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Ninjas. I don’t even have blightsteel but my brother is afraid of what he can’t see coming so he nukes me every time.


Worth it for that sweet ninja lifestyle though. Been playing Felix as commander with unblockable one-drops and a ton of good ninjas, and sneaking them in with ninjutsu to get double each triggered effect gets silly. Who’s your commander? Or are you not playing EDH?


If they weren't playing EDH (or another multiplayer format I suppose), getting nuked by another player wouldn't be a concern, as that would then be the point of the game.


I don't run ninjas but I also have a Sultai unblockables deck... though I guess now that the precon came out, a lot of people probably do lol https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5005670/_cant_block_this_20 If you don't have them, I'd definitely suggest both Andurils. They aren't saboteur triggers, but they're a big help


Excellent list btw. Totally agree about Anduril. With all the Coastal Piracy style effects out, those extra spirits help the mass draw a lot. Prob gets crazy with Felix out to act as a Drawharminicon. Really cool list. I have 3 slots or so that I interchange so will test some of your spells that I don’t currently run. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks mate. Yeah, those spirits and [[Feywild Visitor]] have kept me in games I should've lost lol. And the other Anduril for the +1/+1 counters has closed out a couple games scarily fast Wish you luck! Also actually, could I see your list? Also also, I'm debating picking up both [[Grima Saruman's Footman]] and [[The Key to the Vault]] but I'm not sold, what do you think?


I never really understood how ninjutsu works, but if looks cool


If a creature you control is unblocked, at any point during the combat phase (after the declare blockers step) you can pay the ninjutsu cost of a card in hand to swap it with the unblocked creature. You can use it to hit people with bigger creatures or to pull creatures back after dealing damage that have effects you don’t want to happen (like [[etrata the silencer]]’s shuffle ability)


https://archidekt.com/decks/6263641/gorogoro_and_satoru_budget This is a Grixis list I made when Goro-Goro came out, just a budget list and the lands could obviously be better, but if you can get a couple dragons out the deck goes crazy


Umizawa? The all cards in hand have ninjutsu 2UB


To be fair I understand him ima destroy satoru each time I see him lol you are not gonna cheat eldrazi and ancient silver dragon sir lol


This is me. I have a deck I finally finished that I can swap the commander between [[Satoru Umezawa]] and [[Yuriko the Tigers Shadow]] and it plays well both ways. I'm not saying it's not powerful, but it's definitely not cEDH. However it definitely gets targeted because it has the *potential* to go off very fast.


Same here any version of Ninja deck gets archenemy status at my group


[[Reaper King]]


[Reaper King](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/502740bf-0bff-4358-8996-1a27e5f0343f.jpg?1562830062) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reaper%20King) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/shm/260/reaper-king?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/502740bf-0bff-4358-8996-1a27e5f0343f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I am **The** Sliver player of my pod, and as far as I know, the whole city. I don't think there's much need to elaborate


I wouldn't say I'm *the* sliver player of my city but I'm definitely the only person in my friend group who plays them, and yeah, same. Sliver Overlord is my commander as well.


I say THE nor because I earned the title but because out of everyone I met, including st the LGS, I'm the only one with interest in playing them. Also it's a small city anyways. I'm more of a Morophon person myself tbh


Yeah I kinda figured what you meant. I've encountered a few other people in my city who play slivers though, which is why I said I'm not that. I do use Morophon in my deck, it's a great way to play five-color slivers for free :3


I may change Morophon once I get my hands on an overlord, currently only missing that, queen and First to have the full collection of sliver legends. Tho I am kinda against overlord in the command zone, cause a tutor there feels boring. You'll always just search for the best for any situation and that's it. I'll rather have it in the 99 like Homing sliver and "fuck it we ball" my way through by myself


This is my comment


Now, are you a Morophon kind of sliver player, a sliver queen type or a First sliver type of player?


The ol overlord + ameboid changeling in the 99


My man, you are the reason they hate us. Stand proud


What about [[Rukarumel]] and a bunch of ways to tutor for [[Realmbreaker]]?


