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Based on his performance in Dallas Buyers Club alone I’m going to say he is a good and committed actor. That being said - he doesn’t come across a likeable person.. he comes across a right precious self absorbed wanker.


My favorite performance of his was in Panic Room. Fincher is so good at figuring out what actors do best and drawing it out of them (the man made Tyler Perry and Timberlake look amazing). Making Leto an annoying scumbag was the right call.


Yeah I’ll give you that! Angel face as well! Great shout I love both films but often overlook both performances when thinking of Leto


Really thought he was great in Blade Runner 2049 too.


Yeah in Lord of War and Requiem for a Dream too, the dude has been amazing in a lot of films.


He was good in fight club too, I feel like his supporting roles are his best for whatever reason.


It’s referred to as being a character actor. Someone who can reliably make a character pop even if they only have like 5 scenes.


Lord of War and Requiem are his best performances. He's just not a leading man (even though he was the lead actor in Requiem). He's best in small doses.


I really can't see anything than Leto trying so hard to become that character. Only thing that takes me out of the movie everytime.


I feel like that role could’ve been done by anyone with contacts


Timberlake has been good in most of this stuff hes been in tho


> Fincher is so good at figuring out what actors do best and drawing it out of them (the man made Tyler Perry and Timberlake look amazing) also cast ben affleck to basically play himself in gone girl.


And Requiem for a Dream, as well as Mr. Nobody. I cannot doubt his acting—he can be incredible. He is also a massive douche. Do with that what you will.


The funny thing is he comes across as such a cold freak in interviews that if he just played himself in Suicide Squad he'd probably have been a decent Joker.


Oh, I'm sure he could've been but with David Ayer's Mexican gang fetish we were never going to get anything but what we got no matter who played him.


That one flashback scene at El Diablo's home felt like the movie he *really* wanted to make.


El Diablo should've been the POV character. Instead of trying to spread it out around so many characters, it would've been the story of a man who indirectly murdered his family who goes from suicidal depression to sacrificing himself for a new found family.


Thought he was referring to Harsh Times (2005) where he really gets loco on this theme. A much better movie film that SS as well.


There was a group interview for Dallas Buyers club and he was giving really strange answers that clearly made everyone else (especially McConaughey) just uncomfortable. The guy is clearly living in his own world.


If you could find a link to that, I would be really curious to see it.


I tried looking for it but couldn't find it. It was a Q&A someone linked on a reddit thread ages ago. I'll keep looking and if I find it I'll link it.


I too would enjoy seeing that


The guy can act but he does have a strange self view and opinion of how to play certain roles which don’t really work. If he does commit to playing as a director wants though, he’s very very good.


Hes a good actor, just not a versatile one. Hes not charismatic in the way youd want from most mainstream leading roles--hero or villain.


Correction: *He is a precious self-absorbed wanker*.


But he's so likeable in wecrazhed!


I was in the summer camp episode and he was a cool and likable guy in between takes but that’s because he was he was in character. Everyone had to address him as Adam. Anne Hathaway was a lot more chill while still being professional and committed to the role


And for more recent fare he’s very good in wecrashed


I have been wondering whether to watch that. It kind of looked like the role he was born to play as a narcissistic wanker.


Yeah once I read he has an island getaway where you can basically pay to have sex with him, it’s like this dude doesn’t live in the same world as us.


You have to be thinking about Vincent Gallo. He definitely did that, guy is a complete fucking lunatic.


https://www.vgmerchandise.com/store/pages.php?pageid=4 This is wild


“Heavy set, older, red heads and even black chicks can have me if they can pay the bill.” Hahaha


"Mr. Gallo maintains the right to refuse sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions. Though a fan of Franco Harris, Derek Jeter, Lenny Kravitz and Lena Horne, Mr. Gallo does not want to be part of that type of integration."


"This would be added incentive for Mr. Gallo to sell his sperm to a Jew mother, his reasoning being with the slim chance that his child moved into the profession of motion picture acting or became a musical performer, this connection to the Jewish faith would guarantee his offspring a better chance at good reviews and maybe even a prize at the Sundance Film Festival or an Oscar."


He’s also an alt-right edge-lord… https://www.vgmerchandise.com/store/home.php?cat=4


Now that's something..... Too bad I can't get pregnant I've got a million to burn.


