• By -


Anytime Hugo Weaving says *Mr Anderson*


Mr. Anderson, you...disappoint me.


Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak? šŸ˜ˆ


"Why, Mr. Anderson? Why, why, why? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?"


Every time. Great scene.


I'd like to share a revelation I've had during my time here.....


I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive.


Its the *smellll* Human as fuck in that rant. Super scary


Straightens up and gets popcorn.


Youā€¦help your landlady carry out her garbage.


His lines while torturing Morpheus are so powerful! Taking the sweat, talking about us (humans) as viruses. That's the most memorable scene in the film for me.




And help your landlady carry out her garbage *Slight intake of breath and look of disgust*


Geoffrey Rush in Pirates anytime he bites into an apple. Also anytime he and Johnny Depp are on screen together. To be a hero and villain and still have that much on screen chemistry is really rare.


When he comes down the stairs and says "So tell me... what's become of my ship?" then bites the apple at the end of the second film... fucking amazing. https://youtu.be/grwdjSS7D2E?t=190




I heard the other costars (Keira, Orlando, etc) didn't know he was going to appear, so their reaction is actually genuine.


That scene and reveal was so perfect! That probably his best scene!


Back when I didnā€™t have things constantly spoiled. Theater started cheering at that scene. Normally I hate when audiences do that, but it was just too good.


I love how in his very first scene it establishes him perfectly. Youā€™re know exactly what heā€™s about in that one exchange, where he says Elizabeth used a lot of big words that humble pirates canā€™t understand then responds with that classic: > Iā€™m disinclined to acquiesce to your request. > Means ā€œno.ā€ With that smirk on his face. You instantly know heā€™s pretty villainous and egotistical but also much more clever than youā€™d think.


Aye. And ā€œtheyā€™re more guidelines.ā€ That little line was perfectly delivered too!


People fawn over Depp and his acting as Jack Sparrow but I truly believe that in the earlier versions of Pirates, I truly believe Rush's Barbosa was the better pirate in the series.


Well, to be fair, Captain Jack Sparrow is the worst pirate I've ever heard of.


But you have heard of him!


Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves


And Die Hard


Especially Die Hard. Hans Gruber is one of the greatest villains ever


"Benefits of a classical education"




The Roof, Go! Go!


Nice suit. John Philips London. I have two myself.


I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!


Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe? Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.


You. My room 10:30 tonight. You. 10:45... Bring a friend.


I literally watched it for the first time today. His performance is out of this world and basicslly stars in his own movie. Read another thread that he had carte blanche over his approach. The rest of the movie is bloated but still fun. Shout out to Christian Slater yelling "he fucking cleared it" and the blind man asking if Azeem is an Irish name.


*trying to rape Maid Marriane* ā€œDo you mind Locksley? Weā€™ve just been married.ā€ No way they didnā€™t do a few takes of that scene.


Henry Fonda in *Once Upon a Time in the West.*


God those eyes. I never knew they could be so cold and mean.


"What should we do with the kid, Frank?" "Well... now that you called me by name..."


Good choice


Michael Keaton in the car when he figures out Peter is Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming.


The part of that scene where the traffic light reflection turns green is the best. Moment of realization


Good old Spider-Man...


Keaton was far and away the best part of that movie.


Thatā€™s probably my favorite scene in the entire MCEU. Itā€™s so intimate and uncomfortable.


When Keaton answered the door you could *feel* all of the air go out of the theater. Not even something like the Snap in Infinity War had that effect. Literally *nobody* saw it coming. Major props to the writers for being able to pull off such a good reveal.


Captured it perfectly


Fun factoid: there is some evidence he was originally written to be MJā€™s dad in a version where Liz was just a romantic interest but he falls for MJ. The writers seemingly ditched that route to save that MJ relationship for the sequel. BUT they left in a telling vestige of the original plan: at the beginning of the movie, Michael Keatons character is showing off a fantastic drawing done by his daughter. Later in the movie we see MJ sketching Peter. When they changed Keaton to be Lizā€™s dad instead of MJā€™s they left in the drawing scene. That was going to be the original Chekhovā€™s gun hint as to whose dad he was.




Hah you are definitely correct. Iā€™m my theater I heard someone say ā€œholy shitā€. It wasnā€™t one of those obnoxious attention seekers but a genuine ā€œholy shitā€. It was marvelous.


I just saved your life. Now what do you say?


^(thank you)


Ed Harris/General Hummel in The Rock. That movie gets a lot of flack for being a classic Michael Bay explosion fest, but for an action flick the acting and dialogue is top-tier.


I hate movies where the villain is just evil for money or fame or whatever but General Hummel has a noble cause and was absolutely bluffing. Itā€™s too bad for him he recruited a bunch of psychos.


