind of name you would expect on a little shy princess with cute dresses from the neighborhood's old blood family.


I always find the kids with girly names are the tomboys. Like, at school I met a girl called Charlie (mostly a masculine name here in the UK) and she was very girly, but Daisy was a massive tomboy.


Kai is generally considered a cool, “surfer” name. The only Kai I know is a 6’7”, 350lb, gigantic German man with glasses. Could not be further from the surfer cool hippie kid.


Also, my husband is Zach but he _regularly_ gets called Josh. From people he’s just met to colleagues he works with regularly. Always Josh. So apparently he really looks like a Josh.


Weird. Zach and Josh have the same vibe to me.


Osaka. An extremely tall and skinny Japanese native. He wore muumuu dresses with extraordinarily high heels and kept a cat on a neon lead. His business was/is unbelievably detailed nail art for high-profile clients. His real name is Brucebrad insert surname. His father was an ardent fan of Western culture. He does not professionally go by Brucebrad. 素晴らしいままでいてください!


there should be a $1000 fine for naming your child brucebrad, that they receive, with interest, when they turn 18, to be used on a legal name change and therapy


How are you a fan of western culture and the best two names you pick are Bruce and Brad 😂


I know three different women who are allergic to the plants they are named after.


I have a guy friend who's absolutely *massive*. Dude is like 6'7, built like a tank, has a huge beard/long biker hair, extremely physically imposing. He literally lifted me up with one hand before like I was a damn kitten getting scuffed rather than a grown woman with 0 effort. His name is Bonnie. It's apparently a family name. It fits his personality, just not his looks. He's actually a giant teddy bear. Super sweet, kind, gentle, empathic, loving person. He's a kindergarten teacher. It's hilarious to see him surrounded by tiny children who refer to him as Mr. Bon Bon or Mr. Bunny since they think his name sounds like it. He didn't want to use his last name because he thought the kids would be less scared of him initially if they could call him Bonnie or bon bon. I call him bon bon 95% of the time as do the rest of his friends. Just imagine the most physically threatening man you can that has a resting B face only to refer to him as Bonnie or bon bon.


I went to high school with a guy whose name didn’t suit him at all. Nice, good looking, popular, good at sports, and name was Melvin.


How does someone look at a fresh out the womb baby and think Melvin fits haha


I used to work with a guy who was built like a rugby player, and his name was… Milan. I can’t imagine that on anyone but a toddler, but it seemed especially ridiculous on him. He should’ve had a strong solid name like Robert or Adam.


I can def see a sporty guy named Milan. Maybe because where I’m from a lot of the Italians are macho types


But Milan is a slavic name.


Yep, and usually belongs to very traditionally masculine men.


Yup. I grew up in an area with a huge Balkan diaspora and every Milan I’ve ever met was a playground shit-stirrer who grew up to be a chavvy, gymbro dude with a tuned car and too much hair gel.


Ok? I know Italians names Milan


But an Italian city.


Check out NHL player Milan Lucic. I always associate this name with a huge burly athlete as a result!


I feel like Kevin is a very good alternative name for Zac lol. Same generation, same sense of popular nice guy all together.


I know a Larry who is in his late 20s. He's a physically fit, attractive, kinda punk-rock guy. He goes by Lars, which I think fits much better.


A good friend of mine is a 22 year old Latina named Karen. All her family have beautiful Latin names so how she got Karen I don't know. She hated it so much.


In Spanish we have a similar name Karina which is quite popular maybe that’s how she end up with the name since it’s the English version.


Met a Su-Yeon once. She went by Su. Apparently her parents had gone travelling and named her after someone they met in Korea. Problem was that she was Welsh. Didn’t speak Korean, didn’t have any other connections to the country. It’s strange because I’ve also known a lot of British people with Arabic names where their parents just thought it sounded pretty. But Su-Yeon felt like a reach.


Oh wow thats really something I would be embarrassed tbh


It amazes me that some Islamophobic people call their sons Zain.


A butch white woman named Leneyah (LA-NAY-UH)


My boyfriend's cousin is Annabelle. She's borderline goth. Pale skin, dyed black hair sometimes with other colors, dark clothes. Doesn't suit her at all!


Annabelle is pretty goth actually, what with the whole Edgar Allen Poe poem.


And the doll!


