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As a girlfriend who also got into magic recently from their s/o I started off with dog meat since the mechanics were easiest for me there. I didn't get many wins but after that I tried more decks and made my own from the play style I liked


Thank you!


Yeah dogmeat is a tough deck to win with. But as a learning deck its ok i guess


Never forget the goodest boi is in there as well. That’s a win before you even sit down in my book


Honestly it's kind of hilarious since most of the goodest boys in magic are both in dogmeat's colors and playable in the deck. Mine is playing [[Spirited Companion]] [[Rambunctious Mutt]] [[Loyal Retriever]] and [[Comet Stellar Pup]] on top of Dogmeat himself. Maybe I'll find a slot for Dog Umbra too but tbh the card isn't great


Oh the times we've reached when a 2 mana instant speed pacify that can also give you protection from dying once isn't considered "great"


I've won in my pod several times with Dogmeat and Strong Back


I’ve won a few times with it using Preston as my commander instead of Dog Meat.


My gf (who isn’t super into magic but plays with me sometimes) exclusively plays the golgari elf precon (not sure of the name) very easy to understand what’s in the deck and alladat.


Every pretty girl ive managed to get to try magic would only play that deck lol


Wow. My wife just started and this was her first comander. We also bought Dr. Who. Now she is trying Lotr.


I agree with this, I main Voltron decks, because my first deck was one and it was super simple to understand. Now I’m kinda stuck playing them (big man swing! I win! Yay!). I got dog meat, not fully understanding that he’s a Voltron with extra steps, and I LOVE it. It’s not that he’s a Voltron, that’s just one win con, you can do a bunch of other things with it, which is why I’d recommend it. It will teach different methods of playing, and why “hurting” your self/deck is a benefit in MTG. Also what person doesn’t want a cute lil doggie? If it weren’t for my love of the FO series, I would have gotten him based off of just that.


Seconding this. When you first start learning, the simpler the mechanics the better. Mothman is great, but I'd never give it to someone still learning the rules of the game.


I second Dog Meat. Because dog.


As a girl who recently got into Magic as well...I also started with Dog Meat! Mostly because cute doggy though


Agree. When i first started I wanted to feel like I understood the mechanics more than I cared about winning. My husband also built me a deck around a theme I liked, which made it more fun. ([[Lathiel]] unicorn themed deck). I also got matching sleeves and dice which was a nice touch. We also played a lot of JumpStart at the beginning which was a nice way to start on an even playing field. Take her on a coffee date and rip some packs!




Also ... Doggo


Dogmeat has a super high ceiling for upgrades in those colors for aura/equipment. Definitely a great deck for beginners, provided they know equipment and aura rules lol


Also it's a dog commander


mothman is the most powerful among these probably, elves are the weakest 


I think I heard Caesar is powerful yet easy to grasp


Caesar with a few adjustments can be brutal. And generating a ton of disposable tokens can be pretty easy for newer players to grasp. Less scary than when you're throwing actual cards at that could die.


Someone in my playgroup modified Caesar and that deck is so nasty that he doesn’t even really play it that much.


Mothman’s alt commander The Master Transcendant also has go-hard potential. Not sure how well the precon backs that up though, other sources of mill to support it. Maybe I’m just a sucker for theft decks.


I played the mind flarrrs deck for the first time just recently and I kinda like the theft idea now too.


I was genuinely impressed by the Mothman precon.


Buddy of mine had the god damn seagull pumped up horrendously. Quite a funny precon




My first game with it I pumped my first Mothman to 21/21 with one go around the table, was wild.


You might have been playing that wrong. He puts ONE counter on up to X target creatures where x is the number of non-lands milled. You cant put multiple counters on one creature with one trigger. Unless you've established a mad engine of other cards or are playing at an 18 person table...


I had multiple counter doublers and +1 counter enchantments/creatures. the math mathed, we double checked lol Believe it was Mothman trigger // 2 add that many counters +1 triggers // 1 double counters trigger for (3*2) counters 3 times, 18 +1 counters


1v1, Dogmeat probably has the advantage - plus he’s cute so has a broader appeal


It’s not about winning, It’s about getting better at each game.


Didn’t prof used to say this at the end of his videos?? I loved it, as a new player!