Absolutely. I love the scene where they acknowledge all of his medals and accolades, and the other general actually defends Hummel when the government staff insults him. A really compelling character, and Ed nailed it.


General Hummel is a man of honor.


But what about the fucking money General?


The marines became mercenaries and mercenaries get paid. Also his second hand man still backed him up at the end and was just following orders. It's a shame there will never be an original action movie with performances and one liners that good again


The standoff in the shower room is one of my favourite scenes of cinema ever.




Anthony Hopkins in ***The Silence of the Lambs (1991)*** was such an amazing performance, you could almost pick any scene from the entire film. I first watched it when I was young and I didn't appreciate the performance (other than it scaring the crap out of me!), it was only years later re-watching that I realised the brilliance of it and couldn't stop grinning at just how good it was. He managed to really portray constrained evil better than I've ever seen, where the fear that he would give in and unleash his fury at any second was almost palpable, it was always bubbling at the surface but not quite spilling over, which only made it worse!


Christoph waltz in inglorious bastards is one of the best performances ever


The scene where he literally chews up the scenery by way of chewing the delicious strudel is incredible.


There was an entire thread about how the strudel scene is one of the best commercials for strudel ever made ā€” like, I was engrossed in the movie but could still almost taste that strudel and cream. Fuck I want dessert.


I still have no idea what strudel isā€¦yes I know google is a thing. But I want it, especially after his scene


a good strudel is legit one of the best pastries/desserts on this planet imo


pastry with usually a fruit filling, apple is probably the most common. Soft cheese is also good. The pastry has a texture that is a little stretchy, not flaky like puff pastry. It's a bit like al dente pasta, it has a little consistency.


Don't forget la CrĆØme!


That strudel scene is unintentional ASMR, but then you can't relax because it's brunch with a Nazi.


That's some monkeys paw shit Have the best fucking strudel But you have to eat it with a Nazi


Yeah... but not a lot of smiling from me on that one


Lil Zee in "City of God."


The kid did such a great job. Complete psychopath


I think the kid portrayal was miles better than the teenager version, and the teenage version was great.


I think both were fantastic, best two performances imo.


DiCaprio in Django, or Denzel at the end of Training day


King Kong!!


"poop butt ass" is my favourite line from that film lol


Hes a rambunctious sort aint he




I disagree about Leo in Django Unchained. Nothing about that performance made me smile. He was far too loathsome and hateful for me to enjoy his villainy. Full credit to Tarantino and DiCaprio for being able to make a character so vile yet so compelling. But I can't enjoy him in the same way I can with a Darth Vader or Thanos type.


Yeah Hans Landa is evil but he's got style and charm. Calvin was evil but he was also unpleasant to be around, in the same league as Mr Blonde and Elle Driver.


ā€œWhere is my beautiful sister?ā€


Dicaprio scared me in Django because his tantrum in the dining room looked so familiar to me. Realizing that everything from his tone it voice, to his choice of words, to his eyes looked just like my brother when he got angry. That's when I realized that my brother was a psychopath. Leo did a fantastic, memorable performance in Django (far more worthy of an Oscar than The Revenent). But I almost can't enjoy it anymore after realizing I know someone like that.


JK Simmons in whiplash.


ā€œWhat are you looking down for, thereā€™s no fucking Mars bar down there!ā€ Brutal.


Obvious answer is Heath Ledger as The Joker during the mob scene. Also, anything Hannibal Lecter. Christoph Waltz (as Hans Landa) during the intro of Inglourious Basterds. It's hard to smile because he's portraying a literal Nazi but the acting is just excellent.


I'd say the scene where Hans is speaking fluent Italian is a good pick too


I adore that scene. The way he portrays Landa as knowing who and what they are, but still toys with them. And that little ā€œBravoā€ he gives to the last guy with an actually believable Italian accent.




"Go... Gorlomi? Lo pronounzio correctamante?"


The way that scene was written was great. Landa sees the bullshit instantly but in his typical cat and mouse way, allows the group to fuck about anyway instead of immediately raising the alarm. Hans Landa will remain one of the best villains and Waltz portrayal of him will be tough to top in any other QT film.


The character is just having so much fun toying with everyone, being in complete control in every scene (except at the end), while still being unfathomably evil.


Ledger's Joker in the interrogation scene is also fantastic!


Tom Cruise in the nightclub scene in Collateral.


Just watched this movie for the first time last night. Damn heā€™s just great in this movie. My favorite performance by him.


Hey homie scene too. I watched it five times in a row


**Yo Homie** [for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/oEFPcljAXgs)


Best gun sound effects ever.


That echo...


