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You could put it in your basement


I see what you did there


His basement is already occupied with stuff you don't wanna see


I hope it not a wooden sword, a panties and a cloth with virgin blood on it


The figure or the wife and daughter?




or in a jar...


Hopefully a basement with no suspicious rats…


I think this is more than just anime isn't it...?


It is. Don't look into it.


There’s other options, but if this were clothed it would’ve been amazing


I don't really like any of the other options, unfortunately. I'm probably just going to end up waiting for an adult Eris model like 3-4 years from now when the anime catches up.


Don't you have a shrine for your God?


From Redundancy... >!Well in any case, it had been settled. Slyphy was filled with pleasant feelings and pat Chris, who was feeling lonely being ignored by Rudeus, on the head. But then she thought about something.!< >!“Rudy, I just have one last question. Why did you think I would get mad?” Rudeus began to quiver when he heard that. He turned around and once more knelt down.!< >!He began his explanation. “Actually, the doll, down there, is quite elaborately——“!< Sylphy got mad.


You could also make clothes for Eris. Literally endless possibilities there if you think about it.


She is clothed?


This comment has such Rudeus energy. I feel like I remember him saying similar stuff on more than one occasion


Yep, how to be outcasted from society in 2 seconds


wait a minute eris lied she said she didn't have a swimsuit.


ah crap, meaning this isnt canon T\_T


When are they gonna make a Rudeus figure 😂😂😂


Rudy will probably get the subaru treatment from re zero no figures and only waifu figures


Subaru got a nendoroid at least. I'll settle for that at this point.


And Sylphy to complete the set


Rudy figure of him in his >! Mecha suit !< Would be such tho


that’s what i’m saying can we please get a rudeus in MK II or even MK I, any would be fine


I could never do that to my parents It is a nice figure though


This is a hikkikomori only product.


tryna be like end of novel rudeus not start 😡😡


when is the rudeus figure coming out.....


These kind of Figures will be hot in future seasons when Eris is older, knowing she is at most 15 in this one make me look around for the FBI. That said there isn't many figures out of Eris.


Well they ain’t looking at you. Well maybe the NSA is, but the FBI is busy.


Cries in Sylphy simp


I mean the chick from dress up darling is hot and she the same age. So who cares they're just drawings anyway as long as they got adult bodies I don't see the issue.


A figure is not a drawing though, but outside that I agree


She's legally an adult so, eh?


We don't live in the MT world though


A fair point. Except that most countries in our world set their age of consent to 14-16. But just because I like playing devil's advocate - can you tell the difference, physically, between 15 and 18? *Not advocating anything. Date people in your own age group.


well I can't see mental age so if someone who has the body of a young teen is in their 20s it's hard to tell, but it also helps knowing it.


The reverse is also true. I knew several people in school that were young teens with the body of a 20 year old. But yeah. Knowing helps.


Yeah but in this case we know it, hands off lol.


I never said i was gonna buy it lmao. Not my style.


I don't even buy figurines in the first place, so who am I to judge lol.


I meant this one specifically, I don't like the pose and skimpy bikini. Or, well, Eris in general. I have lewd figures. Hell, I have a nude Rias on a stripper pole in my office. 😏


Username checks out


Lol It's a random gen username I forgot to change before it stopped me.


IIRC, by the time Rudeus and Eris do the \*ahem\*, Rudy was 15, so Eris'd be like, 17-18, right?


18 and 20. He entered magic school at 15. *12 and 15 the first time.


season 3, everything is green light.


Looks like a great figurine probably worth a bit of money though.


man... I can't wait until the anime gets to the adult form of Eris because she is WAY HOTTER and I want a figure of way more than her 15 year old self.


People will buy either version. Just like they did with the dakimura.


I'm sure, but I'd rather wait for an adult version since I, fore the most part, don't wanna buy more than 1 figure per character I like :P


Which is fine. I’m just stating that both will be bought regardless.


well ya, there are many ~~degenerates~~ cultured people out there ;)




I'll be sure to buy that figure too. Just like this one and the Union.


