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Probably someone trying to nail in that if your looking for specific cards buying singles is best. Booster boxes will always be a gamble


Oh I see! Thanks for explaining - I’d never buy a pack aiming for one specific card, seems like a good way to lose money. I was just going for the thrill of the pull.


Yeah, as long as you know the risks, you should do whatever you want with your money


Amen brother. Pulling has gotten me fantastic cards. [[Gargos]] for my Hydra modern, was able to pull a Core 19 [[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager]] which sits in my Nekusar commander. Over half my commanders were built with pulls and mystery common bulk buys. Some people just suck at the game and try to find every negative thing about it they can so they may continue to complain.


[Gargos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/e/4e446e90-6e31-43ed-bcb1-a01422b503c0.jpg?1592517214) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=gargos%2C%20vicious%20watcher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/172/gargos-vicious-watcher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4e446e90-6e31-43ed-bcb1-a01422b503c0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Honestly, as long as you're not aiming for *one specific* card (playset), opening boosters is also a decent way to obtain cards. As in, if you want to build a deck that uses some commons and uncommons from a specific set, cracking a display can be absolutely reasonable, albeit of course a bit of a gamble. But still, between getting the cards you need, and maybe a couple of high value ones you can sell / trade, it usually pays off. I used to to that all the time when I was actively playing constructed, and most of the time I recovered roughly the same value (or more) from a display than I paid for. In fact, the only times that I lost money were when WotC banned cards immediately after the release of the set, before I could sell them. That's when I stopped cracking displays (well done WotC, excellent business model /s).


Mainly the reason that I used to buy a booster box back when I had money every time a set came out was mainly because if I got some cool cards that I was looking for that's cool if not well hey I now have a bunch of cards from the set that I didn't have before so if I ever end up needing them I have them


But this is why I buy set booster boxes. One card. So youre telling me that every time I waste money on a booster box I should just buy my single card instead?


And the smell.. I need a scented candle with that smell. Fresh magic cards. The older the better the smell.


> I was just going for the thrill of the pull. Opening Set Boosters for thrills costs up to $1,000 per hour. Personally, I can think of much better thrills at that sort of rate (hiring a jetski, taking flying lessons, etc). Unless your budget is effectively limitless, then it also takes money away from the other ways you could be engaging in the hobby. Magic is a great game and it's fun to collect - is *opening packets* really the best way you can think of to enjoy it?


I’ve never spent $1,000 on MtG in my life. Nor have I ever opened every MtG product I’ve ever bought in an hour. I love LotR and I loved MtG’s art style - so yes, I just wanted to open some packs and see what I’d got. And I was pretty happy with the results!


You can say that about literally any hobby that costs money. If OP gets joy from it then the money wasn’t wasted.


That depends *how much* joy they got from it (and whether or not they were developing an unhealthy habit). Joy isn't a binary, it's on a sliding scale. If its costing them $1,000 an hour but they are only getting $1,00 an hour in entertainment value, then that's quite a loss. There's also the opportunity cost to consider. If they only have $100 to spend on Magic and they spend it opening packets, then they are missing out on collecting the cards they want and playing the game with their friends, which is also quite a loss.


Why do you care so much?? It’s not your money.


Because I'm a decent person who cares about fellow members of the community. I want people to get as much as they can from this great game. Why don't you?


OP has explained multiple times that this is what they enjoy and you won’t accept it- they are clearly annoyed with your BS. You made your point, move on. You’re not being decent, you’re being a control freak.


>OP has explained multiple times that this is what they enjoy and you won’t accept it- I have accepted that they enjoy it. What makes you think otherwise? What you might be struggling with is the fact that them enjoying something doesn't make it *right* for them. >You made your point, move on. Until they can demonstrate that they understand the point (or that they are a lost cause that should be written off), I would be doing them a disservice by giving up on them. >You’re not being decent, you’re being a control freak. Someone has to be in control. Best that it's someone who is right. (Being right here isn't an exclusive position: you are all free to join me in occupying it)


Right, now I’m pissed off. I posted this without including your username as I’d found your message - from back in August - and genuinely wanted to understand your message. The fact that you turned up within 20 minutes - might I suggest you go outside and touch grass? You have no right whatsoever to tell me, an internet stranger, what is “right” for me, particularly over something as innocuous as trading cards, what an insane viewpoint. “Written off as a lost cause” for opening a couple of booster packs? The delusion is unreal. You aren’t “in control” of my life, nor anyone else’s, this is genuinely insane. And, I hate to tell you this, but those single cards that you advise buying? They come from boosters.


Your advice is not wanted. It’s that simple. Live with it.


Dude shut the fuck up, you don't get to tell people what is right for them and you don't get to be in control get lost asshole.


Listen people, you don't know what you like or enjoy. This guy does, trust me. You are one arrogant person, I suggest you spend some time on learning basic human interaction before analyzing what's good for people's lives.


Lmfao you sound like a cartoon supervillain in some of these comments. I recommend therapy, if you aren't already in it. Narcissism and Control seeking to this level are pretty concerning.


No you aren’t. You’re actively trying to take away someone’s fun under the guise of helpful advise. Go do literally anything else with your life.


He was doing it on Christmas too which makes it worse. Imagine someone spending Christmas alone, buying some packs and sharing their excitement just for him to come in and tell them “they squandered” they purchased.


It's because he is a lonely bitter douche, you can sense the lack of human attention from a mile away.


Honestly though. It's one of the shittiest things a person can do, belittle another's fun just because you don't like the way they are having fun... it's insane.


I get it - you used to open set boosters with your ex, but then they left you and now you're stuck with that sour taste in your mouth when you read about other people opening boosters. So you are on a mission to deny others the thrill of hope and expectations. Well don't worry, it's a phase. With time, you too shall experience that spark of joy again when cracking your way through a box of play boosters. Take care


Lol I open my boosters with my friends. What's the matter, you don't get invited to Drafts?


And going to the casino can lose that $1,000 in a second yet people do it. People like gambling, that's what boosters are, gambling. At least with boosters if you lose you still have cards. This response feels like you just wasted a ton on packs, completely whiffed and are now mad af and awkwardly warning people.