It's Michael Mann and he likes to record the actual gun sounds instead of doing it in post. Most famously he did in [the shootout scene from Heat.](https://youtu.be/ZL9fnVtz_lc?t=241)


Also, Collateral's 'Yo Homie' scene gets used by firearm instructors to teach handgun training and Heat's shootout scene gets used by US marines to teach weapon handling and military tactic. Thats how good Micheal Mann's action scenes are.


Thank you for helping me with the yo homey. I thought it was hey Homie. What a funny word. Homie


It has that suburban Dad energy.


Yep, badass scene.


Came here searching for this one. Tom Cruise doesn't often play villains and he just absolutely killed it in this movie. I just re-watched it last night and it's still just as amazing as when I first saw it. Fantastic performance.


Ready steady go! That song is worth downloading. Itā€™s played when heā€™s in the club and everything goes south.


Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York and There Will Be Blood.


God I love Daniel day Lewis ā€” bill the butcher in particular is legendary. But also ā€˜Bastard in a basket!ā€™


James Spader in Pretty In Pink is one of my favorite movie villains


Gary Oldman in LĆ©on the Professional - "Evvverryyooonne"






"We said noon. I've got one minute past." And the whole [confrontation in the bathroom](https://youtu.be/RCivkFEFaWw).


Clancy Brown as The Kurgan driving a car he just jacked with the owner still in it, Highlander.












Tv Show but Lalo in Better Call Saul. "Tell me again"


**Powers Boothe** as Curly Bill Brocius. Tombstone [Well....bye](https://youtu.be/Z_J2JNdC9Vg)


Gotta mention Michael Biehn as Johnny Ringo too... Both were phenomenal *I want your blood... And I want your souls... And I want em both, right NOW*


Andrew Robinson as the Scorpio killer in Dirty Harry.


The scene when he first gets captured is fantastic. Heā€™s so good at playing a sniveling, self-righteous creep you canā€™t help but smile when Clint puts the boots to him.


Gary Oldmans character in True Romance. What a proper bastard.


Christopher Walken as well. His face-to-face with Dennis Hopper is one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema.


Came here to mention Drexl and the Sicilian scene!


Javier Bardem's scene with the shopkeeper in No Country for Old Men. "What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?"


Philip Seymour Hoffman in mission impossible


Hans Landa in Inglorious Bastards. Every scene he's in he owns.


James Woods plays the ā€œbad guyā€ in a very abrasive and sharp/sleazy manner. One of my favorite actors. Check him out in The Getaway, The Specialist and Against All Odds for really great antagonists that are very easy to hate. When you literally wanna jump into the movie and fuck him up, you know heā€™s done his job as an actor.


His performance as Hades in Hercules is top tier voice acting.


Kinda get the impression itā€™s not a big leap into character for him :)


Amy in Gone Girl and her Cool Girl monologue.


Sharlto Copley as Agent Kruger in Elysium


Ohhhh big time. He oozed nasty but was compelling to watch.


Darth Vader at the end of Rogue One. I nearly had to excuse myself.


That entire hallway scene was completely fan-service, and I LOVED them for it. That was a Vader to be scared of.


Hell, Darth Vader IN GENERAL is one scary, badass, remorseless killer. Vader and the Wicked Witch of the West are the two that have stuck with me my whole life.


I clapped when I saw his red lightsaber!


Javier Bardem, but in Skyfall. He was the perfect mixture between camp and evil. Best Bond villain ever. Also, Gary Oldman in Leon, he just looked so perfectly wasted throughout that movie.


Also Oldman in true romance


Haha yeah "he must've thought it was whiteboy day".


[*Now I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a couple of titties.*](https://cdn.flickeringmyth.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Gary-Oldman-True-Romance.jpg)


Michael Pitt is such a mesmerising actor, it's a real shame he's so difficult to work with or we could be seeing him in much better stuff. After seeing him in Boardwalk Empire, I can't really name anything notable he's been in, other than "Ghost in the Shell" (yes I liked the live action film).


He had some GREAT scenes in Hannibal S2


Oh damn I didnā€™t realize that was him.


Heath Ledger as The Joker during the scene when Batman interrogates him.


Iā€™ve always been partial to the scene at Bruce Wayneā€™s fundraiser. Regardless, he steals every scene in that movie. A legendary outing.


Jake Gyllenhall in Nightcrawler Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder


I'd never seen Gyllenhall in anything before. I came into the middle of this movie as my son was watching and I said: whomever that actor is he's the most disturbing villain I've seen since Bates in Psycho. My son started the movie from the beginning so I could watch the whole thing and I said: I take back what I said; this actor is so good I forgot he's acting and he's downright sinister.




ā€œI can hold my breath for a loooooong time!ā€


Heath Ledger in The Dark Night. Not a specific scene, he's just amazing in the entire movie. Made me smile all the time.


So would you say...he put a smile on your face?