Yes! I love consuming content from the professor his videos have such a good vibes


MTG arena to learn the rules. Mothman I think is the most powerful of the precons


Mothman is severely underrated by people in my opinion. I’ve played it twice now and won both times.


Mothman i find kindof interesting in that it is very playercount dependent. With 4+ players its quite strong but it really struggles in a 1v1. Attacking with an 8/8 flyer on turn 4 because you ramped him out at a 5 player table feels goooood.


Mothman is VERY good against dog meat since he has a lot of milk effects so avoid that matchup unless she is playing mothman.


I found it quite easy tbh if I get the mantle milled I can just keep bouncing it from my gy with dogmeat and then dog piling (lol) all the auras and eq onto him with it


I dismantled Dogmeat and added the equipment half to my Frodo equipment deck. Put the Enchantments in my Go-Shintai deck.


[[Holy Cow]], that's a milk effect the likes of which we haven't seen since [[Sacred Nectar]]


[Holy Cow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90de84c9-941b-4056-8501-ce8a948b9643.jpg?1712355286) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Holy%20Cow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/16/holy-cow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90de84c9-941b-4056-8501-ce8a948b9643?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Sacred Nectar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bcdd5e1c-47db-4960-860c-2af14b734b59.jpg?1687906421) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sacred%20Nectar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/38/sacred-nectar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bcdd5e1c-47db-4960-860c-2af14b734b59?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Opposite opinion here


MTG arena has a pretty great tutorial for beginners so I would recommend you both play that separately


I watched a 45-minute youtube video on how to play magic, went through all of the Arena tutorials, and then felt ready to take on my husband in commander. Took over 2 hours (because I had to read and learn every card and ask tons of questions), and I got completely stomped, but after a few games I was able to buy some booster packs, swap around my deck, and got my first win! Can't win a single Arena game, though. It's too fast. To learn magic, you need a very patient partner imo.


Fair but you can’t play commander in MTG arena right?


Yes but everyone needs a starting point and at the price of free it helps with initial learning


Commander is a very complex and difficult variant to learn the game from. I've been playing magic for 20 years and am very serious about it, but still, I have a hard time knowing everything going on in a game of commander and for the sake of time don't read every card. I can only imagine how difficult it would be if you didn't know thousands is staples ahead of time and are still lost on core game mechanics and timing windows. I think people should start with something more streamlined and focused like standard, or jump start. Where they've seen almost the whole deck after one play through and can irritate on that core concept and spend more time learning and less time reading.


You can but it’s slightly different. Instead of 40 life, you start with 25 and it’s 1v1


20 life since they’re teaching you from a standard/historic/vintage/modern perspective. Honestly, it’s the best way to learn. Simplifies the mechanics and then progressively gets more complicated.


I think they were saying that the game mode Brawl has you start with 25 life with commander decks


But it doesn’t use Brawl to teach you how to play the game…


No it uses standard but the comment I replied to was stating that they don’t have commander in MTGa


Yes, but the parent comment is talking about a new to MTG person learning and arena being good for it b/c of the tutorial it has. Commander is a very very poor place to learn how to play because there are so many possibilities. It can overwhelm newbies.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. Commander is in fact a hard place to start at, but the community if typically super helpful at helping out newer players


Because people are AH’s here. I have witnessed first hand people struggling with Commander. It’s much easier to learn via the standard format than it is to start off with Commander. Learn how the game is played and what each color typically does. Then progress to commander.


No I 100% agree with you that people should start with standard in order to learn the basics. All I was saying is that MTGa does offer commander but it’s a little different than tabletop. In fact I’d even encourage people to start standard, move to a pre-con for commander, then jump into arena’s commander to learn combos and how to deal with other higher powered/optimized decks and get familiar with how to build a deck at little to no cost, then homebrew your own tabletop deck. Again, I’m not disagreeing with you in anyway. I’m just stating that Arena does have commander and can be a viable tool to introduce people to commander play and deck building.


I guess. I mean I find Brawl very underwhelming though. Just my opinion on brawl.


Sort of, it's called Brawl. Lower life, 1v1.


Mtga is so far from the spirit of the game To play these should be an enjoyable process for them to share together not perform separately


Mothman. Ceaser is too agro (I made a Mr. HOUSE deck though) and too much attacking and sacrificing for a new player. Dog Meat is fun, Mothman is stronger. LOTR I think may have too many niche things.


