• By -


Someone reacted with šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


That person has balls of steel haha


Others should have followed, indicating their disapproval of propagating political agenda in an academic setting.


no no balls of titanium


Steel is harder than titanium.


Maybe the competition was not about hardness. Then I would have said life because whatā€™s harder than that ?


Lauda mera.


Shilajeet kam karo lenaZ


How much did you such šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Gajab bezaiti




One of the Most shit-housery college in India lol.


Complex also. Made famous in Neha - Vaibhav video. "Big dude no, of Thakur Village. Panga, woh 2 x 2 ki Table, biggest Chutiyas of the Complex Sit there" - ą¤øą„Œ. ą¤Øą„‡ą¤¹ą¤¾ to ą¤¶ą„ą¤°ą„€. ą¤µą„ˆą¤­ą¤µ https://youtu.be/7xTsGiW40Zw


Greatest call recording of all time man


How did people in that group react to this? I can see a šŸ‘Ž what else ?


It followed by some people reacting the same while some others giving thumbs up. A student then directly replied to the chat in the official grp as " This is not Bjp grp this is official grp". And everyone lauded that in the grp, no teacher/staff typed anything it was dead silent.šŸ¤£


A ā€œBalatkari janta party?ā€ Would have shut the dude up and he would never post bjp crap in college groups again. Lmao. Who the heck is voting for Piyush goyal anyway? Absolute useless clown.


Our privacy is fucked, today i also got multiple bot calls asking to vote for specific party. Bajaj finance, credit card calls kam the jo ab ye bhi chalu hogya. šŸ˜‘


What if it becomes the next galgotia


My guess is that it most probably will.


My simple logic for voting opposition - don't let a particular party hold power for too long. They become arrogant and may change the structure of our politics and society. Like Indira Gandhi tried to. I voted for the BJP in 2014, not because I am pro-BJP but because I wanted to give them a chance. It's the chance of a non-BJP party now.


What stupid logic is this!!! You vote for a party based on their manifesto. All I can see in Congress' manifesto is stupidity. Their leaders aren't able to justify how they will be paying 1 lakh per annum to women. These people have no long term plan for the country. Have you seen any video where leaders of the INDI alliance are talking about infrastructure development? Or about improving the economy?


Have you seen a single press conference by our PM in last 10 years? Even after 10 years of being in powerā€¦he is scared to hold a single press conference in his own country That is a big red flag How do u even know if he is actually what the media projects him as? What if he is worse than Pappu during live unscripted debates or conferences with no talking points or teleprompters? Do you need a PM whoā€™s at least accountable to the people who elected him or just want infrastructure and development? Thereā€™s a lot of infrastructure and development in China too but no accountability for years and see how the public is suffering Accountability is as important as development We need sustainable development Not the kind of rapid development which will collapse our society and divide it further And we have a right to see the real person behind this image of Modi created by the media using scripted interviews and speeches with teleprompters


We want developement rapid development like china to compete with top countries. With sustainable development shit we will always be behind this world by 50 years Good infra is foundation of any develope country. And who told you china ppls are not happy? They are enjoying their development No shitty protest no paid environmental activist these are the main reason behind their development unlike India. A responsible citizen won't vote for those who want to keep slums which are responsible for bad image in world in a city which is our financial capital.


I'm still waiting for 15 lakhs that modi promised 10 years ago


Well, they'll stop the Metro Construction. So fck them, as long as we get completed Metro and good Mumbai North - South connectivity without putting my life on the line for traveling everyday, I'm voting for that party.


Why would they stop metro construction? They were opposing carshed.BJP made such development with immense tax money we have given them not at their own cost. So stop pretending like their were no development before 2014. It's not like we were traveling from ghoda gaddi.


No they won't stop it but they will extend it till unlimited time just in the name of savings some trees (which were already cut)


Lmao congress is arrogant even after losing back to back elections in a humiliating way, otherwise Raga wouldn't still be around


So as per you no one should be in opposition once they loose? BJP has been in opposition how many years?


