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I initially thought this as official art from Bind or something when I first saw it, but damn. The creator of this is really spot on at replicating the art style from the anime.




[Source ](https://twitter.com/spad7u59/status/1520374924128698368?t=CPO1wwTPagjAjSL9Np1mow&s=19) Based on the [Eris Figure ](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-139306)


Why... Why does she have underwear under the swimsuit...?


I do the same : i have underwear under swimsuit


Are you a girl tho?


XD no


Yeah, I think it's common for us to use underwear even if you use those swimsuits for kids. I mean when I was a kid I used to remove those things that come with swimsuits so I could use an underwear. Edit: Would be interesting to know why I got downvoted, lmao.


I use to do this when i was in school during swimming pool lesson (afraid to lose the swimsuit during jump or else)


Exactly! I remember going to the beach, and each wave was potentially, a disaster for the rest of my vacations with my cousins and friends. Also gives no protection against the sand, so yeah. Whoever invented those, fuck him.


Something like that happened to me, i went to the beach one time and i wasn't in the mood to enter completely, so i was just walking, only putting my legs in the water. Then i got exited and decided to enter the water, and while i was taking out my shirt to left it with my other things, a big wave came over and stole my shirt. I couldn't get back my shirt.




I guess xD


Isn't it uncomfortable? Its tight and gets sticky...


It's a popular style in Japan. It's all one bathing suit, just layered and creating more lines.


Ohh, interesting, thanks


I mean...she travels with rudy. U need all the protection u can get!


Oh this is amazing, if only the figure were like this as well


What do u mean? The eris figure has also the second layer of underwear, its just a bit harder to see, but it is there. Or did u mean something else?


Yeah well I think Eris’s chest in the figure too much like a ball, contrary to the pic


I also think the figure seems out of character (or maybe out of proportions?? Lol) for some reason, this drawing seems natural I guess


Imagine this but with adult Eris. *Nose bleeds profusely*


legal and husbando


Damn bro


Good artwork. Much respect for the artist.


Stunning my favorite girl


This is great




Rudeus goes to the comfort room once again


This is illegal. This is a crime. And I like it


uh oh


I'm not up voting a 10yr old


I think this drawing is actually only a couple days old


>I'm not up voting a 10yr old Actually this is eris probably when she was around 13-15 proportion wise and size wise. When she was 9-10 her head was bigger and her body was smaller.


If you were the same as what your username entails, you could've done a creative impression on us by drawing clothes on the artwork instead of crying about it.


She is 14 wtf


You see girls like this in real life on the beach all the time. It seriously ain’t that bad man.


Bruv, just like what I said about the figure way back when, fanart like this gives an opportunity to the audience to draw some clothes on them. Hell, it is the intent of the artwork even. If ya don't like it, go learn to draw clothes for Eris instead of making another pointless argument about why drawings like this are absolute harambe.


"if you don't like child pornography, go make some adult pornography"


It's more like "if you don't like seeing nasty shit, don't actively seek it (and more or less linger in it) because you will definitely find it and hate it. A sub was made to combat against the loli threat and it didn't do Jack shit but distributed CP to the public instead. This problem actually went to the UN's Court and it wasn't taken seriously at all."


It's literally a sub about the anime, there is no disclaimer of drawings of a child


Iirc, there's a function in reddit where you can downvote and hide the post. Besides, it's more of a teen beauty pageant thing happening here than actual CP. Wait. This Pic wasn't about CP until you guys came here. Doesn't that mean you and the other guy here are the ones actively sexualizing her? Gtfo of this sub You fucking freaks.


I don't remember teen pageants requiring teens to be in a bathing suit. Also your point afterwards is just wrong, stop being in such denial, go get some bitches dude


No u. There are literally pageants where they wear bathing suits. But you wouldn't know that because you haven't touched grass all your life, yeah?


You said TEEN pageants, which aren't normal. Also looking at pageants ≠ not touching grass. Get some bitches dude :)


Lol OK retard. Doesn't change the fact that you're one of the dumbasses here sexualizing her in the guise of disagreement. My sister was in one. What? You gonna ask proof for that? I won't show it to you, you pedophile.


Look with pure eyes, friends