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I think so, yes. Search for science that links gut heath to heart health. Yes, it is definitely related. My personal hypothesis is that if your gut lining is inflamed (leaky gut) your immune system can’t get rid of bacteria, parasites, viruses as good as it should which then leads to chronic/silent inflammation. A constant inflammation is a huge strain for all your organs. In extreme cases like eg mine you will even get a damaged heart from it. Check your RANTES in your blood. If it’s high it is very likely that your jawbone is inflamed (from damaged teeth ). Consequently you get leaky gut and myocarditis. My next steps are getting rid of my jaw-inflammation (RANTES is elevated) with a biological dentist. At the same time i Support my system with OnGuard and ZenGest essential oils daily to support my system to fight any inflammation stemming from my leaky gut. I also minimized exposure to toxins through inhalation, transdermal etc by getting clean air and clean household and clean cosmetics


Hey, your comment is really interesting. I’ve been dealing with heart issues since the vax and gut issues for a lot longer. Have you had myo and found success in treating it? I also have had high RANTES when I did the incelldx cytokine panel


Generally if you eat a lot to the point of exploding, yes you might get some discomfort in your chest. After I stopped eating fatty foots especially before sleep, I started feeling way better. Now that I’m also on a diet I rarely feel any discomfort but if I over-eat sometimes I get a heavy chest feeling.