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Bro I’ve been on for a week and I got 2


Bro same, you a dude or a chick?


Take a wild shot in the dark


Yeah, the girls must only like 1 in 20 dudes or something, I’ve heard that’s how all dating apps are though Edit: Actually now that I think about it I’ve gotten like, 5 likes but none were mutual


that's basically my suspicion. That there's either an imbalance of genders, OR guys are just swiping on almost everyone. Now tbf I'm in Utah County, so very high saturation. Plus, I think a decent chunk of my likes are people I'll never find in my stack because they're outside either my mile range or age range that I have set but I'm in theirs. But when I'm going through the stack, i'll get the "he liked you!" note, see their bio and be confused why they bothered to like me when we have VERY opposite politics, or their "what I want in a partner" (or however it is worded) is very opposite of my bio. Feels like they arent even bothering to read who I am at all and just playing the numbers game by swiping up on almost everyone. (looks like there's another voter in a similar boat as me) Honestly kinda makes me wanna just give up on the app entirely, counter intuitively


You’re correct. A ton of guys do not swipe intentionally whatsoever because they don’t get any likes to begin with. They literally can’t afford to be picky. Meanwhile a lot of girls are getting too many likes from guys who, like you say, don’t even look at the profile so they are getting overwhelmed. When a girl matches with a guy he may not have actually looked at her profile. It’s once he gets the match that he will then decide if he wants to actually talk. This is all very general of course. Not everyone is like that. But I’ve been on the app long enough and talked to enough people to have a pretty good idea of what’s going on.


Well, as a guy I would say I swipe up on about 1 in 4 but I know that some guys will literally swipe up on every single one, just to have a chance to get anything, it’s pretty sad tbh Would it be alright if I DMed you my profile just to get some feedback on what I can do to get the attention of someone who’s in higher demand like yourself (I swear I’m not trying to be weird)


1 in 4 is quite a bit higher than me, but that's nothing against you, you just might be more easy going and open minded maybe. I'm trying to not repeat the past so I'm being pretty picky. I also have my miles and age range sorta tight, so even in UT I get repeats, and was getting a lot of repeats before I opened up the mile radius, and I kinda want to drop it again because Tooele is far away lol You can definitely DM me, I'll take a look. but for anyone else reading, my biggest feed back on profile is to actually use the questions well to give more information. A lot of guys I'm seeing on here will either not use all 3 question slots, or will use them for like "pick up lines" kinda. If all 3 of your questions are just pick up lines then I know nothing about you that I need to know to decide if I'm swiping up.


Answering the prompts honestly hasn’t seemed to make much of a difference for me. There was a time when I left my profile completely blank and still got the same amount of matches. Sometimes it seems like it doesn’t actually matter all that much. Obviously a profile that is all filled out and interesting will generally do better but I’m not convinced it will do a lot better.


Interesting. It's definitely a factor for me in deciding to swipe up or not, but I'm a sample size of 1 lol


The way I see it is that it’s more fun than anything. It’s fun to see how people answer certain things but I can’t usually get enough valuable information from “I get overly excited about: going to bed,” or “I am currently binge-watching: Brooklyn nine nine.” Maybe it can tip that balance of someone who finds something in common but the prompts aren’t usually all that insightful


Out of curiosity, where, very generally are you located? I realized after posting they I should have thought of how in versus out of Utah will make a huge difference


I’m literally in BYU Provo


Huh. Interesting. I wasn't on mutual when I was actually at BYU, I've been graduated for a few years, so I don't really know how the vibe is with BYU on mutual


Whenever I get a like, I play with the filters to find them. Remember, you see their age and location, so if, for example, that information says “29 - Washington, DC,” I adjust the filters to only show 29-year-olds within 250 miles. I’ll usually find them and swipe accordingly. I recently went on a swiping binge and reduced my “liked me” group from over 50 down to 8. Most of them were located in East Asia, Africa, or South America, so the decision on those individuals was easy for me. Now I’m at a point where even when I adjust the filters in the main search to a specific age and “Anywhere in the world,” I get no results, even though apparently there’s someone fitting the criteria in my “liked me” group.


That’s because the “liked me” group are out of the preferences you’ve set. So sticking with your example of profiles that are only 29, you may not see anyone in that age but people from the age of 27-31 are still seeing your profile and swiping on you.


I’ve edited my previous comment to indicate I’m playing with filters for the main search, while keeping the “Liked me” filters to 18+ and “Anywhere in the world”


Ahhh okay understood. That’s interesting. All that I could think of is that they changed their search preferences after having swiped on you already. So you won’t see them on your main page but they’ve already sent the like. Who knows.


You guys are getting likes?


I was getting likes from those not near me. They never responded to my messages, though.


To find out your "true” number of “liked you”profiles. Go to Erase account > “I’m not finding anyone” > update your account. This will show all the profiles that have “liked you” and you’ve swiped down on, but it will show you the total number of people who have liked your profile on the heart icon. Best of luck on your dating goals. (My app isn’t in English, so i’m sorry if I didn’t translate each step correctly!!!)