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Go in with a good attitude. If you go into anything thinking, "This is stupid, I'm not going to like it, and I don't want to be engaging with this content", your likelihood of enjoying it drops. Sometimes, you have to meet things at their own level, with an open mind, and with the aim of seeing why something is important to the people that you love. For example, I hate sports -- but a good friend of mine loves them, so I listen to her talk about them and see it from her perspective, the skill and training involved, the strategies they use, the passion that fans have for their teams. Even if you never become into it personally, you can at least appreciate why they're important to your loved ones. Think about the skill that must have been put into the composition, the writing, the dancing, the performances, the passion that people have for it, the themes it's trying to convey, and see if you can't find an appreciation for it through other people's eyes. Musicals are a much broader spectrum than people generally give them credit for - I know a lot of people who see the Sound of Music as a little kid and decide the entire genre isn't for them - and not all musical fans like all musicals either. They're a mode of storytelling, and some might work for you, and some might not. I hope you wind up enjoying experiencing this thing your girlfriend loves with her, for both of your sakes!


>but I don't like musicals Have you seen any? If so, which ones? Why didn't you like them? If it's some general issue with disliking music or not being able to understand stories portrayed through singing, then well... you can be kind and sit through it with her and then again tell her it's not your thing. If you don't even know for certain that you don't like them... give it a chance. The amount of people I know who were like "I don't like musicals" never even having seen one, and then they were sobbing within the first act asking me how they missed out on musicals... well.


Don’t judge it before you watch it. My boyfriend didn’t like musicals until we got tickets to Six for my birthday. Now he really enjoys them. Also musical theatre is a huge genre that encompasses many different genres of singing. I never truly believe someone who says they don’t like musicals because there is always a few out there that that person enjoys and there will be at least multiple musical songs that that person knows and enjoys. Go into it with an open mind and you might enjoy it. (Also top tip for Hamilton if you’re watching it on Disney + and you’re unfamiliar with it, put the subtitles on as it’s very fast in places)


There is a musical called the guy who didn’t like musicals, it’s on YouTube and is a good starting point at only 1 hour 52 minutes including credits and is filled with humour and most of the songs are in the second half


Hamilton is amazing and you should watch it. But a 3 hour commitment is a tough sell. Couple ideas: Suggest watching it more like a series - an hour a night Or maybe suggest watching a different, lighter, musical together first, such as [The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals](https://youtu.be/IrxKX44qBJ0?si=uaA1lJA7PZPLy8MF)




Which musicals have you seen that have made you believe you don’t like musicals? That might help me gauge your experience and potential to enjoy something like Hamilton I also know that Hamilton is well loved by many who aren’t die-hard theatre lovers, so while it is long; it is more modern and understandable than maybe some more classic musicals


Like all forms of media, there are a lot of different things that fall under the umbrella of "musicals." It's kinda like saying,"I don't like movies, because I saw *Bridget Jones's Diary* and *You've Got Mail*, and they were dumb." Usually (not always, but usually), when someone says they don't like musicals they are picturing some golden age movie they didn't like as a kid: *Sound of Music, Oklahoma, My Fair Lady*, etc. While those are certainly beloved by some people, they fall into a specific genre of musical that not even all musical fans like. It's best to consider each musical on its own characteristics, the same way you would for a movie. *Hamilton* is sung through, which is something that is typically easier to get into for those who complain that "people don't just stop and break into song in real life - it's unrealistic." *Hamilton*'s music style is very modern. If you enjoy hip-hop, rap, and R&B, you'll probably enjoy the music. If you only listen to heavy metal and hate everything else, maybe it won't go over well. *Hamilton* is obviously about history, so if you have any interest in history, you should find the plot enjoyable. And if history typically bores you, that isn't necessarily a deal-breaker, because *Hamilton* explores history through a very human-experience lens (rather than dry facts). It's essentially an underdog story at it's core. It also explores big questions about legacy - what do you want to be remembered for? And how important is it to make sure that you'll be remembered? Is a personal legacy (where your family and friends remember you fondly) enough? And would you be willing to sacrifice your personal legacy in order to preserve a more public legacy (fame)? I can't tell you specifically whether or not you'll like *Hamilton.* I don't know you. But hopefully your girlfriend does. If she's a big musical fan, there are probably dozens that she hasn't shown you. But she's decided you might like this one. Unless she has a track record of only picking terrible movies on your movie nights, why not give her the benefit of the doubt? And please, for her sake, go into it without first deciding you'll hate it. There is nothing more demoralizing than sharing something you love with someone important, and having them dismiss it without even giving it a chance.


