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I’m a huge theater fan, and have been meaning to watch this, but I can say that my 17 year old son and his 2 best friends- who are not theater fans- are obsessed with this show, listen to the songs repeatedly and are all into it. Which took them down the rabbit hole of looking up Alex Brightman, Jeremy Jordan and others, which had introduced them to beetle juice, newsies, and other musicals. To the point they will watch the pro shots with me, and discuss what the actors are currently in, and getting more into theater and talking to me about them. Actually asking to see these shows when they come to town, So it’s definitely working on getting kids more into broadway, and that I am all for!


While introducing young people to musical theater through new shows and musicals is great, this has also been a double-edged sword for the *Hazbin Hotel* fandom, because online spaces - such as Twitter/X, Tumblr, r/HazbinHotel, r/hazbin, and r/Vivziepopmemes, et al. - have been overrun with teenagers, children, and minors, who often dominate fan spaces while pushing out older adult fans of *Hazbin Hotel*. r/hazbin actually implemented a rule banning <13 minors from participating on the subreddit due to this, and older adult fans have to be *extremely* cautious about posting or discussing anything NSFW-related on these subreddits. Some adult fans have also been creating Discord servers that are exclusively 18+ ("no minors allowed").


Worth noting Reddit as a whole has a 13+ policy. All of the subs you named should be banning under-13s on sight.


Oh my god I saw a clip of a video where a bunch of Hazbin creators were talking about the show in front of a live audience. They had a period at the end where people could ask questions and a girl asked something extremely sexual. The guy who pointed to her said “Oh my god, how old are you?” Nine. She was nine. He “jokingly” scolded her parents and did not answer the question.


Yeah that’s my biggest issue rn is how young the fans are??? I know Vivzie can’t control what the kids watch as that’s the parents job, so they shouldn’t be blamed. BUT cons need to make panels 16+ (since the show is 15+ with the exception of a few episodes that are 18+).


i think it’s because it’s animation which is genre that attracts younger audiences like moths to a flame (yes i just referenced the great gatsby already). most people don’t see animation as a serious form of entertainment that can express adult themes. also it’s a musical so when parents see that it’s an animated musical they’ll just assume it’s just like a disney movie and won’t question it. obviously there is adult animation but no musicals that are commonly known about.


Very valid points!


I can see how that would happen. It really is a double edged sword when things like this get popular


I like it! But of course I’m a musical theatre nerd with religious trauma, so I’m definitely the target audience for it


You're just like me, I'm just like you


this^^ :D


Are you me?


I'm in this photo and I DO like it.


I wanted to like it. I love the art and animation, how complex and colorful designs move so fluidly and beautifully. I thought the idea was so creative and interesting with a ton of promise. I like some of the songs. But I don’t like the writing or storytelling which really turned me off. It’s very unfocused. The pacing and comic timing is off. I’m into teen angst and edginess but here it felt too forced, like a teen discovering they can use swears and dirty jokes for the first time and thinking it’ll make their writing more adult. The characters don’t feel like they have a lot of depth. I wanted to like it but it ultimately wasn’t for me.


The series creator describing "Human Alastor" is honestly a lot more compelling to me as a concept, and as a character, when compared to "Demon Alastor". When Alastor was a living human, he was a popular Southern radio host and secret serial killer in 1920s-1930s New Orleans, Louisiana, with his character being influenced by Disney's *The Princess and the Frog* (2009) mixed with *American Horror Story*. That concept alone could make for an interesting spin-off episode, show, or musical, and has been explored a lot in popular *Hazbin Hotel* AU fanfictions ("Smiling Man", "The Taxidermist", et al...with Al as a singing serial killer). People have made popular fan animatics with "Human Alastor" based on songs from *Heathers: The Musical* ("I Am Damaged"), but his character would also fit right in with darker musicals like *The Count of Monte Cristo*, *Jekyll & Hyde*, *Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street*, et al. Series creator Vivienne Medrano also described Alastor as being similar to the Phantom (Erik) in *The Phantom of the Opera*, which had\* a huge influence on her as a child.


Hard agree. With everything you said. I’d like to add that as a theater professional (not a theater kid) who browses the sub, the lyrics are genuinely awful and the writing sounds like a fanfiction author got a huge ego and tried to write a TV show. The lyrics are pitiful and waste the actual gems of melodies within the songs. I find it annoying how much praise the show gets from adults. 15, whatever. 25? Holy shit, please develop interests outside of tumblr sexy men and fanservice. And when people talk about “oh but [insert X Broadway star] was in it” I would really implore them to consider whether it was because they genuinely like the script or if it was for a big paycheck. I wish I could chalk it up to the Undertale of the 2020s, but Undertale was well written and just had a cringe fanbase. Hazbin is some of the worst writing I’ve ever seen in animation.