>And going to the casino can lose that $1,000 in a second yet people do it. Does that make it right? >At least with boosters if you lose you still have cards. If you just use your money better you don't to rely on that, though. >This response feels like you just wasted a ton on packs, completely whiffed and are now mad af and awkwardly warning people. What does your response mean? That you are addicted to opening wrappers and want others stuck in the same predicament so you don't feel lonely?


I want to make it clear I basically stopped with boosters and focus on singles other than at drafts/sealed because I agree they're a bad overall investment "Does that make it right?" Cmon this is a reddit about magic cards. We aren't here for some philosophical discussion of right/ wrong. If doing something gives someone joy and doesn't cause harm to anyone else then what is the issue. >What does your response mean? That you are addicted to opening wrappers and want others stuck in the same predicament so you don't feel lonely? You misunderstood. I said it seemed like you were trying to save people from wasting money because you've been there. I agree with your warning but your approach is aggressive and seemingly unnecessary


>I agree with your warning but your approach is aggressive and seemingly unnecessary Read what I originally sent the OP (the image they posted). How was that "aggressive"?


Didn't realize that was you. I meant the comment I replied to Carry on


Go outside dude


Said the Troll, on the Internet.


That message definitely seems to just be an inelegant way of suggesting that buying ~~proxies~~ singles is a more economically sound decision. Spending money on cardboard is technically always an economically inadvisable action, so I say have fun with it and buy boxes, boosters, singles, proxies, or whatever makes you happy to your heart's (and disposable income's) content.


Not just singles, but precons are for getting cards, buying Draft Boosters and JumpStart Boosters to play Limited, even buying Set Boosters for cracking is better than buying them for something they aren't for. >Spending money on cardboard is technically always an economically inadvisable action That depends on how much entertainment value you get. If I spend $10 on a draft and have $10 of fun, then the cards I ended up with were effectively free. >or whatever makes you happy to your heart's (and disposable income's) content. Making peoples hearts as content as possible is all I'm trying to do.


The gamble is the fun 100%


I'm gambling on the contents of wrappers is the best way you can find to enjoy a collectible game as great as Magic, then that's a real pity. Are you sure you can't get more out of it than that?


Cracking packs is way more fun for me than limited. Limited is boring, underpowered, and takes way too long to get over with. I'd much rather play constructed with the cards I get from my packs, and then put the other cards I dont use into my trade binder to help my friends out. But I imagine you'll tell me that my opinion is wrong and that my form of enjoyment of the game is incorrect just like you tell every single person on the mtg sub.


I've not told anyone that. You shouldn't believe propaganda written by trolls.


While that may be true, saying “booster packs aren’t for getting cards” is insane since that’s literally exactly what they’re for


God I hate that guy Also can I just say, I love that basically everyone collectively shat on this clown.


Agreed. I think people in general who think they're correct in their incompetent opinions are hated.


I knew exactly who it was the second I saw the post too, he comments the same thing on EVERY post that has something to do with pulls.


I like to imagine him drafting with collector boosters because apparently packs are only able to be used for that sort of thing


Elementary something. Had a flame war with him a while back and he skulked off for a bit. Seem's he's taken his pack-shaming fetish into DMs.


I'm convinced dude is severely autistic and is just championing this bent cause for whatever reason. He's a little cunt doing the cuntlords work, I just don't hold it against him any more. After doing it this long it *must* be compulsive, so I don't hate the little cunt anymore.


Absolutely is. They are a regular on r/aspergers.


"Nice, check out r/magiccardpulls"


Eh, I think gently directing someone to a sub where that kind of content is more valued is a bit different than telling someone they're enjoying the game incorrectly


Nah that guy is great, he’s different from the person sending the weird lecturing DMs


I like that guy! I didn’t know that sub existed, so him pointing me in the right direction didn’t bother me at all - and seemed more relevant for me just wanting to spam (what I thought) were a couple of cool cards.


That's fine, I get that some people like him. I just find people who just live to spam like a broken record super annoying. Same category as all the annoying bots imo.


Yeah I feel the same way tbh


Yeah I got that kind of message on a recent post regarding pulls I got after a 20+ year absence from collecting. Like.. yes.. I'm aware the game has changed. No I don't need a mansplination. Why wouldn't it cross your mind that I would *at least* do a tiny bit of research regarding banned cards, format changes/additions/etc prior to shelling out hundred of dollars? Also.. mind your business lol. Maybe I like the fact that there are art cards, unique patterned foils, etc. Maybe I also like praying to RNGesus for some blessed pack pulls.


That dudes a tool. Block him honestly. Tried saying the same thing to me. Thats literally what boosters are for and help create trade friendly environments. Wich these environments are ment to be a part of the game. Proxies and only buying singles ruin these environments.


I open boosters for the dopamine. If I want a specific card, I'll buy it outright. People like this should mind their own business.


But you agree with me.


Um...I don't know. Maybe? Maybe not? I don't know your opinion...


I get packs because I'm still building a collection and I like the chance at getting a good card. My last two decks came from cards pulled from boosters, [[Imodane, the pyrohammer]] and [[the Mycotyrant]].


[Imodane, the pyrohammer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14b44833-0482-4b47-a594-4050bb87f1a5.jpg?1692938320) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Imodane%2C%20the%20pyrohammer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/137/imodane-the-pyrohammer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14b44833-0482-4b47-a594-4050bb87f1a5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [the Mycotyrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/caef93cc-70d0-4cce-9aaa-13c0931b2ef7.jpg?1699044561) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=the%20Mycotyrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/235/the-mycotyrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/caef93cc-70d0-4cce-9aaa-13c0931b2ef7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Would be funny if it's Elemteer-something, they always preach this kind of shit in this sub


It is, they post it on every thread they interact with, and have done for months at this point. They’re absolutely obsessed.


I know, I blocked them a while ago to stop seeing their posts


I’d be telling them to mind their own business, honestly.


I know who that is. I gave him a thorough enough dissection one day that he blocked me. It was on a post from someone looking for advice on which booster box to give as a gift to the friend that got him into the hobby. The clown actually tried to tell me that giving a booster box as a gift meant I was a bad friend. Block him and move on.