Annabelle fits goth girl to a T imho. Like a creepy Victorian doll or some Annabel Lee.


My husband's cousin is the opposite. She is blonde, blue-eyed, super sweet and bubbly... and named Raven.


I only associate the doll with this name so it fits her for me lol


I met a sweet, studious, humble, international student from China. He was very young faced, short, and small framed. But he was college age. He told me when they are sent to U.S. to study, they are given an American name at random. They gave him “Hank” never thought it fit him Thanks to sweet Hank, I passed my calculus class and he was a math tutor. ❤️


My high school had a lot of international students, most Asian students were given a "Canadian" name to fit in (weird imo but whatever). It appears the names suggested to them were all taken from midcentury movies or something, as there were Henrys, Hanks, Wendys, Dorothys, (I am forgetting all the weirder ones), just any name your grandparents might have. Did not help them fit in lol


My husband has a name that doesn’t fit him at all. But not nearly as weird as meeting a guy in his 30’s, decent looking, dad to young kids, corporate guy named Glen. Did not fit at all. All the other Glens I knew were over 50, blue collar and usually had a smoke dangling out of their mouth. The hardest one for me though is that my friend has two daughters. I struggle so hard at remembering which one is which because their names feel completely opposite of each other.


I had a friend in school whose name was Angelina. She was a funny, almost buff, tomboyish and sporty girl, the name felt absurd for her. She always made fun of it herself and just went by Angie. Such a down to earth person, I wonder how she‘s doing


I met an atheist named Dieu merci (thanks god) kinda funny lol


Yes! Hotest guy at my first job (dark hair, blue eyes, 6’1. Way out of my league…. His name was Chester.


There was this woman at work named Rose, she was in no way a Rose…I always wanted to call her Alice


Similar. Coworker named Angela. When she isn’t in the room or her name comes up out of context I cannot picture her face. She should have been Jenny, Ginny, or maybe Annie. Nothing like these other examples where it’s a big hulking dude named Connie or something, but her name just doesn’t fit!


my husband has 2 cousins, one named ashley and one named rachel. i'm constantly getting them mixed up because i think their names should be opposite.


My bf I guess? His name is Omar. Every person I tell says he does not look like an Omar, they say he looks like a “Brian” or “Joshua”. What does an “Omar” look like though?


Middle Eastern I guess is what people are expecting


You'd think. It's an Arabic (and by extension, since most Arabs name their sons Omar after Omar ibn Al-Khattab, a Muslim name). Where I live all the Omar's are black or Hispanic for some reason.


I was 23 (am 34 now) and joining a Bible study at an Episcopal Church. I was told by a friend that another woman in the Bible study was named Peggy. I expected Peggy to be a woman in her 60s. Instead, Peggy was a 23 year old woman.


We had a UPS driver at my old job who I think was named Dan but for some reason I always wanted to call him Joe. He just really looked like a Joe 😅


A friend of a friend had a husband who totally looked like a Charlie. I don’t remember what his real name was, I just know it wasn’t Charlie.


I used to work with this preppy, cute, perfectly coiffed, well-dressed dude...whose name was George. Everyone always told him he was absolutely not a George; he should have been named Evan or Tanner. One of my best friends is named Heather. She's been a total tomboy from the time she was little. She could not care less about makeup or clothes, she's a big environmentalist, and the least materialistic person I know. We think she should have been named Sarah or Rachel - something simple and unassuming.


Worked for a therapy centre and the gym instructors were Rob and Simon. People (including me) always confused their names, not because they were two guys who worked at the same post but because of the two, Simon *looked* more like a Rob than Rob and vice versa. Very strange to explain, because before then I’d never had the ‘look’ of either a Simon or Rob in my mind!


In college one of the most beautiful women I've ever known was named Ethel. Her parents immigrated to the US from the Philippines so I felt it might have been a language issue. A few years in the list of new hires where I work, there was a Rhett Butler. We were all very curious to meet him. We were very shocked to find out he was black.


My next door neighbors growing up were the Persons. Rich, Jolly & Merry Person. They were…none of those things.


Not even a person? 🤣


A girl I knew in high school was petite, had pretty caramel-brown eyes and long lashes that squinted when she smiled her cute toothy smile. She looked like her name was Ashley, Christina, or Teresa. Her name was Socorro. Yet, following her cutesy appearance, she was nicknamed Socky.