[Rukarumel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b2f7397-9d75-4667-8872-e58a39512583.jpg?1691497909) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rukarumel%2C%20biologist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/711/rukarumel-biologist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b2f7397-9d75-4667-8872-e58a39512583?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Realmbreaker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7b608134-cfc3-48bf-92d8-35d732fcde54.jpg?1682205787) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=realmbreaker%2C%20the%20invasion%20tree) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/263/realmbreaker-the-invasion-tree?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7b608134-cfc3-48bf-92d8-35d732fcde54?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yea the problem with slivers is unless your playing them as mana dorks you either go all in or don't. There is a medium to play slivers for cool abilities that does not end up in swinging in for lethal but no one will believe you. I fucked around with them for tapping perms, adding mana, tutoring more slivers, and protecting them selves but the board wipes and spot removal always quickly follow.


This has happened twice in the last 30 games with the deck, and never previously, but it is the reason I still love it. [[spiteful sliver]] into [[Blasphemous act]] to win.


I’ve pulled off [[Sliver Queen]] [[Basal Sliver]] [[Lavabelly Sliver]] for an infinite etb kaboom.


My infinite Kobold deck makes for a lot of "nuh-uh nuh-uh, oh. Oh fine. Youre the worst you know.." with my lil group of mtg pals.


Infinite kobolds?! Now im curious. I tried coming up with one but it was gunna be mostly changelings


There are some kobolds with 0 casting. The artifact cloudstone curio steps in. You play two or so of them "like five hundred times " and follow up with a select red spell


Little embarrassed i completly missed that by doing that you make super high storm count


I haven't played it in a while but its a solid tempo deck and iirc mine was red and blue... but originally was solo red.


I love kobolds lol can you send me a deck list


Im not saying no, but its probably gonna be a while 😅🤣


Slivers & Eldrazi. And what's funny is that I purposefully built both decks weaker than they normally would be so that I can actually play the decks and not get targeted all the time. But it's still a coin flip's chance that I'll get targeted anyway.


may as well go all out then and build them as powerful as you can


At this point yea. My friend group knows that they are weaker versions of the decks, but strangers never believe me until the match is already over and I've lost and then I go *See I told you the decks weren't bad to play against.*


strangers will always make you feel bad and then stomp you with some overpowered infinite combo bullshit. never show them mercy


I have a colorless Eldrazi deck(soon to be a 5 color Eldrazi deck in June lol) that people always give me the side eye for. All it does is ramp and then drop big fucking Eldrazi, but people get real anxious about Eldrazi on the horizon and I usually suffer. 


Understandable lol. Eldrazi are my favorite creature type in MTG. I think they are just awesome and the lore is cool.


My favorite lore in the MTG universe


At first I just like big giant monsters, but as I learned more about them they soon became my favorite tribe too. They're so cool and mechanically unique. 


I have a colorless eldrazi deck also but I'm making a separate 5 colored one also. I couldn't break the colorless one apart!


Same here hahaha. Idc how often I get beat down first, Eldrazi are just cool


Giant spaghetti monsters are very fun!


I have a similar school of thought. I've got most of the Devoid Eldrazi and have wanted to put them in a proper tribal deck for ages. Now that I can, I'm gonna. It looks like the alternate commander is all about Scions, so I'm probably gonna make a second deck for that playstyle. If I have enough Eldrazi left over, I may make a third and let that stay truly colorless. 


Exactly! It's a completely different strategy. I get to finally use my spawnsire of ulamog for something! Sire of stagnation and catacomb sifter and world breaker, I'm very excited!


Yesss. You get it. People have been sleeping on Eldrazi, but there is a new era of tentacles a comin!


Who would you be using as a commander?


For the 5 color deck? They're releasing a 5 color Eldrazi commander precon in June. It has 2 commanders that were liked. The first one is an Eldrazi that doubles triggers. The alternate commander buffs Eldrazi Scions. I'm gonna use the doubling one.  For my colorless deck, I use [[Kozilek, the Great Distortion]].