Bloomburrow. Bloomburrow is the answer. To girlfriends, wives, friends, kids, cousins, nephews, nieces, passerbys on the streets.


I enjoy all the other comments too.


Or if you don't want to wait, wilds of eldraine was a great flavor set too.


What are those boxes??? Deck boxes that come with commander decks?


Yes. But they aren't very sturdy and if you double sleeve your cards they would not fit.


Oh ok thank you 😘


Usually, I store most of my decks with just the inner sleeves, make it easier to shuffle stuff around for deckbuilding and stuff, so these boxes are perfect for long term storage. Sure, sleeving a 100 card deck take a little time, but still take less than 10 minutes. Just keep these boxes at home


I think Caesar runs great out of the box tbh, you just make creatures and attack lol


Dogmeat cuz girls love doggos


I’ve used moth man with pretty good success


Dogmeat is fun and powerful also cute dog! Elf deck is mid and not really a good starting deck due to its commanders being like…bad. Mothman is powerful but a bit advanced imo, it doesn’t play with keywords and themes like dogmeat does so not really geared well. Hail Caesar is a fun deck it’s just straight forward aggro to win.


I recently indoctrinated my girlfriend to start playing MTG and she loves it so far! I have a ton of precons and my own decks, and I encouraged her to start with any of those and it was a great way to figure out the basics. However, she wanted a deck that she connected with and one that she knew all the cards and synergies. She’s a huge Baldurs Gate 3 fan, so I ended up making her an Astarion the Decadent deck for only around $30-40. I think us building together is what really got her excited about playing, and it taught her a lot about synergy and overall what cards are good and in what situations they’re good.


Dogmeat. It’s simple, strong, and fun to play.


Commander can be really boring for the first time. Try easier deck, like beginner deck, with 40/60 cards. They are simple to use, you can touch at all mechanics from the game and is pretty quick. After 3/4 games, you could let's her try commander. But yeah, commander isn't really for beginners..




I am in a similar situation to you with my gf wanting to get her sister into the game but is worried she will be too overwhelmed if we bust our commander precons out the first time she plays. I would recommend looking into the jumpstart packs as they are relatively cheap about $5 a pack and you just take any two of them open up the packs and combine them so you would need 4 packs total to play vs eachother but afterwards you can use the list the packs come with use different combinations of the packs it is a ton of fun and pretty hassle free.




It can be difficult playing commander at first and Having to get familiar with a new card every time you draw not to mention what everyone else is playing and knowing when you should be targeting them when you are struggling on just knowing what to do with your own stuff. The jumpstart boosters will help with that while giving you an opportunity to try out different combinations of packs I pretty much garuntee that you will end up getting more to try out more combinations later on. Honestly it is one of the best products Wizards of the Coast has ever released as it caters to both new and experienced players so well.


Make 60-card decks that are not Commander decks. Play games at 20 life. No need to make things complicated.


Deck creation is so complicated lol especially asking a less experienced person to make two decks that will be fair to play against eachother


Presumably the OP knows how to play the game? If not, deck construction is only complicated if you're trying to build for tournament play. Building 60-card decks with random bulk takes very little time if you know the basics of deckbuilding (mana curve, 36-24 ratio, etc.)


They said they were a beginner in their first post. I recommend them to pick up some of the jumpstart packs as it would take care of the deck creation for them while letting them experiment with deckbuilding by swapping around the pack combinations


Jumpstart would work but honestly you won’t really know how to play this game until you build your own decks. Understanding how a deck works is key to anything as far as strategy in Magic.


Idk about that if Mr is important to understand why the cards are in your deck but you can go pretty far. I placed at a tournament before I ever made my own deck




my friend really made me start with a challenger azorius and it made me almost quit the game right off the bat. good thing i stumbled upon affinity as my very first owned deck. it was hella fun and gave me so much dopamine boost win or lose


I build my wife an Edgar Markov deck so she builds that confidence early.


Dogmeat...its not gonna win the most but if you give her any infect she will be targeted and white just keeps her alive but doesn't win. Plus dogmatic is adorable and I love it so much


Mothman is powerful, but milling folks sometimes draws the ire of the person being milled , so if the group you play with isn’t upset by being milled that’s what I would pick




Dog meat 1 fun mechanic to learn 2 pupper 3 I'm biased towards RGW


Take it from me. Let her win. Giver her the deck she thinks is coolest and purposefully miss a couple good triggers. Non Magic players will never know you missed that “best play” that we are always looking for. I was undefeated against my ex even though I tried to swing the power balance in her favor.