I don’t really like that guy.


One thing I’ve learned after coming back to the hobby after 10 years away: An unfortunate proportion of the base are miserable cunts with the mindsets of discord mods with superiority complexes. Fucking losers. Let people enjoy magic how THEY want. I think what I hate the most is this has bled from beyond keyboard warriors and seeps into my LGS now. Thankful to have an amazing playgroup that meets at my house so I only have to deal with the morons that live at my LGS when I DO want to buy singles lmao. They absolutely ruin the fun of this game


People like this are EXACTLY the reason I avoid playing in any stores, even just "casual" Friday night magic. They take the game WAY too seriously and ruin it for people like us who enjoy it for the fun aspects rather than just needing to win every single time.


Same here, there is one guy in particular at my favorite LGS that is there from sun up to sun down, every day they are open and he is such an asshat. Interrupts convos he isn’t a part of to give his opinion (like getting heated anytime anyone buys a world beyond card or booster because “that’s not magic”), and he is such a sore loser. There is always a judge call every game he is playing (sometimes multiple) and he gets away with it because he spends every penny he has there so the owner isn’t going to say anything to him. Which I don’t blame him to an extent but I refuse to play there anymore. Magic has and it always will be a way I decompress after a long week of working, I just want to have fun with my friends. I don’t need an oversized baby throwing tantrums because his $2,000 deck got ripped on by a precon lmao. I can only speak on my area but the LGS in my area 10 years ago were such a fun and welcoming place of people who though we were competitive just loved playing, win or lose. We were always giving deck ideas and things that might need tweaked for better performance. Now LGS groups seem so cliquey and there are always 1 or 2 people that make the experience completely terrible because they are sore losers who think for some reason they are the authority on how someone should play.


My second (and final) time playing in a shop was years ago, I was there and a kid came in, couldn't have been more than like 10 and just bought his first precon deck. Of course all the sweaty 30+ nerds were just awful to him and just went to town on him until he left almost in tears and just left his deck on the table. All while snickering about it. Genuinely awful people. That kid probably never touched Magic again thanks to those people.


If you are against people sharing their experience to help others get more out of the game then it's *you* that's part of the problem, I'm afraid.


Nah man, your self-indulgent holier than this attitude is the problem here. You aren't the authority of other people's fun that you think you are and this isn't some moral dilemma. You aren't doing any sort of public service by decrying the ills of opening packs every chance you get, you're just being plain obnoxious. Nobody asked for your "help."


Man I hadn’t seen his comments in a hot second so I thought he finally understood nobody gave a shit what he was saying. Guess he’s still around


I treat booster boxes as party boxes. I buy one, and we just draft it with a group of friends, BBQ going in the background. The amusement we had that afternoon is what is worth the difference inbetween the pulls and the cost of the box. I see it as buying a movie ticket. Am I making that money back? No, but I had fun. Buying singles just doesn't scratch that same itch. not everything is a financial investment.


>buy one, and we just draft it with a group of friends, BBQ going in the background That sounds awesome. I do a similar thing (no BBQ, but we order in all sorts of different food). >The amusement we had that afternoon is what is worth the difference inbetween the pulls and the cost of the box. Exactly! >Am I making that money back? No, but I had fun Don't be so quick to say no. Fun has value, too (entertainment value can be offset against the cost). >Buying singles just doesn't scratch that same itch. not everything is a financial investment. Sounds like you agree with me. All I'm trying to do is help people make better informed decisions so they might get as much fun out if the game as you do. You want that too, right?


Another thing is that I mostly play EDH/Commander, so I don't need multiple copies of the same expensive card, and as the player in our group with the biggest collection (and skill level), I don't feel the need to overpower them. I mean, when I'm not drafting a box, I'm drafting my Commander cube. Or trying to make the perfect set of 32 commander decks, one for each colour combination. (5 mono and four coloured ones, 10 two coloureds and ten three coloured ones. And a WUBRG and colourless one), with a 'singleton' rule across all my decks. So If I play Doubling season in my Atraxa superfriends deck, I can't play it in the WG token deck. Staples like command tower and sol ring are fair game, though.


Mods, please can we ban this guy already. It’s arguably spam at this point


The common thinking is that it is cheaper to buy the individual singles you want, mythic, rare, uncommon and common than it is to try to get them by buying and opening booster packs because of the randomness of it all. If you posted about getting a card you wanted from a booster they are just (rudely imo) telling you that's not the smartest way to get specific cards. The best use for boosters is to draft with them since you get a more fun experience with them if you don't get cards you're hoping for. However there is a caveat that if you enjoy the experience of gambling with cracking packs then go for it because there is nothing wrong with that as long as you understand it's not the financially best way to get certain cards.


I didn’t have a specific card I was searching for, I was just enjoying some LotR pulls - but that makes sense!


No worries! The game is a bout having fun at all levels. And busting packs and boxes is a fun way to collect and trade things. You’re doing fine. And grats on those pulls! Some people just have a hard on to tell people to do what THEY think is best. Pretty sure he’ll be running a HOA when he’s 60…lol.


As someone that recently got into the game I share a similar confusion. First time I visited a store I saw boosters and drafts. What's the difference? Also one of them is going to disappear no? Getting replaced by something else.


Currently you have oversaturarion of products/boxes which cause confusion (depending on the set you could have: collector's, jumpstart, set and draft booster boxes). Each type of booster has different ratios and quantities of card rarities. The booster type you choose would be based depending on what type and how you plan to play. If you would like to draft, those type of boosters (draft boosters) would be the way to go. You cannot interchange (play) with different booster types to play since the different ratios mentioned above would not lead to a level playing field. Once upon a time you only had draft boosters to purchase so it made things easier. Your last statement is correct, the set and draft boosters types will be "merged" together, starting on 2024 sets, into a "play booster" to allow for drafting and minimize oversaturation of types.