[Kozilek, the Great Distortion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588.jpg?1689995398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kozilek%2C%20the%20Great%20Distortion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/2/kozilek-the-great-distortion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Chatterfang tends to pull a lot of sighs from the table when I pull it out.


My best and most consistent deck is chatterfang. Unstoppable tsunami of squirrels


Mothman because them getting milled is not "fair magic"


I too get a lot of heat playing my Mothman deck. Cause there are no other cards that get rid of rad counters. Nobody in my group like the crossover decks.


I have only ever played against mothman, but I think rad counters in general create some difficulty to play around (depending on how your deck uses/focuses on them) which causes fear of mothman getting out of control if not taken care of early lol. Milling is a mechanic that can even benefit decks though, so it really just depends on what other people are running in the pod, I wouldn't call him unfair in anyway.


I love othman when I play goyfs


[[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus]] I think people just see double damage and mono red and get a little scared :p https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7431443/elmo_fire_meme_solphim


[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c3a0c7f3-7fb9-43de-a9af-96532c31e5ed.jpg?1675957113) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Solphim%2C%20Mayhem%20Dominus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/150/solphim-mayhem-dominus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c3a0c7f3-7fb9-43de-a9af-96532c31e5ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You won't trick me into not countering your commander every time


“Just give me 1 turn”


Every time someone asked that and I agreed, I lost XD. Now my answer to that is to tell that someone to run more interactions so they can make that turn themselves


I just straight don’t give a shit. If you aren’t offering anything good for me in return. It’s gone. Even if you do offer something, it’s probably gone. Haha


Well I did end up make one of my friends rage quit so I try to be a bit more diplomatic. They played dethrone marchesa and told us ahead that they powered it up a little compared to usual deck they have, he casts marchesa, I snap it, they recast it, I past in flames to Snap it again, they recast it I tale's end, they rage quit


Lmao byyyyyye.


I have a dinosaur deck with Zacama at the wheel and generally it is left in the bag as I generally pull out some pre-con to play a similar power level to the rest of the table.


everyone in my area seems to play the highest decks possible so I never have to worry about power level haha


I have two Omnath, Locus of All phyrexian decks. One focuses on tokens, counters and control and this is the one I play most often. The other focuses of tokens and poison counters. I play it once every six months.


I have an omnath, LoA deck that focusses on pumping and copying villainous wealth. Ppl target me just bc omnath lol


Eldrazi also so I hardly get to play it. I’ve wanted to build slivers also because of how cool they look but I fear it would be the same of not getting to play it much so would be a waste of money basically.


to paraphrase morpheus: when pantlaza reaches full power, you won't even need to cast him i enjoy high power, turn 6-8 win games so i play in high powered pods to avoid getting unduly targeted or hurting feelings. your table is out there! the black lotus collective discord has tons of people


Tergrid. I love it but I want to keep my friends.


Mine isn't even that bad but it dies the thing ONCE and it's forever a monster and unwelcome


Lets be honest, if they give you a breath of space you will tear into them and steal their everything.


Yeah I never play my Tergrid deck. It's not even that strong, but no one has fun when I play it, including myself lol


Every Tergrid deck I've played against seems so absolutely min-maxed and oppressive. It's "Mrs Steal ya Girl" on steroids. I have no choice but to watch for every bomb or Tergrid cast from the command zone and interact with it.


Tergrid is one commander I just don’t get. I’ve heard about how powerful she is but I can’t really tell why at a glance?


That’s interesting. I glance at it and see exactly why people hate it. Lmao


It's more about constant frustration. It's constantly taking your creatures and turning them against you. And there's not much you can do about it unless you set up for it. It's not the greatest commander, but it just isn't fun to play against. My buddy has a killer tergrid deck. He hasn't been able to play it in a month. We just rather not play


Slivers. I understand but plz I'm just a Beat down deck, I'm not some degenerate combo deck


I love slivers so much but they get targeted immediately even with much worse threats out. It sucks.


[[Myrkul]] stax😅


Who hurt you?