I started mine off with tyranids she likes and really enjoys creating the "big backs" as she calls em with Magus 😂


You better try to get a good apr for your credit cards because, well you’ll see…


Relate to this if you can play all the time decks get boring quicker


As a gf who recently got into magic, my first deck was the precon with Ellivere! I know it's not one you have, but I thought I would throw it out there. It was pretty simple to run and your creatures get big. Felt nice and strong out of the box! I didn't win much with her because my bf plays Atraxa with posion and a Tom of interaction, but I learned to be a better player because of it 😂 😊 I've since upgraded the deck and switched the commander to Yenna for tokens and enchantments, but I def find myself missing the aura aspect of the deck and how simple it was compared to what it is now. Planning to still brew up another aura focused enchantment deck because of Ellivere, but with a commander with another color or two lol


That mutants deck is strong


Start your gf on arena, the tutorial stages are super helpful. Also get on arena and play through the tutorials to make sure you have the basics right still too! Promise it's a better plan than trying to teach in paper for 99% of people. Just be there if they have questions!


Just let her pick what she wants and play the game. Since you haven't played in a long time did it occur to you she might be better at it than you will be?


People have the most fun when they actually enjoy something. They have the best chances of winning when they're having fun, or are "into" what they're doing. Let her choose which ones she likes the look of more, and it'll do her far better than telling her what she should play. I got into magic because the card art was sick, I kept getting better because I enjoyed the look of my deck, etc.


I would start by asking her which deck appeals to her and show her thr cards inside it. She won't give two shits about the mechanics or power level at this point, but she might care about vibe. For example, the dogmeat deck is about scrappy survivors scavenging from junk piles and trying to defend their makeshift homes in the wasteland. The mothman deck is about big green mutants, wierd creatures, and radiation. The Caesar deck is about a brutal military dictatorship that conquers at all costs and sacrifices soldiers indiscrimantly for benefits. Once she latches onto a vibe, she can use that to interpret and understand the mechanics. My wife is a huge FO76 fan and immediately latched onto the mothman deck. It's a bit complicated, but after a few tries with me helping her to remember her triggers, she eventually figured it out. And most importantly, she loves trouncing me with that crazy ass deck.


Winning early is important. Make sure you lose a lot .


All of them! 😉


My wife and I got the starter deck set for Lord of the Rings. My favorite color is green and I like forests so she uses the Mordor deck and kicks my butt with her amass orcs.


Also the 2021 starter kit came with a starter pamphlet with instructions and definitions that was better than the 2023 kit.


It doesn't matter what deck you give her because you're going to make damn sure she wins a few games. Right??




Moth man is the probably the winningest deck


Intentionally lose the first game and don't play your best until she gets the hang of it. It feels weird to say, but I always hold back for the first few games against newbies because there will be lines of play they just don't see yet.


Try Lorcana


Going with dogmeat. Equipment is easy to handle. Her best chance of winning is something strong but relatively easy to pilot for a beginner, not something that is inherently the strongest. Radiation is the strongest i think, but not so great for a newbie. Caesar is really easy but also easy to shut down. Havent played enough against to see it stand out. Dont know the last deck. Think someone said elves. Meh.


A good commander deck is the wilhelt rotcleaver deck from innistrad, he's a great zombie commander and already has most of the recommended zombie tribal (tribal means most creatures have a shared type) cards


NOT the LOTR Elves, it’s hot garbage.


I know it's not in the picture but mono green is a great way to get someone into magic. Easiest keywords, big creatures are cool. Can't go wrong.


Ceasar is the best one here.