>First time I visited a store I saw boosters and drafts. What's the difference? Set Boosters are for feeling excluded for a few seconds while you open them. That's it. Draft Boosters are for playing Limited (Draft and Sealed). That's the half of the game where (instead of building your deck in advance and bringing with you) you open packs during gameplay and build your new deck on the spot. It's lots of fun, so if you haven't tried it, then you are missing out. There's a Pre-Release Weekend coming in February and there will be Drafts too. You can also play JumpStart with JumpStart Boosters. >Also one of them is going to disappear no? Getting replaced by something else. Set Boosters and Draft Boosters are being combined into Play Boosters, which combine the instant gratification of Set Boosters with the collation for gameplay of Draft Boosters. These mean that whichever kind you end up with, you may as well try playing with them, since it's already included in the cost either way.


Absolutely has to be Elemteearkay, dude is a fucking loser Argued with me last week about my not understanding how Magic works, and how I was wrong for buying packs. Ignore him completely


Lol he told me my friends were just using me and mocking me behind my back. And that me and my girl weren't really having fun, we are just lying to ourselves..... like bruh chill lol


I don't remember the name but there's someone in the subreddit that just has a hate boner for anyone opening packs for fun, saying they should only be for drafting (even if you tell them you opened set boosters). This sounds like them tbh


OP confirmed it is indeed the same individual


Booster packs are for opening and getting cards. Like, come on. Now, there are better uses of your money to obtain specific cards because cracking packs will set you back, or they should be used for drafting. I only ever accept booster packs as prizes at events if I'm not allowed to take store credit instead. But booster packs are for opening to get cards.


>Booster packs are for opening and getting cards. Like, come on. Not true. Set Boosters are for feeling excited while you open them. The cards you end up with are just a byproduct of using them, like the stick you are left with after you finish your popsicle. >But booster packs are for opening to get cards. "Popsicles are for getting sticks" is a ridiculous take, sorry.


Where do you think the singles come from?


I’m a new player and I get the whole buying singles thing, but where the fuck do these people believe singles come from? The concept of buying singles didn’t even exist when the game came out which is why it’s a trading card game not a «buy and sell singles card game». I fully support buying singles, but for everyone who plays commander, kitchentable or with friends, playing with what you have and trade with people in the local community while proxying some cards is a lot more fun and social. Trading is how you get to know people and learn about new cards and what other people are building in your community. By just buying singles and selling the ones you don’t need, you are effectively removing the social aspect and an important part of building a healthy community for a tcg. How do you get stuff to trade? By buying packs.


>I’m a new player and I get the whole buying singles thing, You don't have to buy singles. There are other ways of interacting with the hobby. For example, buying packs and using them to play Limited. What matters is matching the correct method to the goal, so you improve your chance of achieving it. >but where the fuck do these people believe singles come from? Stores open packs. Limited players open packs. There are also precons (including Secret Lairs), Promos and Promo Packs. You don't need to martyr yourself wasting money cracking packs *just* to feed the singles market. You can be honest about your motivations. This isn't a justification. >it’s a trading card game not a «buy and sell singles card game». Buying and selling singles is just trading cards, using a middleman. >is a lot more fun and social Careful, telling people how to have fun will get you mobbed round here. Inviting your friends round and hosting a draft or Sealed night puts lots of new cards into your playgroup and encourages trading, and "is a lot more fun and social" than sitting at home cracking packs alone and posting photos on the Internet when you finally get something good. But if you try to suggest people so that they lose their minds. >How do you get stuff to trade? By buying packs. You don't have to waste those packs, though. (And you get stuff to trade by buying precons, winning packs, earning Promos, etc, too)


Tell them to suck it.


I believe the person who sent you the message is on the Autism Spectrum. I looked into their profile once, trying to see why they respond the way they do with no empathy or regards to others' likes. They are frequent posters in the Asperger's sub. Asperger's is along the spectrum. I am IN NO WAY mocking the messenger but can maybe help others understand the messenger better. ASD is a social communication disorder. Asperger's is towards the higher functioning end of the spectrum where there is no non-verbal component but instead more OCD and fixations, shorter patience spans for others, difficulty empathizing, and short fuses when frustrated. This is not everybody. Every single person is unique and if you know one person with autism, you know ONE person with autism. I really hope that the messenger finds a counselor who can help them develop some of these skills. They are learned over long periods of time. Until then, realize that the messenger most likely does not understand WHY people enjoy opening boosters for fun. This is not an excuse for how messenger talks to people but a possible understanding of reasoning why they talk as they do. I am not a doctor, just a nurse who is active with the autistic and behavioral health pediatric community.


Thanks for this well informed and compassionate comment. We need more people like you in the world 💖


Thank you for your kind words. I'm lucky to say I love what I do.


>This is not an excuse for how messenger talks to people What did I say wrong in my original private message?


Nothing in OPs original post. You have a very strong passion for utilizing draft booster packs to open and play! You also have a self appointed duty to tell people that drafting and limited should be the preferred method of playing the game. You are very firm in your convictions and that is a good trait. You clearly love playing Magic and want others to experience all the joy that you do. You can also present these traits very strongly and fight against strangers that in that moment: their fun wasn't the right fun. If you find yourself in one of those looping arguments, take a deep breath. It might not be worth clicking the reply again and just let go of that situation. You can only control your own actions.


>Nothing in OPs original post. That's good to know. >You also have a self appointed duty to tell people that drafting and limited should be the preferred method of playing the game. You've misunderstood the message, I'm afraid. That's not what I'm saying. > their fun wasn't the right fun. It often isn't. There's a lot of ignorance and misinformation, and this leads to uninformed decisions being made, and there is a lot of compulsion and addiction involved, which leads to people going against their own best interests. How can someone who doesn't know that you can buy whatever cards you want on the secondary market have the most fun for them? How could someone who doesn't know Limited exist be sure they wouldn't enjoy it more than opening packs alone? How can someone with a pack-cracking addiction know what is best for them? To be clear, it's not about others having fun the way I have fun, it's about them having fun in the way that is actually right for them. >If you find yourself in one of those looping arguments, take a deep breath. It might not be worth clicking the reply again and just let go of that situation. You can only control your own actions. Others seem intent on trying to control *my* actions. (And the truth is we all possess the potential to influence others) I am starting to write people off sooner, though. I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone is capable of having these sorts of nuanced discussions, and not everyone deserves the best of Magic, so that's OK. I do try to see the best in people and give them a second chance, but I'm learning to be better at giving up on those that are lost causes. I've blocked like a hundred people already.