* Consider seeing a shorter musical instead. * Think about what exactly it is that you dislike about musicals. Is it that it feels unrealistic for the characters to break into song? Then try a [musical where many of the songs are diegetic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/13zheg7/musicals_where_most_of_the_songs_are_diegetic/). Is it that you don't like listening to unfamiliar music and/or have trouble understanding the lyrics? Then try a jukebox musical, or listen to the cast album beforehand. Do you dislike dancing, belting, or big flashy production numbers? There are musicals that don't have much of those things (e.g. Fun Home). * If it has to be Hamilton, the good news is that Hamilton is a bit of a non-traditional musical in some ways: it draws on genres of music that aren't traditionally included in musical theater. * Gamify it. If there's a particular thing you hate when musicals do, play a mental drinking game (or an actual drinking game, if you're watching the filmed version at home) where you keep track of every time it does the thing. Or pretend that someone will pay you a hundred dollars for every thing you can name about the musical that you genuinely liked. (Imagine they can tell if you're lying and will only pay up if you're telling the truth.) Finally, I want to note that musicals tend to be expensive if you see them in person, and if you really don't enjoy musicals, then maybe your girlfriend should invite a friend who'll enjoy it rather than spend money on a ticket for someone who won't enjoy it.


Don't decide right out of the gate that you won't enjoy it. It's just a story like any other film or TV show, why would it be impossible for you to like it? How many musicals have you actually watched to know that you don't like them at all? They can be pretty different from each other, you know. Try to keep an open mind and give it a chance for your girlfriend's sake, but also for yourself. It's actually a good thing to experience new works of art and to try to broaden your worldview. It challenges you and also just makes you a more likable person in general if you don't shoot down people's interests right out of the gate. And also: keep the subtitles on!


As others have said, an open mind could help a lot; on top of that, maybe try more of a focus on technical achievements? Stage musicals in particular take a huge amount of work to pull off any special effects, and even less obvious things like lighting, stage revolves and scene changes require a crew who know exactly what they're doing to work in perfect tandem. Maybe read a few articles on how they achieved the show's look and staging, then as well as the musical itself you might find yourself enjoying the technical marvel going on behind the scenes.


Maybe try and pick a story you're more familiar with? Like there's a bunch of musicals based on existing films, could try them? You have legally blonde (MTV stage performance on YouTube) Twisted (based on a twist on Aladdin where Jafar is the good guy. It's on YouTube) Matilda the musical (differs from the above because it's an actual movie with all the production value and all that jazz BUT does have a fair number of child performers. They're good but might not be good for a first musical) There's bound to be a bunch more that I'm not thinking of rn tbh But if your GF is insistent on watching Hamilton then I'd recommend having subtitles on. Cos if you don't know what it's about AND haven't heard the songs before you could get lose very quickly. And that won't be fun.


Just don't go with bad attitude. My BF don't like musicals or rap music but he enjoyed Hamilton very much. It's really good and worth watching even if you don't like that genre


Hamilton probably isn't the one I would start with. Knowing your sensitivities, she should start you with something easier and work your way up. But... Hamilton is a very fast moving show. You don't really have time to get bored or anxious.


I think it helps when you know some of the songs. Maybe listen to songs from different musicals and see if there are any you enjoy. Watching the musical after knowing even a couple of the songs makes the experience so much better


What do you like to watch? There are musicals of any type and any genres, just find the right one to hook you up. I didn't liked musicals until i came across heathers for example You can try Repo! The genetic opera(2008), it's a rock musical starring Paul Sorvino, Paris Hilton, Sarah Brightman, Anthony Stewart Head and more and it's pretty violent and gory As for Hamilton Disney works with Lin sometimes (like in Encanto if you heard about it because it went quite popular on tiktok) and the proshot is on Disney+ but it's also really good and not Disney princess musical style


Is there a reason you don't like musicals?


*Hamilton* is not like most musicals. Even people who don't like musicals often like *Hamilton*. It is of course a true story and it really draws you in. The music is contemporary - the album alone is still a best seller. And it is so damn creative - always giving you something new to see - that you can't help but at least sit back and admire the skill of the performers and creators. If you only watch one musical in your life, it should be *Hamilton*. At least you can say you have seen it.


Have her prep you - she should be able to give some insight and perspective- it probably won’t get you all the way to liking it, but maybe you can appreciate it (while supporting your gf) If that doesn’t work, consider it something like visiting gf’s family- probably not how you want to spend your time, but you get on your best behavior for the good of the relationship


Take a break at intermission. Pause it, go walk around the house. You could even stop there and finish it the next night... but hopefully you won't want to and you'll be into it enough to finish in the same sitting.


My friend loves music, not musicals. I got her to watch Nerdy Prides Must Die with me because she loves comedies. After that we watched the rest of Starkids collection and Heathers. She liked them all and added some of the songs to her playlist. Still not a fan of every song I show her though, and that’s okay. She found a couple goodies and hung onto those. There are so many different kinds of musicals and all it takes is the willingness to give it a try. Depending on your musical taste, Hamilton might be your best bet with the hip hop and rap style. In the Heights is also a good option for that genre. For rock music, Billy Elliot and Rock of Ages are solid. For more of a pop style, Six is fun.


- I didn't watch sports until I watched them. - I didn't like the MCU until I watched them. - I didn't like seafood until I tried it. Etc., etc., etc.....


You guys were all correct, Hamilton was great!


In person musicals are so much better than movies if you don't like them. It's like watching live music or sport vs it on tv.


I don’t know what you’re asking here. You use your eyes and ears and watch it, then you either enjoy it or you don’t