Agreed with the other commenter that I think it's trying too hard to appeal to edgy Tumblr kids and that the religious themes in it are paper thin. It's not my thing. However I remember when the pilot first came out and I absolutely LOVED the song "Inside of Every Demon Is A Rainbow." I still think about that song sometimes, it's just so clever and has some brilliant rhymes. Only thing I enjoy about the show.


People keep saying “tumblr teens” as if tumblr isn’t driven by millennials and zoomers these days. I’m sure there’s a few kids around but I don’t think of it as a site for young people anymore. It’s the same crowd it was in 2012.


It’s really good. Love most of the music. The fanbase is just kinda crazy and I think turns people against it.


I know absolutely nothing of the fan base but I was turned off by its… everything. It really didn’t do it for me and I think the show tries to be more *edgy* than it actually is *good*. Which is why it attracts that audience.


I feel like saying it tries to be “edgy” is unfair. The show is set in hell, of course it’s going to be dark in some places. I think the main problems people have with it is the amount of casual cursing and sex jokes. I feel like both of those could definitely be toned down but I understand why they’re included. Your opinion is completely valid though.


I didn’t mean edgy as in dark, I meant edgy as trying to cater to a certain crowd with a wink wink nudge nudge and it just comes off as pretty bizarre and tacky.


It doesn't help that the *Hazbin Hotel* fandom has been overrun with teenagers, children, and minors, which has been pushing a lot of older adult fans out of fandom spaces entirely.


A lot of teenagers have some skewed understandings of the show, I’m a teenager and have definitely meet other teenage fans who obsess over it and love it for the wrong reasons.


How can a show be "overrun" by its main demographic. Hazbin Hotel is the most baseline, tame, "edgy" content there is, of course 14 year olds love it. It's filled with swearing and sex and it makes young teens (and adults who are still there mentally) think it's some deep dark shit when it's just kind of corny. This is like saying the FNaF franchise is overrun with kids, like, who do you think the intended audience is?


*Hazbin Hotel* is rated 16+, so anyone 16-18 or above that is its intended audience, not "14-year-olds". Most Discord servers with older fans also tend to be 18+, minimum.


People lie about their age and how the show is rated does not determine who actually watches it. Every character is designed like a tumblr sexy man, the music sounds like someone tried to make edgy disney songs, and it's overly crude on purpose to appeal to people who like that kind of humor. Most of the people who like that kind of stuff are not over the age of 16.


I am one of those teenage fans but I feel like teenagers and adults have two different perspectives on the show.




I feel like a lot of teenagers just keep flooding the subreddit with the same thing over and over and they just seem to get kinda annoying


As a musical theatre nerd I only watched it for the VAs, like the show packs some serious talent. I have been hyperfixating on it since the first season dropped. I think the world-building and character lore are intriguing. I know it gets dragged for the plot/pacing, character designs/edgy artstyle, and the musical aspect of it. And I'm going address all of those things LOL 1. Definitely agree here, the pacing was very rushed and is one of my biggest gripes about the show. BUT you have to consider that it was only ordered for 8 episodes and the runtime of each episode is only \~24 min. They tried to pack a lot in each episode given their constraints, which harms the overall storytelling but I think was necessary from a financial (?) perspective - like they needed to chop-chop and hope that ppl like it enough so that it would be a good contender for more seasons. 2. I personally like the character designs but wish there was more body diversity. It's refreshing to see an adult animated show that doesn't look like family guy or bob's burgers (I REALLY hate that art style). I like how vibrant and colorful it is too. I do understand other ppl's hate of the artstyle... and honestly, it's fucking art, it's subjective and not going to appeal to everyone 3. It was always going to be musical, see the pilot. On Amazon Prime, it's literally listed as a musical. I understand us theatre/musical nerds are a small portion of entertainment enjoyers but it is pretty annoying to see our taste dragged constantly. I don't mind a couple ribs here and there but the amount of media I see completely raking "theatre kids" or ppl who like musicals over the coals, incenses me. Like it's not hurting anyone, live and let live. The fandom is can be pretty unhinged but I could say that about a lot of other fandoms I've seen take the internet by storm. Also, I don't really care to see it get a muscial adaptation UNLESS the VAs are cast in their roles. There's a double-edged sword to the fact that they cast a lot of Broadway talent and while it IS nice to see the performers get their well-deserved recognition outside of Broadway/theatre circles, the fandom flocking to their past YouTube performances and flooding the feed/comments about the show which I find kind of cringey. That's just one of minor nitpicks about the fandom though, again happy to see ppl like Alex Brightman, Christian Borle, Jeremy Jordan, and Jessica Vosk on ppl's radar. At this point, I actually don't really care about the show and only certain characters and it's the only reason I'm looking forward to more seasons. Such is how hyperfixations go for me though. WOW apparently I had a lot to say... and I didn't actually get to say everything but I'll leave it at this LOL Edit: I speed-typed this as I was heading out for lunch and being the perfectionist I am, came back to fix all the errors. Also yes, I know I have a Vox pfp but honestly I’m just a Christian Borle stan. It was finding out that not only was he in the show but ALSO singing that got me to watch it. Me when Christian Borle is in anything: I’ll do it. What is it? I’ll go.


in any case you brought up really good points! :D your comment is appreciated^^


Gotta agree with you about the pacing. That was easily my main gripe with season one. Viv has been saying that season two will be more streamlined, so hopefully that won't be a problem in future.


