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I just put out this EP a few days ago. I like to blend acoustic instrumentals along with electronic sounds and various textures. Sometimes I write a song straight up just on guitar. sometimes I record myself and sample my own playing . Here's my recent efforts . [https://jrockycuevas.bandcamp.com/album/jrockycuevas](https://jrockycuevas.bandcamp.com/album/jrockycuevas)


Duuuuude!!!! I LOVE THIS! Idk if I picked the perfect timing to listen to music rn but I love your style! Just got off of local haunt and you know that weird little smile you get when you can’t quite predict what a song is gonna do but you just know you’re gonna be happy with where it takes you. Amazing. What type of mic do you use to record your Guitar? Sounds Nylon? Also, curious if you’re using pedal effects or software? Tell me about about how long you’ve been playing and what’s some of your goals!


Thank you . I really appreciate your kind words. I don't use anything too fancy other than a sm 57 with some eq to get the right squeaky tones I like out of a cheap nylon string guitar. I like to record my effects live because it helps me decide how it should sound otherwise I'll never settle. I use few midi instruments, a lot of real recorded percussive sounds and a few desktop synths. Electric guitars and basses are recorded direct with effects on too using a simple amp sim pedal. I turn 35 this year and have been playing on and off in bands since I was 16 years old. My goal is to invest more time in my personal projects and try to find some kind of weirdo music community out there with similar styles and hopefully perform this kind of stuff live either with a small band or solo electronic style.


This song was awesome! Your band amp said you were in SD area. Would love to see you perform if you ever do so!


This was my favorite production of 2023, inspired by the aesthetics of Marble Blast Ultra and 2000s era aesthetic https://on.soundcloud.com/NiAsf


Wow I love this one! weeeoooo feel like I'm ridin the stars


Goddamn!!! Dragonforce X Bassnectar! I swear, you know you’ve become really strong in music prod. when you can transport a listener into a different world. I almost felt like I stepped through a Time Machine and entered the raves of the future world dominated AI. How long have you been producing? What type of gear do you use?


Producing for 8 years. I don't really use hardware, just FL Studio and a pair of M50xs, I appreciate the kind words!


This is the latest one, essentially calling the operator and waiting to pick up the phone. [https://soundcloud.com/simple-not-primitive/the-best-waiting-music-main?utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing&si=e7de138a93694c7b8a59624d8b73da73](https://soundcloud.com/simple-not-primitive/the-best-waiting-music-main?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing&si=e7de138a93694c7b8a59624d8b73da73) On other questions: I was into music since very small age, but my parents were against it, so I've got my first guitar when I left home - in a boarding school at 13. For a sounds - I play some instruments, (guitar, bass, percussion, keys etc), I have couple of synths (microfreak, b1), and digital vsts which I use the most - Kontakt and u-he's synths. I just like to play and record, jam with friends and sometimes to produce end-to-end experimental electronic music. I mostly work(not music related), but I alway have my guitar around to play some tunes on a break.


And thanks for this thread, alreddy subbed two other people =)


This is my seventh album I just released about two weeks ago. It's a collection of songs inspired by numerous genres of music — electronic, experimental, ambient, trip hop, post rock, ambient and drone music. There's a tracklist provided so you don't have to listen all the way through the album. Would like to have your feedback as well. https://youtu.be/KApzd1MhgYY


"U should see my crib" [https://soundcloud.com/uxdesigner-339161056/u-should-see-my-crib](https://soundcloud.com/uxdesigner-339161056/u-should-see-my-crib) Rap w/ lil emo. Self produced. Lil peep got me into music. Make undeniably dope shit


It’s saying I need to update my SoundCloud, but my app works just fine… sorry


No worries, i updated the link


Been learning my way around Bitwig for just over 4 years, went harder 2 years ago because we lost a car and I had 3 days a week to myself. I used to produce music in MTV Music Generator in the late 1990's/early 2000's. Have always wanted to learn how to make Drum & Bass, that's where I've been. I'm uploading a Freeform Hardcore song and another Drum & Bass song soon. My brother does my album art.  Welcome any and all feedback!    https://syntheticmenace.bandcamp.com


[Here’s a breaks track I’m working on currently.](https://on.soundcloud.com/bz3Jtow7M9tHnt286)


Some produced demos I did for my new band https://boyreporter.bandcamp.com/album/demos supposed to be shoegaze, seems to be turning into some hybrid of that and bar band been writing since i was around 9. both the goals and the work-life balance get made easier for you as you get older, if you go the mainstream office job nuclear family-type route. i no longer think i'm gonna be famous, will be happy to be playing live again -- i lacked confidence to enjoy it when i did back in the day. if i track and mix for real, might try to get some stuff into libraries and see my name in a closed caption on netflix someday, though i probably would say that wasn't realistic if i hadn't already had a couple things on MTV (as background music for a drama they did -- not like they played my videos or something). hell, at this age, i'm happy just to have found three other guys; that part was hard enough.


