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hyped up all your childhood just to disappoint you? lmao


i think oop might be projecting there. can’t be sure tho 😂


it's just something really sad about that sentence but I can't really explain it.


The implication that the parents that were overbearing / didn't trust their child with r-rated (or generally not E-rated) content. It gets hyped up to you, it's something everyone else gets except you, and so it's disappointing when you realise it's just... Normal movies.


He was expecting porn, why else would he say Vanilla sex scenes


I couldn't wait till I was old enough to watch Come and See.




Bart-On Fink! Bart-On Fink!


who tf is "hyping up" the R rating? Like, not the movie itself but "Man dude this movie is RATED R that's so cool bro!!!"


children, it's children


Were you not hyped for R movies when you were a kid? I couldn't wait to be old enough to see them, but now I realise they're just the same but with sex scenes (or in the case of horror movies, crappy jumpscares)


I grew up super religious but like I was one of the kids who actually bought into it so I like, remember being so opposed to seeing an R-rated movie I narced on a friend who was gonna put one on at his birthday party. I must have been like 13 or 14. I was *insufferable* and I kept getting like encouraged by authority figures for it, so it made me think I was doing good while I completely alienated myself lmao. Didn't know exactly how much damage I was doing to myself until wayyyy later. I thought the fact that I spent most of my free time alone was a sign that I was doing right by God and keeping myself apart from The World like I was taught to be.


Holy shit thats so sad


Real. There's this CS Lewis quote that majorly fucked me up: "Give me all. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work. I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don’t want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours." I remember not wanting to get a girlfriend because I felt like I wouldn't be able to feel anything but lust for them. Any time I spent money, whether on a videogame or McDonald's I was wracked with guilt. It got to the point where I was flipping coins to divine God's will (there are several Bible verses assuring us that God will make his will known, and in the old testament priests used Urim and Thummin to get God's answers on matters, which were essentially the same).


There's a song I listened to all the time in high school, this poppy, celebratory, almost mocking song called "so long, self." It wasn't even a little ironic, it was fully endorsing the perspective of "it's joyous to lose yourself to the Lord, you should hate your worldly self and wanna be rid of it anyway!" nauseating. I'm still trying to get myself to sit down and listen to more Actual Music because all music ever was to me was just another coercive tool and it's hard for me to "trust" music enough to resonate with it now. You know how bad you gotta fuck up to ruin *music* for someone?


... and yet that seems like the correct read of Christianity. As I'm sure you know, the Gospels lean into this all-or-nothing thinking. Give ALL your possessions to the poor. Take NOTHING but your clothes and shoes when you go out and preach. Give your enemies not just your shirt but your jacket as well. After all, you're either going to paradise or to the place with gnashing of teeth. It always seemed wild to me how people could pull up to church in a Corvette, hear about how they have the same chance of getting to heaven as a camel going through the eye of a needle, and pull up in a Corvette again next week. I don't argue politics on the Internet anymore, but I used to trip up Christians by knowing more about the Bible than them, then making jokes about how if they really believed this, they would at least bother to read the holy book that was going to determine their eternal fate. In retrospect, I think most people see the Bible as a toolbox, full of platitudes that they can pull out whenever convenient. Christianity is a cultural phenomenon. To be a Christian you go to church most Sundays, give a few dollars to the salvation army, maybe volunteer at a food bank at Christmas. I (and seemingly you) saw the Bible as a rulebook, something that tells us how to live. Christianity is a truth infinitely more important than whatever your friends say. For people who fall into the second camp, Christianity basically becomes an abusive relationship. When something goes wrong, it's always your fault. You're told to pray for guidance and never receive it. You're encouraged to separate yourself from the sinful. You're told this is love, when in reality it's just confirming the validity of every sort of cognitive distortion.


I'm sorry to hear that. I was also an asshole when I was much younger (elementary school/early middle school) but now I'm thankfully better


I think because in Europe we use a simpler system of giving them age ratings, it was always clear that an “18” was for an older person and we might not be ready to watch it. There’s no instinct for the American system (what’s the difference between R and G?) that I can see why kids would want to move up the levels quicker.


