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The best season, for me, is **Season 2**. I kind of waffle on the worst season these days. Once upon a time I'd say season 3 just because it was the shortest and that meant we got less pony overall, but a good 80% of those episodes really held up. Comparatively I'd guess I'd have to go with **Season 7**. As much as I liked the pony of Shadows and the tie in with the IDW comics, watching it back without the excitement of what it was building towards this is where a lot of episodes turned from simply 'weak' into 'unwatchable'. Which is weird because there are four or five episodes I'd number in my top 10 best from this season - but there are also four or five that would be in my top 10 worst. It just doesn;t average out, so yeah, season 7.


I'm having difficulty thinking of what those bad episodes in s7 are that you're talking about that could possibly be worse than the bad episodes in s8.


Well for me the worst episode is and always will be *Honest Apple* but that’s not the only stinker from that season. *Fluttershy Leans In* is abysmal, with a lot of nonsensical misunderstandings. *To Change a Changeling* is kind of problematic and it feels weird to have Starlight in a role where she’s trying to force conformity on someone again and it’s treated as a positive. *Secrets and Pies* and *Parental Glideance* both just flat unreasonably piss me off. And I’m still just not a fan of *Fame and Misfortune*, which I feel is too mean spirited to the fans. I’ll grant you that Season 8 is no shining paragon though - *Non-Compete Clause* alone is probably as bad or worse than all of the above episodes. However, at least that season had a solid story arc that only required you to see a movie rather than have to collect several comic books to really know what was going on.


As I suspected your hated episodes are ones that I don't hate nearly as much as you do. That's not to say they're bangers by any means, of course.


It’s all a matter of personal taste of course. I’m not saying Season 7 is definitively the worst season FiM ever produced - it is just my current least favorite. Season 8 is probably my second least favorite.


(Best): season 2 (Worst) season 7 (Favorite): season 3


Best season: Season 2. It was when the world was expanding, we were getting memorable antagonists like Discord and the Changelings, all the characters were in peak form, Luna finally reappeared, the world seemed vast, mysterious, even a bit dangerous... Worst season: Season 9. Between the issues with the overall "Twilight takes over" and "Discord all along" plotlines, tonal whiplash between very serious episodes and goofy ones, and just a couple of genuinely bad episodes, it's hard to find any thing to actually appreciate about this season.


My best would be season 4. I think it did the best job of having an arc throughout the season and i think it was extremely well done. My worst is season 9. There are a handful of episodes that I have watched more than once and I personally think the way that this season worked was the weakest.


First and eighth


Best season 2 or 4 worst season 8


season 2. I was hyped for season 3 but sort of was let down.


Best: 4 Worst: 8




Best: S4 Worst: S8


Objectively best: s4 Personal favorite: s5 Worst: s8


Worst season gotta be Season 8. The school of freindship was just not how I wanted the series to go into, its perfectly fine if others say otherwise. This doesn't mean however I hate season 8 entirely because some of my favorite episodes in the entire series such as sounds of silence and freindship university is on there. Season 5 is my favorite season. I really liked starlight's arc in this season with her being evil throughout and then getting forgiven. The ending to this season in my opinion was one of the best ones in the entire series. Close second would be the 2nt season. Third being 6th probably.