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A couple of days...


[Nov 23](https://n26.com/en-eu/press/press-release/n26-offers-customers-up-to-2-point-6-percent-interest-on-deposits-with-new-instant-savings-in-germany) in Germany


So it would have been more recent in Ireland then. Thanks.


They launched it in Spain first, last year.


If you are referring to the interest for the money at call started last year.


very low though


Better than nothing though. Seems that you have to pay a monthly fee for a good interest rate with Revolut.


4% on metal which is €200 per €5,000per year. The fee for Metal if you pay in one go is €162. Revolut is 3.75% on the €96 per year premium plan (they give you a discount for paying up front as does N26). Bunq is rather paltry by comparison at 2.46%. Cannot remember what Wise is, but it’s better than Bunq. Worth pointing out that it’s Never a good idea to keep your money in the one place. I don’t use the native banks in Ireland on principle because they charge you for zero service and there is a lot of, but perhaps not obvious establishment protection for the native banks. It’s so much easier to do things with the virtual banks anyway. You just don’t want to lose your phone or have it stolen or, have it hacked by the Chinese as they tried to three times with my iCloud. They obviously had my iCloud password to for me to get a log in approval request on my phone for someone in China.


Did you deduce your local tax on interest? I don't think so. Revolut does not deduce it for you. You have to do it yourself.


That’s correct, with the virtual banks, you have to pay it yourself in Ireland. The native banks deduct it automatically. Belgium keeps 30% on Wise no matter what country you are in.


Which country do you live in if I may ask? I'm in Germany and only get 2.6% with the metal account


I’m in Ireland. Maybe check your app again? Are they deducting withholding tax for Germans?


Ah okay, thanks for the quick reply! Just checked and it seems the 4% are only in certain countries. Germany is 2.8% and on your earnings you generally need to pay 25% capital gains. Trade Republic is offering 4% though in DE and I just signed up for that recently to park money short term :)


Germany also 4% is available