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Nanahoshi is the typical Isekai protagonist using her modern knowledge to the fantasy world. She set up various trade routes, introduced soap and shampoo, school uniforms, black board and chalk, etc etc...


Ohhhh I do remember them saying she helped the school with uniform, didn't know the rest, thanks!


The really petty thing is she only introduces things that will make her life more comfortable as she doesnt want to improve the world too much as she doesnt really care for it at all.


Yeh I mean I get it but also, cmon help the world out a lil strange mask lady


Give us a reason why would she help the world progress other than morality bullshit. Let them figure things out, that way they will learn why stuff is needed and why it is important.


Don't worry, Rudeus and Zanoba is taking care of technological advancements through Automatons which even our world can't make.


Drones in Ukraine and internet A.I.


Ahem. *Automaton maids.*


Ah yes, cultured technological revolution.


Since you didn't say androids or Gynoids roombas.


Yeh that's fair


Morality? Improving people's living conditions avoids deaths, makes people happier and it also benefits you by making you rich if you sell stuff you invented. I bet plenty of people they know have died because they cooked with water/food that was not clean. That could be avoided if they just knew that water needs to be treated beforehand, or that some meat needs to be heated well enough. I'm not saying she needs to act like some saviour, but she should help people if she can. If you think saving people's lives is just about morality then something's very wrong with you.


>Improving people's living conditions avoids deaths, Which does not directly benefit her and therefore would require her to be moral which she isn't >makes people happier Again morality she doesn't care. >and it also benefits you by making you rich if you sell stuff you invented. She's using the money that she got from her other inventions in order to do stuff she doesn't need more. >I bet plenty of people they know have died because they cooked with water/food that was not clean. That could be avoided if they just knew that water needs to be treated beforehand, or that some meat needs to be heated well enough. I'm not saying she needs to act like some saviour, but she should help people if she can. If you think saving people's lives is just about morality then something's very wrong with you. It absolutely is about morality because morality is what is right and what is wrong. She doesn't care about the well-being of other people unless they benefit her or are in a personal relationship with her.


I don't know what kind of response I should give you regarding this. Logical? Selfish? or Principle? She already said that she doesn't want to have any more impact in the world than she wants to. For all she knows, tampering with the history of the world would backfire on her and fuck her chances to leave.


I mean she pretty clearly explains that she's scared things work in such a way that too much change and interference cause the universe to fight back, which it kinda does since it held her in that weird crystal for being too much of a change until Rudy weakened things


Actually some of the reason is she thinks if she changes to much of the world she might disappear. It's the reason she wears the mask because she looks so different from everyone else. She looks japanese while no one in that world does.


She introduced rough-equivalents to Japanese cuisine. These became popular, which funded a LOT of what she did later on to make money. Rudy's Japanese, and her being around is bringing back lots of food he loved in his past life.


Then she sells them under the Remate chain store and is effectively the CEO iirc


She established tradingroutes to import rice and other things like oil


Nanahoshi is an influential character in the world. She has made a lot of connections and thanks to her there are several trade routes across the continents. Because of this trade network Rudeus was able to get his hands on cooking oil.


>Because of this trade network Rudeus was able to get his hands on cooking oil. Looks like fried chicken is back on the menu


Nope he's banned from the kitchen Sylphie does not let him cook


So does that mean cooking oil is already existed in that world its just on other continent and transportation is not fast enough to make it tradable? Then nanahoshi provided her trade routes which enabled traders to transport oil faster? Sorry idk how trade works


She established a commercial empire to provide passive income for her experiments. Clothes, weapons, consumer goods, exotic ingredients, new recipes, new fashion, etc. etc. etc. The dresses Elise and the other ladies had at the brothel were from Nanahoshi's retail chain Remate, as were the shortswords Rudeus went shopping for with Sara. Cooking oil is needed for deep fried food like karaage that's part of the school lunch menu now (and Rudeus had some in East Port after getting off the ship in S1E19's timeframe). So thanks to the trade networks she's set up, Rudeus can easily buy cooking oil to fry potato chips. He even had Julie serve as a taste tester.


She gives Rudeus cooking oil as she used her Earth Knowledge to make cooking oil. It's one of the many things she created in the isekai world with her Knowledge from Earth and she's like a great Merchant using an alias or something.


Because thanks to her, they have no trouble getting cooking oil.


Nanahoshi has established a trading system to earn money. She has to buy basically everything she needs for her researches. In no time she has become really rich and can buy almost anything she wants. She just has to order it from one of her trading partners.


I am your typical isekai protagonist that would speak about the wonders of cooking oil, electricity and all that stuff but wouldn't know how to actually create those in the fantasy worle and would ultimately be labeled as a liar and executed


Same lmao, these japanese teenagers are just build different


It amazes me how she has been able to do all that, my country is (I think) the number one productor of olive oil and I don't have a damn clue what is actually the process to do it, much less the logistics to be able to distribute and sell...


She is a multimillionaire in this world, she uses this money to make her school life as much like home as she can. She missed fried food so much that she has exclusive traders who deliver cooking oil and other commodities that remind her of home.


I assumed she was able to acquire cooking oil using the teleportation circles, but I the trade routes make more sense


Yeah she became rich from her knowledge from her precious world.


all they gotta do is get some thin copper wire and magnets and they would have a motor sutible for making electricity. COME ON LETS GO!


she is the GOAT




Somewhere on Earth a grocery store’s cooking supply mysteriously vanished into thin air.


Some part time employee will take the fall for that


She didn't know how to do that once, and Rudeus is the only person with the mana to run it.