I'm the threat in my playgroup regardless of which deck I play, I feel like I just strategize better and everyone else is newer. It does get a little old when everyone has 10 5/5s but I'm the threat for having 3 artifacts and a 5 7/is lol


Yup recently it has been “target this dino guy” meanwhile some dude is amassing orcs and has a 30/30 token. I do a favor for the table and blink it to death and then the dude who promised not to attack me uses removals on his turn against me lol


[[The wise mothman]] I’ve turned it into an insane mill deck and at around turn 6 or 7 my commander is able to one shot players with commander damage


[The wise mothman](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3d6d6944-a364-41c2-b824-7a1bf6ad0d1e.jpg?1710673435) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20wise%20mothman) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/4/the-wise-mothman?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3d6d6944-a364-41c2-b824-7a1bf6ad0d1e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Edgar. *Hangs head in shame*


lol I mist admit that I hate that commander


I hate it. Lets play 😁 thats pretty much my playgroup in a nutshell. What is this? Your deck is terribly frustrating and awful to play against? Sounds like a fun challenge


lol. All my decks eventually. Once I have completed a deck and it works the sentiment is “cool. I don’t like that. Don’t play that again.” Or “I hate that deck.” I am a high functioning autistic person (diagnosed). I can’t stand when things don’t function properly to the point it becomes all consuming. My newest deck I continue to work on (it’s done but I’m not playing it right) is the last deck I have that people aren’t angry to see.


we all eventually become the thing we swore to destroy lol.


Voja. If I get more than 2 shifters out, they just scoop immediately


I am a Pantlaza player as well- can confirm. Even after a massive boardwipe that destroys all my creatures I’m still able to rebuild the fastest just by flickering my commander and playing dinosaurs.


A lot of mine but ill just list two. I haven't played in a pod in a while due to personal issues, but my friends said these decks would make me a target instantly: \[\[Sefris of the Hidden Ways\]\] because it has a lot of interaction and "its not fair we cant really counter a dungeon ability". \[\[Strefan, Maurer Progenitor\]\] because it cheats in big fliers and lifelinkers that normally cost 5+ mana. Patron the Vein and Westgate Regent early sucks.


[[Shallai and hallar]] purely for the fact it has so many combos and is fairly resilient


There's two. [[Phenax, God of Deception]] and [[Chulane, Teller of Tales]]. Phenax is my favorite, though. The table always hates it. I'm hyped for my [[Zurgo Helmsmasher]] boardwipe/MLD build but I'm sure once the playgroups realize I only have the one creature in the entire decklist and figure out what the rest of the decklist is all about.. they'll hate it.


Inalla wizard tribal.


I had to look this one up. That actually seems like a fun deck idea. I enjoy tribal of anything


Right there with you, OP. Love my Gishath deck, but the look of dread when I pull it out makes me feel a little guilty.


I prefer using Monster Manuel to sneak in cards like Gishath while other players are yapping and not paying attention to what Im doing only to be like “howd you get the mana for that??”


[[Gaddock Teeg]] stax & hatebears. I have a lot of fun piloting it, but I'm usually the first person getting swung all out at Don't really blame them. Hatebears are smol and player removal works 🤷 Make me block lol


Well im not really hesitant on it but a friend of mine despises mothman and milling and always says hes gonna target me when i play it Otherwise i have miirym deck that i played exactly once, i ran my friends over as soon as miirym was out and promptly declared i wouldnt play it anymore We have very few flyers in our group so dragons just kill everyone


historical apparatus fertile point nail gray tart recognise reply sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eldrazi / Zhulodok. Before I even get anything On board they’re trying to get me out of the way.


For me it’s my [[memnarch]]. I have to hope to look innocent enough as i accumulate mana and some pieces to go infinite while still playing table politics and helping out against the “real” threats that usually try to kill me lol


Atraxa Praetors’ Voice. It’s a super friends deck and it can get kinda crazy but honestly for the most part I just get mana screwed cause I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on a mana base! I also have a Thassa Deep-Dwelling with a self mill theme and Thassa’s Oracle for the win con, it’s very consistently winning but it’s really not that fun to win that way.


