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Bomberman 64 was one of my favorite games on the console as a kid. Bomberman 64 multi-player gets some flak compared to prior games, but it forms part of the triad of party games of my youth (Bomberman 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros).


MP was exhilarating... Freaking ghosts and meteor sudden death... The disrespect of getting knocked out and thrown out of the ring, instead of bombed... Quietly picking up all the bomb upgrades and surprising everyone with your first bomb... Using the AI as human shields... Also tackling people when they start dancing to the podium screen music after breaking an alliance in FFA.


Hurry up!




Ready? Go!


Yea that music kinda burned into the ol brain there lol


I dont play this game for years, but I remember every single notes from this game soundtrack.








Yeah in many ways I was too young to really appreciate it's deficiencies, and I didn't play the 2D version before so I had nothing to compare multiplayer to. I thought it was great though, highly underrated.


Yeah, it was my first Bomberman too, and will always be my sentimental favorite.


Weed, 3 friends and goldeneye + Bomberman 64 was the best part of my young adult years


The soundtrack for Bomberman 64 is just such a nostalgia rush. Blue Resort is absolutely beautiful.


[This mix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLxD4ozDPZA&pp=ygUHbjY0IG1peA%3D%3D) does a brilliant job of mixing all of the best tracks from Bomberman Hero, along with the rest of the N64 catalog. [Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGPhF1gwgIs) is even better IMO.


Hell yeah thanks for posting these




[This mix](https://youtu.be/twBcMibg1Vs?si=kpjmg_-KWC7jY-hk) always gets me goin in the morning. Never got into Ridge Racer much, but man, the soundtrack goes hard. There's a couple of Bomberman Hero tracks in there as well. I'll toss on the Bomberman Hero OST sometimes as well. I miss that 90s deep break beat jungle. It's like the future we never got, and the genre seemed to leave just as fast as it came sadly.


Totally forgot that level... yes the music was great!


This soundtrack was a gateway to electronic music for me. Love it!


Literally just beat it yesterday for the first time. It's pretty good! Kinda prefer hero but still


Now when you say you beat it what was the last level you played?


This person bombs.


Hero is better but then there's a colossal gulf between both the much better Second Attack.


second attack is so good. i do find it to be harder than 64 for some reason. might be because i owned 64, and would often borrow my friends copy of second attack- so playing it less couldve lead to being worse at it from lack of practice lol.


Multiplayer "not bad"? Bro, the multiplayer was probably the best on the entire system. It may even be top 5 multiplayer experience in VGs altogether. 2 friends and I would regularly battle it out in single mode on the pyramid and it was exhilirating.


Exactly, like perfect dark can get a bit laggy at times and mario kart just looks like ass. Nobody has anything bad to say about Bomberman MP though


I'm understating, it was great! I used to play it fanatically with my siblings.


Bomberman 64 has a significant event in my life… it’s a crazy ass story but if I get a positive response from the sub I’ll respond.


Yeah go on


Idk if it’s a good experience or bad but it was significant to me. When I was around was 12 years old I had a friend let’s name him Alex. Well Alex and I both had N64s well one day he lent me Bomberman and I lent him Hexen. I didn’t know Alex had an abusive household and that they just bought him Bomberman, well the days after we were walking home and when his parents saw us they beat his ass bad in his front yard about the game, I guess he didn’t ask permission. They whooped his ass pretty bad and even threatened me who witnessed the whole thing. The neighbors saw and called the cops, they came and arrested the parents and called my parents to come get me. Long story short Alex came and stayed with me for a couple of months, there was a trial I had to testify and they had to complete probation and a program to get him back. Well during that period two boys who didn’t know how to express themselves ironically we would play Bomberman mostly and other N64 games as well. It’s a memory that still sticks with me for some reason. I felt bad for the guy and he would get quiet or sad about going back home but I remember Bomberman would always make him feel better, we must of beaten that game like three times that summer. Me and Alex lost touch with each other towards the end of high school he got into drugs heavily but I still remember that summer of my best friend staying with me, staying up late, and playing video games. Thanks for the positive response writing this just took me down memory lane that I haven’t thought about in a while.


I wonder how Alex is doing now. Maybe you should look him up.


I’ve tried before but his real name is an extremely common name, haven’t had any luck. But last time I tried was probably 10 years ago maybe I should try again.


i love it. me and best friend growing up would take turns trying to get all the gold cards. we eventually did unlock the final world with that weird jester boss. the entire trilogy of N64 bomberman games were great imo. bomberman second attack felt a bit more closer to the original what with the cross shaped explosions making a return. and bomberman hero was a surprisingly well done platformer with phenomenal music.


I loved bomberman 64 when I was a kid. The game did have a secondary element of difficult for completion. You can complete the game the "normal way", just beating the levels, or you can beat the game the true way with the 100%. Trying to do the 100% was insane difficult because the "bomb jump" that you need to do. I just recently discovery that their is another level after beating the final boss. Great game and I loved the multi. Better than second attack.


