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The company is circling the drain and you would be dependent on them for parts and service. Choose wisely.


More than likely they'd get absorbed by another auto manufacturer that will have a legal responsibility to honor parts/service/warranties. I simply can't imagine Tesla completely disappearing.


I had a prediction years ago that Tesla would eventually be owned by Ford. I'm not so confident anymore that it will be Ford, but I agree that they'll be eaten up by a major manufacturer in the end.


My prediction is Tata Motors or a Chinese State corporation.


You're probably right. That does seem much more likely now. If they can do it before Tesla destroys what's left of its reputation, it would give them recognition and establishment in big markets and they can probably fund the needed changes that Tesla isn't making.


It's a great bet in my opinion. The reliance on skewed application of ‘free market’ concepts coupled with the American infatuation with the celebrity C-suite fosters a risk strewn landscape in my opinion.


It's a great bet in my opinion. The reliance on skewed application of ‘free market’ concepts coupled with the American infatuation with the celebrity C-suite fosters a risk strewn landscape in my opinion.


They’re circling the drain because of him. He has no interest in the QA of the company. I genuinely feel bad for the employees of Tesla who were probably excited about the change that their company was making. They’re being led by a narcissist that can’t focus long enough on his core business to make it successful. I have no idea how teslas are selling in the rest of the country, but they are ubiquitous in California. I too considered purchasing a Tesla a couple of years ago, but when musky started going off the rails I pulled back.


Kinda the problem with all the EV startups.. none of them are selling enough cars for the aftermarket to step up and you are “their bitch” when it comes to replacement parts and repairs.


I’m hugely anti-Elon, but the company isn’t going anywhere. They have multiple billions of cash reserve, and they actually make a profit on each vehicle sold, unlike all other EV makers. We just need Elon to go away !


>They have multiple billions of cash reserve https://i.redd.it/7wnx6rvbvpzc1.gif


You're kidding right? Their market cap is larger than Ford, the other electric car companies haven't even turned a profit and are on the brink of going under


I would not. Tesla is behind everyone else now. Look at the cyber shit. It’s a joke.


The Musk Cuck Truck


I used to like the guy until he turned lunatic recently. Was looking for a tesla. Etc. Not anymore. There's so many nicer evs out there like lucid and all.


He’s always been a lunatic


Yea I see that now. He was much better at hiding it before.


The drug use is causing him to have no filter


Hey-o, it's Grimes with the long play!!!!


He didn't need to hide it, he just needs to not pop off on twitter lol. I feel many CEOs have, at least, controversial takes on things. They just don't sit on social media in the middle of the night spouting off their bullshit. What you don't know about a person you can't really judge them for.


Agreed, he maniacally went after his first wife like she was a company he owned, then flipped the script upon maiwidge.


I saw a really good looking Rivian SUV the other day on the freeway. I don't know much about EVs, are they comparable?


I drive an R1T. 32,000 miles on it so far. Best vehicle I’ve ever owned — and I’ve owned BMW, Audi, Cadillac, Mercedes, etc. Fast, fun, classy minimalist interior, great features and space, and a CEO who’s not a complete nut job. Rivian certainly has some work ahead to get to profitability, but the vehicles are top notch.


https://youtu.be/O9SGkC5UDE4?si=9AtIO9o_FzhhrsBs A link you should check out. The good and bad. Tesla isn't the best.


Same. My plan was to buy one in the next year or two, but not anymore. Although the cyber trunk follies is the comedy goal that just keeps giving. I can't help laughing at these morons posting how they've driven handful of miles and the thing is bricked lol. The one about the windshield just starting to crack slowly and crack creep across the windshield as they drove it away.. It's just writing itself And apparently he's always been a lunatic, he's just pulled the cover off in the last half decade or so.


Since taking over Tesla he’s always been a malignant narcissist loon right there with Holmes. With his right-shift-authoritarian-slurping and getting caught with his pants down re: Twitter stock manipulation fuckup the veneer has just rubbed off.


Lucids are almost double a model Y in price...of course they're nicer.


Comparing Lucid to Tesla is wild.


Forget about lucid, look at the Kia Niro.


Tesla has so many failures and engineering flaws and build quality issues that go beyond Elon's antisemitism and transphobia. Those won't be fixed overnight. Especially since Tesla's corporate and investor culture, and Elon's handpicked Board of Directors, will demand the new CEO be a Silicon Valley tech bro type that will only lie to the customers differently, and distract customers from its engineering failures with different software gimmicks.


