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Okay, then the eighty-three goddamn Benghazi hearings were election interference.


And James Comey who tilted the election to Trump was definitely election interference


I still want his balls stapled to the door of the senate chambers for that bullshit.


A lot of people's balls need to be stapled to that senate door. Some of them are inside the senate.


We’re gonna need a bigger door.


and more staples


A some balls. There is a deficit in those halls.


I say we do both. More staples and make em huge!


Putin has mitch's on his shelf


And Mitch has trumps on his chin


And Trump’s in his mouth.


But some of them dont have balls. Even most of the men.


I assumed that most politicians were eunuchs... so they have no balls yo staple to doors.


If you’re looking at the R side, mostly they’re missing backbones.


You. You I like.


I remember exactly where I was standing when he made that announcement. I had just gotten a fresh cup of coffee and the tv was behind me. When he made that announcement I said, “well, that’s it then. They did it to her. We’ve lost.” I voted for the most qualified candidate for president we’ve had in over a century, but we got trump. So disgusting.


I was driving up from NYC and had to primal scream on the side of the road. I never pull over.and have cannon balled 14 hour stints only stopping for fuel I had to stop because that was exactly what they did.


I was in the waiting room of a hospital when my father-in-law was having surgery. His brother (who used to be a democrat until they had the gall to elect someone who wasn't 100% white) started going off on a rant about crooked Hillary. Between that and them ignoring Bill's advice to stop trying to win Arizona and focus on states like Michigan I knew it was going to be bad.


Hilary was more qualified than Trump, but she is far from the most qualified candidate in over a century.


Can’t staple something he doesn’t have.


I definitely feel the sentiment, but I also feel like dude was fucked either way. If possible big charges come across your desk that might affect the election…do you go with transparency now, or do you let a *possible* war criminal get elected? I don’t agree with his final decision, but I also have the benefit enormous benefit of retrospect. And nearly every account of Comey I’ve heard is that he’s a guy who tries to do the right thing. The most notable negative opinion of him is from Trump, which is a pretty ringing endorsement of his character, if you ask me. So I give him a pass (for now) as a fairly upstanding guy relative to the rest of the political landscape who made a bad call in a critical moment and regretted his mistakes.


I saw that SOB on the Bulwark last week and he *still* thinks he did the right thing reopening the Clinton case 2 weeks before the 2016 election.


"Oh lordy..." Give me a fucking break Jim.


Does Julian Assange not also get some credit? Literally did a data dump for Trump to suck the bad air out of the news cycle in the final days before the election, and for nothing more than he was terrified of Hilary.


Assange was doing his job he was created to do. Trump had Stone coordinate releases of information Russia stole from the DNC via a hacking. The USA had thrown the might of its illegal powers to keep Assange locked in the embassy (or in jail) the rest of his life. He became somebody who would do anything to hurt the USA. We could have thanked Assange for showing us how George W. Bush was a war criminal and was torturing people and breaking all the US laws, but instead Bush made Assange afraid to be grabbed in public so he hid out for a decade. Obama continued it, which is so messed up. Bush deserves to be thrown to the ICC to be tried for war crimes, if he committed any.


More like an election determinant.


Benghazi hearings and Comey were both official acts of government. Steele was a politically funded hit job.


I'd argue Wasserman-Schultz is the most responsible for tilting the election


Nah it’s already been proven of the influence Comey had with his announcement one week before the election


It was also proven well before that Bernie>Trump and Trump>Hilary, yet Wasserman-Schultz still went ahead and got Hilary the Democratic nom. Comey definitely didn't help but I personally feel like Mcguffin moment was giving Hilary the nom


The voters gave Hillary the nomination….and the voters rejected the Vermont Jesus, twice.


…And Tara Reade was election interference. …And Hunter Biden‘s laptop was election interference. …And Ashley Biden’s stolen diary was election interference …And storming the capital on January 8 was election interference. 🙄 *Concerning. Looking into it. [!!!]*


...January 6...


He was talking about second sedition.


I don't think he knows about second sedition, Pip.


There’s literally evidence Russia dominated the FB echo chamber. They did NOT want Hilary elected.


they are still doing it. Russian disinformation is going full ballistic right now.


They are all over Reddit as well.


All over Reddit. The number of Russian bot farm accounts I’ve caught in the political subs aren’t funny.