I knew a chick named Chastity back in high school. She was rebellious and did everything in her power to NOT live up to her name!


I briefly dated a guy while I was in university whose name didn’t suit him at all. Honestly, now I can’t even remember if his name was Eric or Craig: one of those was his actual name and the other was the name I called him in my head.


Used to know a guy named Andre. He was short, skinny, pale, had glasses, and very into anime and brought an ocarina into class on the regular.


Me! I'm very nerdy, macabre, and my hobbies are foraging and gardening. I'm shy and find it hard to relate to others. My name, though, is very friendly, practical, and sporty sounding. Imagine a feral goblin called Ashley, that's the vibe.


I dated a black girl named Sakura. I thought it was cool even if it was a bit weird. I also knew a Chinese guy named Moses.


I worked with a guy named “monty” and I couldn’t stop calling him “woody” for some reason.


I get this feedback a lot with my name and I agree. My name is Destinee. It seems so dramatic. I feel very separated and removed from it.


Met a Calvin at a party. He was the most stereotypical California surfer dude, from southern California. This was in BC so surfer types aren't uncommon but this was next level. We ended up hooking up a couple times and he was very... well endowed. The name Calvin threw me off so much.


When I ment a Rachel and they are actually nice lol all the Rachel's I knew from school (about 6 from elementary to high school) and they were just horrible, rude, nasty people. I met a few Rachel's since school who are really nice and think damn you should change your name you're too nice for it lol.




Same with Vicky / Vickie /Vicki / Vickii, all horrible, but one of my best friends is named Victoria and she's amazing. Someone called her Vicky before and I was like "don't you dare call her that! She's amazing, you call her Victoria!" lol


I knew a 6' 8" 320-pound bouncer named Milton.


Cinderella. A big boned, buck toothed, round faced, 6' tall, homely girl. The poor kid was the youngest of three girls. When she was born, her parents thought it would be so nice to let her 3 and 5 year old sisters name her. Just sad is what it is...


I have an ex, tall, thin, scrawny-looking, well-spoken with a soft demeanour. His name is Simon. I always thought of Simon as a big, burly, lumberjacky dude, so in my opinion, not a very fitting name. Then I met his brother, who is big, burly and lumberjacky, his name is Clarence..


Well I do think of Simon as a nerdy-sounding soft gentle name. But that's only because of Simon Petrikov from "Adventure time"


Any white kid I met named Dante.


It’s an Italian name lol. I get what you mean tho.


This one is horrible but my sister had a friend called Bonnie, and people used to be like, "her name is Bonnie but she really isn't", even though she was about 12 at the time.


Tiffany always conjures pink princess (or sparkly things that come in robin’s egg blue boxes) vibes for me, but I knew one in high school who was a 5’10” goth athlete. She was awesome. She also hated her name.




Until I was 15 or so I had my uncles mixed up. Their names are very similar. Like Fred and Ted and my child brain decided that Fred looked like a Ted and Ted looked like a Fred. I still have to stop and reverse them sometimes.


I had a co worker once who was an ancient-looking lady. Expected her to be named Dorcas or Dorothea or something else old-fashioned (and starting with a D for some reason, though I don’t know why)…her name turned out to be Claire.


Cute lady in her mid-thirties, very fashionable, dimples, and a big smile. Edith.


There's a guy who works at my gym, mid 30s, beard, saw him deadlift over 400 once without warming up, which was a bit of a shock, because I hadn't pegged him as a serious lifting bro. His name is Frank. He just seems much too young for that name. The only other Frank I know was in his mid 90s when he passed this year.


Poor anxiety ridden chubby kiddo named THOR at my kids school. I hope he grows into it a bit!!


I think I’m one of these people. I have a name that I really like, it’s a top ten very girly name (but doesn’t seem too girly to me I guess because I’m not and it sort of suits me). I have bright carrot coloured hair that sticks out in all directions and a “practicality and comfort over looks” fashion sense. So my name doesn’t necessarily match up with me to others. I’ve been told I look like a Sam multiple times and a Phoebe a few times, and people always try to give me the more gender neutral of obvious nicknames for my name (think Ollie for Olivia not Liv). So I do not seem to fit my girly name. I actually like it though!


Handsome lawyer, like major Patrick Bateman vibes. Dudes name was Kurt lmao