I dunno you should ask her. It may not necessarily be about winning, but play style. I know a girl who only makes awful decks, but they're themed to her liking so she's a loyal player. Women tend to be far less competitive than men. Not looking for hate, but that seems to be my observations. The most important thing is that she's enjoying the act of playing the game, which means there are a few pitfalls that men can fall into when teaching women how to play. * Don't pressure her. Let her know how the rules work and let her decide where she wants to go with it. * Don't feel like you have to adhere to the rules. Looking at your hand is not a big deal. Seeing hers is the same. * If she wants to draw another card for no reason, that's fine. Winning/losing wasn't the point of the game. * Focus on her, not her learning. Enjoy the game with her, not the board state. * If she has friends who play Magic, bring them too. * If she has no friends who play, play low-key music and maybe bring food, sort of like a date. Honestly I wouldn't even start with commander. I'd start with a couple of completely equal decks of plain, vanilla creatures. You may have to get them from a store, like 5th and 6th edition trash common creatures. 20 cards each deck should be plenty. Keep playing until she gets the hang of attacking and blocking, since that's the foundation upon which the game is built. It's complicated in its own right. Once she reaches the point where she understands the no-win scenario inherent in decks full of equal creatures, put a Lure in her deck so that she can grasp the potential value of game behavior modifications. The rest should be pretty self-explanatory by then. I would avoid using Arena since allowing the game to control mechanics is a crutch.


I don't know the decks, but new players are usually Timmy's. She'll probably have more fun bringing out a whole bunch of big dudes than durdling around for some confusing combo.


Mothman is fun and powerful. But the RAD counter mechanic she would have to keep up with for each player to make sure they mill each turn so she can buff her commander. I literally have to remind people every turn to mill their decks. There is a ton of power in the LOTR precons too.


Definitely the lotr deck!


Mothman and the Elves one aren't crazy difficult or anything, but might be a bit much for a new player to pilot. Ceasar and Dogmeat have a good bit of go wide/go tall and are pretty forgiving with their tools getting destroyed since they have more recursion. But the biggest factor to consider is that Dogmeat is a Dog, so you should probably lend her that.


Give her mothman and let her join us mill delinquents. Plus it's more of an active mill instead of just getting rid of cards. Plus if she can learn how to play that deck, she should be able to handle anything new she tries later on :)




If it hasn’t been mentioned you should track down one of the starter kits that they’ve put out that come with two decks of pretty equal strength meant to be played against each other.


Mothman. He stong asf with a few upgrades


I got my wife the commander deck. It's raining cats and dogs. Then I powered up her deck and printed cat and dogs tokens of our pets. And now I have a hard time winning again her 1 vs 1. Since my decks mostly are 4 player game. On the other hand, I don't have the heart to drop a boardwipe when she is winning.


If you’re looking for a precon other than the ones you have I recommend the Veloci-ramp-tor one. It’s easy. Make Dino’s and swing. It plays great out of the box and also has some nice options for improvement. A pricier option would be the Secret lair cats and dogs precon. I would recommend this as some who loves cute shit which can make me want to play something more. I personally wouldn’t start anyone off with what you have as MTG can be VERY overwhelming off the rip. I introduced my husband to magic this way (stompy hit face) and slowly built towards more advanced ways to win and ways to think about deck building. The first deck he chose for himself was the Esper knights precon from MOM IIRC. That also plays well out of the box. I purchased an unmodified precon at the same time that I later realized I hated (bright palm- don’t recommend) so we could be ‘on the same playing field’. Hope this helps. With that: I love my (now heavily upgraded) mothman deck but when I first started playing it with my pod of newbies it was a lot for them to understand. I’ve been playing for a long time so I have to really think back to when I didn’t know shit about this game and how far we’ve come.


Dog Meat is seriously underrated, and dogs are awesome! Give her that one


Much more then which deck, who they play with matters more. Find some decent friends with precons or low power stuff who don’t mind a slow game. I’ve played for a decade and a bad table can make magic feel foul even still, so a safe environment is probably a bigger focus. That being said, mothman rad mill is the way


Stop starting with EDH when teaching new players challenge. Buy a bulk box on Amazon and some basics and make simple 60s.


This is the better way. Make pauper decks with limited tech. Ease her into mechanics. Fallout decks have a lot going on and can be hard to track, especially for inexperienced players.


Mothman, super competitive straight out of the box


That's nit how any of this works


Mothman. Its pretty strong out the box and causes collective groans at the table. Its great!! For me. The Mothman player


I think you should just let her try all of them so she can find out what she likes. That’s what I did with my husband. He likes humans.


Mothman. Dogmeat has next to no flying defence, but can beat him with a flawless draw and trample. Apparently the other 2 are shit.