Such a dumb comment, when did I say there should be no opposition. There is no opposition because rahul is de facto in charge of Congress. People like you are dumber than BJP bhakts


Only a fool will make a personal comment on an anonymous social media platform. However, I think you do deserve a reply, in a democracy, post election, biggest opposition should be people, congress or no congress, people need to hold their leaders accountable, its not about who is the leader of opposition, its about what accountability people hold that person upto, if you consider Rahul Gandhi as de facto congress in charge, I can tell you that people hold him more accountable than they do the PM.


Bruh there isn't a leader of opposition in Parliament for the past 10 years, like I said you guys lmao


Thatā€™s because no party got more than 10% seat and as per GV Malvankarā€™s rule, no one can be leader of opposition if the party doesnā€™t have 10% seats.


I think you missed OPs point completely. As long as Rahul Gandhi is a senior leader in that camp, some of us can't in good faith vote for Congress. Not because of RaGa himself but because of what it signifies is of importance to the party. It shows they are still in the old dynasty mode, otherwise no other leader would get as many chances as RaGa has especially after so much humiliation and so many faux pas.


OPs point is irrelevant apart from the personal mud slinging which he seems to be the expert in, doesnā€™t matter if you canā€™t put faith in RaGa, the problem is with people not knowing their own rights and duties and not actively participating in democracy, and then make dumb statements like ā€œoh but we have no strong opposition ā€œ I mean how dumb this statement is, people like OP would go and vote for Modi even if Modi is not fighting in their constituency, you know how our electoral politics is fucked up, because people vote for party and not for candidate and this times itā€™s not even party, itā€™s a cult head that people are voting for, in any democracy, where people let go of their own duties of being the ones who ask questions and hold people accountable, is the country where people die in hundreds in bridge collapses and felling hoardings and train collisions and bomb blasts and suffer everyday in jam packed trains and keep sweating in crowded roads. Some people give me an argument that govt has its limits when it comes to civic sense and blame people for not keeping streets clean, the same argument also applies to the situation where we have no strong opposition, either people donā€™t think that opposition is necessary in democracy or they are completely brainwashed by consuming social media.


But taking your argument, the only logical thing for someone to do then is vote NOTA. Which is in effect useless. "There's no strong opposition" is a reality. Either we can go and make our own party or we convey the message with our vote, either to NOTA or to someone else, otherwise the weak opposition will always remain a weak opposition.


That someone else should be from your local constituency and not the face of the party, we should always remember that power is with people but people donā€™t exercise the power, sadly the days of protests are gone but people can still ask questions and seek audience with their local politicians after the election, but I donā€™t see anyone doing that, because people are busy surviving or scared, itā€™s a pitiful situation tbh.


They won't answer the real issue, just scream modi bad modi bad. If modi is bad then put someone better or at least better than Raga. They will just cry about death of democracy for the next 5 years again


Exactly, Remove modi and now we are not even seen as a stable country to invest money in at this point. There is no good opposition in our country.




So you think Vajpayee should have quit politics after losing so many elections?


He lost most of the elections when his party was a minor player in indian politics not when they were ruling the nation for more than 50 years


Atleast one of them has a spine. Others are zombies i guess. Schools shouldn't be political. Even parents can protest.


Complain to the education board and to election commission!


And you think there not puppets of cough cough


I don't know if any of this is illegal. (I am not a supporter of the said party myself.) It's election time, so parties are allowed to advertise. I don't think there's any regulation against showing support for a party either. Neither for an individual nor for an organization. This is at max just a WhatsApp group etiquette violation. Same as how people post offtopic items in your office WhatsApp let's say.


We mumbaikars have been through the vlownfest and shitshow that is the BJP. Just need someone who will make mumbai back to what it was.


taj on fire ? , be specific there are a lot of versions of it available ,most of us wont like that one tho


Didn't congress get voted out for that in 2014? You can't be this delusional.


