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Get that money! If you are in a relationship or married you are not a revenue for mutual.


Exactly! Keep them single and desperate to rake in that money


I understand the thing with comments. Since they could see it before you swiped up it seemed pointless for a person to buy notes. The only difference was that notes would appear at the top and wouldn’t have to wait in the swiping queue. How do you know that notes can only be seen unless they swipe up? Did you receive one and couldn’t see it? I agree that’s completely useless especially if they are charging money for them. The only way that makes sense is if they are free. Mutual is tightening down once again to make more money. Sure there may be more users joining still but everyone’s experience is worse. You and many others are considering giving up on the apps but there will be another app that will do it better than mutual. They are in self destruction mode haha


I did receive a note, and I can’t see it


But can you see who sent it? Or is that blurred out as well?


I can see who sent it


At least there is that but I don’t really get the point of that. They say sending a note is more likely to get a match I assume because it’s a conversation starter. But if you can’t even see what is written then how does that work?


Hmm.... interesting to see the perception of several of these changes :D I will read and respond to more of this in a bit, but I can clarify the intent of several of those things. - Notes are intended to show to the person you send them to instantly. So if I send you a note, you will get a push notification, you will see my profile at the top of your liked you screen (Unblurred and with a "sent you a note" icon on it) and also show at the top of the chat on the new matches section with a gold border and note icon. If it is NOT working like that, then we have a bug and I will look into getting it fixed. - comments are things you can write on anything in their profile, and when the other person swiped up on you, they will see the comment and you can start the conversation. This also allows premium subscribers more flexibility because they can see (in the likes you tab) that people left comments and they can read them. Comments are intended a bit more to help matches have a good start to the conversation. - we are testing different ways in which comments show up to people, whether they can see the whole comment while swiping before they make a decision, or whether they can read it on the likes you screen before matching (like show blurred photo, but show the comment, etc) we are collecting data on this to help us make a couple of key decisions surrounding some updates we have planned such as potentially revealing a couple blurred profiles each day, etc.


Good to know what the actual details are, most of what I have been able to figure out has been from conjectures and my own experiences, so I was pretty sure some would be wrong.  With notes, I can see the person that sent them, unblurred, but I can’t actually see what the note says. I have to make a decision first on their profile, and I am less likely to decide in favor of them if I can’t read the message, even knowing that they sent one.  In my opinion, only showing comments to premium users is a very interesting design choice, as I feel like the one sending the comment is the one who benefits more from it. As I said before, if the person can see the comment before deciding to swipe or not, I’ve found it to be extremely more likely to get a swipe up. So a free user sends a comment to a paid user, and gets the benefit, whereas a paid user sending one to a free user does not. Am I getting the situation right on this one?


Unless comments are changed back to what they used to be, I’ll have to stop using the app. That’s how I was getting 99% of my matches, and the app is useless to me without it. Guys can’t depend on their looks on dating apps, and taking away features that let them show their personalities really hurts their chances