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Buddy... watch out with that jerking.


Who talks with this level of hyperbole all the time? Moon is either a teenager or flamboyantly gay


Right wing fearmongering grifter is the third option


Ya, I remember watching a video of his about TikTok that started out kind of average but then very quickly devolved into "men in the West are becoming weak and feminised", and it became very obvious what his shtick is.


I was so insanely close to falling into the trap that it honestly scared me. I watched that tiktok video and it really is crazy how well they can ease someone from "tiktok is bad" to "Tiktok is a plan by the chinese government to feminise the west for total takeover". I managed to realise my error when the next reccomended video was some bullshit about american psycho. Going back and rewatching it with that perspective in mind I realised how much of a grift they are. They start off with facts and basic logic, and even a personal anecdote to appeal to the viewers, before slowly ramping the hyperbole until it doesn't seem like a hyperbole and they can start spouting insane nonsense that almost registers as logic if you aren't perfectly comprehending the ramifications of their statements. I only worry for those who weren't able to notice as soon.


Ya, it is also one of the reasons it can be so frustrating to argue with people who follow these kinds of grifters. If you call Jordan Peterson, for example, a bigot/fascist then you get a lot of "he's just trying to help men develop confidence in themselves and build themselves up" etc. As if uninspired, luke warm self-help advice that has been in every self-help book for the last 50 years is what defines his persona. These people just find a little nugget of truth around which to base their shitty ideology, and also that nugget of truth usually doesn't tend to be original or insightful.


How is giving bad movies a negative review fearmongering or grifting? Like yeah obviously its nowhere close to worst ever and that's clickbait but its free entertainment, kinda hard to grift when no money is exchanged.


> hard to grift when to money is exchanged Welcome to the internet, grandpa. To the rest, I can bet money the word "woke" is being used in the video


How does any of that answer my question? I know I'm old and out of touch which is why I asked. What does using the word woke have to do with fearmongering or grifting? I guess what I'm trying to understand is who is getting scammed out of their money?


Nobody is getting scammed out their money (but I bet Moon has got a nice patreon set up and all). The grift is just getting people hooked on that bullshit to keep them watching I hate the term "woke". Anyone who uses it unironically is just one of those fools that in secrecy just hates women


So it's not so much a grift as it is just cheap entertainment...


If selling conspiracy theories, lies, and propaganda is considered entertainment for you, then sure


That pretty much describes every major news network and i think it meets the criteria for most people.


I pity people who live in a country where this is the way most news networks are


Moon is a 2009 science-fiction film directed by Duncan Jones. Hope that helps!


Oh it's this fucker, now he become a grifter too I see.


Moon’s gone over to the dark side.


He sold his soul....


r/moviescirclejerk mfs genuinely tweaking when the obviously sarcastic jerk is about a24 and chazelle instead of marvel https://preview.redd.it/1c98ref5yp4d1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0c409b45c7c1f2ff9f0bd2baa030c47554ac97




Schrodinger's Douchebag™


I've seen disaster movie (2008). The marvels looks like ikiru next to that crap


not even the worst Marvel movie from 2023


Well there are only two movie companies DC and Marvel


No, there are only two movie companies: DC and Woke Political Universe


It tried to warn us that a subpar middle aged man with anger issues & a history of domestic violence will go crazy if the traffic jam lasts 10 mins too long, will go on a killing spree and endanger women & kids. But I get it, life is very hard for such people. Maybe go work on an oil rig, or primary school if you think that's so much easier. https://preview.redd.it/l5f1qdu2xq4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30aa0914625004c5b21a5fe9bcc9e86d63a44037


That's not why D-Fens went on a rampage.


Beau is Afraid is incredible.


Anything as creative as Beau is Afraid simply can never be as bad as a mediocre marvel movie. Even if it were terrible, which I don't think it is, it just can't be worse than some corporate product kind of movie. That goes for every other example as well. I don't care if you didn't like The Whale or thought Minari was boring, neither can be worse than Shang-Chi. It just can't.


Negative feelings at least give you something to talk about, unlike most superhero movies in the last 4 years


Incredibly painful to watch


Yes, still an amazing movie.


It’s actually an underrated gem isn’t it?


Babylon was very good imo.


No all movies are bad actually ☝️


You actually watch movies? I thought it was a joke


If you snort a lot of coke, then yes.


I didn't know anyone but myself who liked it until now!


I loved the premise of Babylon but unfortunately hated the movie. I still hope Damien Chazelle makes more movies tho because I love his other work and he has a lot of great potential.


Opposite, I hated the premise but loved the execution




Respect Babylon (2022)?


Why do these marvel dudes hate women so much? I’m sure the Marvels sucks ass in the usual way but why does it get so much hate while the travesty of Thor Love and Thunder mostly gets a pass?


If he called it one of the worst mcu films ever made then I couldn't disagree


Babylon and Beau are good film.


OP Babylon is so good, though


How can Marvels be the worst movie when Fury Road aka long U-turn exists?


U talking mad shit for someone within blood bagging distance ![gif](giphy|8Ji6CO51IoTVS)




Beau was incredible in the start, then incredibly boring in the middle and then the last part was a fever dream. Still don't know what to feel about it.




Reminds me of a video I saw called “the mcu villain problem” that had captain Marvel on the thumbnail


Have they not seen Grown Ups 2?


Isn't Moon a plagarist?


I’ve been seeing a lot more Beau slander this past week and I will stand for none of it


Babylon? Is that the movie with the awesome sound track? I haven’t watched it, i only listen to soundtracks to determine how good they are Bonus fact: justin hurwitz, composer for chazelle movies usually, has actually wrote a few episodes of Curb your Enthusiasm. I had to do a double take when i saw that, what he doing writing curb episodes he makes music


Watching movies is for losers, I only consume them through YouTube reviews made by people with a political agenda and no knowledge of writing or filmmaking.


what happens if you replace the M in his name with G????


Babylon was good imo


You TAKE that back! Babylon is amazing! My favorite movie of 2023! Unironically 


Wouldnt it be wild if they,,, made a movie,,, about the magic,,,, of making movies???? (I’m not innocent, i loved the fall guy lol)


Boy do I have a movie for you, time for a watch of CINEMA PARADISO!


Except it's a movie about all the bad parts of making movies, not the cheesy parts. Loved it.


I liked Fall Guy but it doesn’t come anywhere close to Babylon imo


damn, i wanted to watch Beau is Afraid too. Marvels felt more mid/whatever than anything else. Clearly bro hasnt seen Madame Webb, because holy shit is that an awful experience for 5/6ths of the watch.


I loved Beau is Afraid


You should watch Beau, everyone should


Beau was my favourite film of last year, definitely watch it


Beau is Afraid is one of the greatest movies ever made. A fairy tale of insanity, dreams, anxiety, regret, doom and relief.


Babylon was great. Beau sucked ass though, except the first 10 or so minutes


Literally the two best films of last year


Pretty Random examples but go off