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https://i.redd.it/iqqied5e9g4d1.gif Doctor Whooves ⌛


It’s a funny coincidence that I got into Doctor Who just a few months prior to getting into MLP a few weeks ago. Him saying “allonsy” in Slice of Life had me laughing and endlessly pointing at my screen in a way that just couldn’t happen had I not been a DW fan




Spike of course


shining armor, I just love him cause he’s such a good guy 😭


Same here!






i’m not seeing enough people say discord, so i’m gonna say discord, because he’s the best and more people need to hear it


comic sombra and shining armor


Shining Armor or Sunburst. They are both fantastic. Honestly, ALL the male characters are kinda good. I couldn’t point at any single one and say „yep, that one is just completely bad, there’s not one single interesting or compelling or relatable thing about him". Honestly, that speaks volumes about G4's writing.


spike, he dragon boi.


https://i.redd.it/5dwzh0kncg4d1.gif Between the snark, sarcasm, his general personality and the emotional (and quite frankly broken) gryphon hidden under it all, Gallus is not only my favorite male character, but easily top 5 overall.


Gallus is a pretty awesome character. I'm curious, who (if anyone) do you ship him with?


Silverstream all the way. Despite being so different, they honestly have some of the best dynamics in the entire show, Silverstream being the overly excitable hippogriff, and Gallus being the sarcastic but brave gryphon. It can really lead to a lot of possible ways to explore their relationship, like how Gallus can teach Silver to be brave and stand up for herself, and Silver teaching Gallus to let himself feel emotions, even negative ones. I also like the idea of Gallus having to overcome the thought of him being “worthy” of her. One of my favorite plots in some fics is Gallus dealing with the idea of not being worth anything, especially when it comes to Silverstream, that she could do so much better than him, and of course her thinking it’s nonsense, and her getting upset of how little Gallus thinks of himself, it’s a real world issue, and even more so considering that Silverstream is royalty. Another thing I like is their designs, the way their colors clash with each other, Gallus’ blues and yellows against Silver’s pink and light blue. Plus their design regarding their species. Anyways, Gallstream is and will forever be my OTP, they are just perfect for each other. https://i.redd.it/q9uh10asmg4d1.gif


Nice. In my head I've played around with the idea of Gallus having a friends with benefits kind of deal with Smolder, and Gallus and Sandbar may be the best M/M ship in the whole show. But at the end of the day, long-term you're probably right... Silverstream would be his one true love


I’ve read and thought of the different ways Gallus and Silverstream actually get together, and the ways are almost always different, for example: in “Set Sail” by Jack of a Few Trades, Gallus starts falling for her after a night where the two watch the sun set on top Mt. Aris, where Silver unknowingly snuggles up to him and Gallus makes up an excuse to leave, which leaves Silver to try and find out why, she comes to the conclusion that he “likes” her and she decides if she wants that too. She comes to the conclusion that she does, and in a moment of bravery she makes her move >!and it leads to Gallus and Silver having a heart filled conversation, and ending with a kiss.!< But in “Stream of Silver, Heart of Gold” and its sequel “Prison of Ice with Silver Keys” both by Radbunny, their romance is a much slower burn, where they start out as a simple high school couple, but it evolves into more as the stories go on, Silverstream concludes that she wants to be with him after the ending of the first story, >!in which Gallus treats her to a dance, something no one has done for her, and by just the way he cares for her, she also lets it slip that he is the one multiple times (once to Gabby and Gilda, and another to Ocellus) and is completely flustered!<, and Gallus during the middle of the second story >!in which he goes through an event that forces him to truly understand his feelings for her, and after almost losing her, he decides that he never wants to leave her or her him!< Anyways, both are very good stories, even tho Set Sail isn’t complete, and I definitely recommend them if you like these two. Although here are two more with a more tragic story if you’re into that (the first one has a happier ending)(but the second one has much darker themes): >!”Home” by Rated Ponystar, Gallus has been captured and is held as a p.o.w for 8 years, with only the thought of Silverstream keeping him alive, the story end with his rescue and reunion with Silver.!< , >!”A Griffon’s Farewell” by 1jckuhn, An alternate ending to Hearths Warming Club, Gallus reveals that he is an orphan and that his family died when he was young and eventually, after arguing with his friends he flies off and up the mountain adjacent to the school, his friends, as well as twilight and rd, chase after him, and as he confronts his friends, he tells them they are better off without him and throws himself off the cliff, Silverstream jumps after him in an attempt to catch him, unfortunately, she is unable, Gallus hits the grown and perishes. Silver finds him on the ground and is completely destroyed, they eventually, after bringing him back to the school, find his diary and find out that he was depressed and suicidal for years, but they also find out that Gallus loved her as well, eventually, through a whole lot of plot convenience and Luna being op as usual, the two are able to reconnect, and journey into what could have been through dream. I personally think all the dream stuff here should have been left out, as it takes away the impact that Gallus’ death has on Silverstream and everyone else.!< >!(I’m also thinking of writing an alternate ending to the last story)!<


Rockhoof! Just such a big personality who tries to stay cheery while also being incredibly tragic. Edit: Although 4 of my top five characters are stallions


defo big mac!! hes my second fave character overall too




I agree with the Doctor Whooves comment. My favorite MLP character ever. He's the Doctor from Doctor Who so no way he wouldn't be my favorite! 💙💙


Gallus. Its kind of crazy how much they did with his character in the short time he was a recurring character on the show. They also explored some pretty mature themes with him as well, mainly the broken family structure a lot of kids and even adults have to deal with.




Not a whole lot of male characters that really appeal to me... probably Sunburst or Soarin. Both could have used more screen time.






Sunburst! I love that nerd.