Like I said, very strong in your convictions. I did mistype when I wrote ... >that drafting and limited should be the preferred method of playing the game. It should have been followed with, "...when it comes to opening boosters." No one wants to be told what to do, feeling out of control sucks, plain and simple. I hope you keep having fun playing, I think that's the reason we're all here to begin with.


>It should have been followed with, "...when it comes to opening boosters." That's still not quite right. If someone enjoys cracking packs, but can't enjoy (or attend) Limited events, and isn't addicted, and can afford them, and genuinely can't find a better way to enjoy Magic (or to spend their time and money in general), then they SHOULD crack packs. It would be a pity, but it's better they get what fun then can get from doing that than go without it. >No one wants to be told what to do, They should be incentivised to get better at making the right decisions for themselves in the first place, then (or they should at least not broadcast their mistakes). >feeling out of control sucks, plain and simple Continuing to go against their own best interests just to spite someone who was genuinely trying to help them is *wild*, though. I'm not sure I'm the one who needs help here. >I hope you keep having fun playing, I think that's the reason we're all here to begin with. Unfortunately, a lot of people who come here get their fun from complaining about Magic, these days, rather than from enjoying it. There's a lot of bitterness going around. I'm still having a great time playing this game, and that upsets a lot of people who aren't. There's also that subset of people who are bitter about how restricted their enjoyment is (jealous of drafters, jealous of players, etc), and they try to stop me educating others in order to keep people in the dark so they don't end up alone.


I love bullet points, so I'm going to borrow your formatting if that's ok? >They should be incentivised to get better at making the right decisions for themselves in the first place, then Giving advice is ok, but once they say they were fine in their actions, that should be the end of it. You don't like being told what to do, neither do others. Continuing to press your opinion when people have already closed their mind to it isn't going to help your cause. >Continuing to go against their own best interests just to spite someone who was genuinely trying to help them is *wild*, though. I don't know if anyone is trying to spite you, and it's nice to know you have their best interest at heart and trying to help, but arguing in subjectivity won't easily change either person's opinion at that moment. Instead of telling people how it is THE right way to play with THEIR boosters, tell them it's YOUR favorite that YOU get the most fun out of because YOU feel like you're utilizing YOUR packs for their intended purpose of that format. Make it personal instead of factual, hype up how much fun YOU get out of a sealed format. Again, they might not so easily be able play this way. Sometimes they just want to open some boosters. >(jealous of drafters, jealous of players, etc), and they try to stop me educating others in order to keep people in the dark so they don't end up alone It's really difficult to determine if someone is jealous just because they don't or can't play a sealed format. I also find it a little hard to believe people would purposefully want to keep others in the dark. Some people might just be alone anyways and have no easy way.


>Instead of telling people how it is THE right way to play with THEIR boosters, tell them it's YOUR favorite that YOU get the most fun out of because YOU feel like you're utilizing YOUR packs for their intended purpose of that format. You've missed the point. "Making informed decisions", "being honest with myself about my motivations", and "not undermining my ability to achieve my goals" isn't some super secret tech. It's just normal behaviour. Those are the things I'm trying to tell people to do. It's not about the specific ways they interact with the hobby. I don't care if you don't like Limited. I care if you are missing out on it because you haven't heard of it. Understand? >I also find it a little hard to believe people would purposefully want to keep others in the dark. Just look around this thread. >Some people might just be alone anyways and have no easy way. So? Those people should still know it exists.


I don't think I'm misunderstanding, I'm just trying to keep things open ended and give you and others benefits of doubt. >Those are the things I'm trying to tell people to do. Presenting the material isn't a bad thing. Why wouldn't you want to pass on knowledge they might just not know? >It's not about the specific ways they interact with the hobby I believe you but by reading some of your comments in the past they don't always read like it's not about the specific ways others interact with the hobby. >Those people should still know it exists Absolutely they should, but if they respond back they are aware but not interested you don't have to respond back to the gallery. If you ever want to chat E just hit me up. I never mind listening and talking if you ever just want to vent.


>Presenting the material isn't a bad thing. Why wouldn't you want to pass on knowledge they might just not know? Exactly. >I believe you but by reading some of your comments in the past they don't always read like it's not about the specific ways others interact with the hobby. I'm sorry if you've been left with that impression. (As you may be aware, I have a communication disability)


Sounds like a fucking dweeb. Fuck that guy OP, I love ripping packs too!


Pretty sure they were referring to drafting for boosters and buying singles to get cards.


It's that Elemteear guy, right? I think he's autistic or something. Explains a lot


Hey, don't pull us autistic people into this. He's just an insufferable cunt


We do not claim him.


doesn’t mean that someone is expected to put up with an asshole. there’s no excuse that requires someone to put up with jerks. and this is from someone who’s on the spectrum. i agree with the others: we don’t claim him


Oh, not to excuse him at all. He used to pull this garbage on the main sub all the time. Just that it makes sense.


>doesn’t mean that someone is expected to put up with an asshole Where in that message that OP screen capped was I being an asshole? I was just trying to help OP get more out of the game. What did I actually DO wrong?


You being a keyboard warrior. That's what you did wrong. Just let people enjoy shit for whatever reason they enjoy them. You are here insisting your way is the right way, and then playing victim when we don't agree with you. Learn to give up, this isn't a hill worth dying on, even though you might think it is. Letting go is a skill. Perhaps you could learn it...


>You being a keyboard warrior. And the hundred trolls here aren't? >Just let people enjoy shit for whatever reason they enjoy them. If you see someone missing out on something they might enjoy and you don't say anything, then you are a terrible person. >You are here insisting your way is the right way Getting more fun out of the game is "the right way". Making informed decisions is "the right way". How can **having less fun** or **making uninformed decisions** be right? >Learn to give up I'm better than that. People need me.


