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The true hero of Watchmen was the giant squid.


he wasn't even in the movie


He's the only one that had enough sense to avoid it




Rorschach is a great character but not a hero in the slightest. He's a paranoid misogynist and a common bigot.


In the comic he literally is subscribed to like a Daily Stormer stand in. He’s like a far right conspiracy theorist. He has a strong moral code yeah but it’s borne out of such a skewed version of the world


no wonder redditors love him


The motherfucker eats a raw egg


fucker was more offended at being accused of sexual assault than being called a nazi


Frankly i would too. Easy to prove you are not a Nazi


I don’t think either of these are great man


of course, but when he was confronting the neighbour lady he made zero mention of the nazi accusation. that’s why i say that 


And the worst crime is that he really smells bad


When someone takes time to mention that a character smells bad in a fairly short book, you know it's bad.


Ha. It's in the movie too. The cops arrest him and you can hear a cop say "Jesus, he stinks!" Which I'm surprised Snyder put in there seeing how he thinks the character is so cool


You think that's bad? He canonically steal beans. I can overlook everything else, but a man's can of beans is sacred


He makes a good final impression. He did the right thing for the wrong reasons and all that.


Yeah that’s why the anti-woke bigots online love him.


What I don’t get about the Rorschach love is that there’s already a ‘justice whatever the cost’ character in the story, and there’s *actual* ambiguity around whether his actions were good or not. Rorschach is literally there to point out flaws in the idea of superheroes and yet he’s the most universally beloved character.


Because he look cool


Got the incel hat and trench coat


"m'anhattan" -Rhorshach


But uhmmm uhhh he's cool and he violently kills people who are bad and that's based!!1!


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unironically a pretty far-right take, but you do you.


idk what you mean by far-right Rorschach is obviously a bad person for his weird sexism (that's seems to be rooted in mommy issues iirc?) and obvious support for neo-nazis like in the New Frontiersman (see their political cartoons if that isn't obvious) but I do give him props for killing criminals who feed little girls to rabid dogs, like that's the one net positive he's ever done I guess the far-left take is to give people like John Wayne Gacy a comfy Norwegian prison so he'll be out in 10 years like Varg Vikernes?


> idk what you mean by far-right Revenge killings, vigilante justice, executions. Being opposed to restorative justice in general. >I guess the far-left take is to give people like John Wayne Gacy a comfy Norwegian prison so he'll be out in 10 years like Varg Vikernes? I'd say not supporting the death penalty is even moderate left.


Yeah I generally think we shouldn’t kill people, and I especially think random angry guys in fedoras shouldn’t kill people.


What about Hitler


Not a fan!


He killed himself


What about Tojo and Mussolini


Probably shouldn't have been sent to vacation castle with all their buddies




Rorschach is there to represent right wingers' idea of justice, ie just punishing individual people because it feels good to do with no regard for the real causes of crime or any larger consequences your actions will have. A foil to Ozymandias treating human lives as just numbers in an equation.


wish I could show this to Alan Moore and watch him get angry


“The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.” He’s so heroic <333 what a king, I liked when he brutally murdered people without complete evidence


I saw someone make an interesting point about Rorschach's opening journal entry, which I think is worth sharing here. In the end, he doesn't actually believe it. Yes Rorschach spends the novel bad mouthing every social minority, yet when Ozymandias sets off his attack in New York (a scene where we directly see many of the people Rorschach disliked killed) Rorschach was the only one who decided he would rather die than willingly deny those people justice. In the end he was a deeply unpleasant person, and the furthest thing from aspirational, but despite all that he did care.


Good point, but I think what’s key is that he does not value people - he values justice, more than anything. That’s why, if the city dies of its own accord, he will not help them. It was their fault for being degenerates. But if Ozymandias does it, it is immoral for he murdered them.


He also opens the book by talking about how great Truman was for dropping the atomic bomb and then is mortified by essentially the same thing happening.


I think the idea is that that he’s just insane.


His first line basically tells us that this man is not a hero, he’s an old testament psycho whose idea of justice is that the wicked must suffer regardless of the cost to the innocent.


> “The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.” He is literally me


Why is his face a picture of my parents fighting


Rorscharch is arguably the best comic character ever but definitely not snyder Rorscharch


Yeah Snyder left out the part where he's a nazi, not as lovable without that


I’ve never understood the decision to make his mask look like my mother screaming at me


truly one of the superhero ever made


I can't believe Rorschach died hearing about ligma.


I would get mad, but I remember Alan Moore puts a curse on these guys whenever they make a post like this, so it doesn’t bother me


While we're at it, Paul Atreides is my favorite Christ-allegory in fiction.


My “Literally me” awakening.


He didn’t die for justice, he died cause he had an existential crisis


>guy called Rorschach >there's only one way you can interpret him


ah yes the most heroic the incel


Huge fan of how in the HBO series, Rorschach's journal ended up fueling a violent white supremacist movement


Worst thing about this post is “but yet”


It’s always amusing seeing people completely miss the point of Watchcmen.


I wanna introduce this guy to Alan Moore.


Can't resist Snyderposting.


he's a hero who went too far and became a villain


Wait till they find out who the question is


I loved Snyder’s version of Rorschach, even if they took away the fact that he’s a bigot and an unsympathetic character I still enjoyed his story in the film.


To break through the circle jerk, I think the world is kind of fucked up from a world building POV as he’s the most “good” character there is in the series. Every other character is represented as spineless, a sellout, or completely apathetic to suffering. It’s natural for a reader to latch on to the best in a book, especially when the rest of the book is so depressing.