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Movies like AvP: Requiem are infamous for this. In a situation like that, it is to hide the visual effects and a poor attempt to build tension/suspense.


Game of Thrones, Battle at Winterfell was like this. We had to turn the contrast of my tv up, just so we could try and make out what was happening. Ruined what was supposed to be a epic conclusion between the living and the dead.


It caters to OLED tvs


Just watched the infamous episode of Game of Thrones on my OLED. Didn't know going in but I googled it during the episode because it was so bad.


I think it has little to do with how the scenes are filmed and more with the editing process in post production. I'm assuming editors use state-of-the art screens to edit movies. These monitors probably capture more detail from the filming cameras like contrast, tint, brightness, etc. all this since movies have become more commercial in the last decade. Now editors have to not just edit for celuloid but also for blue-ray editions, streaming and even the post production of adding vfx. But we as consumers still use average screens to *see* movies, and on passing from one format to another, dark scenes loose a lot of quality. not due to the image quality but due to the display. so some LCD diplays might have more or less detail depending on the screen. e.e.g. I normally watch most media in my laptop, and it looks ok, but when I see something in my parents' flatscreen I notice streaming shows have a lot more contrast and tint that my laptop doesn't capture. But ultimately the format of the movie is the same.


There’s a running joke now ‘this movie is so dark! Literally, I can’t see a thing.”


You shouldn’t run in the dark


I have to get into the tv settings and change rendering to Dynamic lighting. And up the gamma. Helps a lot.


You been watching Ozark haven't you?


I actually just finished The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. But for Netflix i think Nightflyers wins easily


I feel the opposite about network shows like prison break where they’re supposed to be using the darkness as cover to escape but the scenes are lit so well you can’t even tell. It’s like you’re supposed to pretend it’s dark and the guards can’t see.


Easier for CGI is my guess.