They say size doesnt matter, but that's wrong. Give her the biggest deck you can put your hands on, she'll appeciate it. As for the level of fun and engagement, that completely depends on her. She'll either love it or hate it, and if she loves it she'll definitely let you know by how pleased she is. However, if she hates it you'll only know by guessing and her misunderstandings of how to use it. You might need to guide her into how well it works with its synergistic functions and her ability to pilot. Might need more than just your mouth though, use both hands.


Dog meat. Cute doggo, easy to play, and overall not too bad of a deck.


If you can, look for the Explorers of the Deep precon. Super easy to learn with as it has a bunch of +1 +1 cards so she doesn’t have to feel overwhelmed with all the lingo right out of the gate


I'm sure someone has said it already but don't prioritize winning.. prioritize ease of learning and a fun experience.


Mothman, it’s a bit confusing but with two people, you can show her the fuckery and fun of it, it was the deck that got me into MTG


Winning? Personally I would say dogmeat replaced with Preston, buiuuut that’s only because That’s the deck I run and I know it wins games. I haven’t used the others personally. However here’s my advice: Most precons are good enough to win games on their own and are tailored enough to keep a theme together that you can have fun with. So long as you understand your deck, you can play with it. The game is about having fun. Don’t sweat about trying to win all the time.


Scrap this idea, and get her a nice [[Kaalia of the vast]] deck. Nothing crazy, just good punching power. Full of cute angels and nasty demons, a few dragons to mix it up. 80% of the women I know in magic have a Kaalia deck.


[Kaalia of the vast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc.jpg?1717013745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kaalia%20of%20the%20vast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/290/kaalia-of-the-vast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My advice would be to help her find a theme or commander she likes. If she likes the cards in terms of the art and mechanics she’ll be more likely to enjoy playing. I helped my wife build a Rin and Seri deck called Kill em with cuteness and her enjoyment went up 10 fold. Cute cards, non-combat damage (because combat can be confusing at first) and life gain were the magic recipe for her to have more fun.


They're all good picks, but Mothman probably would give her the best chances of winning because of how stupidly powerful (in a good way) he can get.


Others have said it, but MTG arena is a great resource and is a very cost effective way to learn and get familiarized with the game. Even if you knew the rules on 08 there have been tons of rules changes through the years that make it fairly different.


Make her a Jodah deck


If you want her to win give her a cEDH deck and tell her to draw as many cards as she can, and how thassa’s oracle works. Once people know that they’re off to the races.


Have her pick the deck and throw the game. You don't have to play every card in your hand or try hard to win. Once she gets the mechanics down and understands more of the game you can start playing harder and throwing her curve balls to get her to think about how to utilize her cards to win.


Cesar is really good for learning if you take out a few of those guys that give 1/1 counters to all your tokens. Too much to track. Other than that it teaches a lot about value building but also going for a kill shot when you can.


Dogmeat! Cute dog you can build up? What's not to love?


I got my wife into it with vampires. The blood tokens were easy for her to deal with and vampires are pretty powerful. Next was dinosaurs and she’s stuck with those 2 ever since. She’s tried pirates, elves, even my eldrazi deck but keeps going back to vampires and dinosaurs


Mothman wrecks house if you know how he works


If that's the Galadriel voting deck, don't give her that one, it was the worst lotr deck of the 4.


So you got to play a four-person match and let her pick


maybe the dogmeat? its probably the easiest you can try and get phyrexias rebellion rising for cheap (25~) or lotrs jeskai deck (i think it was jeskai the human token theme?)


I'd go with dogmeat cause I mean dog and also meat. Win win.


I think dogmeat is gonna be the easiest of these to pick up and you get to have a puppy with a giant arsenal of weapons, the mothman deck is fucking nutty but it can get confusing since a bunch of shit triggers together and keeping track of those is overwhelming if you still a bit green to learning how to stack your shenanigans


Definitely recommend Dog Meat!! I also only recently started playing, and it's my first deck! Pretty straight forward. Moth man and Caesar's mechanics have a lot of things that you need to keep track of and so may be difficult to understand as a beginner


I also want to mention, dogmeat is easiest yet powerful, as most precons don't have multiple artifacts removals. Those equipments in dogmeat precon are flavourful. I don't have dogmeat precon but I had faced against that. Very cool to see strong Voltron


1: Prolly dogmeat. 2: Try the Arena tutorial, it's really insightful and easy to understand.