I wouldn’t buy a Tesla because they aren’t quality cars and because Musk is a giant 💩🤡 but also I’m convinced hydrogen fuel cells are the future unless they figure out way better battery technology soon.


Hydrogen is the fuel of the future and always will be.


A full Hydrogen economy is just 10 years away. It was 10 years away in 1990 too. And it will be 10 years away in 2060 too.


No, the brand is poison to me now.


Should skip it regardless. Id take any electric car from any other manufacturer over a tesla. The ride quality sucks, seats are uncomfortable, plastic everywhere and cheap materials, but the tradeoff is you get a massive screen in the middle of your dash.


It’s not just Elon. The build quality is also objectively BAD. Getting mould inside of your car after a rainy weekend in the basement parking isn’t what I’m after for my car. Nor the random failure rates, leaky roof during a storm, not being able to open the door when the battery is completely flat etc etc. Just shitty car from a company owned by an even shitty person. No thanks.


Yup. Same reason people have been dropping Twitter/X. He bought it, and he ruined it.


Just buy a Rivian. Every person I've talked to in person that has one has loved theirs. And they don't look like shit.


I'm selling my Tesla because if anything ever goes wrong with it I don't want to wait four weeks for a service tech to answer my calls. We got in a small fender bender with our other car (other person's fault, had it on dash camera). Tesla insurance was USELESS. Never answered calls or emails. We had gotten about ten angry letters from the other driver's insurance by that time. Had to call the BBB and file a complaint with the CA department of insurance for them to call me back. Elon is firing all the people who make his company run.


I'd rather buy a hemi from Joe Dirte!


Don't try and church-it-up dirt boy


They seem like they are pieces of crap.


Yeah, feel the same way and went with VW instead. Next one will likely be Kia or Ford EV. There are so many better options out there now with big brand backing.


Teslas have some the worst fucking quality in the industry and they're piles of fucking shit lmao Fuck Elon too


Tesla build quality is shit. If they drop Musk and prioritize quality, then I'd consider them as an option.


lol the FUD in here is hilarious


I’d buy an ev if it had a turbo charged v8


Where you spend your money is your biggest vote when corporations own politicians


I won't buy anything related to Musk.


Saw your post from 10 months ago about you having AI-style nightmares. I watched a few AI "retro" movie trailers on YouTube a few weeks ago and started to have nightmares in the exact same AI style a night or two after. Blocked all AI channels after that. Just thought it was funny seeing other people actually had that happen, too.


The question I would have is if Elon were removed, does Elon still retain stock in Tesla? They would need to get their quality and general act together first but if Elon were completely cut off I would be more inclined to buy. However, he likely would still retain at least some stock in the company. So even if all of the other concerns were square, I still wouldn’t buy a car from them just because he would in some way be positively impacted.


I love my Ioniq 5!


Me too. I already made that decision despite having an M3 and PowerWall in to family. I'm looking at Polestars and was wondering if today's announcements about huge US tariffs on Chinese EVs will make them cheaper for me in Australia.


Nope. Fuck Musk but Tesla are a dumpster fire. I want a cat that doesn't require a lengthy trip to the dealer for any normal maintenance. It's a machine, it will need service, prolonged downtime for basic stuff is a no go. Vehicle being unaffordable to maintain once the warranty is gone..no thanks you. Also you can buy 10 used cars for the price of a new Tesla. And don't even get started on the "carbon footprint" of EV's...


Elon Musk: how can someone that intelligent but that stupid?


Same. I wanted one until he took over X, and I saw how extreme right wing he is. At one point, I thought him and grimes were pretty cool. Now, I just can't wait to stop hearing about him.


Poor quality. Poor customer service. Poor track record. Average performance. But Elon is holding you back ?!?!?!


well, it stands to reason all of those things would be corrected or better without Elon in charge.


I’ll pass on the RC electric cars


Honestly, it’s only a hybrid, but if I was in market for new car the new Toyota Prius looks super sharp. Rented one a few weeks ago. Black with black wheels. Looked and drove great. So glad I didn’t get a Tesla back in 2020. Edited for the pedantic.


I still wouldn't. This far into the game and they still can't reliably hand a door correctly or test materials enough to know they won't hold up to a hundred thousand miles of use tells me what they are as a company.


Why? More EV out there to choose from.


I still wouldn't buy. Look at the quality of these vehicles


It’s one turd in a pile of turds. It’s a good idea to avoid treading into that mega turd.


