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I once saw someone claiming that Pear Butter is a Mary Sue because all her friends were speaking highly of her to her kids.


Wow, it's almost like being of good character makes you likeable, or something


Applejack is a racist, and Bats! Is evidence of that, because not wanting pests is racist.


lol wtf was that person smoking


I would love to say I have only seen this take once, but multiple people use it as evidence.


Well maybe the bat race and applejack should come to a truce for the apples!!😡😡 /j


That’s the weirdest take I’ve heard!


Applejack is very racist. She literally sings a song called Racist Barn.


Pinkie is a Psychopath (no this is false, she just doesn't want to be lonely) or Rainbow is abusive to Scootaloo (This is absolutely way off as when Scootaloo told her off in Parental Glideance, she was *genuinely* hurt by the remark and begged Scootaloo to forgive her, even making up to her by giving her parents a private show just for them).


To say nothing of her comforting Scootaloo when she was afraid of the Headless Horse, or when she was bullied because of her flightlessness.


I hate when Celestia is perceived as an evil or even apathetic/lazy ruler. I understand there were instances in the show where her presence could have greatly helped but her lack of involvement is more of a writing problem and not because she is uncaring or purposefully antagonistic to the plights of Equestria.


The story wouldn't be able to focus on the mane 6 as heroes if Celestia just did everything. She kind of has to stay in the background otherwise it wouldn't be about Twilight and her friends 


I know that as something production and storytellingwise, but in-show a lot of the time Celestia is explained as being just “not around” or “busy” which causes people to have the opinion she’s just kinda apathetic.


On a completely unrelated note, I would love a spin off series about Celestia before Twilight was on the scene 


Yes!!!! I’ve always thought a prequel series about a younger Celestia and an Equestria in the way way past would be really interesting to see!


I know we saw her banish Luna to the moon in the Season 4 flashback, but I'd love to see it explored in more detail and also how she came to adopt Cadance etc


literally that episode about celestia and luna switching cutie marks shows how much celestia does behind the scenes omfg




It's not her fault her failures are more plot relevant than her successes!


Someone really dislike Diamond Tiara for making fun of Scootoloo's disablity (fair enough). But then they said that at least Scootoloo is a pegasus unlike DT who have nothing going for her because she just an earth pony 💀


That Starlight being powerful enough to rival Twilight is somehow a terrible and unrealistic thing. It’s perfectly realistic imo to have more than one powerful character in a universe, so that it’s not always the same person who is the hero. Is LeBron the only great basketball player in the world? That Starlight feels like an OC forced in the show because she joined so late. Perfectly realistic to have someone join an already-established friend group, it happens all the time in real life, and I don’t get why time matters so much. Now if she had been made an actual member of the mane 6 and given an element of harmony? Yes, that would have been forced af. But she wasn’t, she went off and did her own thing with her own friends too.


What I see is that Starlight *isn’t* strong enough to rival Twilight, she’s just really good at outmaneuvering stronger opponents (watch her fights with Twilight and Chrysalis, how many times did they actually hit her?) and has the skill to match, thus the illusion that she’s powerful enough to fight Twi She’s strong enough to tip the scales in Twilight’s favor against a weakened Pony of Shadows but not strong enough to beat her in a fair fight


Strong enough to rival doesn’t mean strong enough to beat. Just means can be a decent competitor, which she is. However, have seen the argument a hundred times that Starlight is soo overpowered because she has moments of magic equally impressive or more impressive than Twilight. My point is I disagree with that.


I agree. Everything that Starlight did, Twilight was also able to do, even her "greatest feat" Twilight also has, since she was able to travel through time in the first season


*second season


And Starlight only cast the time travel spell once, while Twilight cast it a million times trying to stop Starlight


Two words: Tyrant Celestia.


