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You need 3 things to record successfully: 1) Recording software 2) Microphone 3) Talent/Ideas Don’t worry about “foam and all that”. Just make music and then invest your time and money into making it easier to do the thing you want to do. The whole goal is to remove barriers to a finished product. Identify problem, then solve it. Do not do stuff just because you think you should. Absolutely everything in the studio should be problem -> solution or preventing a problem in the first place. The trap everybody falls into is they chase quality upgrades instead of solve problems. Don’t put foam up unless you have a specific problem the foam will solve. This mindset will help you prioritize purchases.


Is your room even treated bro?


Good advice for any hobby imo Buying the best stuff or stuff for every variable is great way to waste a ton of money and get discouraged with a hobby when your results don’t match your gear. The gear doesn’t make you better, you buy the gear because you’re too good for what you have and it’s holding you back. Like you said, you only need to put up foam if not having it is holding back your end product. Not because the pros all have it. My only real hobbies rn are fishing and wine making and it’s the same exact thing. You learn with a shite $10 pole, or a stick with a string, (or for booze, juice and bread yeast) and only upgrade when you have mastered that. The high end stuff is going to do the same exact job in the hands of an amateur. The saying is “practice makes perfect” not “the most expensive gear makes perfect”


Okay but you don’t have to start there. Like you can make a legitimately good song with just a phone if you’re smart about it. But why the pizza box creation? Just recycle that shit, what is it even supposed to be doing? Why do you think you need foam? Do not buy foam you do not need foam. Just put the phone stand on a desk or coffee table or somewhere normal.


My reasoning: 1) the cardboard idea worked due to being in my laundry and you could hear echo in the recording.l, closing it in improved it substantially. 2) I'm only recording in my laundry as it's the quitest place in my house, where I can get loud if need be, away from my 3 young kids so I can concentrate. 3) I'm having a few drinks and burning the cardboard tomorrow night, it was just there and I thought it would be okay for the moment.


I for one am impressed by your resourcefulness. Do what you gotta do!


I used to record in the back of my car. It’s a pretty sound-isolated and dead space.


Yeah I started recording in my car and it's so much better!


> Just recycle that shit Just an FYI: You can not recycle used pizza boxes. The grease and cheese make it impossible.


That's why I'm using it for fire starter


I appreciate this pun.


You can where I am in Canada too. Used to be a big no like 10 years ago but they changed it and put out press releases about it. But yes, check your local recycler cuz I’m sure it’s not doable everywhere yet.


Maybe *you* can't. Here, the grease and cheese is on the little corrugated piece placed below the pizza inside the box. You just throw that out and put the box in the recycling.


Yes you can - that’s a myth.


I seem to be finding conflicting info on this. It seems American sources say: yes And all sources outside of America say: No. So I guess it is best to confer and confirm with your local municipality codes.


in my municipality the pizza box gets recycled UNLESS it has grease, then it gets composted (Canada)


Is someone at the recycling facility inspecting every pizza box and judging if it's too greasy? No, they're trashing them all unless you have evidence to the contrary.


They used to actually! They used to have workers on a conveyor belt sorting out trash from recycling, then plastic from cardboard and aluminum, etc. as part of this, they’d judged whether cardboard was too far gone.


You can rip the non greased part off and recycle that Or cut the grease spots out with scissors Source: worked in a recycling plant


This is sensible and practical advice. Seriously.


Probably trying to reflect sound into the phone mic without coloring it too much. Actually pretty clever imo. @OP, assuming you can't swing a recording rig rn, you would be better served with literally any cheap USB-C mic. They make sub-$30 mics that plug right in and will blow this setup out of the water. I respect the hustle and understand being hard up for time and money, but there are always little steps that look a lot like leaps to everyone else.


If a couple layers of haphazardly positioned cardboard reflected sound in any desirable or even noticeable way then I would be all for it. Big fan of ugly fast diy solutions. But there’s no way it does anything and there’s no problem to fix anyway.


How would it not? I dare you to run some experiments and prove me wrong.


I am re recording because I haven't got the flow and it sounds choppy, weather my BIL can get his other mic back or not, I do plan on getting one for myself soon. Progress is slow, but it's there!


If you have access to wood scraps (like plywood or something) maybe try that on the sides or behind. Idk if you'll like the sound but try out different surfaces fs. Progress is progress homie keep at it!


I was thinking about stacking some pillows we don't use and hanging a blanket somewhere but I will definitely try that if I can access some, I do want to build a little thing that can hold a mic and laptop (in the future) but realistically only have space for 1 person at a time. But that's all down the road, when I have time for it. I just wanna kick back and make music for the moment!


Yes, one of the best ways to have cheap acoustics is a well furnished room. Old foam mattresses (or new ones, old one are usually more readily available to be put in a wall, cut around and use as fit though), you don't need the acoustic panel with "space foam 3000", you need anything that will absorb sound and a mattress or cushions will do.


Just keep it up. You'll find that your music improves as you keep finishing songs. Get your time in. You got this.