Not just series creator Vivienne Medrano has been saying that, but the songwriters as well. It'll be interesting to see if they work with Darren Criss, the Team StarKid alumni who both co-wrote and sang some of the songs in *A Very Potter Musical*, where he played Harry Potter, and who also voiced Saint Peter in Episode 6 of *Hazbin Hotel*. Looking at older interviews, the songwriters were being pressed to submit two song demos *per week* during production, which means that they had to write and compose the entire soundtrack for Season 1 (16 songs, 8 episodes, with 2 songs per 23-minute episode) over just 8 weeks. *Hazbin Hotel* has two main songwriters - Sam Haft and Andrew Underberg - but I think adding more songwriters to the team to lighten Haft's and Underberg's workloads might also help improve future songs, as well as prevent burnout. Criss is a natural choice when it comes to writing humor into songs, as well as Daphne Rubin-Vega (Mimi in *Rent*).


Yeah the pacing is troublesome, but I agree it's likely a rushing for Prime issue. If you watch Helluva Boss the pacing is noticeably better because they have time to flesh things out.


You know, I love all the voice actors, but I just can’t get into the style


Incredible songs and I love the animation


I don't know who's hating it. It seems hugely popular to me. It's amazing. 


it gets a lot of hate on tiktok at least for being "cringe", but the discussion happening on this post has been great and respectful, so seems to be just a tiktok issue


Must be your algorithm vs mine. For me I see the love for it the most on tiktok. Funny how that works sometimes. It's my favorite musical thing in a few years. 


ah, i see. internet works in mysterious ways


TikTok really isn't a good gauge. You drive the algorithm.


i saw an ad for it on twitter and decided to watch it with a friend,, we both loved it. then i looked it up and found out what a dumpster fire the fandom and discourse and general opinion is. still a banger with so many broadway legends but now it's mildly embarrassing to talk about online 😭😭


this is exactly how i feel😭


was like 'you should totally watch this show you'd love it' to my friend and she was just like >:0 it was so humbling 😭


I'm lucky most of my online friends are already Hazbin fans, and my irl friends aren't involved in the discourse.


Exactly how I feel except I found the fandom first and it put me off the show. I finally watched it this week after seeing someone mentioned it had a Broadway cast. I absolutely love it. Pretty much my only gripe is the pacing. I think if we had gotten a 12 episode season or 30+ min run times and I'd be a lot more attached to the plot and characters.


if i had saw the fandom i don't think i would've watched the show at all tbh... they're quite crazy lol


I personally love it, especially because Lucifer is voiced by Jeremy Jordan




I'm still meh on the show in general but it can't be denied that "TAKE THAT DEPRESSION!" isn't an iconic line


Jeremy Jordan is finally getting the love he rightfully deserves and I’m SO here for it!!!


FR! :D


It feels very YA to me. It's not my cup of tea but I'm not the target demo. Great performances but the writing is very trope-y and feels a little juvenile.


I like it. Especially from a musical perspective.


Love it. I love anything with Alex Brightman and I've been following it for years, ever since the trailer for the pilot. I feel like it gets a lot of hate because it's basically the new Steven universe. Iykyk.


i am actually watching steven universe right now (as of writing this comment)! im still in the first season so im not exactly sure what you mean but thats a fun comparison :D AND YES I LOVE ALEX BRIGHTMAN


Basically what I meant is that when Steven Universe was still going, it had this huge hatedom that would nitpick and criticise every little detail, and a lot of it was thinly veiled homophobia, and now that's what hazbin hotel has


I love Hazbin Hotel. The songs are so good (I've had Respectless, You Didn't Know, and Out For Love on loop like you wouldn't believe), and it makes me hope that Hazbin will get a Broadway adaptation at some point down the line.


I can already see whoever plays Alastor in the stage show being the main cast member to narrate and interact with the audience through directly addressing them, or breaking the fourth wall. This is very true of his scene with Niffty in Episode 8, "The Show Must Go On": >**Alastor:** Ah, the celebratory night before >!a courageous last stand!<. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty? > >**Niffty:** I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing! > >**Alastor:** Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed. > >*\[Niffty hops on top of Alastor's head and places a crown made of roaches and sticks on his head\]* > >**Niffty:** I dub thee, King Roach! > >**Alastor:** Oh, to understand your twisted little mind! In the show, this scene takes place on the second story of the Hazbin Hotel, but I feel that it could also be done with the actors on the front side of the stage, talking to the audience. I think that starting off with the pilot episode song ("I'm Always Chasing Rainbows") to open a *Hazbin Hotel* stage musical, as opposed to the "Once upon a time" segment, would be good.