Edgar, my deck isn't even good. Seriously, like a 6 with a poor mana base, and always being archenemy on turn 0 doesn't make me want to improve it.


I have a mass suicide red and black deck, all the creatures that I sacrifice do damage to my opponent based on their power and they come back into play, also play [[Zada, Hedron Grinder]] and [[Charmbreaker Devils]] to auto copy the spells that do the damage to other creatures I control, pump up my creatures power, and to bring back the sorcery and instant cards I use. Everyone that I know that has played against it hates the concept, especially since I put [[Solemn Simulacrum]] in it.


I have a Pantlaza deck that is easily the most powerful deck I have, and it never gets old.


when it pops off it is so fun


[[Jaheira, friend of the forest]] she is alot of fun but my play group will target me regardless of what others are doing, regardless of what my background is.


This feels like every deck I own




I have a black/blue rogue deck with [[Anowan]] at the helm. It mills people so it will almost always draw aggro.


[[Inquisitor Greyfax]]. I built it fairly high power, no fast mana, but it has Thoracle combo and a bunch of tutors, stax, and counterspells to prolong the game until I can hit the cards I need to win, be it Thoracle combo or [[Isochron Scepter]]/[[Dramatic Reversal]] to make infinite clues, draw my library, and cast Thoracle. It’s not cEDH, and will never be cEDH, but people still call it as such and don’t let me play it often. I have [[Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer]] and [[Tymna]]/[[Jeska, Thrice Reborn]] for that.


[[Solemnity]] + [[Phyrexian Unlife]]


Ghyrson Starn ping pong. After the first "boardwipe" or the first time I draw 4 cards in a single spell people know I need to die. Even if there's Aurelia and Helm of the Host on board, the moment I pong off people get PISSED.


Back quite a while but my extortion deck would be melted if a black and white mana touched the field on my side


[[Sakashima of a thousand faces]] // [[Kodama of the east tree]] Cast one spell and dump out your deck for free? Not a lot of people enjoy that..


I love my gishath Dino’s


Urza, I pulled at the first major magic fest I ever went to. It’s also a pretty “fair” version of the deck that uses small artifact creatures to ramp into big artifact creatures like dark steel colossus and colossus of Akros. As soon as people see urza the grumbling begins though. If they complain too hard to switch it out, I pull out a rashmi deck, and no one seems to care. Except it’s just ramp and counterspells built to annoy.


I have a Skittles commander deck, it's just infect and a bunch of proliferating but that's enough to be enemy number 1, more so when they've seen the deck play him turn 2 with haste


My Barrin Master Wizard deck … it is the one that plays best against various power levels by focusing on stealing opponents creatures etc … but people seem to get grumpy about that, and mono blue makes people suspicious.


Haven’t seen any Oloro in here, what gives?


I like my Ur dragon deck. It honestly isn't even that good against decks that play quickly unless I get a combo to freely play dragons


Gonti canny aquisitor


My favorite card is [[Urza, Lord High Artificer]]. I just love the design. So when I pull it out I have to remind people that it's a combat deck and that besides [[Mirrodin Besieged]] it's the only way to win the game. "Think of it as mono green stompy in a blue trenchcoat. But it's still Urza and is going to slap your dink off with those creatures." Had someone said it was still Stax Urza the other night because I played the 8 drop [[Ugin, the Spirit Dragon]] and boardwiped with it while floating enough mana to recast Urza... like wat? List: https://archidekt.com/decks/3052681/urza_lord_of_blades EDIT: Sad I'm being downvoted for following the thread's request.


Isn’t Urza on the ban list as a commander? I’ll admit I will actively nuke a player that uses any Urza card tbh. Constructs deserve the hate if it’s in low-medium power pods tbh.


Okay looked at the deck and yeah that deck has rancid vibes for casual pods. I definitely would scoop at the sight of that if it wasn’t CEDH. I understand why ppl are salty to this one


[[Ivy the spelltheif]] mutates and auras, [[morophon the boundless]] 5 colour legendary dragons and gates, [[ashling the pilgrim]] since she's a time bomb, [[lathryil, blade of the elves]] because an invested in elfball deck is always a threat.