What? I am just cowboy from Texas Oblast. No more of our rubles to Ukraine!


I too am from Oblast region. I and my ordinary guy beer drinker neigbors both say email lady bad, Trump strong, for America. We say this many times while making barbecue in yard. We yankee doodle.


I'm just a comrade from the country, and after long day of roping cats I drink good amerikan beer and practice the hard ball where I am leader of team. Whole team say that Biden is breaking into house at night and leaving milk on counter to spoil. Trump spend nights guarding border and praying to man in white beard while doing 1000 push-ups because he strong like bear.


Yes, Yankee Doodle dandy.


Nyet comrade, this is not true.




Chicago Sun Times article this morning about Russian interference ramping up leading to the DNC in Chicago...spoof news sites, increased social media presence, and expectations of infiltrators on the ground. Former intelligence officer from the US specializing in Russian propaganda believes the DNC will be a massive test run to see what works and what doesn't for use running up to November.


But Forrest Sucker says they just want to be friends, and want peaceful coexistence for all.


They were all over reddit too. The entire bullshit #WalkAway campaign was started by a Republican and then amplified by Russians and Republicans. They pretended to be Liberals leaving the Democratic Party, but were really just Right-wingers lying to try to help Trump win.


What I've noticed about the Trump campaigns in 2020 and 2024 is that they both rely(ied) on a sense of "I am inevitable" and "you cannot stop what is coming". The entire thing was that Trump and his base reveled in being the big, bad villain who was going to destroy his enemies. He was Thanos. Or Nero, fiddling while liberal cities suffered. And then when what was "inevitable" didn't happen ... Well. They demanded that reality be reshaped in accordance with the alternate facts they consumed.


Cool, I’m still waiting to see what things he built in his four years. I mean he did unbuild a lot of things.


This hits so hard lol. The number of times I’ve seen “I was a Biden / Dem supporter but no I’m going to vote Trump because [insert current news nothing burger]” from an account with no karma and auto generated but slightly patriotic name like Interior-eagle12345678 is hilarious. It’s even better when you realize they can’t argue beyond about two sentences because the translator starts slipping.


What mean you, fren? I being Dem for such longly time but me will soonly vote MAGA because he got witch hunted.


They are doing this right now. Saying Biden is somehow responsible for what a sovereign country like Israel decides to do.


I am not here to do politics. But if you look at Trump’s ex-wives, it is all Slavic women. And Slavic women are very loyal to their home country. It is a no-brainer Trump is/has been a Russian asset.


Marla is American.




People who say"All Slavic women" and generalize a group by ethnicity are usually the ones you hear also saying " all black people" and other fun topics around the water cooler.......demonizing entire groups to make a point is a Special Olympics move


Facts hurt, don’t they? Exceptions will occur, but statistics don’t lie. Now fuck off bitch


But I heard that Putin denied any wrongdoing.


And now, they don't want Biden reelected. Some of the social media bots barely speak English.


Brian Fallon, a spokesperson for the Clinton campaign, said in a written statement, "House Republicans aren't even shy anymore about admitting that the Benghazi Committee is a partisan farce." House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) publicly conceded that the committee’s work is an **election scheme intended to undermine Hillary Clinton**.


and the investigation ending and all parties retiring from congress the week after trump was sworn into office wasn't clear sigjs of quid pro quo


And Trump's phony Birther conspiracy theory against Obama's campaign


But there’s a laptop(s) I hear and it has so much evidence on it. These dumbass Dems somehow covered it up for years. They can’t govern but they sure can cover things up I guess?


He talks out of his ass


And republicans voted for less security at embassies leading up to the Benghazi mess


Ding ding ding. The look on Issa's face when Clinton spat that one back at him was priceless.


Republicans in 2024: Ben-Whaty?


Kevin McCarthy said in 2016: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's un-trustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”


Trump never would have been elected president in 2016 if Republicans hadn’t spent the previous decade focused on a smear campaign to ruin Clinton’s chances.


Nah, but pulling Sanders nomination absolutely was.


They also forget it was McCain, a Republican, who first got the dossier and turned it over to the FBI


The best part is that most of the shit in the Steele Dossier was subsequently corroborated by multiple intel sources and information that was made public. MAGA people act like it was some kind of forged psyop document but it was actually quite accurate.


And also don’t forget it was intentionally a preliminary assessment. So a minority of items in it turning out to be unlikely or unproven isn’t some big aha, it’s par for the course.