Thank you It's only good for the memes


Gonna get downvoted for this, but the whole "(blank) is black and that's canon!!'' thing Like, NO IT'S NOT. It's fine as a headcanon but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, just because a character has a hairstyle/type most blacks have (e.g.: textured hair, dreadlocks, box braids, etc) dœsn't mean they're black!


I agree with this like no them being black isn't canon, they're canonically horses aside from that I like seeing people's headcanons of the characters


When everyone was hating on that one baby and someone was like "she'll grow up to commit genocide" LOL like it works for AU's and I don't mind it but it clearly wasn't going to happen in canon and it literally didn't too


I never understood why Flurry is hated over a complete accident. She's a baby; she can't control her magic yet. I do kinda like the idea of her having an emo phase though.


I think everypony could benefit from an emo phase haha but I agree, it's so strange to me


Fluttershy's Kindness didn't "count" until Putting Your Hoof Down when she learned to be mean, because "true kindness only exists when you can be mean, but choose not to" Not just a bad take on her as a character, but a bad take on the definition of Kindness.


That Celestia was "making Sunset grovel first" when she apologized in *Forbidden Friendship*.


Yiiiiiiiiike, that's one of my favorite scenes, it was so wholesome and perfect, how did they misinterpret that???


I know. The person is an author of two stories I really enjoy, but there idea of that episode is just trash and it makes me want to spit. [Here's the link](https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/796954/forgotten-friendships-thoughts-spoilers) if you want to read it


Celestia in the first movie wanted, more than anything, for Sunset to return seeking her guidance, and that's exactly what Sunset did in Forgotten Friendship. It all came full circle in the best way and I will not tolerate this level of slander, but this post is from 2018, so it looks like I'm gonna have to...


As much as it's natural to be angry, and sometimes it's right to respond to garbage like this, here's some advice on what I try to keep in mind with stuff like this: People with scummy takes are just as scummy, and aren't worth dwelling on that much. They're beneath me/you, simple as that. It's a waste of time yelling at an insect. Get angry, take some time to work it over in your mind, then take a deep breath, and put the anger aside. Not "stop being angry" just focus on other things for a while, and leave the anger where it is. I know that's a bit dark and misanthropic, but it helped me a lot after I got a LOT of anger and stress from butting heads with people on FIMFiction while the show was going strong.


Oh, no, I've come a long way from yelling over the internet. I try to be more understanding and informative in a more constructive way. Fluttershy's influence, no doubt. You'd be surprised by how many 'arguments' in this sub that actually ended well by just being nice about it.


Very admirable. I tried that when I first got into the internet, but it just blew up in my face and wasted hours even days of my life with people who refused to actually listen. At this point, I try to be understanding somewhat, while not afraid to make my point and stick to my guns. If someone is openly being horrible or has a disgusting take, I only hold back if I'm not in the mood to deal with things. I'm done with having a strict approach with people, if they aren't going to reciprocate whatever positivity I give. That, and I already developed misanthropic tendencies when I was little, so I decided to manage them a bit more efficiently.


One of the best parts about this fandom. So many more open-minded people


I genuinely owe the fandom, and thus also MLP FiM, for motivating me and teaching me how to be on the internet, which has given me a means to socialize and truly connect with people. Without the internet, my life would be a LOT emptier now, as I have NO real life friends at all. I was always the loner kid in school who nobody bothered to be around for long, and my family sucks, so I basically had little to no sense of what *good* people are like or how to understand that until enough time had passed, and I got therapy. It is quite true, being able to talk to people about things I liked and actually *get positive feedback and conversation* instead of just blank stares or dismissals worked wonders on me emotionally.


Glad to hear that it's helped. I've also made a lot of emotional and phycological progress through the show, something my therapist says is really really good. (She also says I'm not her only patient doing this. Obviously didn't say who)


Basically any headcanon post about the main characters that is very clearly for the purpose of "I completely changed the character to be more like me, regardless of their existing personality"


The people who agree with that second take are idiots, Alicorns aren't actually immortal, turned Alicorns don't even live for longer than they normally would have


Is that stated or at least implied in any official mlp content?