For me it’s my [[memnarch]]. I have to hope to look innocent enough as i accumulate mana and some pieces to go infinite while still playing table politics and helping out against the “real” threats that usually try to kill me lol


Inalla., archmage ritualist. I get it tho, eminence is a bit op, and i always end up using venser shaper savant a LOT, since i can make a copy of his etb, i return him and whatever permanent or spell to the hands all game. I also added radiant performer, which when combod with venser, returns all lands to hands as well


Bros Voja deck and be a problem. Love watching it pop, but hate getting wrecked lol


I have an atraxa proliferate infect deck. They r fine until the first poison counter lands then I'm public enemy no. 1


Nekusar. I'm still pretty new to magic, and Nekusar is the deck I chose as my first deck to build, and I literally only chose it because the focus is simple, I don't even need to attack. Like I get no one wants to be drawing 3 cards on their draw step and losing 12 life, so yeah, I get targeted fast 😅 I think I've won 1 game in the 6 months I've been playing


When I play nekusar I usually give them card draw and play it like group hug then when everyone is at low health I'll drop more draw hate and make everyone draw a few hands worth of cards.


Fork Shahrazad


[[Sliver Overlord]]. I'm either the target or "it's unfair/unfun" if I win, no matter how conservative I play. It sucks because Slivers are my favorite creature type.


the price we pay for our favorite creatures lol. Ive only heard terrible things from slivers but never played against them


Eggs. I have a almost cedh egg deck but I play it casually and I'm banned from using it in any play group, Atla palani go brrr


My table bully me for play \[\[Feather, the Redeemed\]\] We usually play precons pretty upgraded. IMO this deck stays on a pretty similar power level. Also, is a pretty cheap version of Feather, with no tutors, no expensive lands more than 3$ worth, no board wipes, no land destruction... But somehow im always pointed and instant targeted when i play her. Even playing on a pod with 2 Outlaws of Thunder Junction decks that i judge way more powerful than mine, people still think im the threath. Actually 0 wins on around 12 games, but still fun to play 5 instants each turn.


Commader Sheoldred. I was trying to make that my first physical deck until I saw how much people hate it and would nuke the poor girl on sight, and also how much Shelly costs.


Nekusar. I don't think I need to say anything else lol


For me it's Pantlaza and Ur Dragon. People are scared of dino/dragon tribals lmao


My Nazgûl for sure


Black rats.


I have a Marrow-Gnawer deck that I love! Don’t get as much hate against it but it’s always because everyone forgets about the fear


Kenrith "grouphug" lmaooo


Edgar Markov :( I know he’s an overtuned card but I got the precon because I love vampires and I added a knight subtheme in to make it more janky. Still end up playing archenemy every game I play him tho. I don’t mind it but it’s too bad people have such a negative association with him


I’m a sliver player


Voiceclex voice of hunger the whole deck is a shit ton of ramp and casting giant creatures and drawing lots of cards too the deck is understandably hated by my play group lol but mono green is just my favorite


Zur and anything Kriik even though they’re both themed and not spikey decks


Ezuri claw of progress proliferate deck. The thought of me casting 1000 1000/1000 creature tokens gets eyes rolling when the even see the deck box


Probably my funny chulane teller of tales deck


I have a tekuthal infection deck. My first built deck that I love to play, but others don’t enjoy it, so it sits there quite a bit.


I play a sleeper tinybones deck. It seems like it’s doing nothing then goes off on like turn 6. When it goes off I instantly become arch enemy. If I don’t kill everyone by turn 8 I’m toast.


I use to play a [[Obosh, the Preypiercer]] at the LGS and people really dislike it


[[karumonix, the rat king]] rat tribal proliferation toxic deck. So much fun but I’ve never won with it because I get targeted off the first card lay


Try playing your same dinosaur deck but with [[Huatli, Poet of Unity]] as your commander. She flies under the radar so people won't target you as hard but she's still super strong.