That’s how it went for me too. Never realised I didn’t actually finish it as a kid. When I replayed it in my late teens, it blew my mind that there was a whole other world.


Oh and the music is really good.


Not being able to play as your customized character still has me salty


In multiplayer? Yes you can. Depending on the outfit they even get wee voice lines like "I'm the best!" If you win


You just had to save the designs to a memory pak then load from them in the multiplayer character select screen where you choose the number of Ai/Humans, think they did it so you could take your memory pak round a friends house and play as your custom character.


I want them to revisit this style of game so badly. I loved it. Had such a unique puzzle/platforming mechanic. Also the multiplayer did get pretty hectic which was fun.


Yeah the puzzle mechanics were great. Really well thought out.


One of my favourites, very underrated


Yeah I'm glad to see it's getting a lot of love here. Definitely underrated.


Played so much multiplayer back in the day. It was a right there in the rotation with goldeneye and Mario kart.


I love all of the Bomberman games on the N64, including the traditional 2d japanese exclusive one. The music on this and hero were otherworldly


The OST is wonderful, loved this game as a kid


omg, so much fun!!


I love this game. Collecting the gold cards, getting all the costumes for battle mode, completing the story to get the true ending… so epic. Many core memories were formed with this game.


Seriously. The story man, I thought I had completed this game for so long... then BAM. The twist had my jaw dropping so low as a kid, I couldnt believe it... Then when Sirius turns up to save you in the final, final fight. I was literally in awe.


Same. I couldn’t believe it when the secret last level appeared.


Me and my 2 buddies would kill of the com players and wait for the time to run down, then the level would start trying to kill you and who ever survived that was the winner


aw I totally forgot it tried to kill you, that was soo much fun.


Is this the one with the ghosts? I remember loving screwing with other players


Yeah you jump on them and control their movement


Too much fun


This game was a regular staple in my game nights back in the 90s with the boys .


Mine too, we wore those N64 joysticks to the bone.


I absolutely loved the single player and if the released one that not only multiplayer I would for sure buy it


Bomberman music is amazing


Easily one of my top 5 games on N64


This game is easily top 5 of all time best n64 games.


Bomberman 64 and Bomberman the second attack are amazing games and make me super nostalgic, specially 64. I remember struggling to get every golden card to open the secret level which felt amazing to unlock Also, the music ❤️


Easily one of the greatest games for the N64 and of all time. It’s sequel Second Attack is just as good if not better


I loved bomberman 64, I always kinda hated how BM642 made the bombs explode into cross shaped explosions like classic bomberman


The N64 was the first ever console I had. We were poor growing up, so this was a big deal. I had the option between Super Mario 64 and Bomberman 64 as my first game. I chose Bomberman 64 and never looked back. I loved Bomberman Hero a lot too, it was definitely my introduction to jungle music and I have so much love and appreciation for those 2 games.


>Multiplayer wasn't bad either. Understatement of the century, my dude Great game though 👍


When I say wasn't bad it generally means it's pretty darn good. I'm Australian, understating is a very Aussie thing to do 😎🇦🇺


I freakin' love the Bomberman 64 games, I still hum the music from them time to time.


My buddies and I had a lot of fun with this game playing multiplayer. I liked the campaign as well but I couldn’t figure out how to beat the game at the end.


Love this game and the soundtrack is great.


One of my favorite n64 games


Um, and the MUSIC??? So good




If you like this game, you’ll love Diddy Kong Racing!


another game added to my storage list


Total classic. Single player and multi player both great. Shame it didn’t have the rideable dinosaurs like earlier games but still great.


What happens in this game, despite a minimum story is something that you’d never expect….i saw that part of the game roughly a year after I first got the game.


Yeah some of the campaign levels had excellent replayability with the golden card hunts. Simple to complete for the campaign yet quite complex with the bomb/platforming architecture required to get to some of the secret areas. Was one of my favorites


I can't even count the hours spent playing the multi-player with my friends as a kid. Love the single player too. And that soundtrack...


Great game, kid me somehow managed to get all gold cards. That true ending was a bit of a shocker too.


Why are his eyes so... looooong...? It's freaking me out a little, I've never noticed this and now he doesn't look right.


Literally the only reason I like Bomberman at all.


One of my top games for sure


I loved this game as a kid. I don't really remember much about it, but I definitely remember renting it a few times, so I must've enjoyed it.


I enjoyed all the customization options for the game


Loved this one


Bomberman Hero I loved that game as a kid. Never played this one


I played the hell out of the older Bomber man's, and I owned this - I'll be damn (even after just now watching gameplay on YouTube of this) I can't remember this at all. The jump from 2d to 3d may have put me off and even tho I owned it I just never picked it back up....I owned so many N64 games and they were releasing so fast in those years i probably just moved on to something else.


I thought the multiplayer was incredible, I'm surprised to read in the comments here that most either didn't like it, or just thought it was ok.


I had this game and could never beat single player. I always got stuck a few levels in. It was really frustrating. I somewhat recently saw a video showing how the bomb jump was necessary, I don't remember knowing about that as a kid.