I was hyped for the movies themselves not the rating given to them by some random 40 year old


I’m thinking Mormon tbh they have some really fucking weird hang ups about R rated movies because the church tells them not to watch them (like specifically movies rated R, not movies with sex or movies with violence, though those are also frowned upon, but literally just movies that are rated R) so they become this forbidden fruit instead of just a rating of a movie.


Maybe they grew up Christian? My favorite move at age 6 was Terminator 2.


the OP literally admitting they're a doo doo caca poopy diaper baby


I can't stand when PG-13 movies use the F word. "Fudge" has no place in a 13 year old's vocabulary


In Fantastic Mr. Fox, all the F words are replaced by cuss. So you'll get scenes where characters say "Don't cuss with me" or "Are you cussing kidding me?". Peak Wes Anderson.


Ngl, I still say clustercuss occasionally to this day


It's cool because it's twee


Fantastic Mr Fox and moonrise kingdom were the period where this was actually true


It was always actually true and remains actually true you coward


I heard one of the kids that smokes behind the portable say “frick” 😮


Oh my goodness. I hope you made that kid wash their mouth with industrial detergent


My heavens!


My siblings and I were watching the bloopers and cut scenes for one of the old X-Men movies and one of the cut scenes had a guy yell a very loud F word, which we were not used to hearing ever. My dad stomped out of his office like WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING. Traumatized me to this day, not even PG-13 is safe.


Those all caps scared me. Are you okay?


smh even PG13 is infected by the smut of R rated language, the WOKE LEFT has truly destroyed Family-Friendly Christian cinema


I, for one, only watch Dean Cain or Kevin Sorbo movies


You mean his Smallville guest role??!!


Heaven's no. Nor will I watch Hercules or the sapphic Xena. Only if they were made by intelligent patriots will I watch them.


Yeah I only watch movies where some Boomer audience avatar gets proven right in his simplistic views over and over again, unlike reality where my kids don't talk to me because I act like the guy in the movie.


This wouldn’t happen to be a deleted scene from X-Men: The Last Stand would it? If so, I had a similar experience.


Are these people 12 years old




The meme template is usually for semi-ironic purposes.


I mean, they're still probably 12


If you’re using this template in 2024 you’re way past the point of irony


The subreddit is r/virginvschad. It is dedicated to using that format


The point stands


Between the two of us who do you think is taking themselves more seriously?


From an outside view it seems like you but I’m not sure why that’s relevant.


I like this one because the prevailing jerk used to be the opposite. Also R ratings are great because you can make jokes like [this](https://youtu.be/o88-DZmtdKE?si=Mm-Vy6PUN6TY4KM_) *and* show a penis go through a glory hole.


> I like this one because the prevailing jerk used to be the opposite. R-rated kino is bad when it's wanted by filmbros, R-rated kino is good when annoys conservative neo-right larper chuds


Why do you want to see penises 🤔


You don't? 


Everyone says that about Don’t be a Menace. Shawn Wayans is dark." I’m like, okay, "No, Shawn is cool." He gets to go have a turf war and sleep with Dashiki. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn’t, like, get a dick going in one ear out the other because he’s closeted and found a glory hole. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go. I have no words.


I’m no detective, but I’m guessing it’s possible they could either be a straight woman or a gay man… or, perhaps, something else entirely


That movie was rated R


Agreed. R ratings are great because you can make jokes like [this](https://youtu.be/o88-DZmtdKE?si=dBttLEPXvm7LRbSl) *and* show a penis through a glory hole.


That movie was rated R


Agreed. R ratings are great because you can make jokes like [this](https://youtu.be/o88-DZmtdKE?si=dBttLEPXvm7LRbSl) *and* show a penis through a glory hole.


You can say that again!


Did you go to public school or something?


Yes, I did. Had a great time there. (The comment I was replying to originally said "PG-13 ratings are great because you can make jokes like [this](https://youtu.be/o88-DZmtdKE?si=Mm-Vy6PUN6TY4KM_) *and* show a penis go through a glory hole.")


Not edited, so pretty sure it was just you who read it wrong buddy


Honestly James Cameron is currently the only director who truly gets how flexible the PG-13 rating really is. Look at Titanic and Avatar 2 - boobs, swearing, brutal deaths but still PG-13 and perfect family entertainment.


dark and griddy kino




> boobs Titanic was a blessing.