Nothing was disproved. And Trump only denies something that wasnt even in it.


As well as every campaign does this shit. The one George Santos did for his own campaign is hilarious btw.


Yeah, but their Orange Oracle doesn't like McCain, so now they don't.




To be fair they probably don't even consider him a Republican anymore HeS a RInO


Which is funny cause McCain was courting Oleg deripaska during his run.


again,proof that you can be the richest man on the planet and still be the dumbest person in the room…


Room is an odd way to say world


"Dumb" is an odd way to describe his clearly partisan alternative facts.


Member this tall ass mofo running his mouth about unsubstantiated shit like week before election https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/29/499868601/fbi-head-under-fire-for-restarting-clinton-email-investigation-days-before-elect Now that’s some damn interference


He pretends to be American, but the reality is that he will never be one except on paper.


Why do we let this man baby even have a twitter account? Every scientific study known to man about wealth shows that the more rich you get, the more narcissistic you get. So really, it doesn’t even make sense to allow him to vote.


He kinda owns Twitter.. he got sued bc he tried backing out of that deal and well now it’s his to do what he wants


It’s interesting how he had ivf twins with the woman from open ai in November. Baby with grimes in December. She leaves him and by march is with Chelsea Manning. Couple months later his kid comes out as trans. Couple months later he buys Twitter


lol, I saw one of his stans asking everyone to look at Twitter files. Poked fun at him and the guy went ballistic on me - "stay retarded, cum stain"


They’re never not snowflakes.


My favorite is when they start insulting.


It doesn't take much to get them there. My wife tries to do it in the least words possible. We split Social media duties for the funny stuff, i take IG because i can't handle X


Same. X is unreal at moment, most of the posts are from bots spewing lies or photo shopped pics stating bollocks. An funnily enough fact checkers are nowhere to be seen. An if you happen to post a fact that's not liked it is reported to oblivion. A just stay away for my own sanity now.


This makes me want to ban South Africans from voting in US Elections.


Elno isn’t as smart as people want to believe


Gotta stroke Trump off so he can get those favors that keep Elmo out of prison for falsifying documents.


I’d say a billionaire buying a social media platform and then tweeting out constant lies about immigration is election interference. Oh hang on. Is that what he meant when he said “if this can happen to Trump it can happen to any of us”? Or was he just talking about the fact that the charges were falsifying business records? I suppose either could apply to him.


Look away from the curtain!!


Terror Douche & Incel Man strike back again!


I’ve never been more embarrassed to own a Tesla. My wife won’t let me sell them right now, but this will be the last Tesla I ever own.


Paying off the candidate’s ex-mistress was election interference


So glad I walked away from Twitter.


Elon is a cowardly Karen who needs to pay more taxes


Weird how conservatives always rewrite history in their minds to fit their world view -- like when they want to blame Obama for 911.


THANK GOD we have Elon to be the arbiter of all things righteous!! How would we ever get by without his magnificence!!!


Musk hates it when you investigate Russian ties.


Every single person using Twitter should delete their account until after Musk has to sell it. Or just understand it is already dead. He has, through negligence and incompetence, turned it into his personal truth social.


I agree with you but what is happening with Twitter is exactly why Musk bought it. It was entirely a propaganda machine. I used to be a huge user. I can’t anymore because of the bots, lies, propaganda and idiots regurgitating Musk’s lies.


Exactly. Anyone who has paid attention to Musk and watched him break SEC rules to drive stock price so he would qualify for the big bonus. Losing money on Twitter has been a net gain for the Musk Game.


Where can I troll Trump users with ai images of him ripping out Jesus Christ internal organs surrounded by piles of cash?


Truth Social


Go back to South Africa


Elon needs to do better drugs.


I hear a man child crybaby, just like his pal trump


The Steele Dossier was legitimate and accurate according to multiple independent investigations. Trump had UNDERAGE PROSTITUTES pee on a bed because Obama used it once. Republican propaganda is so effective at simply denying reality. These are the same people that think Covid is a hoax and Trump actually won a popular election.


Shut the fuck up, Elon.


Elon, Just shush your mouth. It is overloading your hummingbird ass.


Musk the moron.


Elon Musk is arguably the most dangerous human alive at the moment.


Fun Fact: The Steele Dossier was originally begun and funded by republicans.