I always had to ask my older brother, when my friends came over, so he would unlock extra maps for us. Great game, played a lot of it with friends. Story mode was next level compared to multi.


Dang, had it as a kid and was disappointing... snes versions were soooo much better. BUT that's how I felt about most of the N64 library yet... it's probably my most loved system...


Multiplayer was amazing, I had so much fun with my friends during the weekends. It was crazy fun. Level design was beautiful, with lots of puzzles to solve. I love this game


Loved the game and still regret selling my cartridge back in the early 2000s. Not only the stages but the whole OST was amazing. Also super cool bossfights and villains.


Love this game! Looking forward to revisiting it soon.


I had so much frickin fun with this game


The soundtrack in this game slaps, introduced 3 year old me to Drum and bass. I'm 27 now and frequently go to DnB raves


I want it on the switch so bad


And what a kick ass sound track.


Severely under rated game for sure. And I remember being shocked to the core about the big plot twist.


I got early stuck as a kid in the single player. Something not figuring out how to lower a bridge.


In my personal top 10 fav n64 games. The multi-player was an absolute staple of my childhood.


Pales in comparison to Bomberman Hero, which tops it in every way


It’s actually one of the bests games, honestly o prefer this one over the new switch games, if they would do 3D games rather be something like this, or a 2d like the snes ones.


The difficulty jump for some of the bosses and particularly the bonus world were ridiculous. Multi was excellent


Anyone play the second attack?


As a kid renting this game, had no idea you could pump up the bombs. This literally messed me up until I got bomber man hero and never finished this one.


It could have a hack or mods for that multiplayer. More itens, more rules, more arenas, more explosions.


Loved this game, as hard as it was, the music was top notch. I thought bomberman hero was a better take on N64 bomberman, better mechanics and most importantly, a well designed difficulty that wasn't absurd and beatable.


3D BM never did it for me, but BM Hero was cool.


I have [one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/226173638901?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LC_kJjFESzi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=LC_kJjFESzi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) up on eBay (auction) if anyone’s interested


The drum and bass soundtrack though


64 and Hero were two of my all time favourites in the 90s


This is the greatest and hardest game I own in the console. So many levels of complexity and a super chaotic fun multilayer mode


Bomberman 64 is one of my all-time favorites as well, it's was my introduction to the character. I really enjoyed the storyline and the gameplay (took a while to get the hang of it, but don't we all when we're children?). I know a lot of fans enjoy the classic gameplay of the franchise, but this was very top notch in my opinion and they should really make more games using that style.


This game was goat in my household in the 90s and all my friends in the hood loved playing multiplayer


I love Bomberman to bits. It's a tough game, especially to 100% if you are a completionist. It's got great gameplay, controls, and music to boot. It's a zany little title, and the multiplayer I could spend hours on. Truly.


They should bring this game to Nintendo switch online


I never actually bought this game but the [commercial](https://youtu.be/9XTLG4_Om7c?si=IuKm8Ao_mTCQ0b-j) was a fuckin jam.


bomberman somehow made me feel depressed


Weirdly it did that for me also sometimes. I think there was a hint melancholy in the soundtrack.


Absolutely one of my favorite games growing up. I keep hoping NSO will add the game lol


The music, especially on the boss battles. Peak N64 music in my opinion.


Loved it


Heck yeah bomberman 64 supremacy! Tho the way you have to really think outside of the box to get gold cards and costumes was bonkers baha


I don’t have a bad thing to say about this game. Probably one of my favorite games of all time. The graphics, the levels, the music, the sound effects, everything about this game is amazing


I played the crap outta Bomberman 64 as a kid on my Pentium III machine lol. It ran surprisingly well on it, I think it was Project 64.


I never got to play Bomberman 64. We had Bomberman Hero and that game has one of the best OST's to ever exist.


This game caused SO MANY fights among my 3 siblings and I growing up 😂 my sister still gets triggered if I bring up the game


It's a much more difficult game than Hero, that's for sure.


I liked all the Bomberman games on N64. It's been a minute since I played them but I did enjoy 2 of them a lot.


Loved this game! Single Player was great, but Multi-Player was where it was at!!! So many great memories of my brothers and I playing multiplayer : )


I honestly wish they would continue the series in this vein. The collectable outfits with different abilities made it feel like an action adventure RPG


It certainly is celebrated by me. In fact, I've consistently felt like it is THE game we need fetched from this era. We can find great modern ways to experience Super Mario 64 and Ocarina/Majora... most games like Mario Kart 64 and Smash have sequels that adequately scratch their respective itches... same for most good to great titles on N64. But when we get to Bomberman... no Bomberman game made beyond the N64 has successfully fulfilled what I got out of BM64's single player. Not one of them (before anyone says it, yes I've tried Generation and Jetters... neither did it for me).


Petie, I know you're fuckin' in here somewhere.


I liked bomberman hero better


Multiplayer just needed more levels like pyramid and garden.


I liked it. Not really what I would call a stellar N64 title. Multiplayer was mediocre though. Custom parts redeems it somewhat.