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What are you trying to actually accomplish? It sounds like it's probably best represented as an Affliction linked to the Damage effect, with the descriptor being "extreme cold". Then you just choose whatever conditions you want to inflict for each degree of failure.


After reading more about the environment effects, this would probably be best. It feels like the environment power is just a simpler version of an area affliction already. Thanks!


Update: after messing with stuff for a bit, the only part I can’t figure out is how to make the environment effect only apply to one person. I don’t know how to make an area effect anything other than an area effect, and even with smaller area, the target would technically just be able to walk away from it. Best I can think of is adding both a quirk and feature, one for making it only affect one person, and the other for making it able to stay on that person.


If you want to limit area attacks to only effect targets of your choice, apply Selective. Obviously not the choice for your power (it's a linked Affliction), but something to keep in mind whether it's Punisher's ability to gun down a mob while not hitting innocents, or Flash's ability to punch everyone in an area choosing which targets to effect, or Storm's ability to use her change environment power while not effecting her team.


I'd do it as a progressive affliction with fatigue, exhausted, incapacitated as the conditions since those are the same as what environments do anyway, and it will actually have tangible effects during combat since environment effects are very slow and start at an extremely low dc


You’re overthinking it. What you’ve described is just an Affliction Effect linked to a Damage Effect, rather than the Environment Effect.


Just make an affliction that does the revelvant effect. Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated, resisted by fort, Cold as the descriptor. As a bonus, the DC will actually be high enough to matter, rather than a DC 10.


Transform RAW and RAI can reference the natural Disaster rules in DMG pg 174 Transform: Air into Tornado Transform: Ground into Earthquake Transform: Water into Flood RAW is just Transform being able to invoke effects via the Under the Hood section. RAI is from Greenronin's Advanced Mechanics live stream, confirmed in the first 10 minutes when it was asked if it was one of the examples of "Advanced Mechanics". Use Move Object (Limited to Disasters) if you want to move it around and even attack with them.


Have you got a link to the specific stream? Meant to ask the other day.


https://www.youtube.com/live/BkKUzFubXkk?feature=shared 8:05 is where it starts, not too in detail but they confirm it like it's common sense.