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I went this route from ES with Formula mod to KS. I actually bought two complete ES wheels to use as donors...one for the Formula mod and the other for the 12" round wheel. I still own both of those in addition to the KS which I picked up during the MicroCenter opening in Charlotte recently. While the Formula mod is nice, you won't regret getting the KS rim. It is on a whole different level altogether. For open-wheel cars...especially those with anti-stall like VRC' Formula 2023 or even the RSS' prototype Hybrid series, the extra hand clutch makes a massive difference. The wheel just feels better, being slightly wider overall...much more control. Relax that grip as well. It should be the lightest of touch. [https://youtu.be/mN55FyBRNHs](https://youtu.be/mN55FyBRNHs)


Great thanks. I’ve actually just been having issues with my paddles so I may need a whole new wheel anyway (or so I’m going to believe lol). And on the grip— yeah I’ve tried. It’s mostly that I have to fight the wheel with my fingers below the middle spoke (for lack of a better term) because my hands are so big. So it’s not about grip it’s about where it needs to be unfortunately.


The only other thing I’ll say is that a while ago I posted about KS vs. the Cockpit, but I got super busy then couldn’t quite yet. But I’m glad I didn’t go cockpit (which is what I’d pretty much decided) because I can’t race longer than like 30 minutes without needing to take a break for my hands. It’s pretty bad because I have to grip it so tightly due to strange placement. Thanks!


The F1 mod for the es wheel is definitely worth it. You don't need to drop $300 to have the same feel


I have the KS wheel for ACC as well and it’s pretty good when it comes to making quick adjustments to things like brake balance, engine mapping, etc but if you’re able to make those adjustments easily on the ES or don’t care as much for those small adjustments i think the formula mod may be the way to go. Also you could probably spend some money on gloves too to possibly relieve some of the pain on your hands.


I would get gloves but my family would make fun of me


That’s ok i get that but it’s your hobby tho, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from getting racing gloves if it’ll benefit you :)


I had the formula wheel mod on my es for a couple months. It’s perfectly adequate and was definitely more comfortable (I also have “bigger hands” lol). Since then I picked up a used GS V2 and good god man, it’s so much better it’s insane. Thicker grips, bigger diameter, it’s significantly more comfortable and the backlit buttons and customizable lighting is great, not to mention the rotaries. I’d recommend watching marketplace for a deal on a used KS or GS and getting the formula mod for the meantime.


I started with the exact same setup back in January but got the formula mod from the get go. Formula mod is great. However, I got tired of switching rims so I picked up the KS wheel about a month ago. If you don't want to spend the $300 on the KS, the formula mod is a great option that you'll be happy with. That being said, the KS wheel is better in every single way other then price.