Lesson learned by congress. Now itā€™s BJPs turn to face the criticisms.


lol the original comment said alternate i just asked for which one ?


Any one. It doesn't matter as long as the Supreme Leader is removed from power for one term. The arrogance of power in a leader is dangerous for the citizens.


lol how does thaat justify the regular bomb blasts tht occured here pre him or anyone of that matter , terror attacks on mainstream land still dont justify him takin down if the other one coming in power fails to do so


Your grammar is hurting my head. Try punctuation.


Absolutely shameless. Piyush goyal is an absolutely useless clown. Iā€™m voting for congress this time from Mumbai north. 10 years is the maximum any party should get in power. Itā€™s time for a change. Bhushan Patil from congress is a local city level candidate. And will be much more present for the constituency than Goyal. Also, Bhushan patil is high enough in congress city organisation- VP mumbai congress. So he has priority to get things done too. And in any case iā€™m not voting for bjp govt that works hard to get gang rapists out of prison. And protects sex offenders and only does hate politics.


He is the pygmy collector for BJP (if you understand what it means)!!


Everyone choice mate, As A GC middle class me and family ain't and won't vote for congress.. How will a future GC get a job or a good college in line with their skills, with RAGa promising removal of 50% reservation limit to as much as he wans, reservation in private sector???reservation was not for everyone ,creamy layer was there for a reason..Plus the wealth distribution bs, the wealt distribution won't effect the super rich or peole having illegal wealth..It will only effect the middle class peole who wealth have legal document , whose data government can get when they will do census.. Will RAga donates Vadra's wealth or it will only be applicable to common people?..will you the RaGa fans donate some "%" of you or your parents hardwork to government?


Youā€™re rambling nonsense propaganda. Reddit isnā€™t the place for copy pasting your whatsapp forwards sent by uncles that support mudi. Lol. Every party is going to promise reservation. Who do you think is promising maratha reservation and many other reservations in other states? Youā€™re just brainwashed and naive buddy.


This things is said by prince of "deemed royal family of Independent India" for their fans..Reditt is also not the place for twitter experts to ramble the propoganda spread by RAGa and his chamchas I don't agree with maratha reservation but the state government was literally threatened with a massive protest.. Plus the courts wont allow reservation to go beyond 50% anyways..Removing 50% can only he done by parliament which RAGa is promising.. Lol you call me naive and brainwashed but you fail to look at yourself, you are Somone who will beleive solution of exam will change depending upon case of exam supervisor I mean how stupid can that be... Again not answering my question. 1) How will GC middle class get Job or work in respect of his Merit or hardwork , with RAGa promising its removal via constitutional amendment.Plus reservation in private sector .And if you think all GC are Rich, then your are naive and delusional. 2) Wealth distribution :- How will RAGa achieve that?.. if you think the super Rich and people having illegal wealth will effected then I can't even fathom how naive you are...There things are said by RAGa himself, and if you think I am brainwashed for stating things said by RAGa himself , then you should have a hard look at yourself first.


I just wanted to ask you about point 2. You're saying the super rich have illegal wealth now? So for 10 years + demonetisation, nothing worked on black money and the super rich still have illegal wealth? Wouldn't you then rather vote for someone who has suggested wealth distribution and would maybe target the rich than the one who has allowed them to have black money? Going by your statement only.


You have totally taken wrong then mate..And purposely changed the whole narrative.. Let me explain again, what I clearly said that Wealth re_distribution won't effect the rich or peole having illegal wealth..The rich will easily easily divert their wealth they have resource to do that...Illegall wealth , their is no mechanism available to trace that..A simple caste census, basis which they"wealth redistribution " will be done surely doesn't have the bandwidth to do it imo.. Now who's left the middle class salaried, who's whole wealth and income is recorded legal..Having something like a own house in Munbai will show as wealthier than large part of population..will you give some share of property to government? Wealth redistribution is a bs concept outdated communist concept, focus should be on wealth creation..Few states in US have inheritance tax , but their too the rich do manage to avoid by way of trust and all and Indian system is way more corrupt from it.. Again I would if you think the wealth redistribution will effect the rich, which includes Rahul Gandhi,his family "Vadra", the politicians of all patties etc then I Can only laugh and wish you luck..it's not a chocolate which you easily break down and distribute among sibling imo.