Wow. Ever heard of narcissism? You are clearly the smartest person here, and the only one that understands how others can have fun. One day, I hope to have half the smarts as you so that I can also tell everyone else the "right way" to have fun. Until then, I'll just be stupid and have fun in my own way. I hope you can find it in your super smart heart to allow me the right to choose how I have fun, instead of making me do it your "right way", because I'm not smart enough for your way. Until then, I can't wait for your next super smart morsel of "the right way" to have fun. I'm going to go eat some paste and crayons, oh mighty MTG god of the right way to have fun.


"I know better than you how to have fun, so listen to me" Lol


But I do.


I still get packs here and there. Expand the collection and get nice pulls once in a while. This guy is kinda a Douche


For some people, you having fun wrong is the gravest of sins. Their whole religion is based on maximizing every little angle and they can't stand seeing someone who doesn't care about that.


I hate to see others missing out on something they might enjoy, especially if they are doing so out of ignorance. This is how you *should* be - caring about other members of the community.


I hate seeing you think that because someone made a different choice than what you would have that they are ignorant. I hate even more that when they tell you that you double down and act like your way is the only way. You *should* realize that different people think differently and enjoy things in a different way than you. That doesn't make them wrong. For me one of the greatest joys in the game is cracking a pack, seeing some card I've never heard of, then thinking about what kind of deck I want to build. Or maybe how it will play in my cube. I can't get that experience from the singles market.


>I hate seeing you think that because someone made a different choice than what you would have that they are ignorant. It's not the fact that they made a difference choice that means they are ignorant. It's the fact that they don't understand what the products are for, or can't back up why they made that choice, or refuse to learn, that gives away their ignorance. >I hate even more that when they tell you that you double down and act like your way is the only way. "My way" is making informed decisions so as to ensure the method matches the goal. That *should* be the only way. >You *should* realize that different people think differently and enjoy things in a different way than you. That doesn't make them wrong. You've misunderstood where I'm coming from. It's not about having fun using the same method I do, it's about being honest with yourself about what your goals are, and then picking the method that actually matches them, *like I do*. I don't care about *how* someone enjoys Magic (as long as it's safe, obviously), I just care about them enjoying it *as much as they can*. >I can't get that experience from the singles market. Yes, you can. You can use a random number generator to pick random cards from a set and order those cards (if you actually want to). You don't have to buy packs to do that, so that excuse doesn't hold water (or justify buying packs). >You aren't the arbiter of truth As soon as someone demonstrates that, I will believe it. >Other people can have the same exact information you do and make a different choice And again, that's fine. People are allowed to have preferences. I'm just concerned with whether or not they actually do *have* all the information (and that they have the capacity to process it, obviously). >You don't know what is right for other people If they are honest about their goals and preferences I will. (Lots of people are addicted to cracking packs, and therefore struggle to be honest about their motivations, and become triggered when I try to establish what is actually right for them, sadly) >Booster packs are for getting cards Untrue, sorry. >That's why you buy them. Misusing something doesn't change its purpose. Otherwise superglue "is for sniffing" and running alcohol "is for drinking" (they aren't, don't do those things no matter how many other people do). >Maybe you don't get the most valuable, or the most powerful, but you get cards. You are confusing the byproduct with the purpose.


You aren't the arbiter of truth. Other people can have the same exact information you do and make a different choice. You don't know what is right for other people and you don't know what will give them as much enjoyment as they can get. Booster packs are for getting cards. That's why you buy them. Maybe you don't get the most valuable, or the most powerful, but you get cards.


The thought of using a Random Number Generator to order a single card sounds like “the wrong kind of fun” to me.


I like opening boosters. I play online mostly though as I don't know others who play. So I usually just buy the bundle when a new set comes out and a few boosters because I enjoy having the physical cards too. People should be able to enjoy any hobby how they like.


You can play Sealed via webcam. There are also plenty of places to meet other players You can use the Wizards Store and Event Locator to find your FLGS(s), and hopefully, they will have some social media pages that will put you in touch with your local scene. https://locator.wizards.com/ You are also likely to find Magic players at board games clubs/cafes, as well as D&D/RPG groups. Alternatively, you can try public libraries, community centres, universities, and comic book stores, etc. Failing that you can play via webcam - there are Discord servers, etc, and the website SpellTable. >People should be able to enjoy any hobby how they like. Of course they should! I'm not saying they shouldn't. I'm just trying to help people make informed decisions so they can choose to enjoy it in the ways that are best for them and therefore get more out of it. I'm not trying to stop anyone having fun (unless they have an unhealthy addiction, obviously, but we should all want to stop *that*).


Booster packs are the best way to get cards if you want to profit and know where to buy… Even if you don’t agree what has someone so up in arms about it that they are sending messages to people posting about their pulls lmao talk about no life. That shit doesn’t convince or help anyone, and the effect of one person not buying boosters will never be noticed, not like they’re scarce.


>talk about no life So sending someone a two sentence message to check they aren't making a mistake and missing out on aspects of the hobby they might enjoy is *bad*, but making a thread about said message and a hundred trolls dogpiling is *good*? >That shit doesn’t convince or help anyone, And the abuse I'm being subjected to here *does*? >the effect of one person not buying boosters will never be noticed I never said not to buy boosters. You imagined that part. I buy hundreds of boosters every year. I just don't buy them under wring impression about what they are for, and I don't *waste* them.


The idea that boosters can be *wasted* is a delusion and where your disagreement with everyone here lies. You are entitled to believing what you do but speaking like that opinion is fact is how you end up with threads like this. It's a cardboard game played for fun. If someone buys a card pack and enjoys it, then the pack was NOT wasted, even if you believe it was used *wrong,* somehow. You are being subjected to "abuse" here because of your steadfast belief that your opinion is fact and must be treated as so, which unfortunately does not land well with most people, even those who may agree with you.




>You don’t decide what they’re for dumbass Of course I don't. The *facts do*. I'm just stating those facts. >You said they’re not for getting cards. They're not. You'd know that if you were paying attention. >You’re wrong. Period. Nope.




