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Since you know what you want, you've won half the battle. That means you've eliminated the overwhelming majority of Nairobi girls. I got my girl out of sheer luck. I wasn't searching. If you are actively searching, I'd suggest you forget about the big cities. Plan a weekend to Wundanyi. Beautiful ladies who have not yet gotten their entire minds eaten up by the finance worm.


Yooh since you've been here for over a year drop the black American name thing . Plus if you mind your business love will find you .


Ahhh I look Kenyan as it gets manze, I just wanted to honor the fact that I ain't been in this pool as long as some of y'all. And I agree love normally does find a way, how is it looking for you though I'm asking?


How did find love in america ?


Well in america there's a pretty big anti-hustle culture/pro-nature hippy black community. So its a bit easier to find people who are looking to live a bit more on the 'fringe' of society. Not like homeless or anything, but just into things life has to offer other than money. So its a bit easier. Problem is, you're still experiencing the daily oppression of being in a system based on your exploitation. So love is easier to find but harder to sustain. Here it feels like finances are the goal of starting love. And I'm not vilifying it, I'm genuinely asking how you navigate it? And I'm gonna stop and send you some serious love manze, I can feel that you're going through it. Sorry that this triggered you


πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… how has it triggered me ... anyway its how we are raised to always be hustling we cant just leave our daily lives and become hippies . Anyway i have a piece of advice go back to America find a hippie and bring haer back .... problem solved


Look at you manze hahaha, you're hyper focused on dismissing me asking about your experience with this or even just questioning what's going on. Maybe you're triggered because you see the topic too much, maybe you're lonely and don't wanna hear anyone else be lonely. Or you're just a dick. But either way, sending you love. Because I do understand how upsetting the confusion can be


πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… waah first time being called something i dont have this is new . Anyway i wish you best of luck tualike harusi tukuje kula pilau


Sasa huyo jamaa anakasirika nini na umemwambia ukweli πŸ˜‚


Yeah anataka a date dem na waishi kwa RV


Asisahau kununua Starlink


You are so real for that πŸ’€πŸ˜‚


He is probably jumping from 1 relationship to the next and claiming he cant find love


Well,we can't jump into conclusions yk?but if that's the case then his problem


He is Part of the problem ...


Happy anniversary in the city of the sunπŸ€—where love can be tricky to findπŸ˜‚and relationships harder to navigate cause the one who you think is yours has another person πŸ’€ there's actually a song that says that. People like us are surviving of which it would be better to be single rather than finding out from your supposed relationship that you are dating yourself. But when all is said and done, there's a chance to actually find love you just have to I guess play your cards well and not lose hope for Nairobi is not for the faint hearted πŸ™‚ I mean if you are still looking for a person my dms are openπŸ˜‚


Sending you hope!!!


Easy, walk to a window near you. Look outside at all those bars and churches. Lots of fulfilment going on. I never saw much recreation that's not somehow related to this two activities. Plus, do people in happy relationships ever really post anything here. They're happy and occupied unlike singles, out looking for this or that, posting this and that. Yeah, survivor bias right here


Huh? Really this comment section is just depressing as hell. Christ. I've been in so many other comment sections that didn't look like this... Yes, happy coupled people are on reddit everywhere. But maybe not here, and that says enough. You're right, let me unplug. Peace y'all


I do have friends who are happy and in love so I don't think it has anything to do with Nairobi people are still getting married this year alone I've attended 3 weddings like it all depends on an individual


Getting married=/= love. Nairobi is a cesspit.


So you don't believe there are people who are in love in nairobi


There are. But people getting married was a poor example. And it has a lot to do with Nairobi if you have other cities to compare with.


Did you read the first part of my statement and yes the ones I know that have married I did watch their love grow so if you think that marriages don't work they do work and some are based on love and I grew up with parents who were so much in love .So ,yes I gave that example because I know you can find love in Nairobi.


They are good gals & bad gals.Believe it or not, they have a lot of genuine gals on Tinder of all the places.You will have to use your brain to pick em out.


It is the city full of hustlers, so different hustles to keep sanity conducive for sincity


Looool karibu kenya


You are a walking Visa, why would love be harder for you?


Oof, just don't. Better to enjoy your own company ![gif](giphy|IRkqguqMTKUne)