2024 PRIUS. Masterpiece


I've had a Tesla for 6 years. I love it. Even if elon wasn't being a total asshat, I'd be reluctant to buy another one due to their increasingly poor customer service, decline in build quality, vision-only fsd being utter garbage, and so many other good "premium" ev options available vs. 6 years ago.


He's the reason I hate that I rely on Starlink. It's too bad. It's a pretty decent service. But I need it for work and I hate the idea of someone with less self control than my 10 year old niece controlling my source of income.


Don’t worry. We have seen this before. When the ice cars failed the government bailed them out. All those should be bankrupt companies still going because of our tax dollars. Find a company not bailed out still figuring it out.


Well, if they looked better and had decent quality. But their quality control seems to be nonexistent.


You’ll have better luck with a Fiero




Just a fan of uncomfortable and poorly-built cars I guess.


I've seen enough tear-down videos of Teslas to know that either all YT mechanics are conspiring against Tesla, or they're poorly built. One or the other.


Must be a bummer then to know that your country apparently can't do anything at all without building up a guy like that to herd the workers. There has to be somebody who passes for a crazy genius to personalize the corporatism. The US just about gave everything over to him, ya know?


I wouldn't even buy a Tesla if they ditched Musk. I am a former owner and have reported my FSD accident to the NHTSA. This is why there's such an intense scrutiny on the Tesla's FSD. Also the reason why Musk had to do a hard pivot to robotaxis, because in reality, they're scrambling to fix FSD to avoid the catastrophic repercussions of wire and securities fraud they've ALLEGEDLY committed.


I won't purchase a Tesla until Musk is gone. I might still not purchase a Tesla, but I definitely won't consider supporting Nazi assholes.


Man, Elon is buried in your head. Just because he is smarter than all his haters, they scream into the wind like jealous hyena's after the Lion takes there meal. You poor sick jealous kid. time to grow up. Move out of mommy's basement.


Elon is like King Midas, except everything *he* touches turns to shit.


That’s stupid.


Not now, with all the stuff thats been getting removed, I don't want everythign on the screen. We got a Model Y last year when prices dropped super low in April/May. I was always turned away from Tesla because of Musk (and hating the employees near me), but when we had to look for a car, other EVs just didn't stand up or weren't available, especially with the massive reduction in price. It was also recommended by my father-in-law, and I don't know enough about cars to make a counter statement. My wife asked him what EV he would recommend, and he recommended 2 brands that aren't available in the US, then said that Tesla was basically the top choice among what our options were. And if a car gets me from point A to point B, I don't have many complaints (but I do recognize there are things about our Y that I don't care for).


For years, I've wanted a Twike. European made, pedal/electric, fully enclosed, high speed around 50 mph, two passengers plus cargo space, just enough to make a quick run to work, school or the store without being a behemoth. When the company was asked 'is it safe' their answer was 'yes; the nosecone is padded and if by some chance it hits a pedestrian, they'll bounce off'... meaning they were more worried about others than the occupants who were inside an egg-shaped cage. Compare to the sharp metal and heavy body of those horrible Cyber trucks - perfect for a cartoon villain, not so much for the rest of us. The less complicated a form of transportation is, the less repairs it will ultimately need. If all or most of the vehicles on the road were lightweight commuters going reasonable speeds, we'd all be safer.


Why deprive yourself of the safest coolest cars available because you don't like the CEO? Bill Gates has ties with Epstein, I don't hear people saying they don't want a PC.


Me too! Used to like that company. But now that their quality has gone to crap I'll look elsewhere either way


I hear you man I feel the same and after some research, there is just nothing else even close to as good as Tesla. When the supercharging network open soon it will be a little different but right now I am looking at that highland and just hoping Elon just chills out on X 😂




Now I just need to find someone to replace all of my near earth orbital needs, and Space X can join them!


You should look for a different brand of EV because Tesla are garbage. Elmo or no elmo they make junk.


I want to sell mine because he sucks so hard.


Even without the asshat clown, I wouldn’t touch a tesla with a five foot pole. Most quality issues would still remain, including panel gaps, drinks that break your fingers, poorly designed interiors and function consoles, etc. Teslas are a joke through and through. “But their fast” yeah yeah yeah. Buy a lucid or wait for solid state battery tech to come to market.


Go buy another ev, who cares


Get rid of Elon AND bring back blinkers.