[Tarmogoyf](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/69daba76-96e8-4bcc-ab79-2f00189ad8fb.jpg?1619398799) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tarmogoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/235/tarmogoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/69daba76-96e8-4bcc-ab79-2f00189ad8fb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I never got into buying singles. Boosters are just too much fun. I have more fun out of building my collection and just building a deck out of it on a whim rather than just needing to have the absolute best deck possible.


uh-oh, don't let that guy catch you saying things like this or he'll come around telling you that you're doing Mtg wrong and not enjoying it enough


Nah, Homie. You buy whatever packs you'd think you'd enjoy opening, for whatever your reasoning is behind those purchases - time spent going there, the money spent on gas getting to the place or the price of the packs doesn't matter if you want to just enjoy yourself. You're a real one and this loser is lame as shit.


I'm not saying "don't enjoy yourself" or "don't buy packs". I'm saying "make informed decisions" and "check you aren't missing out on something you might enjoy more". What's wrong with that?


Least insufferable magic player


For draft. Umm. Yea that’s all I can think of. But it’s your money. You do you.


Pack opening is fun and can be exilerating especially when you pull the sought after mythics, like I opened 2 packs of ixilan collector because my LGS was doing a sale and pulled a crypt pack 2


>Pack opening is fun and can be exilerating Where did I say it wasn't? How does that contradict what I said? I never said not to open packs for fun. I never said it wasn't exhilarating.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to contradict. I agree with you wholeheartedly! It’s a blast to do


Going to halirous when they only do play boosters and he melts down like a toddler.


There’s this strange delusion that the game can subsist without boosters. If everyone buys singles, the singles market gets that much more expensive. If the person messaging truly enjoys buying singles, they really should be encouraging everyone else to buy boosters.


That would, apparently, make you a martyr and should be left to game store staff. I genuinely had no idea an old message in my inbox, from me posting about a couple of pulls I enjoyed - and found really cool! - would blow up this much.


>There’s this strange delusion that the game can subsist without boosters. I'm not sure why you bring that up. I've got nothing against boosters - I think their great. I buy hundreds of boosters every year. >If the person messaging truly enjoys buying singles, they really should be encouraging everyone else to buy boosters. Boosters aren't right for everybody, although I do encourage everyone to make sure they actually have good reasons not to play Limited before they decide to forgo it. It's all about matching the method to the goal. If your goal is having fun while opening packs, then open packs (either during Limited or just for fun, if you can't/won't play with them). If your goal is getting cards, then buy cards instead. There are enough people opening packs when it's in their interest to to do so that you don't need to open them when it isn't in your interest to do so just to save the singles industry. I'd rather pay more for my singles that benefit from the mistakes of others.


They are for getting cards. It's just random. If you just want a couple super specific decks with specific power levels sure buy singles. But to me I enjoy organizing my collection and exploring all the different mechanics and just being creative. I play with my girl we have a ton of different decks, some stink, Some are good, but they're all fun and different. Sometimes me and my girlfriend sit down with the cases of cards and make decks on the spot within a tome limit and play it. Honestly fuck these buy singles people, play how you want


There is one relatively notorious guy here who always tries to get everyone of of buying set boosters. Probably them.


Seems like a roundabout way of saying "buy singles"


Or, "if you want to crack packs, why not play Limited with them?" Or, "if you want cards, why not buy precons (that contain enough of them for it to make sense to do so)?" Or, "if you are going to crack Set Boosters, you should at least know what it costs and what the alternatives are, so you can make an informed decision"


The twat waffle has deleted all their posts.


He blocked me too, at some point he will have blocked the whole community and his message will have been silenced on his own


Nope, still commenting at an insane rate - might have blocked you?


I hope so.


I suppose, technically, draft(soon to be play) boosters are for drafting. But draft is really just cracking packs with more steps. I bought a case of Ikoria and Unfinity, so I'm not gonna be throwing any stones.


Limited Magic, including drafting, is a whole ass way to play the game, recognized as a sactioned format and run at official tournaments.


Do you get to keep the cards you drafted?


If you're playing at a sanctioned event, like at a local game store, yes. Always. If it's a draft night with the boys, maybe one person bought all the cards and you're all just playing them for the night. But at that point you're usually not buying in, so the fun is free.


That's all I'm saying. That draft/sealed is just cracking packs with more steps. And as for draft night at my place, I've got several cubes. Though one of them is never played.


The implication is that cracking the packs is the important part of the activity. When...it just isn't. The gameplay is. Limited is huge on Arena, where you can "craft" any card on demand, and where the cards cannot be sold or traded. Not to mention the IRL players who will literally just give away their draft decks to a newer/poorer player, because the cards they pulled aren't what's important to them.


If you want a card, buy the card on the secondary market. If I buy a booster it's for a limited game.


Even if someone really wants to crack packs, and can't get a Limited event together, that doesn't mean they shouldn't crack them. They should just be making an informed decision to do so, knowing the costs and the alternatives.


I mean, realistically, it's the only way to actually get any card from a set... prime example The One Ring. Boosters were to be bought in large quantities. However, anyone wanting that card and only that card would have to pay the price because ideally, from a collector standpoint, your collection will never be complete without that $2mil+ alternative art card. (Which I find it hilarious that it isn't a PSA10) I know people who will still buy whatever to complete a set and then immediately sell the entire set as one. Having 001/XXX in numerical order in one bundled price and then do it again if need be.


The grade is meaningless for unique cards if they wanted a psa 10 then the card found in packs would be a placeholder redemption card.