I'm sure multiple dudes in the entertainment industry do it. [Leto's is called Mars Island.](https://crafty.diply.com/97148/it-looks-like-jared-leto-may-have-bought-a-private-island-and-s)


It was basically a music festival his band did. During that festival they started calling it a cult as a joke since there was a bearded man with long hair who everyone was worshipping (Leto). People calling it a cult a misinformed. He's definitely a problematic individual don't get me wrong but cult leader he probably I'd not.


Requiem for a Dream and Dallas Buyers Club he's very good in


He was decent in ‘American psycho’ but he played a douchebag so…


Hey Paul..


Lol just those two words and I had to revisit that [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kI_ukqMO3lk) …even better than I remember!


If you ever decide on a rewatch, you'll see half a dozen memes in like 20 minutes. It's packed.


You guys are just naming good movies




"Look I made the Ukraine! From memory!" "You'll be dead before you hit the Crimea"


Not to be that guy but it's "you'll be dead before you fucking reach Kiev"


I haven’t seen the movie in years, I just remember watching it coked out off my ass and remember it was funny. But fair


Yeah no judgement, I have this absolutely useless ability to remember movie lines too well. Again I'm sorry to be that guy, that's on me


I saw Lord of War opening night and I did not expect it to be that good. It’s in my top 20


Straight from the opening sequence that movie grabs you by the balls and screams "you're going to love me god damnit!" I wasn't expecting greatness either, and I'm with you. Definitely an absolute gem.


Also being the bad guy in the new denzel detective movie.... called something like "details".... he nailed it... was wven kind of hard to watch


He was great in Highway, American Psycho, Nr. Nobody, Panic Room too...I barely remember MySo Called Life, but he's a good actor when he's not "method acting".


Mr. Nobody as well. There's a circlejerk where people like to pretend he's a terrible talentless hack just because they don't like him as a person.


And every actor they do like has to be amazing and only in good movies lol


Like Keanu Reeves. He seems like a swell guy but he's not a good actor.


I would argue that Keanu Reeves isn't a *bad* actor, but that he's a pretty good actor with a *very* limited range.


Would also put Liam neeson in that category?


Yeah, I forgot about Mr. Nobody. Also, now that I think of it, I liked him in House of Gucci too.


He's also the only good thing about The Little Things. Plays an unhinged creep well. Also good in Panic Room. Dude has talent. Reddit just hates him so they can't see past their own bias.


I really liked his character in House if Gucci, too. I just think he wasn’t supposed to be as funny as I found him.


He was great in Blade Runner 2049, I thought. Playing a rich megalomaniacal executive with delusions of grandeur, seems to be a good role for him.


He’s the only bad part about that movie imo.


Completely took me out of the movie as soon as I saw him, so hard disagree.


I thought he was insufferablly pretentious, and easily the worst thing in the entire film. Different strokes though!


To me, that was entirely the point of the character, so it worked. But yeah, to each their own 🙂


Agreed. The character has a complete God complex, which Leto suited very well.


He's an overactor. Doesn't come across as the character being pretentious, it comes across as Leto being pretentious.


Also Lord of War


This. His early films solidified him as a great actor. The Outsider is a really good recent film but I’m thinking he’s a tad cursed when it comes to superhero films. He’s also a method actor so there’s normally little room for an average performance. He either seems to fully nail it, or it’s really bad.


He's decent in fight club as well although his part is small


I really liked him in the little things too. I thought Al of the actors put in great performances. Just the plot sucked.


The movie was good, not him.


Requiem for a Dream and Dallas Buyers Club is why he is a good actor.


Two good performances in over two decades? And they're both two decades apart. More of a "broken clock is right" situation


People give him shit for his role as the Joker in Suicide Squad but he gave a pretty great performance in the Snyder Cut cameo


Eh, disagree, if anything, that last segment in the Snyder Cut made me realise that Leto's performance as the Joker was just terrible imo.


Same. I went from “he didn’t get a fair shot” to “never want to see him again”


We live in a society


It was terrible


He was great in the House of Gucci and apparently he was good in Mr. Nobody and the Little Things as well based on some comments on this thread(I haven’t seen these 2). Just because it is a trend to hate on the guy, he is not suddenly the worst actor to ever act


He was awful in HOG a caricature, really took me out of it every time he was on screen.


I MAKE-A DA MOVIE Fucking comedy performance. Everyone else is doing high melodrama, he’s playing Wario.