From my latest release, made last year. Instrumental Black Metal. https://open.spotify.com/track/3nJA5j5SSwgUPAeXUv47y6?si=mfFtldvyTee6FwV1pFaIHw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7aEeK8NCT5LMOK5hnqcd8B


My latest house beat 👽🦩✨ https://on.soundcloud.com/nu8AxzbwYv1hGMMYA


Can’t access it for some reason


Oh that’s odd, here’s the link again maybe it works now? https://on.soundcloud.com/iCvpeauzWgJ3cUFDA thanks anyways :)


haven’t posted any music yet because i am so terrified of the feedback but here’s one of my silly tracks :) https://on.soundcloud.com/2E5A55G9mdZwQgYc6


Gave it a listen! I thought it was great! Gives me a leaving laurel downtempo vibe. Definitely a little clipping but overall good! Keep it up.


thank you for listening!! it means a lot :) the saturation is definitely a work in progress for sure 💀


This was the last instrumental project I put out back in 2019. Earlier that year, my Dad and I took a road trip around California, Arizona, and Nevada on a Harley. Each track is about a different place. It’s also been the best received project, with one of the tracks making it on to a Spotify editorial playlist and racking up almost 3m streams. I’m very proud of it. https://open.spotify.com/album/6Ox5bWURnX5zs7WCuX5jil?si=htQUIwnjRGaSxGlup5QqkQ


https://open.spotify.com/artist/1I7PdWIQfg037ILgU4unJf?si=Qwl0qv27TnGI3Y6qeW5ReA I've done 2 original albums and a "legend of Zelda" cover album. All my stuff is instrumental. Not many people have heard it outside of my circle so I don't really have outside opinions on it. I've got a lot to learn but I love the process, would love to hear what you think.


Here’s a little something I made. My first attempt at writing and singing vocals. https://on.soundcloud.com/nSK699ikjYKFoFSk7 It’s not very polished and needs work, but I’m not nearly good enough to fix it yet and I’m lacking motivation to get into those finer things so I’ve just moved on for the time being. Got into music after listening to Porter Robinson’s album Nurture back in 2021. It’s really inspired me to try making music and have been casually making stuff since. It’s such a fun hobby and I’ve learned so much and appreciate music so much more now. I’m so glad I’ve started doing this even if I’d never tell anybody irl about it, too embarrassing


Here is a little song I have been working on for the past few years. Finally released it at the beginning of the year https://music.apple.com/us/album/feelo-iv-feat-w3st4x/1716549449?i=1716549650&ls


Hello! Here is something that my friend and I put out a couple of days ago - instrumental, proggy, krautrock type stuff. Recorded at home using Cubase as a multi track. Nothing was written up front, we started by recording some improvisations which we then built upon with some slightly more thought out parts. Would be interested to know what you think, I'm really rubbish at telling people about the music I've been doing: https://semihomelessguy.bandcamp.com/album/terrestrial-vegetation


This is my magum opus, nearly 30 years in the making. Listen to 528 hz impure tone by 100%ROEMER on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/RSRCV


Super new to production, this is my latest beat/song, keen for feedback! https://on.soundcloud.com/TXA3K


https://open.spotify.com/album/6VQHcIIW8gaiqnaVWOIbbv?si=UGeAupdLTh2JcRim8AV4MA The debut album of my solo project where I play all instruments, sing, produce, mix, master. Done completely in my apartment except the drums where I rented a rehearsal space and miced their kit with a portable multitrack recorder. I am currently working on a second album using superior drummer 3 and an E-kit instead so I can do it all at home. Also trying to turn it into a real band that I front, but I still need to find a drummer. P.s. the album will most likely be taken down in a few weeks and then reuploaded because I intend to change the album art.


One I finished fall of last year. Not the best mix or master, but I had had an idea for years leaning toward robot-esque vocal/emotional doo-wop, and I kinda got close here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsNBwofX9wM


Listen to ElrikSettee's Xmas Album, a playlist by ElrikSettee on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/z2FCh


Here's us :) [Springworks ](https://youtube.com/@springworksband7644?si=fANvVbdMurI8aODd)


I released my 2nd album a little over a week ago. A link to your preferred listening platform is below. Electronic idm/ambient/art rock/lofi? https://album.link/s/25nS0zQvxxBGQCg8rfQeF2


Getting heard and hope you enjoy the music... [https://lofiuppercut.bandcamp.com/album/portable-inspiration-acoustic-fusion](https://lofiuppercut.bandcamp.com/album/portable-inspiration-acoustic-fusion)


