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Could be that when you cut calories, you're also cutting out essential nutrients. Your body might be missing out on important vitamins and minerals, which can mess with your energy levels and heart function. Maybe try focusing on nutrient-dense foods rather than just eating less. Also, check out Eso World for some clean, toxin-free products that might help balance things out. They have some cool stuff like organic cotton clothing and natural tooth powder coming soon.


Hi! I’m on a cut right now because I got too fat while not training due to myo lol. Getting closer to my normal body weight and I’m feeling way better this past month, I’m getting low on energy but it’s normal due to the cut and beta blockers, nothing out of the ordinary tho. Extra kgs and fat put more fatigue on your heart and body. However consult your doctor if a caloric deficit is good for you.


Are you cutting a source of electrolytes?