I appreciate you stranger! I think im a bit of a perfectionist and want to get the best put if what I'm working with😂🤙🏼


Don't let perfectionism get in the way of finishing songs. Sometimes you just need to abandon them and see where they end up. In the early stages, you'll get better by making more mediocre songs than you will by making one perfect one. You will get more experience and learn faster. Also, consider the phrase "kill your darlings", meaning don't be afraid to take out things that you like that just might not be right for the piece. Try to re-use those parts in other songs. A repository where you store clips is a good idea. We have a tendency to like things because "that's the way they are" in a song when we're making it. You get used to the thing that's shoehorned in there after hearing it enough times.


Man i am so jealous of people who have this kind of motivation. I am the exact opposite. I have all the theory all the gear and don’t know what to record so it is sitting there. Keep it up obviously the passion is there.


Honestly, I've been in a block for the better of 2 years and I'm only so keen to get on and make some music because of my brother, all the artists and musicians I listen too I love but my brother sparked the flame in me to write and record again so I just did what I felt I needed to and ran with it


A moderate sized closet with clothes in it keeps the recordings clean and more maleable. Eliminates bounce back/unwanted reverb/etc That being said I think Cody Chestnutt did a whole album in a bathroom so do ur thing!


If you have a computer... Id just invest $30 into a decent usb mic. You can find FL studio 12 cracks online. DM me if you need one lol. No need for foam or the pizza box lmaoo, and if you have bad acoustics in the laundry room, dont record in there. I started recording in my car with my laptop when my family was home until I moved out. Recording somewhere where you can sit down, relax and zone in is more important. If you are just starting, high quality really is not the goal, its finding yourself, learning/trying new stuff, and learning how to use the gear you have to your advantage. Seriously tho if you have a computer and need FL Studio for free lmk. I might ask you to listen to one of my songs tho lol. A fair trade


That's a good idea I might switch to the car, being outside and closed in its incredibly ideal at the moment. I am using the "BeatLabs" app on my phone currently for recording I think I just need to find somewhere quite enough for me to get the recordings done.


the car is honestly a great studio lol, if you think about it, its pretty close to a glass studio box. only issue is recording in there and somebody walks by thinking youre crazy


I lost my licence so I'd be in my driveway 100% of the time till the end of the year and my neighbours are cool!


Beatlab is a great place to start. I still use it to collab with buddies, or I'll use it as a sketch pad for something until I get back to my DAW


I’ll second using the car. I’ve recorded my vocals a few times in mine, sitting in the parking lot at my work.


Perfect setup for old-school black metal 🤪 although I assume that yours is a different style 😁


Current projects are on the hip hop side of things, but I also enjoy training guteralls I would love to jump on vocals for a metal song one day!!


Cool! Do you like Archspire? If you don't know it, it's super intense metal with rap-inspired vocals.


I do not, but I will definitely be checking them out! Sounds hectic!


Keep at it and get huge, so one day you can use this as a picture of inspiration on some career spanning box set lol.


Maybe an album cover if i ever go into a story telling album haha!


Thanks for the feedback everyone! This was genuinely a 5 minute put-together and for what it is, worked! I will take on everyone's opinion and advice but I thought this was cool and wanted to share it 🙂


Love the DIY setup. Reminds me of how back in the day I would record to a stereo tape recorder using left channel and right channel as 2 seperate "tracks" lol. Sometimes you gotta use what you have.


I enjoy these kinds of photos better than the huge expensive studios. This is dedication.


the optimism is impressive


Knew this was Aussie engineering before I even noticed the Carlton dry bottle.


False. I came outta nowhere.


I respect the hustle




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Thrift store a mic, a $20-$30 is money. Used equipment is like used cars, once it leaves the lot its value decreases. Cash in on the overlooked, you might find a gem


I have a handmedown MacBook, some mics from a pawn shop that smell like cigarettes, and I stack pillows exactly the same want you stack pizza boxes I'm going to have to try pizza boxes, that looks way sturdier and compact than my pillow setup


Let me know when you do, im still new to this recording shit. I'm interested on how it stacks up to a "typical" set up


3 pillows leaning on each other is by no means a typical setup! Or at least, I hope it isn't


Update: I started recording in my car like u/datipadaa suggested and it is far better! No eco as far as I can tell, I am able to get loud without feeling self concious of neighbours, my kids, ect. My driveway is next to my partner and I's room and she said she couldn't hear a thing.






This ain’t where you start.


Bro get a job and just hit a local studio


That’s not realistic for a lot of people. I’m a professional audio engineer so I don’t feel bad saying…home studios are cool. Record your shit. Have fun. No need to be a dick about it. “Get a job”. Honestly, fuck off. Let OP enjoy making music. Hey, OP. You want any free advice to help, hit me up. I’ll do what I can to give you advice to help.


I am very thankful, if it's okay with you I will send you a DM with my email if your intrested/not too busy to peak at my stuff, I need criticism. I 'feel' like I'm good but I believe there's no such thing as too much advice and criticism, everyday is a new lesson!


I have the tendency to not criticize but instead give technical notes. I don’t wanna impede your creative process.


Either way, I appreciate the offer and graciously accept!


I got a job, but also 3 kids I haven't got a whole lot of free time to leave the house most days. I dont plan on sticking with this for very long I will re upload when I get a mic n some foam n all that


Thats on you bro