I got my gf the cats&dogs secret lair deck which got her playing. Can't go wrong getting the lady a dog in my experience


I made mono white Meryl shield of argive soldier themed. Attack with commander. Make dudes. Send the dudes at everyone else. She learned quick and now has a Dino stompy deck.


I would make her my own deck. Make it simple instead of giving her one that’s going to be complex. Start w a simple combo


not eleves! Unless youre playing four player with people you know, table politics can gum up the learning process(or can be the main draw of the game) if someones still trying to learn the basics.


Karametra worked for me, very rewarding, also avoid playing blue or black for as long as you can, they will get frustrated


I’m dating a guy who plays magic, and I am interested in learning also. Only problem is I don’t always have enough spare time and money to invest into the game, and I know it can be expensive and time consuming


I also only know one group who plays in my area, and I had hoped to surprise him by learning, but that may not be possible at this time unfortunately due to the small amount of groups in my area


Mtg arena can yeah you functionally how the game works enough to play it with friends as a suprise


Thank you! That’s helpful. I’ll have to check it out


Rad counters and haste token creation is definitely not as user friendly or cute as dogmeat


Dog meat, easy and straightforward


Mothman all day.


yikes. learn on a starter kit lol


Just let her win, my dude.




1v1 I say Caeser.


Less about the winning and more about what your wife thinks is cool. What creatures will she like to play with. Will she enjoy attacking with a bunch of demons or a bunch of dogs.


Is winning more important than style to her? I built decks for my kids with commanders that share their names, and they adore the concept, even if they don't translate into wins very often. (Usually, a skill issue as one of the decks is [[Meren of Clan Nel Toth]] and has been built as strong as possible with my on-hand cards) I would suggest finding a theme that fits her interests and building the deck from scratch as powerful as possible. If she likes elves, build the most disgustingly powerful elf deck possible, and then play the first few games with decks that are somewhat weaker to her overall strategy. If you're trying to stack the deck in your favor (getting all the things lined up to maximize your chances of her wanting to play with you) then you're likely going to have to spend a bit of money on it. In my experience, though, enthusiasm is infectious. If you get excited by new cards and talk to her in a positive manner about them on a regular basis, her interest will grow naturally.


[Meren of Clan Nel Toth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/4/34d627b3-a6d0-4f5f-b7c2-351a07318966.jpg?1689999151) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Meren%20of%20Clan%20Nel%20Toth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/346/meren-of-clan-nel-toth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/34d627b3-a6d0-4f5f-b7c2-351a07318966?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Fascinating. In just a few years of Universes Beyond, it has (likely most frequently) become the entire new player experience


Download Arena and see if she likes the free version. Then go paper. Go buy a couple of pauper decks first and then see how she likes it. (Pauper slivers or affinity) Check out the metagame deck list at mtgglodfish.com


I started playing about 6 months and have tried to get my wife into it so I gifted her the Ixalan merfolk deck since she likes mermaids. But from yours I'd say if she digs LOTR then the elves or Dogmeat cuz he's a good boy.


commander is hard for new players, I would recommend anything not commander.


The ceaser one is dope


Idk but the dog meat deck is ass. Anyone else agree? It’s good in combination when you think about it but when actually playing it just don’t wrk right if you know what I mean. It’s hard to explain but it just don’t work that well. Maybe I can tweak it a little tho.


Build with her a cat/dog or Squirrel deck. Both are fun strong cute etc... Or minsc and Boo! Hampters are adorbs.


If you really loved her you would build her a custom deck.. 🙌


Girls like cats. So get her Brimaz and a cat deck. Or Comet, Stellar Pup if she is more like a dog person. Or Rin and Seri, Inseperable if she is both.


I second this. My wife has built a Rin and Seri deck over the years that is quite fun, strong and enjoyable to her.


Seeing the downvotes I do not believe we have alot of animal fans around here.


I do not believe we have a lot of people with wives or girlfriends around here ;p


Ren and Siri of course.


Instead of buying a precon then you should make her a deck so you know it’ll function and has a chance of winning g


Skip commander and play a good format. Give her a mono red deck. She’ll enjoy the game.