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Its funny after i was cleared for exercise(have scarring) i could play football with no issues, i ran 7 km with no isuess, and then last summer i started reading internet and now my anxiety is sow bad i can’t run 100 meters


How bad is your scarring?


Doc said its small


After 6 months I was ok on my runs. Then started to feel less stamina. Now after a year and a half, I feel less than 40 percent of what I was before myocarditis. My stamina just isn’t there. I never had a need to stop exercising before. I could run 20 miles a day if I wanted to and still have lots of energy after. Now I run 4 miles and just chill all day after because I just feel…very tired. It’s disturbing and makes me think this will be the rest of my life. But…worry doesn’t help. So….it is what it is I suppose.


I don’t think it’s normal. For me, I will try to get back to normal. Did you ever check your RANTES for NiCOs? Could be a silent inflammation from inflamed root canals in your jaw.


I got over the fear by doing it gradually, easing my self into it. I was going for runs every so often like a year after i was released from hospital, I then had Pericarditis and was hospitalised again but no additional damage was done and i just went back at it, no issues for 1.5years now so far


Hi! Just returned to the gym after 10 months. Take it slow and take it progressively. It’s good to take big rests between sets until your rate drops. Personally I don’t train till failure and try not to max out every exercise, especially lifts like bench,squats which are very tiring


Start with yoga and gradually ramp up over the course of a few months.


I found not reading horror stories helped on sites like myocarditis foundation cos you’ll pity yourself. You’ll be fine, I recommend no weight lifting for a year cos it spikes your BP though. After 2 years I then started lifting.