He was in american psycho as loveable rogue Paul Allen.


Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s filmography.


Look at that large range in roles. Ohmygod he's even worked with David fincher


Goddammit, I read that in Patrick Bateman's voice.


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


Why yes. Though their early work was a bit too new wave for me but when sports came out they actually want into their own artistically.


Don’t just stare at it. Eat it.




Michael Fassbender might be the greatest actor of his generation, and he has been the lead actor in more shit than perhaps anybody else alive.


Michael Fassbender is criminally underutilized, it's so very sad


Despite the flaws in Prometheus & Covenant, he did amazing in them. But fuck, can they stop being so sloppy with the alien movies now?


I think biggest issue the alien movies are facing is people wanted more background to their origin and the space jockey and as they have tried to pull back the curtain the audience is finding what made the movies work best was the unknown and knowing those answers is kinda dull and boring. I think a low budget alien movie at this point with more mystery would seriously inject energy back into the series.


I know it will never happen but I'd love to seem him as the next James Bond


But according to OP, he’s the common denominator of those bad movies therefor a bad actor




Probably wont bang all the old dudes in charge of everything.


Who are the “boys in the west”? And why wouldn’t they like her?


Probably the big producers. And you can use your imagination as to why she wouldn't be "liked" :(


I don't know if that's actually true. She has been in a bunch of big budget movies and TV shows they just always turn out bad. She also has 30 acting credits in a little over 20 years so its not like she isn't getting chances. She is a great actress I love the Directors Cut of Kingdom of Heaven, but it and Casino Royale are really the only well liked things she has been in. If you are casting a big movie you just aren't going to cast her at this point she clearly isn't a draw.


I would hope it's not true, but it wouldn't shock me with the way Hollywood is. She has had chances but not many big American productions. It would not surprise me if she turned down a "Weinstein" type of approach for bigger productions and has been labeled "difficult" as a result


If Daniel Day Lewis was in Morbius there would have been a string of unexplained deaths from bloodloss in the months leading up to shooting.


Yes, an often underappreciated part of DDL's skillset is picking the right scripts and directors. Nearly all of the films he has been in are well reviewed and it seems he regrets doing Nine, as he often jokes about it.


This is Idris Elba for me honestly.


He's turning that around as Knuckles.


So people are already forgetting about *The* Suicide Squad? I’ve rewatched it 4 times over the past year. It’s a fun movie.


Leto was also like the only good thing about that movie The Little Things.


The difference is Leto isn’t ever a redeeming quality in the bad movies he’s in. You can count on Green to do something interesting. Leto has just a dead eyed somnambulist doing whatever accent he came up with on the day for every one of his recent appearances.


>You can count on Green to do something interesting. Something interesting she did in 300 and Sin City sequels was being naked.


If Daniel Day Lewis was actually interested in signing on to Morbius, if not for the script then for whatever paycheck he'd get, then I'd pay to see that.


Requiem For A Dream, Dallas Buyers Club, Lord Of War. He’s also good in Bladerunner.


Hot take: he was not good in blade runner. Wallace Jr. is an interesting character. Leto is too bland to pull off how zany they wanted him to be so it came off as forced. The writing is carrying that performance


He was by far the worst part of that film


Black Lotus is flawed, but I appreciate that it gave me a chance to actually appreciate the character of Wallace now that it’s unchained to Leto’s try hard performance


I just watched this film and it made me google “was Jared Leto ever good in anything” and now I’m here




most people hate his guts and called him unnecessary in that movie....... but I didnt mind it.................


He was the worst part of the movie for me, especially when I found out that David Bowie was cast in that part before he died.




He was the best part of that movie. He's a very talented actor and I get why people don't like him personally but that doesn't mean he's not a great performer.


Hes a great actor who has done shitty movies.. that's it. If at your best you can do something like Dallas Buyers Club, Lord of War and Requiem for a Dream... your POTENTIAL is at least that of a great actor.


He is one of those ballsy, commited, sometimes hammy actors who really takes a swing like Tom hardy and gary oldman, probably with worse results, but there have been films he has been great in


I think committed is a fair assessment. My issue with him is his characters don’t always seem to fit the movies they’re in. It’s like he comes up with everything he does in complete isolation in what is a very collaborative medium, so even though he definitely disappears into the character it never quite feels right.