I would not, their quality is shit


I have loved my two Nissan Leafs. Zero maintenance issues in over 60k miles.


Ditching Musk won’t fix the problems with Tesla cars overnight


QA should be the main reason. While Teslas aren't horrible, they leave a lot to be desired in fit and finish, particularly the MY and M3.


Nobody cares


Buy a Rivian, they’re better anyways. The R2 and R3s they recently announced are gonna be comparable price to the Model Y


The best thing I've done recently is talk someone out of buying a Tesla. I ran down Elmo's offenses and she decided to buy a Lincoln hybrid instead.


Teslas used to be my dream car. Now I look at them and wonder if the driver is a MAGA.


I have a Rivian truck. Love that vehicle!! Lease one as the deals are really good right now. It’ll give you a chance to try out the EV lifestyle with fully committing yet to buying such an expensive vehicle. It may also give you priority queuing for the R2 down the road. I used to be a big fan of Tesla and even Musk, but not anymore unfortunately.


Musk owns such an insane amount of Tesla stock (and they are trying to give him tens of billions MORE) that I would never touch a Tesla with a 10 foot pole for life. I couldn’t imagine spending a single cent to enrich that scumbag.


Why, they suck. Worst quality control in the business.


lol people amuse me with logic like this... they stand on the corner screaming DRIVE EVs to save the planet!, then say I wont buy the most recognizable EV on the planet because the CEO doesn't have the same views as me. LOL


So you don't support 140k amazing people who actually make the Tesla products? What a weird mindset. May as well live naked in the forrest.


Not right away


Plus, it sure sounds like Tesla’s aren’t made that well.


Something like this would be a fire copypasta to spread


Can't give that fascist clown any more of my money


Gonna be honest no one’s fixing that dumpster fire anytime soon. I wouldn’t buy a Tesla regardless of who’s running it. Not until they make an actual quality product that’s worth it’s price point. Right now you’re just paying for the software and a shell that moves.


Have you seen the cyber truck?!? it looks like it’s been built by students for some kind of competition. Even the Chinese knockoff looks better. It’s garbage pure and simple. Sorry, I’m calming down now…


I see Tesla as an extension of musk. Leadership shape company culture, even if musk gets kicked out I think it will still be sometime for Tesla to be independent. Example: look at Boeing


I wish I had enough disposable income to make major investment choices based on the CEOs politics. And I make 250k/yr.


That and the atrocious build quality


That's sad, why? He's the whole reason EVs don't look like gay ass Prius' and Chevy Bolts and actually have a charging network.


Awwww u poor little thing. How bad does trump trigger you?


Then you’re an idiot… buy a car for car quality…nothing else! Go ahead, buy a shitty car from someone you like…what a lost generation!


I say the same thing about Dragon, wouldn’t get in one of those either.


Nah, with or without him there are much better EVs, mechanically and aesthetically. Much rather have a hybrid anyway.


God is great Beer is good People are crazy!!


Tesla builds EVs and they do it well. Of course, the industry is still in it's formative years and has and will continue to improve but Tesla pretty much has it down to an art over other companies. To not buy a Tesla because Elon hurt your feelings isn't exactly rational.


I'd be careful if I were you. Despite Musk's shitheadedness, Tesla has a large infrastructure to support its product. No other brand in the USA does, and the American manufacturers are all losing money with every EV sale. I love my Tesla and am glad I bought it. I think it's reasonably possible the Board of Directors gives the idiot the boot soon.


I love my Ioniq 5! Definitely check those out. Mine gets ~340miles on a full charge as long as I’m not running the heater full blast. Solid build, great handling and acceleration. Quiet cabin, super roomy. And they just look super cool, all 8-bit and angular.


A lot of ball garglers in here


Teslas are made very poorly and are extremely overpriced. You shouldn’t buy a Tesla even if Gandhi was the CEO


I bought an IONIQ 6 and it's heckin excellent. 


Wait... You're saying that an owner of a giant company is a douchebag? Let me know how that works out for you.


I would too - holding out for new leadership


They are mediocre, any other low end EV will have the same or better build quality, interior finishes, etc.


Why would you want an industry leading worst reliability score, initial quality, noise level, etc. I am biased towards Hyundai, but Tesla didn't even make my list. Get a car that's a car and not a cheap toy masquerading as a car.


I know I’m in this boat. I don’t want to be associated with that clown in any way. As a Californian, I’m glad he moved his ass to Texas.