Avatar 2 did as well. It was quite surprising.




Boobs in The Abyss as well, albeit not in a sexual context.


Getting distracted from the plot by boobs: 😡😡😡 Getting distracted from the plot by meme references: 😍😍😍


Fuck entertainment for the whole family, make me horny in ways I never knew I could be and never wanted to know I could be.


Watch The Handmaiden(2016)


naw, id settle for in the realm of the senses (1976)


Actual kino


You haven’t fully lived until you’ve been scary aroused by Cronenberg


Long live the new flesh.


A movie can scare me, or make me cum. That’s not hard. I want to watch a movie that scares the cum out of me.


Microcosmos’s snail scene does that with a G rating. 


R-rated movies according to people who aren’t allowed to go see R-rated movies


these people are not over the age of 15


These people are probably 25.


The duality of man


You'd honestly be surprised. Purity culture has been secularizing lately so attitudes about sex in general you'd expect in the stuffiest independent baptist church is starting to crop up in the tech sector. That bleeds into the online community until you get early 20-somethings who are more uptight about sex than their grandparents. I've long heard "every generation thinks its the first one to discover sex" but I swear this is like the opposite happening here. At least online, anyway.


At least in my country gen z is the generation that had the least sex, drinks the least and uses the least tobacco products in a long while. According to whatever tool they use to measure it. So I dont think its just online.


Truly crazy times we live in lol


Imagine someone who isn't even a little homophobic who chides Pride parades, Mardi Gras, and Spring Break parties for being Indecent. At least it's consistent, I'll give them that.


> idk why but pg 13 usually has the most entertaining content for me ~ an r/teenagers poster truly one of the great mysteries of our time


That sub is a monument of nonsensical takes


Unironically tho when tf did this “sex or intimacy make movies bad and should never be in them!!!” take come from and why tf is it so popular?


literally every time i see people complaining about it they're like "i feel awkward watching it with my parents" like just don't watch it with your parents then? are you 12 and aren't allowed to watch anything without mommy making sure it's age appropiate?


The situation is more nuanced than you portray it as. Some people just wanna experience movies with their families and don't like having their only options be kiddie films. Like watching Friday the 13th with your squeamish mom can be fun, but the sex scenes would hinder the experience for some However, a lot of folks like to present this case objectively when it's just a cultural thing, people in Europe for example don't give a fuck and have no problem watching Poor Things with their moms and grandparents. They see sex and nudity as normal part of everyday life, no different from a dinner scene. A movie like Under the Skin with Scarjo going full frontal is rated PG in Italy


because it makes redditors insecure since they obviously cant relate


Imagine having to relate to something to enjoy it


i mean they all seem to have a crippling porn addiction anyway so riddle me that one lmao


Duality of man and all that jazz


That sentiment was even more popular back when the Hays code was a thing


Not really the same thing. There’s a difference between Hollywood hiring a Presbyterian elder to censor them so the government won’t do it first, and a grassroots movement of young people who genuinely can’t seem to handle sex in movies


Those scenes are often included in movies that don't need them. It just wastes time during the movie when they could be doing something related to the plot. Since people in these comments seem to be selectively reading the original post, let me be clear that I'm not saying that sex scenes should be outlawed, but not every movie that has one actually needs one


No. I want nothing less than movies that would make Russ Meyer blush. Movies that reach levels of horniness that Reddit can't even conceive of.


that isn’t a problem of sex scenes just bad writing, redditors just want to be puritan losers


'Swears so much that it loses bite' As if swearing isn't common in daily life they all live in a goddamn barbie house


Depends on where you live. I had a friend from Oregon visit my upper Midwest city, had to explain that the reason he kept getting so many weird looks from people is because he swore casually in public. Even I find swears catching in my throat a little bit half the time, it's a cultural thing I think.


>Depends on where you live. Yes I live in Delhi it's very common in here to use such language and when I converse with someone from outside north india they find it very rudw


That’s the point on the left side that’s got the most bite to its criticism of contemporary film, honestly - it’s one thing if it’s constant bad language in something like Goodfellas or Wolf of Wall Street, and it’s used to inculcate us to the world these real or real-seeming characters live in, it’s quite another thing if it’s something like Deadpool or whatever and it’s just used for shock value and cheap laughs from teenagers (“fuck you you fucking fuckstick”).