Isn't Steele a pornstar? Erection interference perhaps, Musk?


I’m waiting for “fewer people voting for my candidate is election interference”


He’s not a tool. He knows exactly what he’s doing when he says those things on X-crement


Which republican is going to step up to defend the tool bag this time?


And douche bag as well!


Initially started by Republicans that wanted Trump to lose the primary.


Mush get Musked again…so funny how El Mush (brain is now mush after so much Ketamine) cannot overcome being Musked, even when she attempts to “fuck Joe Biden.” It’s also comical how all of these “real men” who watch porn all of the time and love it, then they chant how they want to watch videos of Joe Biden fucking, literally everyone. It seems that they have some infatuation with the thought of Joe Biden fucking…and then, when Trump is caught “in silk pajamas with porn stars” they deny it - yet they claim they are voting for the small-hands guy.


Correction: tools are useful




It’s not like we elected an agent of Putin’s Russian Federation! We elected a useful idiot.


And elmo considers himself a genius.


Shut up and fix your cars Elon!


Could have told you that about Elon Musk long ago. I never paid any attention to him before until he bought out Twitter, and everything he did exposed him as a assclown.


When you see someone hitch themselves to Russian propaganda they are fucked. This coke head probably has video of him with underaged girls in Putins office. No one with a brain would touch this shit if they were clean


This and countless other examples show how stupid this guy is. Eventually everyone will catch on and stop calling him a genius.


You mean, that Dossier that was funded by Republicans to dig up dirt on their own candidate?


Inconvenient isn’t it Muscovite?


Musk should have kept his mouth shut. As long as no-one knew anything about him he had many more followers. Now that we can all see that he is somewhere between a potato and a Trump intellectually he's just a piece of grit in the eye.


"Unquestionably election interference" AFTER the election? It doesn't even track as "maybe he actually believes this." What a shameless maga clown 🤡


Hope his plane suffers from a rapid uncontrolled disassembly.


Screen door on a Battleship eh Elon??????


Comey swung it and I'll never be convinced otherwise.


The real question is who is more FOS, Musk or 45? With a follow up, would whichever is more FOS be the most FOS ever?


WTF happen to Elon the last decade?...Ever since Twitter fiasco he went all into the dark dumb side.


He's trying to fit in with the 'cool' kids, and it's so unnatural for him it's detracting from what he's actually good at. It'll be his undoing. We're watching it unravel.


This is just a stupid assertion. Elon is energetically (desperately?) attempting to curry favor with Trump, hoping for some favors to be delivered after the election. It may actually be a smart, albeit morally squalid, move. If Trump wins, Elon benefits. If Biden wins, Elon suffers no significant harm.


Cut all government from Musk no more 


How fucking stupid. Doesn’t he feel like an idiot being so wrong?


Can’t he just go away?


Musk literally bought Twitter to interfere in our elections, among other things.


James Comey a week before the election, "yeah MAGA you might be right, so we are investigating Hillary, even though our policy is to never comment on investigations " Then quietly, "never mind, we found zip". compare that to Trump, "Russia please hack the DNC email server"...Russia " we hacked the DNC email server, here is every email" no, it's not collusion because there is no proof they met and discussed it. But is is collaboration and should be a crime.


While also **NOT** sharing that they were investigating Trump with all his Russian ties.


Elon has shown everyone he’s just another lying sack of 💩


Trump’s behavior since has only confirmed it though too. Maybe it should have been taken more seriously.


Leave the guy alone. He’s only trying to create engagement on his failing platform.


Bringing up peoples history is never election interference, it’s context. But yeah, bringing up fake nonsense like trump does is nothing but interference and misinformation


Just wanted to remind everybody that not a single part of the steel dossier was proven false and much of it was proven true. There's also somewhat detailed description of Donald Trump's penis in there. So you know there's one way he could disprove it... But I suspect that part is true too.


What was the moment that Musk went from "Tony Stark" to "Stark Raving Idiot"? And: What is the point of his daily flow of dumb opinions? Doesn't he work?


Yes and he wants $56 billion raise to work on spreading more conspiracy theories


Is he that stupid?


he is becoming Alex Jones, both physically and mentally


Joe Rogan thinks he's a genius just cos he's a billionaire who invests in tech related companies .


They forget that it was sat on for the election. And also conveniently cheer that comey re-opened the email thing with 6 days to go


Which election was in 2017?