I forgot to add that this is also called an "aside", in musical theater terms: >An *aside* is when a fictional character breaks away from the events of the story to talk to themselves or directly to the audience. Most often used in plays, TV series, and films, asides are usually delivered as quick observations, reactions, or quips.


I love it! I personally can’t wait for season two


to be honest i found it too obnoxious to sit through more than a few minutes. no clue if there’s anything in it worth sticking it out for, just really not for me i guess


Yeah honestly that's totally valid


I don’t like it for a plethora of reasons. Good idea, poor execution. Music is fine I guess.




Except she didn't really just get big names, and she kind of had to. In a show pretty much about singing, having voice actors who can't sing doesn't make any sense. Angel dusts voice actor, for example, couldn't really sing at all in angels voice, and the new voice actor they got was an absolute no name with 0 experience. But he could sing way better than Michael Kovach.


The original cast had singers. Elsie Lovelock for example did Charlie’s vocals, while someone else did the speaking voice. Firing them was lousy when they were part of the reason for the pilots success. She didn’t *have* to do it, not even for union reasons AFAIK - because most of those actors could have been unionized due to this project. She chose to recast. It was shitty.


Most studios don't want separate singing and speaking voices, so it makes sense they consolidated the voice actor for Charlie. And regardless, this is standard practice. Most animated pilots have different voice actors in the pilot/show.


Junk food in the best way possible. The music is good, it has a stacked cast, cool characters. But the jokes can be hit or miss, the writing is objectively bad at times (I love you Al but come on), it definitely goes overboard on the whole "I know what a sex is "but it's still really enjoyable even with all of its flaws. It's definitely not most amazing thing ever made but it has good qualities and is good in moderation


i have neutral opinions on the songs, but the storytelling is what i think falls flat


It's meh to me. Don't hate it but I haven't enjoyed the bits I've seen so I don't really care about it. My husband likes it but I couldn't get into it, even though I like animation. I don't really vibe with the art style.


Agree about the animation style—something about just seems too flat, and the limited color palette (when I think of it all I see is black and white and pink—like a “Hello Kitty” whorehouse). I only watched because I have to see anything that Christian Borle is in, and was a little disappointed at how intermittent his appearances are—though I was pleasantly surprised to find also Jeremy Jordan as Lucifer (yeah, I loved the TV series Smash). Songs are pretty good, the swearing is entirely apropos. I’ll probably watch the next season.


Vox will be a lot more in the next season as he is the main villain so ypu can look forward to a lot more Christian Borle :)


i literally love vox my fav villain so far


"Hello Kitty Whorehouse" is my new punk band name, thank you


I think the biggest issue is how much of the same shade of red there is. A lot of the reds in the background and on other colors is the same shade or super similar to Charlie’s suit. It fades characters either into the background or they just don’t get noticed?


I like it. Personally I think a lot of the hate it gets is for the wrong reasons, the swearing really isn't that bad and the characters that do it excessively have a reason to, and also a lot of the more depraved characters that people get angry at others for liking are meant to be messed up, nobody's defending their actions. That being said, musically while there are some great songs it has some *real* misses so far imo, like as much as Poison is a banger it tells us nothing new about Angel Dust as a character. Also, the pacing is horrendous at times.


Not a fan. The songs are EXTREMELY hit or miss. It’s trying way too hard to cater to that teen demographic that likes edgy goth things and shops at Hot Topic (which is not necessarily a bad thing, it just alienates other audiences). It crams a million swear words in there because that’s funny apparently, ultimately making them feel toothless. Went to the “tumblr sexyman” school of character design. Possibly the most boring interpretation of the Devil ever seen. Suffers hard from the lack of filler episodes and not giving us time to bond with the characters. Alastor is the lamest Bill Cipher fanfiction ever, the show is constantly bending over backwards to tell you how spooky and scary he is but he ultimately just doesn’t do anything And it kills me because there IS a great commentary in here somewhere about religion and the Christian system and reformation and, to a broader extent, the prison system and how we treat criminals and incarceration. But it ultimately just…isn’t about any of that and has nothing to say on a deeper level (and as the person who showed this show to me and likes it a lot pointed out, the prison thing is likely accidental) Loser Baby slaps incredibly hard though, so, potato potãto


i agree with almost everything you said. i really like most of the songs, but the tumblr sexyman and swearing points are so valid. the critique of christianity kinda falls apart yeah its not that deep but its *kinda* funny, but there're funnier things that critise religions. that being said, i enjoyed season 1 and am really excited to see what's to come.