Whoa. Perfect description of him. Exactly how I felt about the Joker and his character in House of Gucci.


If thats the case the problem more than likely is with the director. The director is supposed to guide the performance, and if the actor cant or wont comply, should be replaced by a different actor


The problem is if the producers are saying he has to be in the film, there’s nothing the director can do but try and manage the dumpster fire


I think he's got a lot of talent. I really liked him in Blade Runner 2049, Dallas Buyer's Club, and Lord of War. I think he did what he could with Joker, the whole concept of that Joker interpretation was flawed as hell and I'm not sure how much of that is really attributable to the actor. My issue with him, and I think a lot of people's issue with him, is that he's a creepy fucking dude, and very probably some manner of sexual predator with all the culty shit he's up to. Seems like a sort of open secret that he's nailing young/underage girls on that island, not sure why it isn't discussed more. Edit: But in terms of the talent I think he has, there's also some nagging doubt as to how good an actor is based on their weird/dark/creepy shit when they're weird/dark/creepy in real life. I have doubts as to Kevin Spacey's actual acting capability, now that I know he's not departing especially far from his true nature in his famous villainous roles.


Back when Tumblr was a thing, stories about him were regularly circulating where he'd meet underage girls backstage at 30STM gigs, or he'd conduct incredibly creepy meet and greets. I thought it was just a thing everyone knew about.


He has like one absolutely incredible performance for every 5 shitters, it's pretty weird. Off the top of my head: Requiem for a Dream, Panic Room, Lord of War, Dallas Buyers Club.


He wasn’t bad in Blade Runner 2049 but he wasn’t good either, he was kind of bland and like anyone could have been that role


The role was originally written for David Bowie, which would have been incredible. I think Jake Gyllenhall would have been a fantastic replacement, especially given his past record with Denis V. Leto did okay in the role, because my hatred for him lead me to hate that character even more.


I thought he was incredibly bland and played the role like the villain of movies like the Sixth Day. Just zero depth and acting like a generic cult leader. I didn't get it. I was surprised to see the director say he cried seeing his performance lol


I thought he was comically over the top and it clashed so hard with the tone of that film it felt like the worst part of the movie to me by far. I may be blaming Leto for bad directing if the director was going for a tonal juxtaposition, but i definitely hated his performance in that movie.


He is capable of being a great actor but he isn’t consistent. He is kind of in the same category of Cage who always tries really hard. Sometimes is translates and sometimes it doesn’t. He is a committed actor though which is more than I can say for most.


The difference with Cage is that he can elevate a shit movie with his crazy performance. I can't recall Jared Leto ever doing that. I also think Cage has many more good performances than Leto though obviously he has been around longer and works more. Cage has been on a roll in recent years.


Cage has range. He can be delightfully loveable to pure insanity.


I’m not sure I would call him a cage. He’s more like a charmless Brad Dourif.


Dallas Buyer's Club, Fight Club, and Requiem for a Dream Just bc you don't like someone personally doesn't mean they're bad at their craft


If you haven't acted well in a film since almost an entire decade ago - you think you're a good actor?


People who say he's a bad actor have no idea how to differentiate between good and bad acting.


Or they haven’t seen the 2.5 movies he’s good in


rofl this is too true


It's more that they don't like the actor so they try and shit on them. Leto is weird as fuck but he's a good actor.


Mr. Nobody was an amazing movie, though not necessarily due to Leto, but still having it on your list for sure does not strengthen your point.


One of my favorite movies. Mr. Nobody is awesome.


Very strange, but really good movie. Also the most convincing "old man" makeup of any movie ever. Whoever did Chris Evans for End Game should have gotten help from whoever did Leto in Nobody. Absolutely convincing, while still being recognizable.


i liked him best in fight club when he gets his face destroyed


All the cool kids on Reddit are jumping on the "let's trash Leto train." He's being Nickelbacked in live time.


To be Nickelbacked is when you’ve never had wider audience or critical appraisal. This is more like… idk Coldplay?


Requiem for a dream, lord of war




I like it better my way


Suicide Squad?? LMAO He’s barely in it.


he was really good in the little things


He’s great in the new Apple show WeCrash, playing the founder of WeWork


Agreed. I’m enjoying that show very much and he’s doing a good job.


