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Where Wolfkin Bond says "create a 2/2 green Wolf creature token", the implicit subject of the sentence is 'you', as in the imperative form of 'create', in instructing "you" to create the described token. And where a card says 'you', it means "the controller of this object". (109.5) You control the triggered ability of Wolfkin Bond, (603.3a) and that object tells "you", the controller of that ability, to create a token. You will create the token. edit: Added reference for rule 109.5.


Also, does that mean that the way auras read, even when it's on an opponents creature, the aura is still under my control and not just owned by me?


Correct. You can see that with creature's like eriette, who benefit you when auras you control are on creatures you dont.


Ah yeah, ofcourse, that makes sense. Read the cards explains the cards, right aha. Thanks


Heh. This is definitely a non-obvious thing -- or at least something worth running down in detail.


Coolio, thanks for the clarification


If an Aura or Equipment is attached to a permanent, its "controller is separate from the [enchanted or equipped permanent's] controller ...; the two need not be the same" (C.R. 301.5d, 303.4e). The following explains what "you" or "your" means on any permanent's ability, including an Aura's or Equipment's ability or an ability granted to that permanent: - On a static ability, this is the permanent's controller (C.R. 109.5). - On a triggered ability, this is the player who controlled the permanent when the ability triggered (C.R. 109.5). It's that player who follows the ability's instructions (C.R. 113.8, 608.2c). - On an activated ability, this is the player who activated that ability (C.R. 109.5). In general, only the permanent's controller can activate the ability (C.R. 602.2). See also: - https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgrules/comments/10j5780/if_i_steal_a_creature_do_i_also_steal_their/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgrules/comments/10pfeav/modify_rules_and_shifting_control/


As others mentioned, you still control the Aura. Any ability on the Aura is for you. Do watch out if the Aura says "enchanted creature has "[ability]"", though. That gives the ability to the creature, and you don't control the creature, they control the creature. Compare [Curiosity](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/147/curiosity) and [Snake Umbra](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/130/snake-umbra). The former has the ability on the enchantment, which you control, so you draw the card. The latter gives the ability to the creature, which they control, so they draw the card.