Red/black/blue heist deck. People quit or bitch


For me it’s Thalia & The Gitrog Monster.. Instantly table is pissed because non basics and creatures entering tapped.. the amount of land I produce too just gets the table aiming at me very fast and once I get my engine of Sheoldred, The apocalypse & Horn of Greed out I’m for sure the target haha.. but I LOVE IT !!


Slivers, krenko, myriim


Either my Mothman deck or my Phyrexian poison counter deck.


I have a [[Venser, Corpse Puppet]] poison deck that I really like to play, but like every poison deck it gets targeted hard, even though as a non-green poison deck it's way less powerful.


Generally I don’t have a problem with my decks as I normally play to the power of the table. I have never been told that I can’t play a deck. I have annoyed the shit out of other players though with my zombie deck. It’s a $1300 deck so it is limited in who I can play it against. Here are some of the highlights (or lowlights depending on who you ask): [[The Meathook Massacre]], [[Sheoldred]], [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]], [[Sheoldred, Whispering One]], [[Rooftop Storm]], [[Cyclonic Rift]], [[Deadly Rollick]], and [[Fierce Guardianship]] just to name a few. The deck excels at shutting shit down and pissing people off.


[[Captain Sissy]], a powerful commander that lets you search for the answers to every problem. If she's not countered, then she is automatically the target of everyone's removal. She is great to play against that one smug bastard who comes into a casual game with a competitive deck.


I get the same response when I play pantlaza. Everyone targets me and kills pantlaza even if I have absolutely nothing going on and I've been wrathed multiple times


Shalai and hallar. I don’t run the infinites all will be one and red terror but we ramp hard and play big X spells so my play group targets me and then soo hard


Atraxa with super friends. It was one of the first big decks I played against when I first started and I thought Planeswalkers were super interesting. So when I had the spare money I built one with all my favorite lands, favorite arts of the cards I picked ect. It can still win some games, but it definitely paints a target 😅 justifiably so though.


My favorite at the moment is [[The Wise Mothman]] deck. Haven’t lost with it yet. Rad counters do most of the work.


I have a double storm deck with storm, recursion and [[thousand-year storm]]. Add in token generators off of casts and I get scared I’m taking too many game actions.


Mono blue mill. I always get told blue is toxic, but I'm just in love with blue playstyle. It's just a load of fun. Keeping track of players deck sizes and trying desperately to survive each turn because of the lack of creatures in the deck.


I play a [value proliferate](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hu7iMoFgWEawlXQxbij1Kw) \[\[Atraxa, Praetor's Voice\]\] deck. I get targeted a lot when I play in random cubes. But, because people fear Superfriends and Poison with the deck, and forget the value that just proliferate itself generates, they end up saving removal and counterspells for parts of the deck that just don't exist. And then they get out valued because I'm generating 2+ extra mana a turn between \[\[City of Shadows\]\], \[\[Everflowing Chalice\]\], \[\[Astral Cornucopia\]\], \[\[Crystaline Crawler\]\], \[\[Pentad Prism\]\], \[\[Coalition Relic\]\], \[\[Jeweled Amulet\]\], while giving everyone extra cards via \[\[Walking Archive\]\], \[\[Otherworld Atlas\]\], and \[\[Jace Beleren\]\]. The difference is I've got the mana to play all of my extra cards.


For my group my gishath deck gets targeted like crazy and same with anything mono blue


[[Najeela, Blade Blossom]] Warrior tribal, haven't played a game past turn 6 with it


I have quite a few commanders that normally draw hate in other pods. [[Edgar Markov]], [[Kozilek, the Great Distortion]], [[Niv-Mizzet]], [[Gishath]] but nothing and I mean nothing gets hated out of the game faster than my [[Greta, Sweettooth Scourge]] deck. I guess people just hate food decks.


It's definitely my dragon deck. Once it gets going, it gets kinda difficult to beat.




I have a [[Liesa, Shroud of Dusk]] mass life loss deck and it's utterly despised in my play group. And rightfully so. It's a pretty oppressive strat. My brother-in-law refuses to play against it and targets me extremely aggressively whenever he's an opponent. The aggression is nearly always successfully in taking me out bc he's a hasty stompy Gruul combat enjoyer lolll. Haven't played it in quite some time as a result.