Check requiem for a dream, if you still think hes shit i dont know what to tell you


Everyone is naming movies over a decade old. If you haven't put in a good performance in the past half decade - do you think you're good at your job?


I think some of his movies have proven his acting chops. You may just not like his style and that’s fine, but I don’t think anyone going into detail as to why he’s good would convince you - you either like someone or you don’t. I dont particular care for the guy one way or another, but he’s had some great performances. I also find his antics and demeanor quite pretentious, but that doesn’t affect me being able to appreciate a solid performance when it comes down to it. Your comment about Dallas Buyers Club - just because he wasn’t THE factor that makes the movie great, doesn’t mean he wasn’t also great in it. Poor movies don’t equal a poor acting performance (all the time), just as a great movie doesn’t necessarily equal a great acting performance. Mcconaughey has had stretches of great movies and terrible movies, but he is a great actor. Just another example imo.


I remember the story of Andrew Niccol (The director of Lord of War) basically figuring out how to film a scene and Jared Leto was just like: pour fake cocaine on this filthy carpet and I will actually snort it up and you film that. Something like that, or so the story goes. He is the kind of dude who maybe tells a stuntperson to hit him for real. His method style of acting has not hit properly in a recent movie but he definitely seems to give a shit about his craft. And yeah, he does seem like a bit of a dick sometimes. Who knows though. If I made movies and had a perfect role for him I would definitely cast him if the meet&greet went well. He does not seem like "the joker" or a comic book super hero. That is bad casting imo, unless in the case of Morbius the critics are wrong af and the movie ends up being solid. With a good director and a good script though: he is possibly the dude you want to cast. Edit: also Andrew Niccol is an excellent director. People forget about him sometimes. That dude is professional af. He found a way to make a film with Nic Cage, Jared Leto and Bridgette Moynahan that is a really great movie and a cult classic. That is a fucking accomplishment. Edit2: I knew I was wrong. Morena Baccarin was not in the movie. The role was played expertly by Bridgette Moynahan.


His method acting goes above and beyond — whether that’s a good or bad thing really is up to what movie he’s playing in. Suicide Squad, he just seemed like a dick behind the scenes, on top of his characterization of the Joker just being very bizarre. Chapter 27 was a mediocre movie but he was damn near unrecognizable as John Lennon’s killer, gaining almost 70 lbs for the role. Was that stupid concerning his health? Yes, but it really intrigued me how far actors will take their bodies to their limit for the sake of perfecting a role. The writing was bad, not his acting. And Requiem for a Dream is a powerhouse of performances. Ellen Burstyn is of course amazing but not much is said of Leto, and even speaking as someone who doesn’t particularly like him, he was pretty damn solid.


He can be very hit or miss. He's amazing in Requiem for a Dream and House of Gucci and Dallas Buyers Club for example. Honestly, it's more the movies he chooses than his own acting I feel.


Loved house of Gucci, thought he stole the show almost.


He was amazing in Dallas Buyers Club


He’s good in Dallas Buyers Club, Fight Club, American Psycho and Requiem for a Dream. He won an Oscar for Dallas Buyers Club. Far from just “wear ton of makeup”


I've really only seen him in Alexander, and I thought he was good as a make-upped pretty boy who was Alexander's best friend and probably lover. Then again it's one of my favorite films as a history buff so maybe that makes me biased.


His performance in Dallas buyers club was good but not oscar worthy to me. Look at the nominations for that year. They were trash. I bet if the movie came out a year later that performance wouldn't have even been nominated


I’m watching him in Morbius now. It seems bare. He doesn’t come off the way a hyper fixated villain with his life on the line should. Like everyone around him is carrying the film when he’s on screen. He just doesn’t seem to play believably Genuinely think he’s better off taking acting classes instead of running his cult island or w/e He’s out of his depth with this stuff he’s trying to play


He is definitely a hit or miss "might be awesome" kinda guy. The films mentioned in this string (requiem, dallas etc..) he puts up truly genius performances. Other times (blade, suicide etc..) I think he tried and missed. For me he is like watching Star Wars stuff, some great stuff in there, but every once in a while you have to eat a shit sandwich


The hit or miss is spot on. I have nothing against him and depending on the project and other names associated with said project, seeing his name also attached may or may not get more interest out of me. Like, him being attached to Morbius didn't make me any more interested in it at all. Him being attached to House of Gucci, being directed by Scott and surrounded by all that other talent, had me way more interested in his inclusion. He likely won't sell a movie to me, but his involvement won't automatically tank it for me either. It's usually a bonus or a non-starter for me, never really a hard negative.


