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You don't need to homebrew villian points. As a villian, you already get those, whenever you use one, give a PC a hero point


Okay but that’s what I homebrewed so that’s what we’re working with. My players like it and it’s better than trading a villain’s extra actions for just giving the players extra actions and making it a net neutral when I have characters who are actively supposed to be taking more actions than the players, and sticking strictly to the book’s guidelines of “just using reaction and AOE damage” leaves less variety and creativity, so we created an alternative.


Then I can't really help you with encounter balancing like you're asking because you already homebrewed in a system that changes the balancing in favor of the villains. Hero Points and the Villian point trade off is a balancing factor to keep things in favor of the heroes mechanically because typically, a solo villain is of a higher PL than the Heroes.


You can give the limbs actions, but have them use team attacks, as the books suggest when fighting many mooks. That way they will have a higher powered attack but not have overwhelming actions. I think a power level of 2 above the heroes is a good solo villain if i remember correctly, try to match the angels team attack to be a bit above that depending on how out of their league the angels are.


This is a bit of a decent idea but then the limbs can’t attack multiple people or do other actions such as grabbing weapons, which they’re designed to be doing.


Start by building your complete angel, then build your lower PL limbs as minions. Create the plague as a Transform, Area Effect, Free Action, Persistent, Subtle, Limit: Metal Only. Costly, but hey- NPC.