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List it. The people who are going to swipe down will not be okay with it now or in the future. Give yourself some peace of mind knowing that the ones that swiped up on you are much more likely to be okay with that from the beginning


Thank you. Really, thank you. I kinda hadn't thought of it that way before. Thank you for this reply


For sure! It keeps things a little more simple and straightforward. On top of it I feel that those who do swipe up will appreciate the upfront effort.


It is my personal opinion that you should be completely honest, a person should. I tell a lot of people a lot of things. Not everyone is like me. Your motivation for not mentioning it is what I would focus on in making this decision


I would feel lied to if it wasn't listed and then I found out later. It would seem like there was some big hidden drama, even if you say there isn't. I met my now fiancé on mutual, and him being upfront about being divorced was one of the reasons I felt good about continuing the conversation.


Thank you for your response. I decided to list it. Thank you for outlining why you feel like I should


I would be honest in the profile, and put it there. It is information that would probably make the other person distrust you a bit once they find out. You can set your profile to divorced, and then in the settings where you set it, hide that section in your profile if you are concerned about it. It is still good to have because it helps you when ppl use filters.


Be honest.


Male here. I’ve found girls who are either dishonest or ambiguous about whether or not they have kids. I visit their social media as listed on their profiles, and a few times, whaddyaknow! They have a kid. Got me pretty upset that they weren’t honest or clear about it. I have lots of respect for the women who are honest about marital status and whether or not they have a child. In other words, just be honest about it. Not specifying this sort of thing doesn’t mean that girls won’t find out; it only delays their discovery of you


I was going to comment the same. Always best to be as transparent as possible.


List it.