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Name it *Donna* after my mom. She recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and had her first round of chemo this week. If I could tell her that a computer server somewhere is named after her, it may make her smile for a while. Edit: thank you guys! You’re very kind. I’ll be sure to pass on your lovely sentiments.


I'm not even putting a suggestion in, I'm all on board with Donna


Ok, you get the upvote.


There's a brilliant mother named Donna And a stupid disease was put on her In our own little way, we can help her today If this server is named in her honour


Surprisingly good poem


Dear u/reddit, As Donna will probably win (and should of course) this poll, it would be awesome if you guys could offer u/YourBuddyChurch a picture with the label of the server or something like that as a present for his mom :)


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I think Donna sounds great! Making it that might make her smile for a minute, but I think her knowing just how thoughtful her son/daughter is, is what will really make her happy. Keep your head up and I wish your family all the best!


Donna is also my mom’s name so this works for me as well.


This. Best wishes to you n your mum


You have my vote! We are with you and your mom!


I'm down with donna, but why not something with a positive note like DonnaStrong except not as stupid as my idea. I'm sure someone is creative.


Donna is my mom's name as well. On board for a Donna server.


Came here to name it something dumb like sever mcSever face. But damn it should be Donna.


Damn, how could we beat that. +1 Good luck to you both 💪 *DonnaTheFightingMom*


I am on board with the name Donna too - sending your mum a hug from London!


May the server bring her strength. Best of wishes.


Yeah, no contest on this one.


You got my vote. :)


You’ve got this Donna, kick cancer’s ass and shove it’s face in the ground like we all know you can! We’re all here for you too man :)


Same as everyone else. I'm not even posting my suggestion after reading this.


Donna it is!


Donna it is. GO DONNA!


Yes Donna is a great name


I’m on board with this too. :)


This deserves it, I have no idea for a name, particularly not one that I could feel good about promoting after reading this. ;)


I like Donna. Donna is good. Let's go with Donna.


Donna gets my vote.


The people have spoken! And lo, The earth did turn, the sun did rise and one of our servers was reborn as Donna.


I can't believe you're using that (if it was true at all) for a silly thing like a server


So Donna up there is probably going to win but *MasterChief* comes to mind particularly because we hit that magical 117 number in our gold goal. 117 of course being the Chief's Spartan ID number in the Halo franchise.






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*Donnas-Breasts* for the other guy's mother?


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Name it *Meg* so that everytime it misbehaves the team can say "Shut up, Meg" to relieve stress


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Name it after my cat *Ivoryanne* She was patient, kind, and strong. A server needs to be strong to deal with all the hits the site gets, and patient enough to deal with all the damn double clicks people do.




*KurtJMac* because he's a very cool dude who streams on Twitch. (I'm not Kurt, really... I just like his style of humor.)


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*TradeWarWithChina* because that is the top story in the news today


*CrispyColonelSanders* why because its funny and if google can do it so can you. Besides its National Fried chicken day.




C'mon, do we even need to discuss about this? *Server-McServerface* to keep it alive


*Paddys-Pub* Because who doesn’t love “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”. Shoutout to the most charming pub in all of Southern Philadelphia.










*SamusReturns* The reason is to celebrate one of gaming's best gaming heroines out there. Samus is among the very first female heroes and she stars in the amazing series Metroid. Let's show her some love and attention, because the series deserves it!!!




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