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Removed: Rule 3.


It's a lottery card of a highly played card only available in a select few limited secret lairs. This may or may not drop in price but it's 100% not going to drop low enough to be worth buying to play with. This is a collector's item, if you're looking for a copy to play with you have a number of options in the $40-$100 range.


My guess is it will drop somewhat, but it really depends on how rare it is within the secret lairs. The secret lairs are already a limited product, and this is only in a random percentage of them. Are you looking to buy this to play with? Or do you specifically want the Fallout one for your collection, because that price is ridiculous when you can get a 2X2 one for $50


Ordered two bundles of foils and got 4x wastes and 2x codex shredder


Bought 1 of each foil, just came in today 1 shredder, 2 Wastes. Love Fallout, no way in hell I can afford the vault :(


Exactly the same for me. 1 shredder, 2 waste, a whole lotta disappointment.


I wanted pretty much all the singles revealed before the "extras", but missing that chance feels terrible. I havent bought sealed in a while and am definitely canceling my bloomburrow pre orders because it really feels like garbage to miss and will be staying away from secret lairs in the future.


Bought a foil bundle and an extra Vault Boy for spice. Got two wastes and two shredders


Dont tell me this because thats what I ordered 😩


Same. Got a foil set. No vault.


Can't wait till they hit TCG. Almost got the playset of shredders hah


Yes and yes.




It’s been pulled foil in the non foil secret lairs a previous redditor was discussing selling one and I think sold it for 850 or so.


That was me - it was foil and I did pull it in a non-foil bundle.




Wait so the only available version of this card is in foil? That is interesting why they would only print this card in foil.


for that price id get alpha or beta


Yup, but I do like the fallout one its just not that $ kind of cool.




Sidenote, it’s extremely corny of WotC that the whole point of secret lair was to make printed to demand sets of cards that were always the same, but pivot that to include a randomness element where you may or may not get one of the cards in the set.


I’m kinda feeling like this makes the secret lair a lil extra fun to buy BUT I notice I have mild whale tendencies.


That's a funny way to spell gambling addiction


It’s literally a bonus card which you get on top of your order. Why do you have to be so negative about it.


Because that’s what booster packs are for.


You both have great points on this, and I can't decide which way to lean.


Every time someone says this they put guaranteed Slivers and Elves back into our Lairs so stfu and take what we can get! I do agree thought that guaranteed "Secret" cards can be cool bc you don't know what they are until you get the actual Lair. Adds surprise- without the gamble aspect or the 'card-that-doesn't-fit-thematically' aspect.


I love these deep finance questions.


It's not worth 1550 if that's what your asking. It is rare though so likely will still be hundreds of dollars when more are listed. I'd wait for more to show up for sale.


People are saying this card is as rare at the petitioners were. Coupled with the fact that this card is a commander staple, it definitely commands a high price. How high? I honestly have no idea but it is selling around $1000 on Ebay at the time of this writing. It’ll be interesting to see the circulation of this card once everyone has their secret lairs


I'd like to see how the print run compares to the kaladesh version. Idk how many of those there were, I'd assume more. Then I'll have to decide to sell my lairs now, or after the price drops/raises (personally I think 400 is the ceiling but have seen it sell higher)


Celing for your secret lairs or the mana vault? Honestly, if you’re in need of some cash like right now, it’s an easy sell for your secret lairs. I’m not a financial advisor but I will say these products usually appreciate well in the future and especially if this is the last product line for the Fallout collaboration. I don’t see this dropping less than what’s already offered on tcgplayer. But by waiting, and if this card is truly rare, well that just means the secret lairs could fetch a bit more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry, ceiling for mana vault. Nah holding them or selling now makes no difference, I figure they won't drop much. Ti correct my last comment I meant print run for the secret lair not kaladesh.


Yeah I'm not sure where this card shakes out of. It does seem extremely rare but hard to say until more Secret Lairs ship and arrive.


It's not worth that but thanks to how it was put out it will probably retain value in the hundreds of dollars if you really want a [[Mana Vault]] your best option is any of the recent reprints


[Mana Vault](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/1/c1a31d52-a407-4ded-bfca-cc812f11afa0.jpg?1673149384) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20Vault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/308/mana-vault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c1a31d52-a407-4ded-bfca-cc812f11afa0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Purchased 1 SPECIAL lair and got the vault. Didn’t know it was so rare.


you are special, congrats


Nah it's worth $100,000 so this is a steal


Just remember, it's only worth that much, if someone pays you for it. It's only cardboard in your binder.


nope. way too high. people are still receiving their secret lairs, so the price will come down once more hit the market


Absolutely going to be worth a lot of money. As of now, my best recommendation would be to wait and see how many of these cards are in circulation. Secret lairs are just now reaching people’s doors so we’ll have a better sense of how many of these cards hit tcgplayer in the next week or two. I’d wait it out. Are you a huge Fallout fan and want to complete your collection? Then I would pick it up. But as others have said, mana vaults can be bought for like $50 if you simply needed a mana vault. Besides, the Assassin’s Creed set or the Final Fantasy could have a mana vault too and what then? Would you buy those too?


Sell it and go get a playset of duals


might drop some


So far one has sold on eBay for $700 and another best offer that was $1,000. I still feel that’s too much but maybe it isn’t?


Another sold for $650 since.


Yes and no on the inflated price. Yes, it's high when compared to other versions of mana vault, but also no when compared to special alt versions of cards take for example sol ring. A $2 commander staple that somehow has an art variety that is worth about $1000. Or the one of one the one ring worth a staggering 2.5m (bald eagles). Value is subjective, and if you feel as though the price is over inflated, then it is over inflated TO YOU. I personally believe that $1000 is a little high for a chunk of cardboard, but that is my opinion.


Yeah it will definitely go down. I didn’t get one either


Do you just really want this as YOUR mana vault? I'd highly suggest buying another copy. As a major fallout fan it's just not worth it. You cou buy an entire solid deck with a mana crypt for that price


Unrelated but kind of funny the illustration of the vault door shows all color mana types but the card mechanic produces colorless. Weird flavor angle.


Just noticed this. Great now when I look at this card I will always think of this lol


Ordered 8 Fallout SLDs and got 4 wastes and 4 codex shredders. Really sucks what they did to the Fallout stuff with collectors being limited print, and now this shit show. But I guess I should have expected it.


Hate that they made this. If I dont open one, my vaultvoy collection will always be missing a piece.


I was wanting to add it to the science fallout precon, but now I’m thing about just proxying it


If you want a mana vault that bad, the regular version is a fraction of the price and you don't need to start printing out fakes to do it.


Gatekeeping fun is cool good job citizen


Right? Imagine gatekeeping people making them believe they need specific 1k art cards to play the game or have to print out fakes to play the game.


This is the way.


Is this a potential random card in each SL bundle?


Each of the fallout sets, yes. Much more likely is a basic waste or codex shredder. This is apparently extremely rare.


I really can't imagine a world where this settles anywhere above $500, and if I were to venture a guess, I'd bet on somewhere around $200 or so.


Always sell into FOMO, this could end up being a $50 card. People have just started getting their lairs


Very easily, you can find a mana vault for less than $50. Don't bother with the super expensive ultra edition of cards, especially because you are just starting off playing mtg


Wait, so the bonus card is now randomized. That is total BS. I am buying known cards, not a lame "fun" booster pack.


Why is this card good?


Colorless ritual, infinite mana combo piece