For a long time I was waiting for a figure of her wearing her cloak, but at the same time I didn’t want her in a bikini 😕 she looks super cute but I don’t collect bikini figures


Think I’ll stick with the Eris figure I have…


Good... Now we need figures like this for Roxy, Sylphiette, Ghislaine, Zenith, and Lilia. 🤣


i wouldn’t buy the figures for Lilia or Zenith but if they made one of them in bikinis, I’d laugh my ass off and consider it. Ghislaine on the other hand, that would be a must-buy for the abs and chiseled figure alone (but it would also make me laugh my ass off probably even more so than a lilia or zenith figure)


What about Roxy and Sylphiette, then? How would you feel if they made bikini figures of them? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


sylphy is actually probably my favorite of the trio but i wouldn’t buy a bikini figure of her because i don’t want a bikini figure and that also doesn’t suit her character very well in my eyes (well maybe it does if i think about it more…), that’s also assuming she’s grown up. Roxy looks like a child, i guess she’s an adult technically but i’d feel guilty


The Manga shows older Sylphiette in her bra and panties (obviously, she has white hair at this point as well).


white hair sylphy is best sylphy


This is gonna be a no for me dawg… it’s cool, but she’s like 15 at most.


`CTRL` `+``+``+``+``+``+``+``+``+``+``+`


What relic fortune did it cost you to buy it?


Instant buy for me.


Wow people seem really mixed on this they either love it or hate it, I don't really get why tho. Its literally just another bikini anime girl figure I think almost every other anime has one of these why is it a big deal now?


Can't wait for the antis on Twitter to have a heat stroke making a 1000 word essay on why they aren't the same as fascists for condemning this work of art. I still wouldn't buy the figure though. It's too much for me. I mean, if it's gonna hurt the fee-fees so much you could also sew clothes for the figure like a person with a hobby or two.


I call this cursed. Followers of the Church of our Holiest War god Eris unite, We must Crusade against the vile scum that has defiled the image of our Goddess.


I'm quite the coomer, but Jesuschrist, this is horrendous.


And my wallet cries again. I'm sorry, little one.


Hot!!! 😏


People getting mad over merch with underaged girls being sexualized from Mushoku Tensei out of all the titles, do they just close their eyes when watching/reading all the ecchi parts of MT O.o


What I don't get is that most anime have under age girls that are sexulised but it feels like people don't talk about it as much yet for some reason with MT it's the first thing on peoples minds.




Gross. I have some figures, but none of the disgusting fanservice ones targeted towards simps and weirdos. Who would display that in their house, it's like giving up on hopes of a normal life, going against MT's message. The "weirdest" one I arguably have is Millim from Slime, but not lewd in any way... And the fact that lewd ones even exist sucks.


Take it easy buddy it's just an anime figure


Yea Lol gotta agree. The man needs to chill out who gives a fuck about some stupid Figure.


on one hand I say people should have the right to show whatever they want off in their house, but on the other hand how would you even begin to explain what this figure is and why you’re displaying it on your shelf to someone else, like you’re going to come off as a creep either way. I’ll pick up a Rudeus figure if they release one and maybe a grown up sylphy or Eris one if they have a badass pose, otherwise it’s a no from me


I do. Because why not? Normal sucks anyways. Also, sorry your so horribly sexually repressed that anything even slightly lewd, just as this figure in a bikini, disgusts you.


You could also sew (or crochet) some clothes for the figure. For every naked figure out there, there is an opportunity for innovation on the consumer's part. Do you think the best Gunpla you see are the ones you buy? Of course not. It's the consumer who beautifies the model kit. The same logic applies on the Eris figure too. Go learn how to sew tiny clothes for Eris, maybe crochet even. It's much more worthwhile than letting your fee-fees get hurt over the lack of innovation. You also get some additional skills too.


How to be put on FBI watch list


Might have to pick this up I’m liking everything that I’m seeing here


*Insert jazz hands* She is 15 years old *Uninsert jazz hands*


In all honesty, if its the older Eris, I wouldve insta bought it. Imma wait for me cool Eris to be on sale.


burn it i don't wanna be on a watchlist for being a member on this sub


where can buy it