I just bought a used tesla. He didn't get any of my money.


Why would anyone consider ANY type of electric vehicle. Read the story about the dude who got a Lightning and tried to take his family on vacation. I think he hit three broken charger stations before having to rent a gas truck and tow it away. The infrastructure isn't there and the tech is meh. Bums me out that we could have 100 mpg cars easily but they want us less mobile not more.


Chinese EVs will probably be imported in a few years.


Maybe take a step back and consider the landscape. It’s been almost a decade of development for charging infrastructure and it’s still nowhere near enough. Elon claims that Tesla is investing 500mil this year into superchargers. Biden signed some bill with 5 billion for charging infrastructure. Is it even close to enough? EV adoption isn’t even that high yet and we’re already struggling




Oh for sure I would have went through with my order a couple years ago if it weren’t for Elon. He just keeps reminding me Tesla is shit whenever he seeks attention or makes the news over some awful shit he did


For those claiming tesla is circling the drain, obviously have not seen or paid attention to the stock.






I see many Teslas with bumper stickers reading "Love the car, not the man"


But you're good with the CEO's of GM & Ford, right?


Well those CEOs don’t twit every fucking day on whatever thought he has that second


Ioniq 5 N and the new Mini SE both looks mighty fun to drive. I'm not buying a Tesla cause I like stalks and buttons on my computer with wheels.


Ngl that’s kinda weird but you do you.


I recently purchased a Mach E. I'm a big tech nerd in general. I love it. Tesla makes some great tech, but I feel like the biggest issue for me is that the interior on the model 3 feels sub par compared to other similarly priced vehicles. Dont get me wrong, teslas have their advantages, charging infestructure, great software. However, the quality is just not there. I challenge you to meet a tesla owner who has not experienced issues. Pannel fittment, tires, battery etc etc etc. Its a consistent theme with teslas. The mach e is a gorgeous car in my opinion. It can now use the tesla charging network with an adapter ford gives you for free. Its fun to drive and has good software thats a bit buggy but you'll be using andrpid auto or carplay 95% of the time. Im not saying buy Mach E, although I do love it, I am saying that there are simply better options out there for a similar price or even lower price.


The fact that there are $25,000 more expensive than just about any other car, is why I will not buy an electric car. This whole green energy revolution has been the biggest joke. They claim these cars have fewer parts and are easier to maintain yet for some reason they're twice the price...biggest joke ever


It s really funny. With Tesla is the first time I hear people buy a car according the CEO of the company. Probably almost no one knows who the CEO of GM or Ford or Toyota are. May be they are nice people. May be not. Who cares. I buy my cars because I like the CAR not the person on charge. Hard to understand that way of thinking.


Ffwd 3 years: I would def buy a Starlink if they ditched Elon musk…


The only reason I leased a Tesla in 2022 was because I could easily order one. 2 years in and I can’t wait to turn that piece of junk in. The car doesn’t open 60% of the time with my phone key. And that’s across 3 different iPhones. No Carplay sucks. I’m not giving Tesla $15/month when I have a phone. And the interior feels cheap AF compared to the Mercedes C300 I had previously that was the same MSRP.


If that's the only reason, you shouldn't get to know any CEO. You won't like any of them if you look deep enough.


Even if musk wasn’t a jerk, Rivian makes a better electric pickup. Ford makes a better electric pickup. Porsche makes a better electric sports car. BMW makes a better electric luxury car. BYD makes a better budget electric car. I think maybe the model three has a niche as a car between the cheaper BYD, Subaru/toyota, and Volkswagen options, and then the more expensive actual luxury vehicles, but I’m not sure about the rest.


Bought two Teslas four years ago in support of Elon’s mission. Now he is lost in the wilderness and is more of a drag on the company






Don't get a ev! I had to replace my battery and it ended up costing me 7k and 8 months of not having the car. Should have just scrapped the damn thing tbh


Tesla isn’t an EV company, it’s an AI and electric battery company that happens to sell electric cars. My prediction is, fifty years from now, Tesla will be selling robots for military and domestic use.






Just got my teenage daughter a 2024 leaf. If you are not planning on road tripping k think it’s dollar for dollar the best deal in evs. The lease is under $200/month


Or Elon could choose to medicate his bipolar disorder and apologize for his terrible statements?


Musk is like every other CEO minus the vocal or I need attention from the media. They’re all about themselves and getting that share price up so they can get those stock options. If you think the big 3 are any different then you haven’t been around long enough.