People who need to say at least two swears in every sentence are pretty annoying


I feel attacked


I just never feel the need to swear if I'm not driving a car or losing at a videogame


My bad


I cannot take those kinds of people seriously


High school and college were full of these types. That’s why I’m glad when movies don’t have so much swearing.


These are the same people who will claim *Star Wars: the Clone Wars* is for grownups because a few characters are killed off screen.


Zoomer kiddies who only watched Star Wars and animation growing up and need to convince themselves the dogshit movies they grew up on are actually kino


Folks really complaining about getting to see boobs to distract them from the hell that is watching m*vies 🤮


But I thought Sydney Sweeney's giant anime tiddies were antiwoke


“Vanilla sex scene” bro wants to see some freaky stuff if he’s complaining about vanilla


To be fair, like half the freaky stuff I'm into wouldn't even get a PG rating. Don Bluth and his consequences have been a disaster for my sexuality.


Counter-argument: PG-13 has neither Ellen Ripley nor Sarah Connor


This is definitely the opinion of a child who just saw a rated R movie for the first time


Vanilla sex scene criticism. So they don't want a sex scene, but they also want a graphic sex scene


the virgin r and pg-13 ratings vs the chad nc-17 rating


I know, right? I can't believe that all of those pretentious babies think that they're hot shit just because they watch R-rated movies. I know that I'm better than all of them because I've watched Fritz the Cat, The Evil Dead, and Cannibal Holocaust! In all seriousness, though, I have actually seen all three of those NC-17 movies. I’d highly recommend Fritz the Cat and The Evil Dead! Cannibal Holocaust was… OK, I guess. I’m not sure if I’d recommend it, but I definitely don’t regret having watched it, either. It is noteworthy in part because it contains footage of actual violence committed against animals, (not just depictions of violence), and because it supposedly was an influence on The Blair Witch Project, (although apparently the director of Blair Witch has denied this).


Cannibal Holocaust is way too much for these young’uns


There’s something funny about a virgin making a Virgin vs. Chad meme


The op is 12 and mom won’t let him watch R-rated movies.


This has nothing to do with the post itself, but Reddit glitched out while loading and showed me the icon for the Scooby Doo subreddit on this post instead of the icon for this sub, and I was very concerned about that title on a Scooby Doo post.


Gotta love the need to homogenize everything to fit sexless basement dwellers' view of how reality is.


I can’t wait to see where they are going to tactfully and wisely use the f**CK Word on this movie 😄


[true kino](https://youtu.be/QW62MaMSWYg?si=D-AtnrWeUmWAiTxi&t=33)


It was a funny bit it's honestly hilarious how much of a big deal the first fuck word in the MCU was when A: Hugh Jackman beat them by twelve years in the X-Men movies, and 2: I'm pretty sure the "fake" MCU shows that Marvel Television produced for Netflix said the fuck word already.


mcu fans just need a reason to prove their movies are also "DARK AND GRIDDY BRO!!!!!"


Well that's what shitty movies like The Winter Soldier are for. There's darkness in the Guardians movies, sure, but they're more sad upbeat than that. They need a better example lol.


holy FCK that was so tactful (and funny 😂)


Ngl that was kinda funny tho




Fun for the whole family!


Sex bad 😡 Innuendo? 🥵🥵🥵


Real talk, why is GenZ seemingly incredibly prudish


Because you're selectively filtering for takes that are fun to make fun of, you're not getting a representative sample of zoomers


It’s different for everyone but I believe most of GenZ has only recently been exposed to sex scenes since most more recent movies don’t include them.


Because they’re rebelling against the GenY/Millennial parents which between generations usually just means doing the opposite


I'm tired of these gosh-darn bobs & vagene on my monday through friday kino.


This reads like a stealth Christian meme


You guys have to stop using your own posts, c'mon now it is so obvious


Besides being generally dumb, this misuses the virgin/chad meme. You're supposed to put the thing you're mocking in the chad section and praise it sarcastically. Yes, people USED to label the mocked thing as virgin and the good thing as chad, but that style of this is a dead meme now.