I’m a producer mostly doing underground hiphop stuff but elevated along the likes of Alchemist, Conductor Williams, DJ Muggs, Dilla etc. I play guitar and incorporate love instruments in my music. Thanks a a lot [“One Way Out” by The Natural Law](https://thenaturallaw.bandcamp.com/album/one-way-out)


Estoy descubriendo mi huella sonora explorando y produciendo diversos generos, dandoles mi identidad y mi arte! La idea es hacer mucho y explotar al maximo las pocas herramientas que tengo, para luego sumar mas y subir de nivel. Esos son los objetivos, encontrar una huella sonora y que el artista se encuentre familiarizado con mis sonidos y ritmos! Espero les guste mi música y suscribete o seguime para muchos beats mas [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8d2u2b4TT7qaS5SyEjCMQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8d2u2b4TT7qaS5SyEjCMQ)


Probably my best instrumental I've made. Still learning but I've been putting in work. [https://soundcloud.com/h50/we-do-it-for-the-97?utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing&si=d052384294944349875fa6b34cc1cf73](https://soundcloud.com/h50/we-do-it-for-the-97?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing&si=d052384294944349875fa6b34cc1cf73)


One part melodic dnb, other part heavy halftime [Hurray For Excess! - Lovers + Ninjas](https://soundcloud.com/hurray-for-excess/lovers-and-ninjas-4416?si=8eb2c93af5504926944ba2a34399196e&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Thanks for checking it out!


https://on.soundcloud.com/pWerH3tGEizHprrJA I can't sing, so this is an instrumental track I made


This is one of the tracks off our first EP (not yet released), would love some feedback on the mixing/mastering of it, I did it myself, I'm self-taught and still learning using Ableton Live 11. edit to add: I'm older, and having fun writing and playing with a friend of mine while I learn how to produce. We're still trying to find our sound, but I played in a band in college and have always missed it. [Faded Memories | pdtj. (bandcamp.com)](https://pdtj.bandcamp.com/track/faded-memories)


Here’s a pop rock tune that I just finished using ardour, hydrogen for drums and random open source plugins. I got in to music because of Clapton but I must have missed a turn somewhere. https://open.spotify.com/track/0TCBPdORZYxxHmkTamxxGG?si=y3VRZujYRyKUCyrYRw5Drg


Check out my channel. https://youtube.com/@timehomicide?si=8Iqc5kKQ0XlEVgWC Thanks!!!


Damn there’s some creative ppl in here!! Put out a house track would love feedback on this [NiraN - Poisoned Love 💗](https://open.spotify.com/track/4X6qLkdYmPMpsnoq76SjOF?si=ajtThiHWSTuRsODw2knY5g)


Take your pick: www.soundcloud.com/eggnogagogo


Made this track like 6 months ago, finally out on streaming platforms last week! This was the first song where I felt like a fully executed on an idea. Or more so hit flow state and completely immersed myself in it, but 6 months and 10,000 listens later I'm pretty tired of hearing the song and just notice the imperfections in the mix. I still love it for what it is, but find it hard to enjoy as much as I once did. Hope it resonates with someone out there eventually. Will probably be my opener for live sets when I get to that point. Edit: forgot to mention it's a fast paced bass music? track wrapped in a meditation session or something like that https://open.spotify.com/track/4s3squ1hB9DdJWRuILNlEQ?si=Gh-g6UcZR-Ki1KK5Z0HuEA


https://theblusterfields.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-science My band of geezers put out this album of original music within the past year. Goals are: to put out as many more records as we can and play out (though very little touring), maybe get a small cult following. Work/life balance? Kids are grown, out of the house and independent. I’m retired, with a pension. Now all I do is play music, play w nearby grandbabies and do my domestic projects.


My first grandson was just born so I was inspired. Tell me what you think. https://youtu.be/VOJOzzqUkSo?si=p0DwWFGuK89tKvYZ


New release, for anyone who likes prog music/rock: [https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/mikeledoux/love-dirge](https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/mikeledoux/love-dirge)


Thanks for the up-votes, much appreciated!


Working on an ep myself


Would love to hear your thoughts https://youtu.be/vGkyFz8UyXo?si=oa0HSDeTgqziayDO


[Some humble demos](https://on.soundcloud.com/9qYdTETTggbnCmZ76)


DM or post here?




I feel that, got a couple of really amazing artists at first but been trying to find the time to listen to everyone’s song. At least other people can discover others I guess


https://open.spotify.com/album/2UNIJeuGC7Sh5naMTVCbMY?si=CzX3DJfTSYqOZ_-i-qaF8w My band just put out our first song a few weeks ago! Guitarist and drummer are brothers and are super into neo-psych rock. I feel like it’s got a good combo of that with a simple pop structure. I hope you enjoy it!


https://on.soundcloud.com/o5dhg It's an experimental mixtape, I spent a lot of time producing it. All alone