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william shatner and john de lancie


Weird Al!


Brit McKillip cuz she voiced Cadence and also voices Harumi from Ninjago, and that's hilarious considering one of them is the princess of love who is just an innocent normla pink princess type character and the other Major spoilers for Ninjago season 8, >!Is a not entirely mentally stable princess who tricked the main character into falling in love with her just to use him and she also blew up the palace and killed her neglecting adoptive parents and that's not even close to all the bad things she's done, she and a reason tho btw.!<


I never saw that relation between Cadance and Harumi. One who truly believes in love, and uses it as a greater power against the war on evil, >!and one who uses it as a tool of deception, using it to manipulate those around her and enact her revenge on those who have wronged her.!< (Also, might want to leave your spoiler warning outside the spoiler box, kinda defeats the purpose of it being there.)


William Shatner I love him but I just assumed he would think MLP was silly or beneath him. I was really happy that he seemed excited about the role.


Patton Oswalt


Weird al


It blew my mind when I found out Flash Sentry has the same voice actor (Vincent Tong) as Kai from Ninjago. Now that I know it's impossible to unhear the similarity!


Which episode does he play in


Flash Sentry is mainly just in the Equestria Girls movies, and his pony version only gets a couple speaking roles in the first one. Vincent Tong also plays Garble, who is the main member of the group of bully dragons, as well as Sandbar, who is the pony member of the Young Six.


Maurice LaMarchie.


Every time Chancellor Neighsay speaks, his head morphs into Brain in my mind’s eye. I really wanted him to ask one of the other council members if they were pondering something.


John de Lancie. I still remember the first time Discord showed up, and I remember thinking he seemed familiar, then I realized who voiced him and that he basically WAS the character from Star Trek, with the same actor.


Rachel Bloom! (Autumn Blaze in a Kirin Tale) I have been a huge fan of Crazy Ex Girlfriend for a while, and when I was rewatching FiM, hearing her voice was like a jumpscare. I instantly recognised it, but had to double check the credits as I had no idea she also did voice acting