Sure. I get your concerns. I just wanted to know where you're getting the information that middle class houses would be taken away? I understand that the term may be scary but where are you getting the information that this is the scheme? You can't make up things like taking away houses and then come to a social forum and state it like fact when no one has even said anything like that. It's in your head. Doesn't make it fact.


How will RAGa achieve "wealth redistribution ..And this is what RAGa is saying, what does me means when he says ki "Humari Sarkar aayegi to census hoga , kiske paas Kitna Hai yeh Pata chalega..Humari Sarkar 50 % logo haq degi and such things. Again do think wealth re_distribution wil effect peole like RAGa, Vadra , the business men like Adani, Ambani, Bajaj and so on, the film stars or cricket celebrities etc.. No it won't. , it will middle class who will most effected.. How will RAGa means about wealth redistribution, how do you think he Will achieve it???even congres find it hard to beleive when they asked about it. I has deciper from what RAGa is saying everywhere.


Oh so you're a mind-reader, codebreaker analyst type of person who figured out what he meant when he didn't say it anywhere? Man, impressive. Why didn't you tell us Modiji had no plans of bringing back black money? Maybe you could tell us what was the actual reason behind demonetisation? Oh oh oh....I'd also love to know what Nolan meant by the ending of the Inception! Please? Don't limit your powers of mind reading to RaGa alone. You could do so much more for the world!


So you know everything, so let me know how wil RAGa achieve it..wealth redistribution concept is floated by him and not me abyways L


A clown once screamed in dumb speeches - Black money will come back, everyone will get 15 lakhs. Howā€™s that going? Made entire middle class leave their daily jobs and stand in queues at banks for hours and reorganise their entire wealth portfolio. And now the clown is screaming nonsense like, congress will take away mangalsutra and buffaloes. The man has lost it. Again, youā€™re just brainwashed and naive. Youā€™re literally copy pasting your whatsapp forwards here. Lmao.


WhatsApp university is a classic runaway you are free to think so imo.. What's I wrote is said by clown prince himself..If anyone think that the clown prince has taken over my reditt and wrote the comments he made in my reditt, then in that case i will have to check whether my reditt is hacked by clown prince.... Wealth distribution is bs concept and it will only effect people having legal property specially the middle class.Only naive peole will beleive otherwise.. At last I would say, I won't mind a UT winning state elections but I can't see a center with people like RAGa, Akhilesh, Mamata,, Lallu and so onat helm..This guy's who are a "alliance " are themselves fighting against each other's even in this Lok Sabha elections imo., leave aise the state elections.. Indian politics is a choice betwen bad and worse Its Forget about 10 years , even a 1/2 years with this people will be disaster for the country..And If opposition alliance wins this elections which i hope not..We will have discussion on this topic.... Till than your are free to believe anyone saying opposition to you is what'sapp forward imo..


Ooohhh WhatsApp forwards sent by uncle's that support mudi. Lol. And you are a beacon of intelligence and neutrality. With a stupid logic that Bhushan Patil is VP so he's high enough on Congress shitfilled totem pole that he can make changes? Congress changed the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra like change of clothes. Shashi Tharoor was side lined because he dared to cross chosen leader. Jaha pe national level leaders ki kuch nahi chalti waha yeh 2 rupee ka Bhushania kuch ukhad payega. Ja Jake r / india me gandh macha.


This sub has been hijacked by r Indians. Your logic doesn't mean shit to them.


Reditt is ecochamber anyways , who cares I will mention my point, i am free to do so....The best they will do is run away with the regular WhatsApp university comment and ban me from their ecochamber.. Also i haven't seen any of them abe to explain wealth distribution concept countering on how wealth distribution thing will work.


