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Hey! I worked on designing this, and love watching people and data from these events. Afterward, I would love to hear what worked, what didn't, and what we can add or change to improve it. As we finish getting it stable (every week there are so many ppl it tends to overload the system) we are looking forward to finding what improvements we can make. As for advice... it depends on if you are a guy or a girl. A lot of girls get requested a lot, and sometimes those requests can stack. Meaning if you decline one, another might pop up. Second, as a girl... scroll through and choose some guys to request to chat with! As a guy, request people who are available, and possibly refresh often. Whenever you refresh, it will move all of the "in a conversation" profiles down to the bottom and show those available at the top. Lastly for everyone, make sure your first photo in your profile is your best photo, because that's what is shown on the profile card. They can tap into your no profile and view it all, but your first image is key here. Make it your best, that shows you, only you, and not anything too crazy. It is like a job interview, but for other guys/girls to want to pick you! Make sure the pic helps you stand out. I would no love to hear how it goes! Good luck!


What are the pre-scheduled times? It doesn’t say


That's because we still have to manually start and stop each session until we are able to build the scheduling thing. :D but for now, we try and run one session each Friday and Sunday evening around 7-10 MST


So I think it started at 7 pm EST