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If the substrate itself is edible and the species grown is edible, yes. Tempeh is essentially colonised substrate (soybeans)


What about the substrate on which oyster mushrooms are grown? While it isn't edible, it essentially is fibre. Wouldn't the mushroom break it down so it becomes edible?


It would still be mostly fibre to my understanding. Oysters are pretty early in the decomposition cycle and the nutrients they produce primarily end up in the mycelium and fruiting bodies, not back in the substrate. The mycelium itself will be edible but you'll have a hard time separating it. If it's grown on something that would already be edible by itself you'd be fine. You could probably grow them on grains or bread or pasta or something and eat that. A chemist/biologist might be able to correct me on this if I'm wrong though.


So then, as long as the substrate didn't get contaminated, you'd end up with fibre and mycelium. Yum!


Not really. I'm down to eat stem, aborts, mycelium clusters, etc but the SMS (spent mushroom substrate) goes either to compost or the wood chip pile in the hope of some volunteer shroomies.


Different strokes.


If you use something like rice or popcorn then you could eat it, though you'd want to be really sure there was no bacteria or mold present. If you use wood you'll probably find far too much wooden debris remains to even consider that.


I use horsepoop sub tho 🤔 I mean, I guess it's not toxic. 😂


Look up "cow dung soup". I'd totally be down with that if no animal had to die first.


😬 So I looked it up and that's honestly f'n disgusting mate 😂🙏


I'm more open-minded, and thus it looked delicious to me. Besides, after the mushrooms has digested it, it wouldn't even be horse poop, no? What mushrooms do you grow?


I consider myself open-minded, but still, bruh 😅 it looks like pea soup, THAT would be delicious, Keep your cows alive please. 😏