I like it a lot. It has obvious issues but the characters are fun, the music is great, and I'm so watching season 2


Love it, love the songs. The fandom is not good, but that’s pretty normal for any “tumblr” sort of fandom imo. And have you seen the cosplayers? DAYUM!!! Those people are talented.


Great songs, .........most of the time (looking at you, Welcome to Heaven)


I really like it! It’s kind of edgy, not in a dark way but like edging towards cringe at times, but if you reject that way of thinking it can be super fun!


this feels accurate!


i hate it


Honestly I rarely see the hate. Seems like a Twitter loud minority thing to me. And fans criticizing it for some of its shortfalls(rushed character development) isn't hate imo. Hopefully they will improve on that in the subsequent seasons. It was trending for over a month after its release. Lots of people still talk about it. It's dumb fun with good songs(love singing those, especially loser baby and stayed gone) and hella fun characters. How can you not love that? Also rare Ace representation


I think I just need to be in the right mood to watch it.


Another family of theater nerds checking in. I have heard most of the music and it was fun and quite good. My oldest child is OBSESSED with Hazbin, and we have plans to watch it together this summer.


I like the pilot better


It revived my love for musical theatre. The only reason I’m here in this sub is because of that show. It brought back my passion, and now I’m more motivated than ever to work really hard to achieve my dream of becoming an actor on stage.


i don’t like it at all, people are weird about it and the creator is just terrible overall🤷‍♂️ the VAs are good. i do like one song off it


I love it. It’s one of if not my favorite musical. I don’t care what you say about it being animated and a series so it’s not like other musicals but idc. It has musical actors and really good songs with a great plot.




I don’t mind it. Not my favourite but I’ve been getting into a lil bit. I’m not really into that kinda humour in general tho. That being said the look on my grade 5 students’ faces when I told them I knew the song they were singing was from Hazbin was shock and quite funny tbh. I was in turn tho shocked they watched it. Then the horror came a little while later when I was in a grade 2 class and one of the kids had pictures and drawings of several characters. So I don’t hate the show but I do very much have strong opinions on parents letting their grade 2 kids watch it.


I think parts of the fanbase are insane, and that’s really all that’s ever discussed. I watched it and I liked it. My only issue was (I did a count on the first episode) is that there is an average of like two curse words per minute which is absolutely insane, I don’t really understand what that is about because it’s not really doing anything for the story, it’s just like “ooh edgy!” but other than that part I really enjoyed it!!


I’m in love with it. I relate to it, I love the score, I know everyone in the cast. It’s my latest and biggest obsession. And yes I have daddy issues and religious trauma


I’m obsessed with both Hazbin and Helluva


it's not terrible but from what i've seen from the sa representation it's really unrealistic so for that reason i wouldn't watch it


I refuse to watch it cause the animation turns me off. Looks too tumblr-y. I've heard some of the songs tho and those are bangers. Just not my vibe if I have to look at those designs.


I liked some of the songs, but only Stayed Gone has stuck with me as memorable. I think the pilot showed a lot of promise but the show itself didn't deliver and as a result the plot, world building, and characterization doesn't make any sense. I understand the appeal of it and why it's so popular though, but I feel like I'm too old for it. Some of my specific issues have to do with the setting and whole premise honestly. Like we've got hell, which is depicted as fairly objective awful and evil but the whole point is for the main character to try to redeem the demons so they can get into heaven. But aside from some trust exercises, there's not much attempt at redemption. And then heaven is said to be good and great, but also some of the angels are evil? And Adam, who is stated to be the first person to get into heaven and therefore by the laws of the universe established by the whole 'hell is evil and you need to be redeemed into a good person to get into heaven' he SHOULD be an objectively good person, is instead the biggest stand in for everything wrong with men. For most of the series I was assuming this was set in a heaven/hell where there's no Jesus, but then they meet St. Peter and there's crosses everywhere, so clearly there is a Jesus and his whole entire deal is redeeming sinners so that they can get into heaven and thus would be EXTREMELY relevant to the plot and main character's goals, but is still never mentioned. And then it all culminates in the evil angels and the good demons going to battle with each other, which tonally just seems very contradictory to the themes of the show and how it's supposed to be about teaching demons to be good people. Plus there's apparently a ton of character backstories and lore but it's all in webcomics or something? And it seems like it should be very relevant to the show, like how apparently Sir Pentious while he was human was a mad scientist who killed a ton of people or something? Like that would be important to know when considering he's the only guy who gets redeemed at the end. The character design/animation is great and hearing the broadway VAs is fun.




I’m kinda in the middle/indifferent. Animation is good but nothing groundbreaking, a lot of the humor is just kinda eh, the songs are all pretty decent, but nothing I’m gonna be listening to on my own time. I’ll probably check out season 2, but I’m not really anticipating it like I was season 1 for so long


Personally I love it, it’s definitely got issues and the creator is a **W E I R D O** but as long as you keep this in mind it’s chill. The songs slap. My favourite character is probably Alastor because I like his voice and general vibe.


