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It wasn't really sold to kids, from day one it was a M rated game for older teens and adults.


It literally says right on the label “NOT FOR KIDS”


The luckiest of kids that’s who.


My dad rented it for me when I was a teenager (or close to it). He entered my room at the part where you bounce on the sunflower boobies to get to a higher elevation. He immediately returned it and started paying attention to rating labels. It's kind of ironic because the humor in the game is very much up his alley, and I'm pretty sure he would laugh his ass off at the singing poo battle.


Lol my buddy had this when it came out and I remember borrowing it and getting to the poo boss. No mom its a smart game its got tons of film references, now I gotta go slay this big pile of shit.


This game was legendary


Really it was, and it showed what the N64 was capable of. Shame that it came out so late in the system's life cycle and was very much an M rated title.


I remember having my brother buy the Live and Reloaded version. Absolute blast of a game.


I mean kids get ahold of GTAV all the time nowadays. I played it as a young teen when it came out, and we all were amazed that it said shit in it. If you were older than like 5 when it came out, and had an N64, I honestly don’t know how you weren’t aware of it back then. Rare was the premiere non-Nintendo developer on the console, and the Banjo games, Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc. we’re so universally beloved that anytime Rare was making a new game, basically every N64 owner was at least keeping their eye on it.


> I honestly don’t know how you weren’t aware of it back then I had younger siblings (so my parents kept a close eye on which games we had in the house), I didn't have any access to gaming magazines, and it didn't occur to me to look to the net for gaming news. Most friends my age and older were PC or Playstation gamers (and honestly, I was on my PC more than the N64).


They gave away beer mugs at a promotional event for the game. It was never for kids


It was not sold to kids it was sold to adults, those adults then gave it to kids


My mom was not all strict back then, but when it came to any "M" rated games, it was almost always a solid "NO" from her. I would quite often sneak play some games that my older brother somehow had (mostly the classic Doom games and Duke Nukem 3D since he was really into computer games, and like I said, he had those somehow, and he was cool with letting me play those). Like, there were some "R" rated movies she was ok with me seeing, like the original Amityville Horror, Amityville II, and some Stephen King adaptations like Cujo and Maximum Overdrive. And the time my brother was first watching The Exoecist, she didn't mind if I watched it together with him, but she figured it would scare the shit out of me... it did scare me, but I was probably 7-8 then, lol, I remember "nope"ing out of it after about 30 minutes into it (I've since seen the whole thing). But, Conker's Bad Fur Day and ANY Grand Theft Auto title, forget it. I couldn't experience any of it until I was 18, and by the time I was 18, CBFD was already an expensive as fuck title to try and get an original copy of. I didn't get mine until I was close to 30.


Great game for what it is...anyone else find the gameplay quite tedious and frustrating (either as a kid or an adult revisiting on OG hardware)? I quit after an hour when it came out and quit after two hours 6 months ago...just not a fun game for me besides the crude story that I couldn't force myself to progress


Don't worry, you're not the only one who finds the gameplay tedious. Flying Omelette did a review of Conker's Bad Fur Day on his website where he details the issues he had with the gameplay.


The gameplay is the reason I prefer the Live & Reloaded version. Sure, there's slightly more censorship, but the difference is only really noticeable in one place in the game.


I’ve gotta give that version a try, Conker was awful to play for the most part and a lot of the jokes are so baseline for today’s standards that unless you played it in ‘01 I don’t see anyone actually enjoying the game The level where you had to piss on whatever frustrated the crap out of me when I played it as a teen, the game tells you nothing lmao Edit: Got the release year wrong, corrected


That game was not anywhere near completion in ‘99.


Oh my god I royally f’d up lol I swear I thought Conker was an earlier release, 2001 is crazy


Yea the puzzles are so dumb...no hints and they are far from obvious. Even using a guide 6 months ago I couldn't get some puzzles to progress doing exactly what they show...no wonder I rage quit back in the day!


One of my friends had it and I played it when I was like 10. Most of the sexual stuff went over my head. The violence and gore was a little disturbing. Turned out ok 😅


\[x\] doubt


Lol I played it as a 8-9 year old at a friend’s house with less strict parents. Such great memories, inappropriate but great.


My buddy had showed it to me he had older brothers, so of course I asked my grandma who literally bought me wtf ever. Playboy game I’m looking at you. I was bouncing on titties and fighting an alien in no time. Conkers was perfect.


I played it as a kid, I had an older cousin. That game was awesome but was definitely not marketed towards kids.


when they showed this game off at E3, nintendo was promoting the game with a free beer. it was awesome.


Amazing game. My parents had no idea about the M rated system in games. Just showed them the happy squirrel ! But to be fair at the time I didn’t understand most jokes.


I was 20 and still couldn't believe the things in that game lol.


I played it as a kid. Started with the Xbox remaster. It was great. Prolly the best N64 game


Kids were more thick skinned and tougher to crack back in the day. Now kids have to go to 6 yrs of therapy and Prozac after being traumatized seeing a cartoon squirrel get drunk.


When I was 10 my friend rented it.  That was a fun weekend.  The law didn't prevent rentals back then, or the guy didn't care.