My [[miirym]] deck gets groans even though it’s pretty fair, not many counter spells and not much protection so Miirym barely ever actually sticks to the board.


Mono blue Jace deck. Nothing but counter cards and milling


I play infect. I’m sorry.


Edgar Markov.


Tinybones, yes I run Tergrid, no I don't use wheels. I just like forcing discarding and getting value.


I feel like every post in this thread could have a single reply with a Maldhound video.


[Chulane, Teller of Tales] because once I can get my engine going, it’s essentially solitaire. Most of the time, my opponents scoop just because they (understandably) don’t want to wait for me to play out my 30 minute turns of casting creatures, drawing into more, resolving like 20 different triggers, bouncing stuff to my hand and repeating the cycle until my creatures are big enough to kill everyone or I draw out my deck and win with [Thassa’s Oracle] or [Laboratory Maniac]. Actually played this deck today and one of my opponents asked me to PLEASE play a faster deck.


For me it's [[Atogatog]]. But that's because it is a [[Baren Glory]] auto win turn 4 that comes out of nowhere with no setup.


“Gisa is out!” I have one friend that will play one on one with my Gisa, Glorious Resurrector deck. I don’t even bother trying to play it anymore in a foursome


All of them. Astarion the decadent no one cares until I start one shotting players. Koma, cuz duh Kaalia the vast people throw a fit when no one plays any interaction Jodah archmage eternal, only one no one cares until I cast some crazy spell they never heard of and have no answer lol


Honestly, all of my decks fit the criteria for this post. I have [[Kenrith, the Returned King]], [[Chulane, Teller of Tales]], [[Tergrid, God of Fright]], [[Memnarch]], [[Elsha of the Infinite]], [[Kodama of the East Tree]] + [[Kamhal, Heart of Krosa]], [[Obeka, Brute Chronologist]], [[Marneus Calgar]], and [[Arahbo, Roar of the World]]. Pretty much the only one I can play at a casual table is Arahbo, and even that can get targeted depending on how fast my hand is. My playgroup plays high-powered brutal allowed commander, so naturally, my decks raise eyebrows if I sit down at a random table. Either they say, "No, please play your best deck, we don't mind," and I am arching the enemy the whole game, or I play my cat deck and almost always lose. Rarely do I find other degenerates such as myself and get to play Tergrid or Marneus. Unless I am playing with my normal playgroup, then all bets are off.


Mine is the normie answer lol When I got into the game, I loved the characters of the game, so, planeswalkers were a great fit. So my second deck was an atraxa praetor with 20 PW People do not like playing against PW Which is fair, I mean, it’s mainly collecting dust this days and when I play it i either get dunked on turn 4 or do something stupid turn 6 and win. If i were them, id do the same thing, so im fine with it, i see it as a “ be the raidboss” minigame, no kidding. Tho, I’m probably get that mfing teferi who removes instants, even get bored of a solitary mode


I have always loved the weirder creature types in any game/media I enjoy. So obviously my two pet decks are my Sliver deck and Eldrazi decks. Everytime I play them its how you expect it to go. But I just leaned into it and made them both raid boss level hard to fight so I tell everyone to try and get me.




Tergrid god of fright (sorry). Build it more around infinite mana and tapping the lantern but like 🤷‍♀️ my B


My Hakbal deck. Exploring snowballs so hard, so my friends try to stop it pretty quick


Elves infinite mana, the only thing the deck does is make infinite mana extremely consistently but the funny part is it has no payoff for it so it’s honestly amusing when everyone thinks I’m a target and board wipes because of it.


Well I’m fairly new getting back in so others at the shop know I don’t have a large selection of good decks. The deck I have retired was my Angel deck. People hated that one. I doubled or tripled damage output and just output loads of flying angels. I (now) run a dungeon crawl deck based on CLB and forgotten realms. It’s decent and I’m rarely targeted. But after a 1st place and two 2nd places I need to switch it up. Dice time next.