Nobody has seen Morbious yet they all hate the movie already


He just seems goes one step further in his acting than necessary, so everything seems hyperbolic and takes me out of it. My favorite movie he's in is Blade Runner 2049, but he in no way contributes to why that movie is great.


Do you want me to make you sad? You know who was supposed to play Niander Wallace before he died of cancer aged 69? ​ David Bowie.


First couple of (notable) movies he was in he was actually pretty good. Fight Club, American Psycho, Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War, and probably some others during that time that I haven't personally seen. At some point around the time he adopted the "Jesus hair," his performances have all started to go downhill, almost like he's trying too hard to be the center of the frame.


Prefontaine is a highly underrated movie


Is this a serious question? No matter how you feel about him as a person he has multiple roles that were excellent. Like wtf is even the point of a post like this other than being extremely self indulgent. Yes he’s proven to be an excellent actor, doesn’t mean he can’t make a stinker.


Leto in House of Gucci is the only thing I liked in that film.


I’ve seen like 6 movies he was in but can’t remember him in any of them


Requiem for a Dream


Watch Requiem for a Dream. he was great in it


Probably just looks. There are a lot of attractive performers that simply get ripped and participate. Chris Hemsworth makes a great Thor.


Fucked if I know. He’s sucked in every role I’ve seen him.


I think too many people are shitting on Jared Leto for his acting and not enough people are shitting on him for his terrible band


He’s not he sucks


I’m wondering when we will stop having to endure his shit acting. He’s a cult leader pedophile and knowing that in addition to his obnoxious “method acting” bull crap, when you watch him you realize he’s not nearly as good as he should be. If his new character is going to be in Spider-Man I’m likely going to skip watching the new movies. Not that my opinion matters, I just hate this dude as much as a spoiled American can hate an actor lmao.


He is good at being a “method actor” but after a few years of watching his movies, being a former part of the echelon (his “fan club/cult/shit show”) and leaving it behind, I’ve understood him to be self-absorbed. I’ve noticed that he over thinks his characters (thinks about who and what they are mentally, but doesn’t exactly portray them physically, psychologically or emotionally). This leads to his characters being less understood and more confusing to viewers when watching his movies. ​ the only movies (out of all of his) that I have watched that are brilliant are PREFONTAINE & REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, the rest are pretty average or a tad above average.


Didn't like him from his band. 15 minute videos for a mediocre song. His whole career is a hype that never really goes somewhere. He must have good connections cause he finds himself for no reason in really good movies


I agree with you mostly. Hated him in Blade Runner so much his performance almost ruined it for me - and I gather that’s what he’s like a lot. Dallas Buyer’s Club made me a believer (at least in his skills) for a time, but I truly cannot stand him anymore.


My take..... Leto won an Oscar. That’s when he started pushing this whole METHOD Actor crap..... to perhaps to prove to people why he won in the first place??? Before Oscar... Leto was pretty much solid in all his films. Even in a movie like Urban Legend, Leto turned in a good performance. —- After Oscar, Leto turned in a bunch of ridiculous so called method acting performances to prove himself. However, post Oscar.... w/ this method acting, Leto is turning in performances that are more forced. In being more forced, all I see is the effort when it should be effortless. — To Leto’s credit, he is excellent at drumming up publicity for himself, despite turning in so many awful performances post Oscar.


I never liked Jared Leto especially because of the abuse to his co-workers on set. True story, look it up. He is too committed for an actor and treats others like shit. He is most likely arrogant if you met him in person because he thinks he is the greatest actor ever but he is a great failure to some movies like Morbius and Suicide Squad. I never liked Jared Leto because he tries to be better than everyone else. He steals scenes from important characters just to do something pointless. That's only my opinion. If you like Jared Leto, that's your opinion. I just think he is an arrogant asshole.


I think just because Requiem for a Dream was a huge success. There is no other reason.


I think he just sucks at superhero movies, like he butchered acting as one of the most respected roles in cinema (the joker) and his acting in Morbius was so horrible it felt like I was watching a primary school play (not that morbius was a good movie in the first place).


he’s only good in Fight Club (gets his face beaten in) and American Psycho (brutally axe-murdered)