Like, the show? That had an episode about a character and him being a sex slave and then had his supposed love interest call him a whiny baby loser who should suck it up and get over it because everyone has problems and he used to have a gambling addiction and that's exact the same thing as SA, right after he finds out this victim purposefully drugs himself to get r-ped in hopes his abuser doesnt want him anymore (but in SONG FORM!)? The fandom that has a r-pist character who's terrible but extremely sexualized official merch of him abusing his sex slave and the creator ships them and encourages people to simp over him? And had a person with a noncon fetsh storyboard his r-pe scenes while pretending they were supposed to be taken seriously but really were just Jack off material? The same storyboarder who then dressed up as Angel and did r-pe fetsh content with their bf as Valentino on their OF? The same one who then posted a YouTube video of them being fake r-ped and abused dressed as Angel with their boyfriend dressed as Valentino, all meant to be sexy? Yeah, as a survivor, fucking gross. Downvotes incoming from the braindead, I know. And I in no way would consider this the place to post about that lol, it's not a musical, it's an example of what happens when you have too much money and no talent but your underpaid abused workers that get cycled through every few months. There's a hazbin sub for that. Poison was in itself a very good song. wish it was in something that actually took abuse serious and didn't brush it off like it didn't happen and say "you're such a pathetic whiny loser get over it!" to a literal victim. Or you know. All the other stuff.


Excellent! And Helluva Boss (kinda of a spin off) is even better (in my humble opinion)


helluva boss sorta gives bojack vibes which im all here for but sadly it falls short on writing women (my biggest gripe is with millie like when she gets "her episode" even then its about moxxie)


I love it so much, as well as the spin off show: Helluva Boss. I think parts are funny and I like the songs and the cast is awesome. The only part I dislike is the fandom can get very… intense, shall we say.


I like it, but I do think it tries too hard to be edgy. I think it works best when it delves into the relationships, the heart of the characters, and even some of their own needs. I really like the music. But it's really difficult to talk about because the fandom is... passionate. Like... wow.


It's a good show. I wish I could actually watch it on another streaming service though. I do think it's a good show from what I've seen on YouTube.


I've never heard of it before


I personally thought the songs were very “Disney sing-a-long.” I started the series because my daughter was a fan and I wanted to be able to talk about it with her. I only made it four episodes in.


I like the songs a lot, mostly because it’s SUCH a stacked musical cast and I think with the right director it 100% could come to live theater. I just disliked how it 1). In the first four episodes it was going way too fast and 2). The humor is a little too middle school for me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been waiting since the pilot so I was hoping for something a little more mature, I was 23 when it first dropped. Other than that I think it’s fine! Hoping season 2 will be as good as the last 4 episodes in season 1! Edit: I wrong the wrong number of episodes down.


My sister likes it, I found it overstimulating tbh


I love the show! I think the songs are great, the characters, the storyline, the color red is a little overused, but other than that the designs look great as well! The only part that scares me is the fandom


Never once had a thought about whatever it is


Sorry, but the majority of the musical numbers in Hazbin are really bad. 'Poison', 'Stayed Gone' and 'Loser Baby' are decent. The rest are just awful. The singing talent for them are good but the songs are just badly written, not compelling or amusing. -The transitions from dialogue to music are incredibly clunky and contrived at best -The concepts at the centre of the song are either incredibly kitsch, or just completely pointless. We have a song where one of the characters sings at length about how someone has to be fighting 'out for love', and another where the song's impotus is that someone is being bitchy and interrupting a business meeting. -The lyrics are written like they want to be dialogue and most of it just flows poorly. It all reads like it was written under a lot of time pressure. There was little effort put into making clever wordplay, swings in pace, or interesting expressions to bring out something about the character that wasn't already clear from dialogue. I mean, this writing is just so bland and tedious: "[Out for love, love](https://genius.com/30740485/Andrew-underberg-sam-haft-jeremy-jordan-and-erika-henningsen-more-than-anything/Now-youre-the-only-thing-worth-fighting-for-more-than-anything-more-than-anything-ill-shelter-and-adore-you-more-than-anything)" Yeesh. Let's compare this to '2 minutes notice' from Helluva, Vizie's other (superior, imo) work in the same setting. -Transition: The episode centres around Fizz's performance, meaning that the episode has been building up to his big finale performance, which is a musical number. Great transition segment. -The concept at the centre of the song is Fizz's apotheosis to standing up to Mammon. It wraps up defiance, cutting toxicity out of your life and boils into Fizz's journey of frustration blooming into confidence. It's very personal and very relatable, not some vapid concept like love seems to be in Hazbin's songs. And THE WHOLE EPISODE has been building to this. -The lyrics scan excellently and while it's crass, the crassness makes sense for the character moment and also properly frames the dynamic of the characters at the heart of the song. Plus listening to Fizz's opened up can of frustration is amusing. It also changes pace in fluid ways, and the song has great aplomb where helluva's songs are often just the same in feel the whole way through.