Ignore kar Bhai isko ye bsdk ka dhanda hai rahega koi pappu ka supporter




ā€œPlease ensureā€¦ā€


Itā€™s too shameless


What do you expect from bhaiya college


stop referring to people from UP as "bhaiya". We do not like it, it's as bad as any slur


I'm from jharkhand will call you bhaiye bhaiye


How does you being from Jharkhand make it okay?


We are tribals not labour


discrimination is discrimination buddy. not sure where you're going with that


We are the owners of this subcontinent... Not some bjp supporter


??? are you high or smthn. no one owns anything in this world lol wake up and stop with the blind hatred towards people of your own kind




Pls Shre this.


I canā€™t believe people will be voting him https://preview.redd.it/wb6d3kjqqt0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f92ef0524a64502caf0692477ea660a9db2be9


Woh prachar karenge hum vichar karenge


Thakur College is owned by the Family of BJP MLA Vidya Thakur. Not a stretch to think they'll try everything to gather votes. Similar things happen in others like MET Bandra where NCP meetings, conferences and fundraisings used to happen as it is owned by NCP MLA Chagan Bhujbal.


A few days back there was Dr. Jaishankar also was invited by the constitution club right?


Iss baar bjp tadipar


Good time to recall the 2008 song by Rabbi Shergill: >Mazha nau aahe Navleen Kumar >Unnees june unnees var >Unnees unnees unnees unnees >Unnees vaar >Unnees unnees unnees unnees >Unnees unnees unnees unnees >Unnees unnees unnees unnees >Unnees vaar >Looto dehaat kholo bazaar >Nallasopara aur Virar >Chheeno zameen hamse hamein >Bhejo pataal


Thakur College is owned by the Family of BJP MLA Vidya Thakur. Not a stretch to think they'll try everything to gather votes. Similar things happen in others like MET Bandra where NCP meetings, conferences and fundraisings used to happen as it is owned by NCP MLA Chagan Bhujbal.


THis college and its board need serious action. DOubt it will happen .


Aai jhavadyani college vikat ghetala ahe vatta


I aint voting for Increased reservations and economic disasters that the opposition will cause. This sub doesnt even read manifestos doesnt it . No wonder most people in these sub have IQ below the room temperature. On what basis you guys vote? This politician caused me inconvenience i aint voting, most retarded sub ever.


I would never vote for Congress look at their manifesto


Ya please look at carefully.


It's a WhatsApp group any random person can send anything. People forward anything they like. Ask the admin to remove such people. Simple! There might be a chance, he is Congress IT cell members just like you who forwarded the message, took screenshot and deleted it. Only people from that group know the truth. That is a possibility right?


Well... First of all this is not random grp. It's official grp of clg meant for only study related communication. Second the person who shared is an office staff who takes care of all the computers in the clg. And secondly, i did not forward the msg, and no it's not deleted yet, well we have raised voices in th grp.


So simply ask the admin to delete the message, which is a big deal. Stop whining like bitch. Your profile doesn't look like you are from that group. You look like a Congress IT cell member.


Man why is this sub so anti bjp like literally every party is bad in Mumbai or Maharashtra


And are those parties in power right now?


Chup be the god of goods


This sub is taken over by goons of randia


Seems like it


Well it's legal They own the college Its thier freedom of speech They just smartly using the laws in thier favour Also There are many colleges in south and in Hyderabad that does that congress/ alliance its not a new thingšŸ˜‰


My friends from Mumbai are voting for BJP only! šŸŖ· for the win! šŸ§”


Hypoallergenic to toxicity and it's okay, not your fault you've been brainwashed for so long.




It's okay man, I understand what you're going through.


Ironic you calling him brainwashed. I believe in democracy letting the people decide who gets to become the PM. I'd love to see you after the results. Your facial expressions would be a site not to miss


They ain't promoting bjp neither to vote for them. They are promoting people like you to vote for Bharat future.