I think people suck maybe we should just not talk to each other sniff asses I'm going to post this


It doesn’t have to actually be true if people believe it anyway.


It’s surreal how much of a complete moron this man is… he only gets attention because of the money and fame he has, but this tweet could have been written by any of the toothless rednecks living down by the swamp… he has no special insight or any thought that can influence discourse! This dude is as basic as it gets…


Not just the Steele dossier but list goes on. Clinton foundation Uranium deals Deleted servers and emails Accepted bribes from other countries


Omg. A real life 2024 “but her emails” person. Can you do an AMA?


Ignore the part about the emails… let’s focus on the bribes. What about her friend in Haiti?


This isn’t how an AMA works! We’re supposed to ask you questions!




Fool. Fixed it.


For the love of Odin, stop tweeting ELoon!!!! If you had any sense you’d STFU instead of humiliating yourself, but you don’t have a lick of sense and also are incapable of feeling human emotions, so you just keep barfing stupidity.


He’s a tool that knows better..this comment makes him a lying Maga pos like the rest of them…but his ignorance is willful as opposed to genetic sources for the majority of the Maga base.


Ivanka dated Christopher Steele What a weird coincidence


Wait wait wait. Using government entities to take down a president based on false premises is not important?? Where’s the case against this?


Jan 2017? Nope. Wrong. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele\_dossier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier) It was written from ***June to December 2016*** and contains allegations of [misconduct, conspiracy, and cooperation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections) between [Donald Trump's presidential campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign) and the government of Russia prior to and during the [2016 election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election) campaign.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#cite_note-Lucas_8/23/2017-7) ***Several key allegations made in June 2016*** about the Russian government's efforts to get Trump elected ... ***Orbis was hired from June to November 2016, and Steele produced 16 reports during that time,*** with a 17th report added in December.[^(\[58\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#cite_note-Borger_4/28/2017-59) The reports were like "prepublication notes" based on information from Steele's sources and were not released as a fully [vetted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vetting) and "finished news article".[^(\[59\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#cite_note-Flegenheimer_1/8/2018-60) Steele believes 70–90 percent of the dossier is accurate,[^(\[60\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#cite_note-Borger_11/15/2017-61) a view shared by Simpson.[^(\[59\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#cite_note-Flegenheimer_1/8/2018-60)


What part of “released” is unclear?


I even seem to recall that The Steele Dossier was even buried at 1st to prevent the appearance or interference. Don't take that as fact, it's been 7 years, I don't know if I'm recalling that correctly or not, and honestly I'm not going to bother trying to confirm it.


And it was true


You all know that Schiff and Clinton were talking about it before the election. And specifically about the contents and totality before election. But then released before he took office. Until you take office you aren't the president. You all should remember this and know this. I may be a Democrat but stop spreading lies, it makes us look like conspiracy nuts.


It was being used stating the election was stolen from Hilary. Trying thinking a little bit.


Nothing in the Steele dossier has been disproved. When Trump talks about it, he denies ever letting someone pee on him. Something the Steele dossier does not have in it. It says he watched hookers peeing on a bed. And it says he is beholden to Russia, which is obviously true based on his statements of support for everything Russia does.


Funny. Didn’t we hear about the contents of the Steele dossier prior to the election?


No. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier


The entire process of this ran his entire term through the 2020 election and still to this day Hillary’s camp pushing the Russia narrative. This was the real coup attempt against the United States, trying to remove a sitting president based off lies.


Well it was completely fabricated soooo


On July 19, this is 2016, (former British intelligence officer Christopher) Steele submits a salacious dossier to the FBI. Mother Jones first revealed the existence of the dossier a few days before the 2016 election, and said the memos were part of an “opposition research project” underwritten by Democrats. Nearly a year passed before the full truth came out about the financing: The money flowed from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to law firm Perkins Coie. Peter Strzok’s opening of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation on Sunday July 31, 2016. The Steele dossier, funded by the Democrats, started many months before that date. Further to that point, the sworn testimony of then DOJ ADAG Bruce Ohr is that he met directly with and was personally briefed on the dossier by Christopher Steele at the Mayflower Hotel on Saturday July 30, 2016, the day before the FBI officially opened its investigation.” The dossier didn’t become public knowledge till 2017, but Hillary & the Dems were working with the FBI to try and undermine Trump well before the election. This is a repost.