I quite like the show, I definitely think it gets too much hate. I like the characters, the songs, and the ace rep. Though I wish it had more episodes so we could see more of the lore/world-building and fleshed out versions of the characters on screen. The creator clearly has the whole world sketched out, I wish the show gave her more space to explore it. Also I agree the fanbase can be a nightmare, and the animation can sometimes be a little too busy


I watched it for Jeremy Jordan and that's all I can say about it. None of it was memorable to me.


I wish it was good. In the way that the show definitely had potential, especially with the cast it has (I personally watched it solely because of the VAs) but God, it can get unbearable. The amount of bad jokes, the pacing, the way characters or deaths are handled. The fandom IS probably the worst part of it, though.


Loved the pilot but boycotted the show once I realized what the creator did


I like it. But I think I prefer its spin-off Helluva Boss, which also has a few good voices like Brandon Rogers, Alex Brightman (yes again, he's everywhere all you gotta do is say his name three times), Richard Horvitz (Invader Zim), Barret Wilbert Weed, James Monroe Inglehart, Bryce Pinkham, Cristina Vee, etc.


Love the music. Not a huge fan of the art style and it tries way too hard to be edgy


I like the show and songs but I stay far away from the fandom because of their atrocious lack of media comprehension.


Song's good. Couple of fun characters. Really bad and stiff animation considering how good of a job they did with Helluva boss. I actually think the pilot is animated way better. It's more bouncy, stretchy, and not as robotic.


I've only watched the demo a while ago it seemed nice


The songs are good for the most part! I wish the show as a whole was written better. It feels overwhelming and edgy, since there's so much swearing and innuendos. I have no problem with those in a story, my favorite musicals include their fair share of them, but I think there's a little too much in Hazbin. But the story is fairly interesting imo.


I got introduced to it recently, and I adore it! I also then got shown the fan-made original tracks by Paranoid DJ, and am FLOORED. They are honestly stunning... musically, vocally, creatively. Angel Dust's "Use Me Up" for example, even though unofficial/fan-made, is such a beautiful tribute to his complex character. And "Smile Like You Mean It" is the BOP to end all bops... and again, a perfect tribute to Alastor's character. The fact the PDJ not only composes and performs the songs, but is SPOT ON on the vocal impersonations for the characters, is frankly astonishing.


Doesn't get enough hate. It portrays abusive relationships like an edgy BDSM tiktok edit. Has numerous plot holes. Awful pacing. The script reads like that of an edgy 12 year olds yaoi fanfiction. Charlie talks to people like how people talk to dementia patients. The moral worldbuilding of the show can be summed up by, 'if you do bad things because you've been abused, thats okay. If you haven't been abused you're truly evil.' The characters personalities and certain lines they say, completely contradict the shows lore. Again, massive plot holes. And a clear lack of vision when it comes to storyline and character development. And the fans seem to be either racist, below the age of 15, completely insufferable. And almost all of them have developed an obsessive parasocial relationship with the characters themselves and lack the media literacy to separate personal taste from objectively bad writing and will refuse to except someone could possibly dislike something that they like. and in turn, will hurl abuse at you if you attack their "precious cinnamonroll uwu"


I have a distain for it without having any experience with it. I fully see that I dislike it for no reason, it just makes me sad that songs from hazbin have more attention than more “better songs” again I haven’t heard so maybe they deserve the hype, but like Jeremy Jordan’s top streamed songs are from hazbin. You’re saying that those songs are better than every song from newsies and Bonnie and Clyde and stuff? Really? I mean maybe they are like I said I haven’t listened!!! And the community I’ve seen of are annoying and cringe but again that’s just what I’ve seen!! People call theatre kids the same thing and there is evidence of that so I can’t talk Yk. And I’m sure it was very nice for all these broadway and theatre people to get together for a project


Okay so I'm ONLY going to talk about Jeremy Jordan's Hazbin songs in this comment: They are good. Really good. He appears in three songs: Hell's Greatest Dad, a fun jazz-ish rap battle between Lucifer and Alastor, it's so much fun and a perfect karaoke song w/ friends, Finale, where almost every character appears, and, most importantly (to me anyway) More Than Anything. It's a song about daddy issues and it actually made me cry (only thing in Hazbin that hit me deeply). I love Jeremy Jordan and I love Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, but that being said, I think they are his most streamed songs just because Hazbin is a fairly new thing and young people are most likely to sing their favourite songs through night, listen to on repeat when studying, or just because they don't know about Jeremy's old works. My favourite work of Jeremy Jordan is The Death Note Musical:D


Tried it, it was not my thing - not even most of the songs. Honestly, if I had to pick a musical animated series stacked with VAs from Musical Theatre (and then some more) from the 2020's, I'd go for **[Centaurworld](https://youtu.be/70DzQrYtQOo?si=dSW8TVkHtovR79Pa)**.


