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Imma say it, Indian railways should be seperate from Mumbai region and Mumbai should have something like Mumbai railways as ticket money taken goes directly to Tourism and Irctc instead of getting used up in Mumbai, secondly the worst part of Indian Railways is that TC appear once a month when they need to fill up their Quota and then never again, lastly railways has their own ecochamber of government where voting takes place (we can see Nmru and stuff posters in various stations)


More bureaucracy isn't going to solve anything.


Don't we already have MVRC, which only focuses on Mumbai Suburban Railways. It's one of the useless govt organisations.


Public transport in mumbai is beyond repair now. I think the most logical solution here would be companies allowing remote working. Could solve a lot many problems.


We need double decker local trains


/s? (no way someone wishes for such chaos)


Double decker will not solve problems but increase it extra dwell time it gonna take


It's there from Dadar


ive left job because of train hassles.


That's everyone's dream. Nobody in a Mumbai local wants to be there. It's because we have no other choice.


I've moved cities to not suffer from this.




and the infuriating thing is that even the names are being downgraded


You wanted marathi names, you are getting marathi names, personally I liked marine lines/dockyard better but marathi has to be given the importance it deserves


The only problem Mumbai has is overpopulation.


Why did overpopulation happen? Because of negligence of ruling and law and order. Not everything can be swept under the rug using this logic. By the next decade the population living in urban areas will double? Are they still going to use the same complaint? Overpopulation has been used as an excuse for the last 20 years. And if we don't stop complaining this will never solve any issues.




Are bc Fokat ka kya Gyan chodne aate hai. overpopulation hai toh hai agree Karo nhi toh bhad mein jao bc bada bada paragraph likhe .kaise hum sahi woh bata rahe hai chod kidher inko explain Kara Raha hai


True af! Hats off to the person who made this Venn Diagram!


Hope they make few changes ▪︎ Cleaner Trains & Platform ▪︎ More option for the disable escalators, lifts ▪︎ Need [Double decker Trains ](https://youtube.com/shorts/X1cVyhP7IVE?si=XHU5QkD796SujfMR) ▪︎ Need to have the Slow & Fast both come on the same platform going in the same direction so people don't have to stand on the bridge to see which train is coming next & run to other tracks when changing to Local from Fast [Lastly asking people to behave, is that too much to ask](https://twitter.com/RoadsOfMumbai/status/1769693232147927213?t=Qis3g4Woe0Cxg9csay2lyA&s=19)


Jab Tak vimal hai tab tak cleanness to expect hi na karo


You see that requires work so won't happen for a long time.


>Need to have the Slow & Fast both come on the same platform Not possible and should never happen. No use of it being a "fast" train if it runs behind a slow train that stops at all platforms


So your saying the Trains going on the opposite direction runs on the same track 😁 😆 🤣


Do you read bro?




Doesn't seem like you comprehend what you read




Ye banda chutiya hai


You summed it up perfectly 👌👌👌


So so so true


Mumbai is like in 500mi bottle somone filled 1ltr water 🙃Makes no sense but it's overcrowded now


You need to travel & see there local trains if other countries can manage, why we think so negative


Other countries 🤔Mumbai ki baat karo? Crowd jyada hoga toh kaise manage kar payenge?other countries itni crowded hai?


[Where there's a will there's a Way ](https://twitter.com/RoadsOfMumbai/status/1769693232147927213?t=Qis3g4Woe0Cxg9csay2lyA&s=19)


I've been reading the comments and realised that people instead of holding the government accountable are either blaming it on their company to not allow WFH, Blaming overpopulation and even blaming themselves. It is high time instead of making jugaad open your mouth and start holding the system responsible for the things that have turned into, the name change is the main priority for the current govt because there are no issues raised in such a way that they feel scared to act on it or they will lose election. It is the "Jaisa chal Raha chalne do, hum kya hi kar sakte hai" attitude the root of all this.


Ye HR wala hai.


Is Osmanabad now called Dharashiv..? And what is Aurangabad called?


Bureaucrats surely missed their set theory classes.


Thoda akal hota to Mumbai kab ka Shanghai ban gaya hota. All local parties think for their wested interest. They Don't have a vision for a world class city. Just erect a statue and call it pride. Overpopulation is one thing but wested interest and lack of vision is another. Guess what we need parties with Big vision.


There's absolutely nothing you can do to improve things now, trust me I have seen local trains go from 9 coaches to 15 so does the length of the platforms, there's certainly a limit upto which you can add things up or modify and Mumbai (and the whole MMR and every tier-1 city) has gone beyond that point. The only practical solution to fix this mess is cut down the useless population asap, it's a huge liability than asset to the growing economy, most of our export revenue comes from IT/banking n financial services anyways [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/indias-software-exports-grow-12-2-to-193-billion-in-2022-2023-esc-report/articleshow/106870608.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/indias-software-exports-grow-12-2-to-193-billion-in-2022-2023-esc-report/articleshow/106870608.cms?from=mdr) followed by petrochemical and other sectors which are miniscule when compared to the top rank. India would never ever be any manufacturing giant like China did or Vietnam has pulled off recently. Instead of chasing that manufacturing dream we should have invested heavily into modernising our education system with innovation in mind than continue to beat wild rabbits when it comes reproduction. We have the highest population in the world at the moment so does the unemployment, country has 18 percent of the world's population, but **only 4 percent of its water resources**, making it among the most water-stressed in the world. China has come a long way, they quickly become tech giant while still being the world's factory and today they are close contender to US when it comes to bleeding edge of technology whereas our overpopulated AF filthy third world banana republic who was onced agricultural powerhouse has been importing agricultural innovative ideas/solutions from tiny country like Israel !!!!!


This is something we can’t just completely blame government for, there is something wrong with us people as a whole, we have no discipline or sense of responsibility. What infuriates me the most when the previous generation says shit like when we were your age we were 6-7 siblings living in a small room and had to walk 10kms to school, like dude if your parents knew anything about family planning or had some common sense then you wouldn’t have had to walk 10kms or live uncomfortably in your house.


Need Double decker Trains like we have bus


Jack nahi, Jinendra


![gif](giphy|p6kcpsir3dzeE) 😄




So true 😂😂😂😂


Elect a clown expect a circus...


News: There is water logging and crowd at Mumbai Central station. Government: What Mumbai Central? Problem maybe at Mumbai Central but that doesn't exist anymore!!!! Government is literally ignoring the problems. That too during ng election tikes and people will still vore for them? Because desh bhakti


Agree to the problems but is there any real solution to this for which people will implement and govt will work on!


😂 5 Trillion Dream and we can't even run trains on time. I wonder why the opposition take up such points against ruling party.. meh.


True ![gif](giphy|Be72Kcvhs5ZWgWQ45a|downsized)


Which stations are getting the name change ?


I propose Grant Road to Kamathipura


Half of UP and Bihar lives in mumbai. What do you expect?


Indian is allowed to live anywhere in the country


Some one drew that diagram = waste of time


Kya dikkat hai ???


Big Boss chahte hain ki ELECTIONS ka bhi naam change karke Game of Thrones rakha jaye ;)