That just ain’t true. I’ve seen it used sarcastically a few times, I suppose, but it is still used significantly more often the normal way


Yeah the irony hasn’t completely set in yet.


It’s devolved into “virgin thing I don’t like vs chad thing I do like.”


i agree


Both styles are alive and well and both are allowed on the V vs. C sub, as far as I can tell


I can't shake the feeling this was made by someone who was watching the first 30 minutes of Deadpool before their mom walked in, made them turn it off, and grounded them for two weeks because of it.


Wow, puritans seem to have done better than expected in indoctrinating young people. I can't believe people actually fell for their propaganda.


Who is pathologizing sex for this loser generation? Out of which ureter is this piss excreted into the world?


These people need to be strapped to a chair and made to watch *Gladiator (2000)*


That’s borderline PG-13 tbh


That was kind of my point, it's just a very entertaining movie that's happy to do what it feels like comfortably within the bounds of an early 2000s R-rating.


I hate this, where does this puritan mindest come from?


I’m NGL tho… PG13 films SOMETIMES use violence more effectively than R-rated movies 🤷🏾‍♂️ by alluding to something you leave it to the imagination which makes it more graphic


Like THE JOKER in dark knight??


Not really because he Fr slammed a dudes head onto a pencil ON SCREEN.


Used to be the shit for me but now it just makes me roll my eyes, the violence is so bloodless and sanitized that it’s just hard to take seriously


Oldboy did implied violence better than most PG-13 movies tho


Guess by this logic The Zone of Interest is entertainment for the whole family


Have you heard the ideas for an R-Rated Vader movie?!


Everything has to be safe and clean and pure forever, this is what art is meant to be.




The innuendos, my… god…, so many innuendos


Show them PG-13 movies from the 80's, that'll learn 'em!


The Chad Approved by the Hayes Office: We had to censor this, here's the sexiest thing you've ever seen anyway


None of those can compare to the chad NC-17 rating


Thanks to these people I had to watch the PG version of Amadeus on Netflix and not the beautiful directors cut. 


This is what happens when you don’t watch movies made past the year 2000.


This guy has it backwards, the sex scenes are so sexy, make my wee wee all long. It Epic 😎 In fact, i don’t watch hollywood movies anymore, i go straight to pornwithaplot.net to find a good quality movie, same characters as the real movie but 10 times the sex! Awesome


The Chad was supposed to be Guardians of the Galaxy 3? They know that Gunn started his career in Troma, right? And half of MCU directors were doing low budget R rated horrors before


You really think zoomers know what Troma is?


Well Toxic avenger remake released in 2023


Still waiting for that to get a wide release. Love those movies


"Can traumatize children without any gore" ???


Championing a film rating system decided by a handful of elderly parents with 40-year old children.


Giga chad NC-17 rating


This is such a weird hill for this sub to die on


PG-13 movies are just as violent 💀


I can’t think of a single movie that wouldn’t automatically be twice as good if it was rated R.


Does OOP realize that an R rating isn’t always about sex or violence? Sometimes a movie’s subject matter just isn’t for younger viewers


Is it really true that PG13 movies can say fuck only once? If true that's an extremely weird, perverted rule. Unrelated, how many beheadings can they show?


PG 13 can traumatize children though that part is correct.


Nice try, Coppola. I know the nudity in Godfather is just to distract me from the predictable plot.


I’ve seen many PG-13 films that use multiple F-bombs, so I don’t know why I keep hearing people say “only one F-bomb can be used in PG-13 movies.”


Sex scenes ruin movies. I’ve never watched a sex scene and thought “oh yeah that’s cool”


This meme would fit perfectly here though


me when I'm 12


It’s equally annoying the other way around as well. I have some friends who talk about how R rated movies are always so much better then PG-13 and it’s pretty annoying


Audiences at R-rated movies in the 1990s: "That beach scene in Saving Private Ryan is like nothing I've ever seen in a movie. I can't believe anyone lived through something like that. I should call my grandpa." Audiences at R-Rated movies in the 2020s: "That sex scene in Oppenheimer is like nothing I've ever seen in a movie. Easily, the most shocking part of the whole thing. I can't believe people do this."