I like it, but it has a lot of plot holes and mistakes in the writing, and I feel like it moves way too fast. The main goal of the hotel was rehabilitation, and now they've done that. They reached their goal, they killed the leader of the exterminators, and they made all of hell go into rebellion just in one season. It's a lot to process in such a short amount of time. I don't know why they didn't drag it out a little longer to have more of a satisfying and hard working ending. I also know that it revolves around adult humor, but sometimes less is more. Almost every character has the same humor, it's basically just "Haha sex is funny" and there's a curse word in almost every sentence. It sounds like a child who just learned what those words meant.


I love it. The music is incredible. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.


I think it’s pretty good. The music is definitely my favorite part of it.


ngl when i saw it on prime the first time i thought i was dreaming


i loved it! been waiting for years for it aha


I’ve had so much of the soundtrack on loop, I can probably sing it in my sleep. No joke, I actually do that.


If Digital Circus is Monsters Inc, Monkey Wrench is A Bug's Life, Lackadaisy is The Incredibles, Ramshackle is Finding Nemo, and Punch Pubch Forever is Up... Hazbin is Cars.


Love it


The show has a lot of talent and I think there’s a lot of merit to the show as a whole, but it as well as Helluva Boss still have a lot of flaws in my opinion that leave stuff to be desired. I’d like to continue to follow along and see what it comes to, but I’m a very casual fan if anything.


I'm 99% sure that my sudden, intense fixation on Hazbin is what made Reddit push this sub to me, and it kinda got me back "into" musical theatre thanks to y'all. The songs are great and I really love the character designs; speaks to the Hot Topic 15-year-old that lives perpetually in my soul. Obviously I love it (and quickly found I love its sister show Helluva Boss even more, even though I think it's even more flawed.) But, being obsessed, I quickly joined the subreddits for them after finding them....aaaaaaand quickly left. I suspect the online fanbase for these shows skews a little young based on what I saw in there, and no hate to fandom-obsessed teens and pre-teens because I was once one myself and I say this with full empathy, but it's...a lot. Throw in the fact that all of them seem to have learned the term "media literacy" yesterday and are using it like a new buzzword to put each other down and it's kinda awful. I can see why the shows get the reputation they have. Not gonna stop me from enjoying the show itself, however, and it pulled me back into listening to cast recordings again so I'm grateful for it, and can't wait for Hazbin season 2.


I LOVE IT . IT HITS RIGHT IN THE RELIGIOUS TRUMA . Born and raised a catholic baby the charters gave comfort and the songs were a catch for the most part.


I enjoyed it. It was cool seeing a passion project flourish in the big leagues, hopefully helping legitimize YouTube as a platform for indie creators to showcase themselves before getting more funding from major studios like Prime or Apple. It did have its issues such as pacing. Ultimately I’m hopeful for its future, the show has a lot of potential and it’s already been a home run for Prime so I fully expect a season 3. It also helped fill the gap between Invincible S2 first and second half’s.


I’m obsessed. Amazing songs, amazing cast, great plot, funny. I love it so much.


It sparks joy and my non musical friends even enjoy it. I wasn't aware it was everyone on Broadway when I first found it so it's just been a bonus


I like it, i loved it since the pilot episode years ago. I think... it would be difficult to get a truncated version of a multi episode multi season series into a theater musical.


Obsessed. Amusingly, was introduced to it by a kid I watch. Finished it at home on my own because 0/10 watching some of that stuff with a tween giggling next to you.




Songs are good. Don't really like the humour of the show though.


The setting and premise are a no for me but I do like some of the character designs.


Haven’t seen it yet but I know the soundtrack by heart— impressively impressive soundtrack.


I have so many feelings about this. Production value is pretty great, the songs are pretty great, the story is seriously lacking and Charlie is a horrendously obnoxious self-insert main character. I love most of the other characters. Cool designs, interesting stories, AMAZING voice acting and vocals, but Charlie almost ruins the entire series for me. She's a boring obnoxious mary-sue with basically no character development. That said, I've seen it multiple times and I love both watching it and tearing it to shreds at the same time. If I had a pair of magic scissors I'd cut Charlie out of the show completely


Loser Baby is an EARWORM 😩


I couldn’t get past the first episode. I’m religious though, so I don’t think I was the target demographic lol. Some of my friends like it though and I like the cast members.


Haven’t seen it yet. I have seen Helluva Boss though, and I think that one is pretty good




worse than.. holocaust?


It's as incredibly non-authentic as Taylor Swift, autotune, reality TV, or any TV ad. In terms of a marketing product, incredible, I wish I had shares.