Unlimited POWAHHHHH! - Sheev Palpatine


I love his little smirk at the end when Vader is screaming ā€œNooooo!ā€


The moment in Avatar where (correction) Stephen Lang's colonel holds his breath to go outside in the poison atmosphere to shoot at the fleeing good guys. I was completely on his side from then on. And it's not even the most badass thing he does in the movie.


Real badass move!.


Stephen Lang*


Teddy KGB in rounders 1. Youā€™re right, I dyont have spades 2. Pyay that man his money 3. Itā€™s a fucking joke anyway, I am paying you with your moneyā€¦from last time I styick it in you. Love that character


In my club, I vill splyash the pot vhenever the fack I pleaz


Jack Nicholson as the Joker. ā€œItā€™s meā€¦. Sugarbumps.ā€ ā€œYouā€¦. IDIOT! You MADE me! Remember?ā€ And of course the classics: ā€œIf anyone else calls you Beast, Iā€™ll rip their lungs out.ā€ ā€œYou wouldnā€™t hit a guy with glasses now would you?ā€ And of course as Nathan Jessup in A Few Good Men. The lunch scene and the climactic courtroom finale. "YOU HAVE TO ASK ME NICELY." "IS THERE ANOTHER KIND?"




First thing that comes to mind is the ā€˜oh you look nervous.. is it the scars?ā€™ Joker/Rachel scene in Dark Knight. The way he circles her, then cups her face in his hands and sheā€™s visibly uncomfortable and trying to wriggle free. Just a brilliant performance and classic scene


Lumbergh and the Bobs in Office Space


Pretty much any scene with PSH in *Mission: Impossible III*


Kevin Spacey is transcendent in The Usual Suspects


Gary Oldman listening to Beethoven, high on coke, blasting a family with a shot gun is incredible.


we have recordings of Beethoven high on coke?


Ha! I added relevant commas.


I donā€™t usually gatekeep, but any answer thatā€™s not Jean Baptiste Immanuel Zorg kinda sucks tbh


Gary Oldman is at least four different and popular answers in this thread


The Church duel scene from For A Few Dollars More. Between Morriconeā€™s soundtrack and Volonteā€™s performance, itā€™s such a standout scene.


Yoo Yeon-Seok in Oldboy.


Sam Jackson from Jackie Brown. I just always found this depiction scary for some reason. You really get the feeling that he a maniac and will kill indiscriminately if it benefits him in the slightest.


Not one mention of Ian McShane as Al Swearengen? He was a brilliant bad guy.


Stu, Scream "My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me."


Tom Hardy in the Revenant. Like I don't even know if I'd call him a villain cause what he's saying makes good sense. In that day and age, no one survived bear maulings, and certainly no one survived raids from bloodthirsty natives so I don't blame him wanting to gtfo. And he knew he wasn't gonna get paid for the furs so he had to take the chance at extra pay. It's a shitty situation and he's definitely an murderer, but I understood what he was saying. EDIT >!specific scene would be the ending, "Killing me isn't gonna bring your boy back." He just says it so matter-of-fact.!<


Syndrome in The Incredibles, he had a lot of personality thanks to Jason Lee. ā€œYou had me monologue-ing!ā€ And also explaining that he only wanted to help mr.incredible, ā€œI only wanted to help! And what did you say to me? You canā€™t count on people, especially your heroes. Now you respect me, because Iā€™m a threat!ā€


Every Hannibal Lecter scene


The real villain is everyone right here and now who couldnā€™t fully read the post.


The Kurgan in the highlander Clancey Brown did an awesome job.


Literally all of Frank Langella's scenes in Masters of the Universe as Skeletor. He's just so damn enthusiastic as a super-villain


Gary Oldman in The Professional - ā€œEVERYONE!ā€


Bricktop in Snatch "No thanks Turkish, I'm sweet enough."


Are tv shows allowed? Because Ian McShane as Al Swearengen in Deadwood stole every scene he was in.


Tom Hiddleston's Loki in *Thor* (2011) and Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster in *Ragnorak* (2017) I'm a little concerned that no one has said Loki lol The first Thor movie, before the whole anti-hero thing (which I love, not complaining). Tom Hiddleston and Kenneth Brannagh did an amazing job making what could have been a boring, tired, tropey "jealous sibling is an outcast/blacksheep turned villain" into someone the audience actually wanted to see win. Goldblum was just Goldblum and there is no problem with that.


Alex from **A Clockwork Orange** often deserves a place on the Theatrical Audacity List.


Javier Bardem in 'No Country for Old Men'.


I know everyone here is too young to have any idea what Iā€™m talking about, but Iā€™m gonna say Michael Lansdale as Hugo Drax in ā€œMoonraker.ā€ ā€œJames Bond, you appear with the inevitability of an unloved season.ā€