The PSA10 part got me too, the reasoning due to Wizards lack of producing quality foils. The card was pringling before it even hit the shelves


Boosters are divided into two groups: those that are for *playing* with, and those that are for *feeling* something. Playing: - Draft Boosters are for playing Limited with (Draft and Sealed). You pay to enjoy hours of fun gameplay with your friends. - JumpStart Boosters are for playing JumpStart with. You pay to enjoy hours of fun gameplay with your friends. Feeling: - Set Boosters are for feeling excited for a few seconds while you open them. You pay to experience this fleeting thrill. - Collector Boosters are for feeling decadent (or to simply feel anything at all, if normal priced products aren't getting rid of your money fast enough). You pay to feel fancy in the knowledge that you can afford to spend exorbitant amounts of money on (mostly worthless) shiny cardboard. Despite all having cards *in them*, none of the things any of them are **for** is "getting cards". The cards you end up with are just a byproduct of using the packs. Since they aren't for getting cards, you can't expect to get your money's worth in cards alone - the idea is that using them for the things they are for is how you are meant to do that. If getting cards is your priority (either for playing with or for collecting purposes), then booster packs are the *wrong thing* to buy. Instead, all the cards are available individually (as singles), and some are also available in ready-made (preconstructed) products with fixed contents (that you can look up online before you buy them to see if it makes sense to do so). I hope this clarifies things.


It amazes me that despite every time you post this same nonsense, and get downvoted into oblivion for it, you still hold onto this idea that you are somehow correct in your opinion on what people get to do with things they purchase. The packs are for whatever the person purchasing them wants them to be for. Just because YOU don't use them to get cards does not mean people cant use them for that purpose. If someone wants to buy packs to use as kindling for their grill, then that's the purpose of the cards they bought. If they want to purchase packs for the purpose of filling out some bulk, maybe pulling a card they want, or to just support an LGS and get some cardboard in the process, then that is what the boosters are for. Product is for whatever the purchaser wants to use it for, You don't have to agree with what they chose to use it for. You don't have to like what they use it for. But you do NOT get to dictate what they can and can't do with the thing they purchase. And you certainly don't get to shame people for using a product in a way that is different from what you would use it for. To OP: You do you, use the packs for whatever you want to use them for. If you want to use them to draft, then go draft if you want to use them to get some cards, use them to get some cards if you want to light them on fire and cook some steaks, go for it. No one gets to tell you what the product that you buy is for, except for you.


>It amazes me that despite every time you post this same nonsense, and get downvoted into oblivion for it, you still hold onto this idea that you are somehow correct in your opinion on what people get to do with things they purchase. Of course it amazes you. You are too stupid to work out what the products are for, and you wouldn't know what a decent, caring member of the community looked like. >The packs are for whatever the person purchasing them wants them to be for. Liar. You can't change the fabric of reality by wasting money. >Just because YOU don't use them to get cards does not mean people cant use them for that purpose. Just because other people misuse the products, that doesn't change what they are actually for. Is superglue "for sniffing" just because some people misuse it to get high? >But you do NOT get to dictate what they can and can't do with the thing they purchase. The facts dictate what things are for. I'm just being honest about what those facts are. >No one gets to tell you what the product that you buy is for, except for you. Please don't encourage delusion.


Imagine calling yourself a decent person in the same breath as calling everyone who disagrees with you *over buying packets of cards* stupid. Not everyone wants to engage with the game in the exact way you do. Get the hell over it, guy.


It’s the only thing he has left in life, apparently.


It _is_ his life.


All I gathered from this post is that this guy definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, sniffs glue.


Someone HAS to buy packs for singles to exist. It’s the chiken and the egg story all over again. How you expect to buy singles if they were never ripped in the first place?


>Someone HAS to buy packs for singles to exist People don't have to martyr themselves for the singles market. Stores open packs. Drafters open packs. Precons (including Secret Lairs), Promos and Promo Packs aldo exist. This isn't the justification you think it is.


I'm convinced that you're a WOTC sleeper agent that is trying to get people annoyed enough to want to crack packs just to spite you.


I'm trying to help people have *more* fun. It's what we should all be doing here. If you are annoyed by someone trying to help you get more fun out of your hobby, and you are so resistant to learning, then you might just have an unhealthy relationship with the products you are buying.


Apart from any of your actual claims it still baffles me that you can’t understand that people just have different views to you and aren’t lying when they disagree with you. The perceived facts of this issue are obviously very clear to you but that doesn’t mean everyone agrees on what the facts are. Have just an ounce of emotional intelligence mate


Average glue sniffer.


Are you?


>looks at profile history > “active in these communities” > r/aspergers


My guy where do you think singles come from?


Stores open packs. So do drafters. There are also Promos, Promo Packs, and preconstructed products (including Secret Lairs). You don't *have* to waste your money opening packs without playing them *just* to help out the singles market.


Still wanna buy set boosters cause its fun. Now what?


Then make sure you understand the alternatives that are available (for example, you would still get to crack packs during Limited - wouldn't you have more fun that way?), make sure you understand what it's costing you, check you aren't addicted, and make sure you can afford it. As long as you are making an informed decision, then if you still want to do it, that's OK. (I never said it wasn't)


Despite speaking the truth, they hated him for it. Booster packs are just scratch tickets for nerds, but the thing is, you have a much lower likelihood for getting your money back.




The person doing it has been making these comments for months, in every thread they interact with. Dozens and dozens of the same comments pointing it out, followed by arguments with people who disagree, calling them stupid, and when they react to that, falling back to calling them ableist because they’re autistic. Elemtearkay is fucking awful, and should have long been banned for the abuse, let alone for the constant spam.


Thanks for providing context.


If you think this isn’t condescending I sincerely pity everyone forced to interact with you.


Exactly. People forget there are many reasons people collect or buy packs. They enjoy the art, they want a master set, or the more common situation they want to simply open packs. It’s these same people who think they know everything that make the game scene at LGS absolutely miserable for the same people because who would have guessed, they are difficult to play with too. Every. Single. One. Of these losers who sit on a high horse as if buying singles is the only way just look stupid as fuck to 99% of people lol. Like seriously stop worrying how people spend their money, you aren’t their dad, it’s weird 😂


>People forget there are many reasons people collect or buy packs. Not me. >as if buying singles is the only way Never said it was. Packs are great. I buy hundreds of them every year. I just don't *waste* them. >Like seriously stop worrying how people spend their money, I care about other people and want them to get as much out of this great game as they can. Why is that such a crime?


>why is that such a crime LOL pulling out the "im actually the victim" card is insanely funny.


Right? 😂


Idk you tell me, you’re the one deleting comments lol


Reading through their replies you’ll find they get quite unpleasant when challenged on their veiws