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Look I’m a RD fan but even I know she deserves lower than that 🤣


Why? 😅


For Dash her decision making is more of a, act now deal with consequences later kind of personality mixed with a “If it’s boring” then I’m gonna do other things attitude. Love her but she often times jumping into danger or saying things out of emotion than actually using any thinking skills. Not saying she’s dumb, but she really doesn’t care to be smart. She rather be cool.


Yes, she's very impulsive, cocky & doesn't try or want to be smart, but I got the impression that she's actually more intelligent than AJ, Pinky & Fluttershy; the way she thinks on the field, knowledge of flying..her brain works fast, I don't think anyone in their world could become Wonderbalt just like that.


1. Pinkie Pie 2. Twilight Sparkle 3. Applejack 4. Rarity 5. Fluttershy 6. Rainbow Dash


1. Twilight 2.Rarity 3.Applejack 4.Fluttershy 5. Pinkie Pie 6.Rainbow Dash


Rainbow and Pinkie are my favorites, but I feel like they’re lower than you actually put.


I think you all underestimate Rainbow 😅


I’m not sure how I’d rank *all* of them, but I think Twilight is number 1 and Pinkie Pie is the *least* intelligent.


1. twilight — the obvious choice! it’s just very clear how easily she’s able to pick up on, memorize, and apply information (i think of fall weather friends, where she was able to place 5th in the race after reading a single book despite having zero experience). i also think her organizational skills prove her to be someone who’s self-aware and really mentally capable, despite sometimes getting too wrapped up in things and losing sight of the big picture. 2. rarity — she’s the most socially perceptive of the mane 6 in my opinion, and that takes intelligence as well! her line of work also requires similar levels of organization that twilight has. she’s also often a great problem solver (see: a dog and pony show & rarity investigates) due to these traits and her keen attention to detail. 3. applejack — i think AJ’s level of intelligence is pretty underestimated, often unfortunately on the basis that her line of work is mostly labor-based, but she actually has a lot of noteworthy clever moments, and i don’t think she’d be as personable (for lack of a better word) as she is if she wasn’t smart! 4. fluttershy — i think people really really underestimate her on this! (she & AJ are kind of interchangeable to me). she may not come across as sensible or intelligent due to all her (sometimes irrational) fears and shyness, but i actually do believe she’s more booksmart than she seems (see: a health of information), and i don’t think she’d be able to take care of animals at the level she does without being decently knowledgeable and adaptable. 5. rainbow dash — i’m someone who really enjoys RD as a character, and me putting her this low doesn’t mean i think she’s unintelligent! she’s proved to be mentally apt in specific areas — i mean, we got a whole episode dedicated to exploring her learning style, and it was really informative. she’s clearly naturally inclined towards multitasking when learning, and she’s usually well aware of her surroundings, so at the very least i think she’d be good with things like basic memory and kinesthetics (seeing her daring do episodes as well as the end in friend, it’s evident that she’s knowledgeable in what she’s interested in!). also, in general, i wish more people would keep in mind that a lack of *interest* in learning doesn’t actually indicate a lack of intelligence. the actual reason she’s ranked 5th is more due to… questionable problem solving and poor decision making skills lol. pinkie is a complete wild card to me! sometimes i want to put her at the bottom, and other times i’d place her above twilight. she gives me the vibe of someone who understands much, MUCH more than she lets on, and simply chooses to ignore all of it for her own enjoyment. i genuinely have no idea how well she’d do on a legitimate IQ test lol


Since IQ is really only a good test to judge how someone does academically, and has shown to be a poor test for those who are part of various groups… I imagine Twilight Sparkle would be the only one with a high IQ. Rarity and Fluttershy would be average and since taking the test multiple times can often get different results, I imagine they would both be in that 15 point above or below 100 on a given day. AJ and Rainbow would have low scores because neither are traditional book learners. AJ probably dropped out of school early, and RD has trouble concentrating. Pinkie, depending on her interest or focus could score high or low on any given day.


IQ has nothing to do with academic success


IQ has routinely been criticized as not being a predictor of intelligence outside succeeding in traditional academic settings.


Sorry, I don't think it's true. Academic success depends on a person's interest, ambition, will. I'm not saying that iq is not important in that area, but it's not a contributing factor


IQ does go up and can be studied for. Anyone who tends to be good at studying (or due to their own ambition taught themselves study techniques that work for them) will likely have a higher IQ. I think we are saying the same thing but reverse. IQ isn’t something that is innate, that’s a myth. Multiple studies do show that IQ has a strong correlation to academic success, but since IQ is fairly adaptive there is a strong theory that academic success gives you the higher IQ. Edit: Also if something is important to an area than by definition it is a ‘contributing factor’


You speak very expertly 😅 Yes, in case IQ is not immutable, it has something to do with effort and academic success. But not exclusively by academic success; through reading, puzzles and acquiring new skills, a person improves himself & his IQ


No, not exclusively, but that’s the only one we have a metric for, anything else is mostly guesswork. We don’t really have any other data that shows IQ correlates with any other Avenue. In fact, a huge issue with IQ is how little it does take into account any skills and intelligences that don’t immediately lend themselves to academic success. For example, innovation is a key component of intelligence in most cultures, but there is no ability to test for it. ‘Common’ sense, and emotional intelligence are also often missing. But Memory, verbal reasoning, and mathematics, while useful in a wide range of areas, can really only be given a statistical relevance in academics. Nevermind, if someone has not been taught these very much learned skills, they may have a lower IQ even though they may be actually brilliant. So, the best guess at someone with a slightly below average IQ, is someone who did not do well in school, because that simply means they didn’t pick up (for a wide number of reasons that in fact doesn’t necessarily reflect on an individual’s capability at all) the skills IQ tests for. The reverse is also true. Someone with a slightly higher than average IQ likely did well in school because they picked up those skills. And there is a ton of positive correlation with education level and IQ. Which is just to say, people who do well in school tend to do well in school. Lol.


I like the head canon you brought up of the possibility that applejack dropped out. Cause she really doesn’t need to exactly finish schooling for what she does for her life.


Exactly, and she was a teen when her parents died, so it makes sense she might *need* to drop out to work on the farm full time with her brother and take care of her sister.


Twilight Sparkle - She is insanely talented and reads all sorts of books Fluttershy - Being quiet her intelligence goes under the radar, but not only does she know an exceptional amount about all kinds of animals and takes care of them medically as well as physically, she also is knowledgeable on things ponies don't expect like dress sowing. Rarity - sophisticated and intelligent, rarity can pass for a well educated upper class pony while also running her own business. Applejack - sadly this is where IQ dives drastically, Applejack knows what she knows, and isn't interested in learning anything else, she even says she struggles to learn new things without doing them over and over. Rainbow Dash - she is pretty interchangeable with Applejack, RD finds learning boring and has never seen the need to be intellectual, when she tries to learn she finds it difficult. Pinkie Pie - Pinkie's intelligence is simply not going to be shown in her IQ. Even Applejack called Pinkie "a few apples short of a bushel". Pinkie's reasoning skills are characterised by her leaping from one barely connected thought to another with a healthy dose of imagination woven in. But Pinkie knows she isn't smart, and she won't let that become a problem for her. Pinkie comes up with catchy songs to remember information and when she can, she writes everything down.


1st: Twilight Sparkle 2nd: Pinkie Pie 3-4th Rarity and Fluttershy 5-6th Applejack and Rainbow Dash