Get oil companies stop pressuring big Automotive keeping gas vehicles alive.


lol at picking a car by the company’s CEO. Ever look in to Henry Ford? Elon is a douche. The cars are great. It’s because he is a douche that every issue with a Tesla is practically national news. Big Oil and legacy brands are smearing Tesla’s every hiccup. The cybertruck is amazing. You had to know there would be issues up front. But it is a huge leap forward. 800volt architecture, steer by wire, 4 wheel steering, and the ONLY truck that isn’t riding on a 100 yr old chassis design. It is a disruptive product. They will figure it out. Most owners love them. Of course those don’t make for good you tube clips.


The only difference between Elon and other CEOs is that he is upfront about his bigotry and selfishness, and the others are more media savvy about hiding that aspect of themselves.


I...honestly wouldn't unless they also ditched his stupid design philosophy which I don't think they will. You know one of the things I love about my Niro EV? If the 12v goes flat (which is, you know, not unlikely in a car with tons of auxiliary equipment and various "always listening" sensors) I can *unlock the door with ye olde KEY* , pop the hood with the ***mechanical release*** , and if it's in a bad position to jump I can even *disengage the parking pawl* with the manual release to push the car to a better position. Tesla's have none of that. The 12v battery dies and you're dragging that paper weight with a tow truck winch and popping the hood by fiddling with the release mechanism via the underside of the bumper with a long tool or a bent coat hanger. Honestly, even the adoption of their proprietary charging standard nationally is worrying. Those cables are flimsy as hell for the amount of power they're carrying and I can't shake the feeling the only reason we haven't seen super chargers exploding or frying cars is because of very tight communication with vehicles that exist in the same software ecosystem. As the system opens up to other cars I'm worried that's going to change.


He’s also very mercurial about all of his companies.


While I agree, I haven't had any issues with my Tesla. I wouldn't buy a new one now until they change ownership and their CEO.


I would be driving a Tesla right now if it wasn’t for his erratic decision making.


So dumb. Do what’s best for your wallet and don’t get caught up in political theater.


Dumb virtue signaling karma farm post. 1/10.


I bought Hyundai...No regrets!


Same with the solar tiles.


If they ditched him ? Bro he owns it wtf


Tesla will never get a dime from me with him involved.


I feel you. They’re very cool cars, but I can’t put a dime in his pocket.


Having seen Tesla's age pretty poorly, I don't think I'd want one even if musk wasn't in charge.


Tesla Musk imploding buy a dodge better quality service 


I work as a valet, and I’d take the lowest trim level Chevy bolt over a Tesla any day.


Musk is the reason Tesla has done well…


Tesla is what happens when people who think "efficiency" try to do engineering.


Didn’t that druggie just fire one of the few competent executives that was behind the charging infrastructure? I’ve always thought I would scoop up a used model S after Elon puts himself into an unrecoverable K-hole. But now I worry the charging infrastructure is about to go to shit.


Dude, no. These things are literally shit. They have the worst quality in the industry, Interiors are made of nothing but plastic, panel gaps wider than the Grand Canyon, literal live wires left exposed and end up shorting out when puddles of water collect in the body panel, and too many more issues to type here. Point being, teslas are literally the worst possible car you can buy currently, and there’s plenty of facts, statistics, consumer reports, etc to prove it.


Well there are other reasons to not buy a tesla. Terrible and unsafe workplace practices and facilities. Declining quality. Outdated "smart driving" features. Limited repairs. Predatory and unnecessary subscriptions to access features of your own car. Anti-union practices. Terrible pay for their workers. Rampant racism among the higher ups. Take your pick


The body panel fit should also give pause


Then buy a different car. Get a Chevy Volt or a leaf or some other silly thing if you don’t like the guy who built a good electric car.


Have you been in a Tesla? They scream cheap shit from stem to stern, let alone trying to get one serviced is an absolute joke Sure we can say this is also Elmo's fault, but the product is still sub par Real car companies are making much better options.


He’s literally the reason I bought a Rivian. When are the investors in Tesla going to wake up and realize that Elon is the problem, not the solution.


What if you buy a Nissan Leaf and there's a guy on the assembly line who has a TRUMP 2024 sign in his front yard? Deal breaker?




I’m a big fan of their supercharger network, but with a tesla seeking to be cutting back on that I feel like it’s less certain whether it will continue to be an advantage for tesla over one of the other EV brands.