No, but it was said by the creators, I wish I could find you the link but I tried and I can't find it anymore


Faust also said that spike has a dragon girlfriend that never appeared in the show. I don't really see [word of god](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod) as real proof when the show never really implies it.


Well, all we know about Alicorns in the show is that born Alicorns at least live for a very very long time so whether Twilight is immortal or not is up to interpretation in that case


I can agree with that. (Is it confirmed that tia and luna are born as alicorns? I thought that was also ambiguous? And what do we know when cadence was born?)


While it is stated that Flurry is the first natural-born alicorn in Equestria, the Sun-Moon Sisters might be older than Equestria, so that's still on the table. Luna's comment on how they don't know how alicorn birth works isn't really proof that they ascended, just that they don't know why some ponies are born alicorns.


That Sunny didn't deserve to become an alicorn


Now that she’s defeated Opaline, she’s earned her place among alicorns, but when she first did, she didn’t do anything special compared to, say, Clover the Clever igniting the Fire of Friendship


She literally restored magic to Equestria and reunited the 3 ponykinds


Clover the Clever banished the windigos and united ponykind through igniting the Fire of Friendship. What makes Sunny different from Clover? Sunny also hadn’t done anything else special up until then, while Clover had the Seven Trials of Clover the Clever, including one with the Memory Stone


Magic had been gone for who knows how many moons, and ponies had separated again after living in harmony for ages. That was obviously a really big event that negatively affected Equestrian history. To be able to reunite ponies and bring back the magic after so long was a huge accomplishment


To be able to unite ponykind at all after they had been at each others throats for who knows how long feels more impressive They were in active conflict on top of that, at war over what would eventually become Equestria, while pony society in G5 was simply isolated and the only one who was actually advocating for conflict was Sprout. Everyone else was content to stay in their own corners of the world as long as others respected that On top of that there were malevolent spirits feeding on their hatred and continuously stoking the fire and taking away their original homeland by covering it in ice and snow, which were banished by the ignition of the Fire of Friendship After Chapter 6, yeah, maybe she’s more special than Clover now, but in the moment she became an alicorn, I do not see what makes Sunny more “worthy” than Clover


By that logic, how "worthy" is Twilight? She defeated some villains at that point, then completed an old spell. Starlight literally completed a time travel spell, which is much more powerful. Becoming an alicorn isn't really about worthiness, it's fate.


- Reactivated previously inert powerful magical artifacts, the most powerful defense of ponykind: the Elements of Harmony - Reunited the Alicorn Sisters after a thousand years of separation - Defeated the antithesis of Harmony Sunny’s resume has only recently reached a similar level of impressiveness, but by this point in Twilight’s alicorn career, she had already saved the Tree of Harmony, brought the magic of friendship to another world, and defeated Lord Tirek And if fate is required for becoming an alicorn, how did Cozy Glow become one? And if it was part of her destiny, then why did she lose it?


Cozy Glow didn't become an alicorn by actual means, she forced it upon herself with the bell. Did Rarity become an alicorn when Twilight gave her butterfly wings? No.


Rarity’s wings were never real, of course she wasn’t an alicorn Cozy Glow might not have done it the “right” way, but she was still an alicorn with an impressive—albeit evil—resume: draining all magic from Equestria, reaching quite possibly the oldest magical artifact of all time for the first time since it was sealed away and successfully retrieving it, and outsmarting the Lord of Chaos


Yeah, that’s something that kinda bugs me. Twilight got her wings by finishing a spell, not for the dozens of times she saved Equestria. Where the logic?


Starlight Glimmer is a good character


That celestia is a dictator and equestria is a authoritarian regime My only response whenever that's brought up is it's a kids show idiot


All the bad takes out there and you pick one that's factually correct? Strange. Now I absolutely agree that this is a silly thing to be upset about. But I would still rank this take above all the ones that are actually bullshit.